Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those who have and/or are dealing with loved ones who have an illness of ANY type such as Autism, Asthma, ADHD/ADD, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer, Disabilities, Mental Illness and much more. Share your story, with others who truly care, understand and TOGETHER with the Lord as our guide, let's rise above it all.

Postby Jen Reiter » Sun Dec 21, 2008 10:43 pm

Hi ladies, I'm here! I don't get online as much as I would like but I'm back! Wow what a thing to have in common. And it really is getting more and more common. I don't feel my son has true "autism" he has been expanding his vocabulary quite a bit (still usually only 1 word at a time, and not always very clear) and he is in speech therapy and a special ed class. Before we moved he was also in occupational therapy but didn't qualify anymore once evaluated again. The group that works with him now doesn't see the autism (which I also agree) but that was what I was told by his therapists in the past...maybe he "outgrew" some of the things that seemed that way.
I myself was a late developer, hardly talking before 3 and walking at 17 months. And I was always very overly sensitive to certain sounds and textures. I am extemely ticklish (can tickle myself even!) so I have thought that I have sensory issues too. We all to a point have sensory issues but it's not a problem unless it's interfering. What an encouragement to talk to other moms who are going through this. I'm not sure what my son's outcome will be, it's hard to really give him the full attention since I have a younger child at home too.
God bless all of you :P
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Jen Reiter

Postby Lionhearted » Mon Dec 22, 2008 6:16 am

hey Jen --->childscry jen *laughter*

i remember the pokemon days!!! .... i've got SKADS of those drawings tucked away .... they are so precious to me.

if i may correct you on something ... it doesn't take smarts to educate a child ... not up to about grade 10 anyway ..... what it does take is what you DO have, which is a mother's loving heart and concern for her child;

who taught your child to drink from a cup
to talk
to walk
ride a tricycle
ride a bike
to eat with cutlery
to pee in the toilet
to clean himself
to dress himself
to say please and thank you
to say ... i love you
to hold a crayon then a pencil and to paint

dear sister, if you can read and count ... you too, can educate your child. the educational "industry" would have us believe that its rocket science to educate children .... well, i'm a witness, i've done it, and am still doing it ....

...don't you believe them!!!! it is NOT rocket science *laughter* ... it IS easy

well .... there's no hiding it now, i am definitely an advocate of the homeschooling movement. jen, there are lots of people that don't want to homeschool, for whatever reason .... but, if you've got a heart to ... don't believe the lie that you don't have what it takes ... don't under estimate yourself !! *hug5*
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Postby ChildsCry » Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:21 am


Yeah looking at my boy you cant see autism unless certain things happen, such as change. Change is a huge issue for Michael, of course the socializing is a major thing.

My son too has sensory issues but they change as he gets older. When he was in Preschool to 1 grade, the teachers had to let him know ahead of time when the bell was going to ring ( some classes were really loud they didnt change the buzzer to the updated buzzer which is softer). Before he knew he would be covering his ears and crying. So since they did know, they would take him to another room til it was over. Another thing would be firedrills as well.

Fortuneatly and unfortuneatly he out grew it...yes its nice that he doesnt freak out at sounds much unless it was something unexpected but now he likes his music REALLLY loud or he shuts it off when i ask him to turn it its loud or forget it mom lol..

Jen, maybe he has a hint of it either way im glad he will be overcoming his challenges :)........either way im sure he is one special kid! My daughter doesnt seem autistic but she too is a late developer and maybe has some strands of it cuz of social skills...but then im a clutz at social stuff too lol... Either way im sure he will be fine..yeah some road blocks come up but no biggie..he will conquer them no doubt!

I have extreme sensitivity with smell, like my daddy..and in my emotions. I feel to much at times. And when people talk to much in a room i want to go crazy LOL...........very overstimulating oh! and when i got to packed stores anxiety is crazy!

Lion, PFFT LOL...........girl i KNOW i cant teach. I mean i taught preschoolers, my son comes home from school needing help and first thing out of his mouth "No, mom im gonna wait for dad".lol cuz i know and he knows i bear no gifts in that area lol....Yeah the pokemon are a curse and yet a God send lol....without him idont know what he would be likeing maybe girls? LOL
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Postby Lionhearted » Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:36 am

LOL cry !!!
The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph
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Postby ChildsCry » Mon Jan 19, 2009 1:08 pm

I tell son will put me in the grave over the things he says at school! He didnt want to do his he told the teachers that his DAD knew how to do it and refused to do so! aRG! So he gets home and says "Dad i dont think you know what im tryng to do ".Image..keep in mind hubby is a highschool math teacher!

All in all he got his DS (nitendo game) taken away for the weekend for disrespecting the teachers. ImageHe sometimes speaks his mind too much (not like me of course) and cant control what comes out at times (again, dont look at me!)..

I told him sometimes we dont like what we are told to do and keep our thoughts in our mind and watch what comes out of our mouths.Image (stop lookng at me that way hehe)..

OH! Is he not my son or what!Image
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Postby Ditto » Mon Jan 19, 2009 1:16 pm



Love ya
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Postby Lionhearted » Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:49 pm

YOU!!! ...

... are a nutttttbarrrr!!! rofl

it would seem ... your son is a 'chipper' ....

.... a chipper off the ole block ....

*Glomp2* ... LOVE YOU

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Postby ChildsCry » Thu Jan 22, 2009 10:30 am

tommorrow we have a meeting concerning michael at school, to prepare ourselves and him when we tell him that his brother is going back to his mothers. IF i knew these boys would stay and abandon him and jamie i would have NEVER let them come. Im so disappointed in them and how selfish they are.

So....we are going to have a backup plan when michael has a rough go at it next week. Next wednesday we will tell him and Jamie that Dan will be leaveing on Saturday.

Saturday morning ill have Michael and Jamie say good bye and then take them to my moms because i think Tim is coming back to help his brother pack up their car..Michael doesnt need to see would only make things worse. Ill take them to my moms til they are gone...then go from there...

If they were to return to visit it would only be for a weekend..but i really doubt they will ever come and visit agian...which doesnt hurt my feelings any.

Mark is bummed about Dan giving up on school YET again. I cant imagine how rejected he feels ....but he has surprised me with a shrug..oh well.

So keep my kids in prayer. please.
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Postby Ditto » Thu Jan 22, 2009 12:59 pm

will do

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Postby ChildsCry » Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:56 pm

So we had our meeting..find out that 3 of his teachers are christians...2 counselors are that i know of that he loves hanging out with when he gets overwhelmed. Seems as if he enjoys adult company than his own peers. He tends to eat lunch with teachers than he does with his own age group.Sad...but i know that they are "good teachers" so i dont worry much.

Hes my little man.

We have backup plans for his melt down that should happen Thursday Friday and part of week following..all his teachers will know whats up if he does have meltdowns over his brother moving back to his mom's. I rather have it done sooner the better.

Im tired of michael getting the brunt end of every change that happens in his life. I know it hasnt been much but his adjusting is hard to see him go thru that. I want to lock him up inside me i could protect him from everything.

Jamie is a bit stronger emotionally than Michael....yet shes showing some signs of sadness when Tim left back to his mother's. She did cry some..but im not sure how she will take Dan leaving. Tim has asphburgers too...(form of autism) he wasnt really emotionally connected to the younger ones..wich is understandable. Dan interacts more with the younger i dont know how she will do as well. We shall see.
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Postby ChildsCry » Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:58 pm

thanks Ditto ♥u
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Postby Lionhearted » Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:55 am

cry it must be such a relief to find out that your son has good christian teachers surrounding him!! *amen9* ... i think it shows wisdom on your sons part to gravitate towards those that he feels comfortable around, isn't that what we do, regardless of age.

i will keep you, mark and all your kids in prayer, you are good mom *hug*
The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph
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