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Workout Playlists

Postby lizzie » Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:25 am

Folks, whats ur favorite workout jams? You know those ones that really get ya going.

I need to put together a playlist cuz when im indoors on the lamo elliptical it gets boring real fast.

So post ur favs :) appreciate it.

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Postby susidivah » Mon Aug 17, 2009 12:07 pm

Elliptical? Lameo? Me wuvs the elliptical! *angelbounce* But... Lizzard I agree, you need good tunage to workout on anything IMO *WooHoo*

I'll get back to you on this... I have a mix of stuff on the ole IPod both Christian and secular... from TobyMac to Evanessance to Stacie Orrico to Maroon 5 *band*
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Postby lizzie » Mon Aug 17, 2009 12:11 pm

sounds good susles.

ft minor & linkin park are pretty good, def gonna add those. There are clean versions.
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Postby goldieluvs » Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:23 pm

wow lizzie u got the right idea. finding the music that motivates ya. We all have different tastes. Whichever ones get ya to moving, even if just riding down the road, you catch yourself tapping your toes, moving your head, whatever, include those songs. I dunno who i would add cuz well, in all honesty i don't workout. I am pretty lazy.

FEEL THE BEAT!!!! Keep us posted on how u doing, ok??? Im trying to think of what i would put if i did work out and well, i dunno something that is upbeat. Could always sweat to the oldies and break out Richard Simmons rofl
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Postby lizzie » Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:59 am

Can u imagine me in them eighties workout suits with the headbands? rofl

I like a lot of trance/dance music too, like alice dj and atc, not all tho, they can get boring too after a while *dunno*
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Postby Lionhearted » Thu Dec 03, 2009 4:54 pm

UGH ... i just lost my whole post .... i went to google something to get the name of a new song i found and it came on thru the link i had open here ... don'tcha hate that ....rofl

oh well .... learning patience and perserverence.

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Postby Lionhearted » Thu Dec 03, 2009 5:06 pm

i luv you guys and i missed you SOOO...

totally hear ya on the music thing and working out. once i got about 5 mins down my road and my mp3 batteries died ... did i turn around and go home and skip my power walk ... you betcha!! just couldn't do it without music.

the new song i found was by michael franti its called "say hey" ... i didn't know if i could post the link here to youtube, so i didn't. but you can look him up if your interested.

my fav songs for the real heart throbbing cardio is from "disctronica" ... especially when you play it through headphones instead of speakers.

i'm jealous, i wish i could use an elliptical trainer ... boo; my legs seem to short rofl

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Postby goldieluvs » Thu Dec 03, 2009 10:11 pm

LION SIS!!! *hug* it is so very good to see u again sis. I have missed you. Lizzie, how is the workouts coming? My workout comes in the form of eating rofl.

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Postby deetu » Fri Dec 04, 2009 12:36 am

I try to workout, really I do but... it just doesn't happen.
Actually, the best shape I was ever in was when I was horseback riding every day. The only way I got rid of my chunky thighs. And you worked just as hard as the horse when you ride English.

My husband runs on a treadmill and is sooo skinny... too skinny, keep trying to fatten him up. So I tried power walking but... sigh, just not in me. I really need to do something. I even tried doing a stationary bike while watching TV but it hurt my butt so that didn't last long.

I did pick up a DVD that is an alternative to Yoga. Used it twice and never got through the whole thing.
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Postby Lionhearted » Sat Dec 05, 2009 12:06 am


I hear you sis (I was in great shape as well when I rode & man do I miss THAT smell ... I know you know what I mean) lol

As far as your workouts and loosing those dreaded lbs. ... what can I do to help?? ... what do you need to help you achieve ... I'll try any way I can!!

lots o'love
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Postby deetu » Sat Dec 05, 2009 12:39 am

Oh bless your heart lionheart.
I think the only way I'd be working out regularly is if someone drags me out and makes me workout with them. Sigh...
It's not that I'm lazy. When I do work and repairs around my farm, no problem. I walk my property to fix my fence, we just put a new roof on the barn, now doing the firewood...

I didn't ride my own horse in my backyard, I would have to go to another barn and take a lesson to make sure I rode. I was taking lessons to do cross country and finally got the nerve to try leaving the ring but the horse I was riding broke it's leg in turnout, I got sick and couldn't ride for a while, and then the woman I was taking lessons from put the horse she was riding in front of the one I was riding because it bolted and she didn't trust I could stop it; I fell off, of course, and didn't trust her after that. I do miss riding but I think that was God's way of keeping me safe. Cross country is dangerous.
By the way, my horse passed away at the old age of 34 years.
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Postby Lionhearted » Sat Dec 05, 2009 11:06 pm

i bet you could deetu, you know how i know?

my husband started working out at 47!! never worked out a day in his life, now he jogs mon,wed,fri and lifts weights as well

i found my fav thing to do when i was 44, it was a recumbant cycle. i've also found that it really doesn't take that long to start showing good effects, if you are diligent ... you don't have to do it for long periods of time. when i first started, honestly, i only rode it for 5 minutes!! rofl

and each month i would another minute or two; you just gotta keep searchin for what works for ya. and then, when you've tried absolutely everything ... go back thru the cycle again lol ... just keep at it something will stick ... but even tho i do enjoy my recumbant ... i still can't and won't do it without music ... *Radical*

keep at it deetu!!!
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