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[sorry so late] OUR DAILY BREAD : ALL RISE

Postby cimi » Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:22 pm

September 24


Mark 2:1-12

Arise, take up your
bed, and go to your
house. __Mark 2:11

When I asked my husband to buy eggs on his way home so I could make cornbread for supper, he said, "I've got something better than cornbread." Coming from Jay, that was a surprising statement. But I learned what he meant when he walked into the house and handed me a fresh loaf of homemade cinnamon bread. A label on the wrapper said, "Thanks for the dough. We kneaded it." The bread was made by Sue Kehr and given as a "thank you" for a donation to a youth organization.

Sue started making bread after she had to quit her job as a nurse because of a head injury. Instead of letting circumstances pull her down when she could no longer help poeple in her usual ways, Sue rose to the challenge and created a unique expression of gratitude. She now makes and gives away delicious homemade bread to ministries that can then distribute the loaves to others.

Although Sue did not receive complete physical healing like the paralytic Jesus healed (Mark 2), she did rise up and cause many to be amazed at the work of God in her life.

God has something for each of us to do, despite our limitations. Rise up and ask what He might want to do through you. __ Julie Ackerman Link

~~~~~~~~~~~~~When God asks you to lay aside~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~Some cherished work you loved to do,~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~Accept His choice of someone else~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~And let Him give new work to you. __Fasick~~~~~~~~~~

Step up to the tasks and do what God asks.

****************Today's Bible Reading __ Mark 2:1-12*************

1 And again He entered
Capernaum after some days,
and it was heard that He was
in the house. 2 Immediately
many gathered together, so
that there was no longer
room to receive them....
And He preached the word to
them. 3 Then they came to
Him, bringing a paralytic
who was carried by four men.

4 And when they could not
come near Him because of
the crowd, they uncovered
the roof where He was. So
when they had broken
through, they let down the
bed on which the paralytic
was lying. 5 When Jesus saw
their faith, He said to the
paralytic, "Son, your sins are
forgiven you."

6 And some of the scribes
were sitting there and
reasoning in their hearts,

7 "Why does this Man speak
blasphemies like this? Who
can forgive sins but God

8 But immmediately, when
Jesus perceived in His spirit
that they reasoned thus within
themselves, He said to them,
"Why do you reason about
these things in your hearts?

9 Which is easier, to say to
the paralytic, 'Your sins are
forgiven you," or to say,
'Arise, take up your bed and
walk'? 10 But that you may
know that the son of Man
has power on earth to forgive
sins" __He said to the
paralytic, 11 "I say to you,
arise, take up your bed, and
go to your house."

12 Immediately he arose, took
up the bed, and went out in
the presence of them all, so
that all were amazed and
glorified God, saying, "We
never saw anything like this!"


Blasphemy is showing countempt or lack of reverence for God or
something sacred, such as claiming for oneself divine attributes by
word or deed (Mark 2:7). A violation of the third commandment, it
is punishable by death through stoning (Lev. 24:15-16). __SKT

Sorry for getting this in late... I am knee deep in a new homeschooling year and there is considerably WAY MORE work than last year, being that it is first grade.
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Postby Mackenaw » Tue Sep 25, 2007 1:02 pm

Thank you, Cimi, for your dedication in this work you do for The Lord here, even when you are knee deep in your family work that you also do for the Lord. God bless you, sister in Christ. :)

I really enjoyed this "Our Daily Bread" -- it spoke to me on so many levels. First off "Jesus is in the house" (Mark 2:1) woooooohooooooooo, I love it.

Sometimes when I'm reading His Word, He takes me on a quest for revelation -- a quest that is maybe not as evident in earlier readings of His Word. His Word, Jesus, is alive; therefore, The Word is alive and releases new life into the partaker. Thank You Jesus.

Mark 2:6 But there were certain of the scribes sitting there, and reasoning in their hearts,
Mark 2:7 Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies? who can forgive sins but God only?

The scribes knew The Word of God -- maybe as well as anyone, and they knew the prophecies -- so how come they didn't connect the dots?

Aren't we all like that at times, we look right past the obvious because we are distracted by our own emotions and stresses, and we become putty in the hands of satan. By nature, we see with our eyes and hear with our ears what is going on all around us -- the unrest, the whirlwinds, the waves, the cries of anguish, the shouts of anger, the "what ifs". But I pray you remember "Jesus is in the house", look away from the violence that clouds your heart and look to the One Who Is your creator and loves you so very much. Lift your hands in praise to Him, and allow the violence to fall away, then sit at His feet and receive.

Thank You Holy Spirit.

God bless you all,
Sister Mack
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