Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

Trust issues, and very little faith

Postby morningrain » Sat Aug 01, 2009 7:59 am

O ye of little faith, or O Thou of little faith. << That's me at many times. Much the same as Peter begin walking on the water and then he saw the wind boisterous he doubted and begin to sink. Know when certain storms arises I'm one of the first ones that say NO no no then run and hide. Some times I find myself out in the water about to drown. Right now I've been trying to run and hide again and soon know I'll be out in the water drowning all over again. Gets tiring though steadily hiding you want to step out and trust someone but you don't know who to trust. I've been here at Christianity Oasis for a couple of years now few times I've tried speaking up and out about certain issues but then I always end up backing off and never letting anyone help and always try dealing with things on my own. In all honestly I'm not sure I know how to let others help and i'm really sorry for being as i have been. When posting on certian sbjects anxiety begins seting in and usually end up dealing wit it all the wrong ways. I'm in need of changing them ways. I'm in need of trusting God more in this area of my life.
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Re: Trust issues, and very little faith

Postby Dora » Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:00 am

Oh yes. Does it feel like fear?
Fear of suffering the trial?
Fear of social imbarrasement?

I to have felt this anxiety when I post. I have started telling myself when I feel this anxiety and want to delete a post that it is the enemy causing me to keep from reaching others or reaching help for myself. After all if the post wasn't going to bring about good to someone the enemy wouldn't be bothering us would he? :)

Some that have been abused have trained themselves to be extra cautious. I sometimes want to pull back in fear of causing myself social rejection. I don't want to bring more pain and suffering on myself by posting and having it rejected by someone. At times I have taken it personally and worn it as another rejection. As if my own spirit and friendship has been rejected. Not just my thinking. I've learned to accept that what I wrote is where I'm at and what someone else writes is where they are at. Doesn't make me wrong and them right. Just a difference of oppenion and maybe one day one of us will change our oppenion when we learn more.

If you've ever shared with family or friends of your abuse and they tell you you are just making things up or making things seem worse than they really were then you are very familiar of the pain of rejection. People you love rejecting the very thing that has you in captivitiy. As if they are taking sides with the abuser and harming you all over again. Compounding what has been done to you.

The only one you can truely trust is Christ. As everyone else is human. We make mistakes and say things with out understanding.

The enemy wants us to go off by ourselves where we don't have anyone to encourage us to seek Christ and to stand strong. We are weaker as one. Don't give into these thoughts as they are from the enemy.

The same with not sharing. It keeps it in the dark where it won't heal. Bringing it out sheds some light on it where Jesus begins his work. The enemy likes us to stay alone in the dark where he can continue to harm us.

Strenght and healing is found in the light. Suround yourself with Christian brothers and sisters that will help you stand firm when you are down. Though we are not perfect and we fail at times, we need forgiveness as a true friend would give. We are all still growing in our knowledge of just how great love should be. Remembering this when someone lets you down is key. Stand firm against the enemies schemes to divide and concure. We are one body, created in Christ Jesus.

I hope I have understood what you are sharing.
God loves you angeltears and so do I!
God bless and keep you.
Prayers for you and yours. *Pray*
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Postby realtmg » Wed Aug 05, 2009 4:48 am

Amen Pine. FEAR is a biggie. I too get caught up with this at times.
I have been just like you angel. The more I share the easier it gets.
I think satan uses "fears" to keep us moving forward and doing God's will.
I have to work daily at this and something always reminds me that HE is in control, that is, if I allow Him to be.
Good subject angeltears.
Thanks for sharing.


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Postby goldieluvs » Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:59 pm

*Amen* I think real nailed it down nicely angeltears. One thing i have learned is that God is trustworthy. In Him i put my trust. I don't always succeed. The anxiety means you are stepping outside of your comfort zone. But God is with ya the whole way! It's good to see you taking that first step, admitting that there is an issue... GBU sis

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Postby morningrain » Sat Aug 08, 2009 7:36 am

I truly appreicate all thats been said and know i'm taking to heart all has been said here. Thank you

*hug* Pine *hug* Real *hug* Goldieluvs *hug*
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Postby foreverHis » Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:38 pm

you all are such precious souls..and what you feel my common, do you really think the enemy wants you free? do you think He wants stuff bought out in the open? NO CAPITAL N O = NO cause he's mean and nasty and wants you to hide stuff...and not help one he can use all that to torment you
so angel and pine and real.....go go go and post to your hearts overflowing, the more you give the more is poured ina gain...and angel? bring all out in the open... :)
love ya's lots...keep on keeping on..we have the victory thru Jesus
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Postby foreverHis » Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:23 am


Have you ever watched intently, on television or in a movie, as someone is standing precariously on a ledge, ready to drop many stories below. Even though it might just be fictional it causes one's heart to race and how we wish we could shout, Don't do it. Don't do it!
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Trust issues and very little faith reply

Postby Prayer Warrior2 » Fri Sep 04, 2009 12:54 pm

Dear AngelTears:
I understand too well about trust issues. I was a victim of molestation at a very early age.(8yrs old) by my Godbrother. The abuse continued on serveral different occassions. Because of how young I was at the time, I did not know how to express this to my parents or family members. I honestly thought it was my fault and that I might have done something to encourage his depraved behavior. I had a memory lapse of this incident until I became married and then it all came back. If it was not for God's word, prayer and his love I would not have mentally survived. I also went through a horrible divorce years later so my trust issues was at its all time hi. What I have learn AngelTears is that in order to be able to move forward, you must forgive all who have wrong you and Jesus can help you do this. You cannot do it on your own. After 42 years from being molested and 14yrs of being separated and divorce, God have given me peace beyond all understanding. This doesn't happen overnight, but with time and a willing heart to let go of bitterness and hurt he can help you trust and live life to the fullest. Much love to you Angel :P in Jesus name Your Sis. in Christ,

Prayer Warrior2 *Pray*
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Prayer Warrior2

Postby flutemusic67 » Wed Sep 30, 2009 2:34 pm

Awww amen, Prayer Warrior2. Forgiving can be terribly difficult, but it brings us an inner peace.

Angeltears, I struggle with the same issues. They rise up and choke me from time to time. It sure helps having Christian friends who are always willing to help and understand.

God bless you.

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