Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those who have begun the the seven step program called Spirit of Truth, which was created to assist you in establishing and/or enhancing your relationship with the Holy Spirit. In this forum you can share thoughts with fellow Christians who are also enjoying the promised comfort of being His friend. If you would like to begin this Spiritual journey, you can do so here: Spirit of Truth

Postby Mackenaw » Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:50 am

Hello Pine *hug* and Everyone,

Well, in my understanding, my spirit is sorta like a receiver, so God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit can communicate with me. When we get to heaven, we'll communicate directly with them, so no need for a receiver. We will be a spirit being, incorruptible.

Maybe our robes or the wedding invitation or the wind beneath our sails/wings??? Not really sure to be honest.

I'm curious to hear others' thoughts on this too, though.

God bless you.
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Postby flutemusic67 » Wed Jan 28, 2009 1:57 pm

Howdy, mack and pineapple.

I don't have the answer, but am throwing a thought out there.

The study says [i]When we pass on to the next realm, we are not dead but rather spiritually alive with no flesh. No more pain and no more tears. They are in Abraham's Bosom which is Paradise. They stay there until they are raised to Heaven just before the rapture.
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Postby Dora » Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:13 pm

was leaning that way myself sweet sister.

We shall keep seeking, praying, and one day discover. :)

luv ya
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Postby Mackenaw » Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:13 pm

Hello Flutie and Piney and Everyone *hug*

Maybe I Corinthians 15:39-54 -- in the twinkling of an eye, we shall all be changed, etc. Again, like the robes, wind in my sails and wind beneath my wings -- spirit = wind and breath.

Cool, I hear music:

(Irving Berlin)
Fred Astaire

I just got an invitation through the mails:
"Your presence requested this evening,
It's formal, a top hat, a white tie and tails."
Nothing now could take the wind out of my sails.
Because I'm invited to step out this evening
With top hat and white tie and tails.
I'm putting on my top hat,
Tying up my white tie,
Brushing off my tails.
I'm duding up my shirtfront,
Putting in the shirt studs,
Polishing my nails,
I'm stepping out, my dear,
To breathe an atmosphere
That simply reeks with class;
And I trust that you'll excuse my dust
When I step on the gas,
For I'll be there,
Putting down my top hat,
Mussing up my white tie,
Dancing in my tails.

God bless you all.
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Day 5

Postby flutemusic67 » Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:26 pm

Howdy, everyone.

There have been times when I have been at work, thinking about the Holy Spirit, and wished I could just get up and run around like the little *run* guy. Can't focus on work, thoughts racing through my mind, feeling energized, full of something that I just want to let burst. I wanna share the joy and happiness I feel inside with EVERYONE and see them feel it too!

But, alas. It would end with me a receiving free pass to the Human Resources department and possibly a ticket for a permanent vacation. *BigGrin*

So, I sit on it. And wait ..until I pick up my daughter from work. Then all the joy and energy is burst out on her. She seems to enjoy it. I love how she just sits and listens to me when I talk about the Lord. She is interested and asks questions. I know she believes and prays. Hope she is Holy Ghosted soon! She may lack faith. Probably what is holding her back.

There is more to the feeling of fullness than joy and happiness. I cannot properly word the feeling, but I will try. Might have to make up a few words. (which will be placed in the Dictionary According to Flute *Whistle* ) It is a sense of innerness
Last edited by flutemusic67 on Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby mlg » Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:37 pm

Flute you got it sis. See we definitely have to allow the Holy Spirit to work through us when talking with different people. We have to be like a chameleon and each person's understanding is different. But Holy Spirit knows exactly how to reach them. We just have to trust Him and allow Him to work. We can't doubt, we just gotta believe. He will reach them through us.

As far as knowing when to share. Holy Spirit has that too. He will place the people in our path and open the doors for us to share as well. You will know when the time is right for sure.

luv ya sis
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Postby Mackenaw » Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:09 pm

Hello Flutie *hug*

Woooooohooooooo!!! ::run

I understood every word. *BigGrin* I like your Flutie Dictionary.

God bless you, Flutie.
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Day 6

Postby flutemusic67 » Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:49 pm

Howdy again, everyone! *PeaceWink*

How do you know if you have grieved the Holy Spirit?

Looking at the list of possible ways to grieve Him, my heart sank. Out of the 21 possible ways listed, I counted 18 that I do/fail to do daily or weekly. I feel so bad! I thought I had come such a long way! How could I do this to my new and special friend!??! *Cryin* I thought I was opening up to him, giving myself to Him, and receiving Him into my heart. Haven't I learned anything? Is my heart so hard and am I so closed off? What is wrong with me?

Oh, but wait. Just a moment. Lemme think about this. A year and a half ago, I knew the Holy Spirit by name only. Maybe knew of God moving on the earth at a few choice times. He was for other people who were .ummmm .weird. Didn't think about the Holy Spirit. Didn't have any feelings for Him. Certainly didn't ask Him for help or talk to Him.

So, maybe something WAS learned .? Today, I know who He is, that He is always with me, that He loves me, wants to be in my life, wants to help me, comfort me.. how He is so gentle, kind, and forgiving how He has feelings and so very much more.

Hmmm ..there is more. I felt bad about all I have done to Him soooooooooo I have feelings for Him. Awesome. I love the Holy Spirit. He loves me. *Clap*

Ok cool, I learned about the Holy Spirit and I love Him. Sweet. Could have just stopped there and not go any deeper. I mean, I know and love my daughter. That's not enough. I love talking to her, hanging out with her, sharing my day .. having a relationship with her. She is the funniest person I have ever met. There are some grey hairs with her autograph, but I like her an awful lot.

I wanna be with the Holy Spirit too. He's a great listener. He is kind and patient. Has to be, cause I don't listen to him 1/100th as much as He listens to me. With the way my mind works, I imagine He rolls His eyes quite a bit. What a good friend He is for tolerating such a flakey flutie!

I love the feeling I get when He lets me know of His presence. Worldly thoughts flee while spiritual connectivity occurs. Chills from the inside and goosebumps mingle with a warm soft blanket of love which emanates inside and out.

If I could have that feeling every day, every moment, I would never want anything else, for the fullness of Him makes me utterly complete.

Hey! I guess I HAVE come a long way and learned something! My heart is not hard to Him, because I feel sad for grieving Him so. There is nothing wrong with me, I squelch unrighteous thoughts as soon as I am conscious of them. I don't purposely sin (I think)(oy) but when I do, I gratefully receive correction from the Holy Spirit in love, repentance, and humility. I love being around Him and want so much more of Him! Whoooo hooooooooooo! *ohyeah*

Thank you, Holy Spirit! Keep rockin'! *Guitar*
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Postby mlg » Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:55 pm

Flute you definitely have come a long way. And as you continue on your journey and start making some changes to recognize the Holy Spirit more you will put away some of the things you have done to grieve Him. This program is to help you grow in your walk in the Lord. Not hurt you over what you have done wrong in the past. Just start fresh with Him daily and make the Holy Spirit your best friend.

So happy you have done this journey sis. I've enjoyed all the steps again with you.

luv ya
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Postby Mackenaw » Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:51 pm

Hello Flutie *hug*

I love reading your posts. Wooooohoooooo!

You have entered into His rest. In seeking to know The Holy Spirit, you have been ushered through the gate, you have arrived in that "place" -- that awesome place of rest. You know how in some of the Psalms it says Selah. A pause. It's going from this earth realm to the Spiritual realm.

In Hebrews chapter 4, it speaks about entering into His rest. It's the same rest which is the Sabbath. And yes, once you've experienced Him and His rest, you want more. woooooohoooooooo. He is eternal and there is so much more.

The song "Take Me In" speaks about it well.

Thank you for the boost.

God bless you, Flutie.
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Postby flutemusic67 » Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:51 pm

Hello, everyone. *Wave*

I finished the Spirit of Truth study on Friday. Haven't been able to post this until now.

John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

I had always doubted this. So many times I have needed scripture or words and it did not come to mind. It was frustrating and disheartening.

Friday evening, there was a person who was questioning the existence of the Holy Trinity. I listened for a few minutes, then began to speak. Only, it wasn't really me speaking. It was the Holy Spirit speaking the right words at the right time through me. It was cool. It was stuff I already knew, but it was definitely Him bringing all things to remembrance for me.

How wonderful it was to be a vessel for the Lord!

There was no thinking, no deciding, no worrying, no denying .only complete submission to the Spirit and the Truth He revealed. I unconsciously surrendered myself to Him to witness to this person.

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Amen, Lord, I can do all things with you in my life. Your will be done, not mine.

Keeping this short today. Yes, you are welcome. ;) This study has been a blessing. I hope and pray these posts have encouraged others to seek the Holy Spirit and go deeper into the Word.

As I go continue to go deeper and grow with the Holy Spirit, I may come back here and post.

God bless you all. Thank you mack, pine, and mlg for your love and encouragement.

Thank you, Holy Spirit!

My resolution for today, next month, and years to come is to be further from the world and closer to the Word.
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Postby mlg » Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:56 pm

Flute it's awesome to see you have finished the study. You know that tells me that you are committed to what the Holy Spirit wants to be in you. The Holy Spirit really does work through us. It's so amazing to watch what He can do. I mean if it was so easy, we'd be doing it ourselves huh? But it's hence the need for Him...that's why He is our comforter and our friend.

I did enjoy reading your posts sis. They were so interesting and enLIGHTening to think about as well.

luv ya fluters
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