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Alone & You Carried Me

Postby Angelwings » Mon Dec 15, 2008 1:54 pm

Alone & You Carried Me :cry:

There are times when I'm so lonely
I can't handle what I'm going through.

It's as if I'm in a valley
Asking what am I going to do?

I feel so lost and so alone,
And my heart can't take the pain.

I don't know why this is happening...
That reason's just not plain.

So I asked the Lord to answer me
and He spoke out loud and clear;
"The reason a valley is what it is
Is because there's a mountain near"!

"When you feel like you can't see Me,
It's not because I don't care.

Your eyes aren't fixed on the other side.

If you looked you'd see Me there"!

"I'm always there, I'm right beside you.

And I'll never let you down.

Man's words and actions vacillate,
But My foundation is always sound"!

"Rest your life in My Hands always,
And I'll bless you all the while.

Although I allow those wilderness times,
I'm always with you Child"!

"I was, I am, and will always be,
Right there when you call My Name.

Just wrap your life around My Word,
And great comfort you will gain"! *JesusBorn* *BlinkingTree*

Angel Wisdom *Halo*
Treat your loved ones as your angel treats you - with compassion, respect, and generosity.
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