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Postby nettiel » Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:45 pm

*Pray* hi looking for prayer bead ideas,like to make new friends,i like to make my own prayer journals,let me hear fom all,nettiel *help* *Pray* *JesusSign*
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Postby mlg » Thu Aug 27, 2009 7:44 am

Hey nettiel,

Welcome to the Oasis. We are so delighted to have you here with us. There is so very much to do here at the Oasis, from the forums, to studies, to the chatroom. Take a look around, and if you have any questions please ask. Also, hope to see you in chat sometime.

Have an awesome day in the Lord.

Take care and God Bless
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Postby Tam » Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:11 am

Hi Nettiel
*WelcomeTrain* to Oasis....Hope you enjoy your stay. Hope to see you around.
God Bless You
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Postby xxJILLxx » Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:48 am

hi and welcome to Oasis!

If u need any help finding anything please let us know!

check out the awesome studies we have been provided with also we have a prayer forum called "partners in prayer" that you can put yr prayer requests in and many will lift u up in prayer and u can pray for those there also!

check out the calendar and see what rpograms we have running in the chat room on a daily basis. there is so much to do here!

K hope to see u in chat soon!

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Postby JCsmediator » Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:05 pm

*Welcome* nettiel *harp* GBu I once made a prayer journal and looked back ten years was so amazing to see names of people family and friends I was in prayer for and there salvation God saved them all except one who I now live with and I see God saving him too amen ...

It was a journal I had bought for my husband lol but I landed up using it ...

A regular note book is fine too just add the date including year and many thing I too prayed for me God honored ...

helps us see His Promises and True Miracles on paper ...

They become our encouragement watching our prayer request being answered...

There fun too have too ...

I had misplaced it and found it 10 years later in my husband office LOL

Think he started writing in it too LOL ok nettie GB u and Pray ur Journaling be a blessing to you too... JCs

ohhhh u know what waitttt lol I have too had it for quite a few years too I bought this huge jar with a cover on it and it says think BIG...

and I have turned that into my prayer journal too I use small post it that shaped like when ya reada cartoon ya have them shape designs over there heads and they have a remark in them ...

They look like a cloud with the point that faces down towards there head like they thinking well any way I use them and write what or who I praying for and date the back of each (dont forget the year too) stick it in my jar and I just cleaned my jar out the other day and again to my amazement prayer request that God had answered and some I still waiting ...

soooo you can do that and decorate any jar and write what you want it to say on front mine had already the phrase which I love cuz I am a visionary and dreamer I love what God gives me gives me many visions talks to me best in pictures and illustrations sooooo I love the name was like perfect just for me THINK BIG!

ok GB u and I knw they not prayer beads but they a few ideas to start a prayer Journal ... byeeeee baaaaaaaaaaaaaaye JCs
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Postby lizzie » Fri Aug 28, 2009 9:56 pm

nettiel welcome to the Oasis sister *hug*

I look forward to gettin to meet u in the chat soon :) Wonderful talent u got there sis :)

Hope you are enjoying it here, it is indeed a blessed place. Should u have any questions, we are here for ya :)

GBU nettiel
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Postby comfy » Fri Aug 28, 2009 10:32 pm

Of course, we can be God's diary > right in me, He is writing how He wants me to be humble (o:
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Postby smalltowngirl743 » Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:04 pm

Hi Nettiel...Welcome to Oasis! *Wave*

I'm fairly new here myself. Forgive me for my ignorance, but what are prayer beads? I mean, I'm sure they are beads of some kind, but how do you make them? And what kind of stuff do you want for them? Like short verses, sayings, and quotes? Is there a limit on the number of words or characters? It would be helpful to me to know more about your project.

I would also like to encourage you to become involved in the forums here. The more we know about you, the more we will be able to connect with you on a more personal basis, and might find things in common.

Also, I don't know if you've checked out the chat room yet, but it's also another great way to get to know someone. If you don't care for the busyness of the main chat room, there are also specialized groups, or rooms, which focus on one particular topic. Just click on the "calendar" on the main page and it tells you the days and times for each group. To enter chat, just click the flashing "enter" button at the top of the main page, wait for it to load. Then go to the bottom of the page to type. The screen shows the people who are chatting. It's a lot of fun if you like talking to people in real time. It's like talking on the phone, only with a computer instead.

Are you a member of any groups Nettiel? I was wondering since you mentioned beads...I thought perhaps you might be a crafter. There are groups for that too.

Thanks for posting, and please continue to do so! I would love to know about the beads so that I can offer up suggestions.

God bless you and yours...Ann

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Postby morningrain » Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:27 pm

Hi nettiel, welcome to Christianity Oasis! A prayer Journal sounds awesome. Looking forward to seeing you around more. :)

God Bless!
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welcome nettiel

Postby spicegrl127 » Mon Sep 07, 2009 1:48 pm

welcome nettiel! so very nice to meet you. a prayer journal is a wonderful idea. i would like to know more about prayer beads! do you string them? hope to see you in chat soon! spicegrl127, heather
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Postby Lani » Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:42 pm

*WelcomeTrain* to *ChillinAtOasis*

Awesome to have you with us. As you look around, please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are all here to help sis.

Peace and Luv in Christ,

*BlessYou* Lani

*Cheer3* "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace." (Romans 15:13 *Cheer3*
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