Christianity Oasis Forum
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Christian squeaks?
Permit me to share my opinion...
Im wondering... where is the Voice of the Christian people?
I mean seriously... the majority of the opinions that we receive are from non-christians, atheists, and people of other religions. They are loud, unashamed, undeterred, persistant, fearless...
But the Christian voice seems to downsized to a squeak. Am I wrong on this one?
Why arent we speaking up and voicing our opinions and sharing our thoughts and discussing things that impact US and our loved ones?
Do we not think our opinion matters?
We are quick to say that we are the Hands and Feet of the Lord... are we not also to be His Voice?
Im concerned that alot of Christians are either too scared to speak up, or think that they shouldnt have an opinion one way or other cuz its judging or just plain irrelevant.
So tell me brothers and sisters, where is the voice of the Christian people?
Im wondering... where is the Voice of the Christian people?
I mean seriously... the majority of the opinions that we receive are from non-christians, atheists, and people of other religions. They are loud, unashamed, undeterred, persistant, fearless...
But the Christian voice seems to downsized to a squeak. Am I wrong on this one?
Why arent we speaking up and voicing our opinions and sharing our thoughts and discussing things that impact US and our loved ones?
Do we not think our opinion matters?
We are quick to say that we are the Hands and Feet of the Lord... are we not also to be His Voice?
Im concerned that alot of Christians are either too scared to speak up, or think that they shouldnt have an opinion one way or other cuz its judging or just plain irrelevant.
So tell me brothers and sisters, where is the voice of the Christian people?
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