Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum will help us to learn how to use Preventative Maintenance when it comes to our emotions. Renewing our minds daily in Christ helps us to control our emotions and lead a more productive life in Christ instead of being swept away in the whirlwind of emotions this life can throw at us daily.


Postby goldieluvs » Sat May 09, 2009 9:46 pm

There is so much going on in my life, I am having many mixed emotions. I am closing on my very own home on the 21st which is totally exciting but draining. I worry more because i am behind at work with documentation because of computer issues. I am worried and depressed over my roommate who still does not have a job and will be homeless unless he ends up in jail over childsupport. I am depressed because i think i am going to have to take the kitties to the pound. I am always tired. I pray some and read Gods word some and come here some but there never seems to be enough time to renew my mind completely and feel fresh and alive and full of energy. I am totally drained. Trying to pack and worrying about all the what ifs and worrying about my roommate who is acting like a condemned man, and in my heart i know i have to let go and let him face whatever he has to face. he has known for months that i was going to be getting my own place. He hasn't worked in months and getting him to do anything around the house is like trying to pull teeth. I know i should be at peace cuz God is in control and He will not give me more than i can handle. I am having a real hard time practicing it though. I am having a hard time managing my emotions and giving it all to God. I know that is exactly what i need to do, but i keep holding back. As if i can fix it. But i can't. Maybe that is why i am depressed. i don't really know. It should be an exciting time for me and i find myself worrying about everyone and everything. Any tips?

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Postby mlg » Sat May 09, 2009 11:03 pm

Yes sis, stop worrying. See when you worry, you are crossing bridges that may never show up. And then when you get to them, they weren't there to begin with. Make you a list sis, of things you need to do, then make priorities and start with one at a time. As far as work goes, you can only do what the computer will allow you to do, and remember there is always tomorrow. As for your friend sis, time to give him over to God. God will take care of him.

Praying for you.

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Postby Mackenaw » Sun May 10, 2009 4:51 am

Hello Goldie *hug*

God bless you this day.

You have lots going on -- lots that is not within your normal routine, and that can contribute to apprehension and anxiety. Plus, you are probably physically tired.

Remember God is still there whether or not you feel His presence. Talk to Him, He's right there listening. If you look at all that has changed within your life just in the last 6 months, you'll see His hand in soooooo much.

We still have this flesh side of us too, and it can get ornery during times of change. Reach out to God and rise up in Spirit. Lay the old man down and put on the new. These are not just cute little cliche's, it's Truth. Step out in faith and choose to believe only that God has you in His sights and in His hands.

Try reading The Word aloud, in a room by yourself. Remember faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Build your faith up -- listen to The Word out loud.

There are lots of free Audio Bibles online -- click on one, and listen to it while you are packing. Put on Christian music.

Yes, your room-mate is going to pour it on thick right now. Pray for him. Satan is going to take full advantage; especially when we are under pressure, when our routine is shaken. Satan is going to use whatever vehicle he can to deter and diminish you right now. But God is more powerful, and rebuking the devourer by the name of Jesus has him flee. Stand on the promises of God, Goldie.

I'm lifting you up in prayer, Goldie. God's blessed will be done.

God bless you.
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Postby kimberly » Sun May 10, 2009 7:23 am

Hi Goldie....

would echo everything Mack said, and add...

When in times of stress, it's VERY important to care for your body as well as your spirit.....the health and welfare of your physical being affects your ability to focus and stay spiritually strong.

Just as emotions affect our decisions and body, so the body's condition affects our spirit. Try very hard to do as much of these as possible::

1. eat right. plenty of fruit, veggies and not-fried, lower fat foods. Although that quick stuff is handy and tastes good, it is extremely hard on your body's energy level. And don't dump all fat or carbs....we need a certain amount of digestible fat and whole grain carbs. There are lots of good tasting whole grain cereals out there. Keep your calcium intake good....and take those vitamins!

2. get as much rest and sleep as possible. (stop laughing :D) try a short 15-20 min rest or nap in the afternoon if you can. Go to bed at an early hour....our bodies do so much restorative healing as we sleep that deep sleep. Can you spend a night sleeping somewhere else, away from the chaos that's in your home right now?

3. get fresh air. Walk or sit in the park and zone out for a bit. Feed the ducks. breathe deep. admire nature, you get the idea :)

4.Practice no guilt where roomie is've been enabling him to do and be nothing. It's time for him to be out from under your protection and man up. Sometimes this is just the waker-upper people need to stand on their own feet. He made his choices, and you are not responsible for that. We all choose what happens by the choices we make.

You're such a good, sweet spirit Goldie. God has plans for, take care of your part of things...definitely keep yourself connected to God, but take care of your body as best you can. The health of your body DOES affect your spirit health.

I love ya Goldie. *bighugs*, Kim
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Postby goldieluvs » Sun May 10, 2009 9:56 pm

ty so much my sistas *hug* I spent some time in God's Word tonight and it helped. I spoke with my roommate and told him if he did his part that i would consider him moving in with me. He needs hope. I have told him that everything would have to be in writing and notarized before i would consider it and that he would have to be working and contributing. I don't know what will happen with that. But, I am determined that if he isnt doing the things he should that he will go and wont be going with me in the first place. I told him I had to have proof and that i wanted a home, not what it is like now. May have been a mistake to offer him that but nothing is written in stone and if it gives him enough hope to get started again then it will be worth it. And I havent promised he could come so i dont believe i have lied. I have given him an opportunity to help himself. Will see what goes from there.

I am once again excited about my very first home! I know its material, but I want a home. I am tired of renting. I want something that when i retire it will be paid for and I wont have to scrape by like i do now. My dad loaned me a jump drive so i did some of my work in word and loaded it onto the jump drive and assuming i can find a puter thats running at work, i can just copy and paste from the jump drive.The issue with that was not so much that i was behind, but because of new guidelines, i could be written up for being behind. So, I am feeling less stressed about that too.

It was a wonderful Mother's Day. Spending time with the family. The government is talking about taking away my parents and both my brothers homes ( they live very close together) in order to build a road. It has really bothered me. Again, I know it is material, but the house was to stay in the family never to be sold. We all grew up there, and memories and we worked even as kids to help clear the land and it is home. Sentimental value, something the government can't replace. Where else we gonna have a place where everyone is so close with the acreage and hearing next door neighbors horses and hearing neighbor up road peacocks and zebras? To think of it being gone makes me really sad and angry. All because they wanna build a toll road. I know my home is really in heaven and this is just temporary, but theres a certain amount of comfort in home. Not house itself, but home. I dunno if that makes sense. I have pets buried on the property. My dad grew up in that house. I know it wont go to heaven, but it certainly brings some comfort while here on earth.

Tonight I am thankful that God restored my hope and gave me a certain amount of peace. The weekend was full of turmoil until today. I feel ready to face tomorrow. And God will be with me.

Mack and Kimmy ur words really helped too. I think maybe i will write a verse on index card and carry it with me to work. Not sure which one, will have to break out concordance but something to effect of be anxious for nothing, but everything by prayer and supplication giving thanks to God. I cant remember word for word so im gonna look it up. Ty all for the prayers. I am looking forward to life settling down again soon. And yes i think i will copy and paste what yall said so i can have it with me to remind me. Luvs u all!

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Postby realtmg » Sun May 10, 2009 10:12 pm

I'm with ya and all the above.
It will work out.
Peace unto you my friend.
You have come a long way and the Lord isn'yt finished with ya.
Tomorrow is a new day.

Luv Ya sis.

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Postby kimberly » Mon May 11, 2009 11:32 am

Goldie your faith and trust in God gives me such inspiration. He will work it out for you and your family.

Nothing wrong with a little righteous indignation on behalf of your family. Jesus understands. You certainly know how to keep it from becomng a grudge. I am in admiration of your willngness to give God the steering wheel.

Way to go.
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