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Postby goldieluvs » Sun Sep 27, 2009 10:25 am

I been doing some thinking lately (dangerous thing i know lol), anyways, i have been pondering just what it means to have Holy Spirit living in ya. Cuz we God's temple right? And HS comes to live in ya and be ur comforter right? See, I'm still a learning so please forgive any errors and let me know wat i get wrong here as im walking around a lil in unfamiliar territory.

I have been focusing on things going into the body such as smoking, not eating healthy and ways to improve overall health such as exercise, things of this nature. But i am beginning to see that there is so much more that i have missed. Yes, these things are important for overall wellbeing, and i am NOT trying to discount these things, just thinking theres much more that i haven't considered yet.

Such as:

holding onto "self"
taking things back from God (as if i could do a better job ya right *Doh* )
losing peace (boy i really struggle with this one and i want it so bad)
praising God regardless of our current circumstances

this is just a partial list. Ya'll add some too please. Or lemme know if Im missing the mark here. Im just sitting here thinking boy i sure could use Mackles about now.

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Postby Mackenaw » Mon Sep 28, 2009 3:06 pm

Hello Goldie *hug*

God bless you this day.

Very cool that you are thinking on these things. Looks like the Word of God is sticking to your ribs and having you think on these things.

Lots of times we'll read studies and sit in on an awesome sermon and maybe even read The Bible and it's like a yummy bite of food. But then later, we kinda forget about the sensation because the memory fades, and the tastebuds have long since moved on to another experience. But, little did we know that The Holy Spirit didn't forget that experience and He held onto that moment of time when The Word stirred us and later on down the road a thought pops into our mind. I wonder?... There's a familiar ring, one of those things that has us cock our head to one side and as you said...ponder on it. The Holy Spirit is so Cool that way.

You have read many studies here at C.O. and lots of scripture, and probably lots of it has been forgotten on the conscious level, but it's still in there :) .

Cussing: well it doesn't really match the new man/woman that God prefers we live out our life in, huh? I used to be a pro at it. ;) But seldom do I cuss anymore. I have noticed that if I get a physical hurt -- like a papercut or maybe one of those surprise injuries, a cuss word will slip out. But, it is as if the Holy Spirit removed my vent towards cussing on a day to day basis. Except, I have noticed if I'm around some of my relatives that are not Born Again, and we start kidding and joking around ...some humor and jokes will find me blurting out a cuss word or two. When that happens, I find that I'm kinda shocked that it came out of me so effortlessly.

There are many scriptures within the New Testament that speaks about not being so concerned with what goes in the body that will later be expelled -- but to be more concerned with what we take into our heart.

His Peace. Goldie, I am a "His Peace" junkie. It's just so awesome and something I never experienced in the first 52 years of my life, so once I did ...woooooooooohoooooooo!!! I was hooked.

This world operates on such a fast pace and deadlines. That can set me up for a little meltdown if I'm not careful. So I try to take a Bible with me where ever I go, and if I start feeling overwhelmed, I remind myself that His Word is right there with me. Ever been to a convention or business trip and only one other person you know is in that crowd of people. It's kinda nice to see their familiar face across the room on occasion. Well, that's how it is for me when I have my Bible with me -- it's a familiar face in a crowded room. His face. And The Holy Spirit is always with me, but in the midst of a chaotic moment, my awareness of Him can fade. I ask Him to remind me as often as possible -- and He does. He is good at reminders.

Well, I have to run now. I love that He has you thinking on these things. God is Good.

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Postby JCsmediator » Fri Oct 09, 2009 8:22 pm

amen ... goldie *hug* mac *hug*

amen to have that Peace and Joy and feel His Mercy and Love them are part of this abundant life Jesus spoke about ...

God has that for us all sometimes the simplest things we forget like asking for that ...

Then other times we get where we walking seeking and not yet recieved but its comming ...

them doors we seek, knock knock ... (whos there LOL ) them doors no man can open and no man can close we have to go to Him for itt all yamen and sometimes wait ... (whos there, wait)
(wait who??? Wait for I have a surprise for you lol ) amen

I struggle with beng put in a corner by enemie He likes pining me down like wrestling but I know his ways are not Gods Ways and I have to keep reminding myself of Gods ways ...

they not my ways either ...

sooo hard but God is showing me even when things happen to remember enemies goals ...

in what ever I am attacked in and pine gave a funny ullustration to me in a pm and she says when enemie gets in me business to just flick him off like a booger LOL

I laugh sooo hard and so that is one way I now can use to help me say back up enemie you cant touch this lol God forbid!

I used to say Jesus all the time cuz It is said he has to flee ...

well not making offense to enemie cuz I respect God in that was just sharing another way in a amusing way that may keep us reminded who tryn us ...

also our sin nature is something we have to spank every day and I can honestly say I see Gods Victories in many things as I have grown then have some I just like to do a Jonah lol

GB you and keep and you doing awesome sis you are being used as you growing and that is awesome God got plans u hang on and kick up ur feet and enjoy the ride ... *rollercoaster*

GB luv yaaa all JCs *hug*
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Postby Lionhearted » Sun Nov 29, 2009 10:01 am

Hey Goldie !!

I love your honesty ... and it got me to thinking about the title of your post "in/out" ... you've hit the nail right on the proverbial head. It is as simple as that (in/out).

We pour garbage in and we expect good things to come of it ... or we think, well its just a little ... a little won't hurt.

Which got me to thinking about the saying, "everything in moderation" hmmm ... (i'm not speaking definitively here, just pondering).

It would make sense that "moderation" with food would/could be special occasions, so, go ahead and have that dessert or whatever. But spiritually ... hmmm, i don't know ... OH COMEON robyn !! of course you know ... "a little leaven, does the whole loaf" ... now I know that Jesus is speaking of the leaven of the pharisees. however, wouldn't it have applications for our spiritual wellbeing in other areas as well.

I had to laugh when I read your post mack ... that happens to me as well when i get around the unsaved (or the saved, for that matter) who swear; somehow my vocal chords get greased with evil. My mouth used to be able to put a "trucker to shame" ... it was a bent for me. Perhaps I will always struggle with this; that is to say, it will probably always be a weakness for me.

There are other areas where the Lord has delivered me, and they are no problem whatsoever. Gossip for instance, it now makes me physically nauseaus to hear ppl tear others down. I got the bent of swearing from my dad and the bent of gossip from my mom ... that was just what we did. Now why the healing from one and not from the other ... only God knows right? Because when I'm around ppl who gossip it doesn't "entice" me to gossip ... my spirit responds totally diff to that of being around swearing.

Goldie said:

"taking things back from God (as if i could do a better job ya right ) "

LOL ... isn't it true!!

thanks for the post Goldie, it was a great reminder for me to continue to be vigilant in this "verbal area"

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