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Checkin In

Postby goldieluvs » Tue Aug 04, 2009 5:21 pm

Hi everyone. Just wanted to check in and see how everyone was doing with their goals? As for me,, i have decided, i need to pick easier goals rofl . Seriously how yall doing?? memorizing scripture, eating healthier, not smoking....

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Postby xxJILLxx » Tue Aug 04, 2009 5:29 pm

well goldie

as far as memorizing im still at the smae point of ephesians 5

but i have put alot of other scriptures to heart

eating goals acctually i have exceeded them

i have lost 40lbs since january and still counting!

wo hooo

how bout u girly?

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Postby goldieluvs » Tue Aug 04, 2009 5:55 pm

woo hoooo go jilly!!! How totally awesome that u are doing so good U rock sis!! Like i said, i need to pick easier goals lol . Things have fallen by the wayside for me. But thats ok. Maybe i was looking at wrong goals. Maybe i need to focus more on God and listen to Him.
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Postby kimberly » Fri Aug 07, 2009 8:34 am

I learned a few tricks when "remembering" scripture....

I posted the ones I wanted down in my spirit on index cards evrywhere I might be doing a household chore that took my time physically, but mentally I was wide open, lol. Like doing the dishes, or folding laundry. I read and recited them as I did these things. I even had one on the vacuum. :D Be sure and use a bible version easy to read and remember, nothing too wordy.

I also took my favorite tunes and sang the verses....we remember music so much easier, don't we? You know you still remember little teapot and itsy bitsy spider! rofl

I stood in front of a mirror and watched myself read them out loud. Yeah, this is funny and will probably crack you up a little, but you will remember better if you "see" yourself say them.

Jill, you could even create a scripture contest with your kids....a little competition is a great inspiration. Why not have a prize even? Doesn't have to cost anything, extra 30 min on the computer, whatever. Great car game, what scriptures do you remember? Who can remember the most? Who can give an example of how to apply it in your life? You know your kids....adapt it to their liking :)

Do you have an exercise program? Repeating a scripture with each exercise works too.

Goldie Probably knows, each time your flesh desires something you don't want your body to have....scripture!

I carried a pocket size one of those little "God's Promises" book where evr I went, doctors waiting rooms, car trips, etc. always some time for reading the Word that would be vacant air time otherwise :D

I hope some of these help...make your remembering time fun. And don't forget to ask the Holy Spirit to store them away in your spirit, He wants it too.

*run* love u gals!
"My future's so bright, I gotta wear shades." (Timbuk 3)
1 Peter 1:3-5

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Postby xxJILLxx » Fri Aug 07, 2009 11:42 am

thank u gals!

well i have memorized quite a few verses and evne help my son with his JBQ ( junior bible quiz) which is memorazation and bible facts and i quiz him and then he quizes me!

its so much fun the older two ( my teens) they dont wanna :(

but i have fun with my lil guy!

and yes when i was walking yesterday eery time i got tired i recited "i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" and prayed pratically the whole time and he gave me the determination to keep going

Goldie when making goals

they should be SMART goals

s ~Specific
m ~measurable
a ~attainable
r ~realistic
t ~timely

this helps me in keeping my goals most of the time

Gbu gals
and ty for holding me accountable!

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Postby comfy » Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:27 pm

Be careful in the heat > we can lose weight because of dehydration, instead of real weight loss; and so we need to watch what is the real reason if we lose weight, this summer. Or > because it's warmer we don't burn up as much energy for our effort; so don't be discouraged if the weight starts to not come off so fast > it could be the heat is keeping us from burning off so much energy. But in winter there can be more cold to draw off calories.

I think God has gotten me more into caring about people, and this helps me not to give in to pleasure. The caring is more satisfying, in a better quality spirit (o:

God bless you, too (o:
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Postby goldieluvs » Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:50 pm

Ty kimmy awesome suggestions. And Jilly right on with the SMART goals. I think its sticking to it thats the issue. So i am gonna pray and see where God leads me, He ain't done with me yet! So i will pray He opens my eyes to see what He wants me to work on. Get my self out of the way so to speak. And Kimmy when i start going backwards, im gonna take your advise and break out the scripture,, and comfy awesome advice for summer time... remember to stay well hydrated.

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