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Noahs Ark

Postby phantomfaith » Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:42 pm

This was sent via email by our dear sister in Christ, Angelwings, and with her blessings I posted it here for all of you to see it is Awesome. :)

Man Builds Noah's Ark (exact scale given in Bible).


Working Replica of Noah's Ark Opened In SCHAGEN, Netherlands .
The massive central door in the side of Noah's Ark was opened the first crowd of curious townsfolk to behold the wonder. Of course, it's only a replica of the Biblical Ark , built by Dutch Creationist Johan hauberks as a testament to his faith in the literal truth of the Bible.


The ark is 150 cubits long, 30 cubits high and 20 cubits wide. That's two-thirds the length of a football field and as high as a three-story house.

Life-size models of giraffes, elephants, lions, crocodiles, zebras, bison and other animals greet visitors as they arrive in the main hold.


A contractor by trade, hauberks built the ark of cedar and pine. Biblical Scholars debate exactly what the wood used by Noah would have been.


Hauberks did the work mostly with his own hands, using modern tools and with occasional help from his son Roy. Construction began in May 2005. On the uncovered top - deck not quite ready in time for the opening - will come a petting zoo, with baby lambs and chickens, and goats, and one camel.


Visitors on the first day were stunned. "It's past comprehension", said Mary Louise stardoms, who happened to be bicycling by with her husband while on vacation when they saw the ark looming over the local landscape.


"I knew the story of Noah, but I had no idea the boat would have been so big." There is enough space near the keel for a 50-seat film theater where kids can watch a video that tells the story of Noah and his ark. hauberks, a Christian man, said he hopes the project will renew interest in Christianity in the Netherlands , where church going has fallen dramatically in the past 50 years.


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Postby realtmg » Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:55 pm

Thanks!!!! Very Cool. *AngelYellow*
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Postby xxJILLxx » Fri Nov 13, 2009 12:44 am

wow that is so coooll!

ty for sharing that


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Postby momof3 » Fri Nov 13, 2009 2:53 am

how awesome is that! thanks for sharing. That would be so cool to see! Makes it so possible for kids to imagine how God could fit all those animals in there. *laughter*

love yas!
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Postby SimplyBreezy » Fri Nov 13, 2009 7:07 am

WOW Phantomfaith, that is such a wonderful story. The Lord is using that gentleman and reaching out to the next generation in a way that not many would have ever imagined. :)

Thank you for sharing this with us and thank you also to angelwings for sending it to you.

Have a blessed day and evening in the Lord.


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Postby dubya » Fri Nov 13, 2009 8:04 am

There is a line from a movie that I think would be fitting here

" If you build it.....they will come"

Thanks for sharing Phan

excellent testimony of one's faith

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Postby Tam » Fri Nov 13, 2009 8:06 am

wow! Thanks for sharing Phan
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Postby phantomfaith » Fri Nov 13, 2009 10:34 am

Yes that is an Awesome story and very cool that this man took the time and care to replicate this awesome ark. What a great witnessing tool.

Thanks to Angelwings for sharing this, she sends and posts so many of these type of inspirational stories here daily and it is inspiring to read. When she sent this to me the other day I read it and it made my day after a bit of a shaky start lol

Blessings to you sister Angelwings for your persistence in sharing everyday *hug*

God Bless you all :)
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