Christianity Oasis Forum

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The Angel

Postby Angelwings » Mon Dec 08, 2008 11:27 pm

"An Angel does not always have soft fluffy white wings,
As it can be your best friend, where pure happiness to you they bring,
Someone who you keep close in your heart,
Being a part of each other and never falling apart,
An angel can be big or it can be small ,
Just look around and you will see them all,
For they don't always need to fly,
And when you see one you will get a sparkle in your eye,
An angel will be there when you need a helping hand,
They will always stay beside you where very you may stand,
Then when you feel like no one about you don't care,
Just turn around for there will be an angel standing there,
An angel will be with you even if the sun don't shine,
As you will feel their tender sweet loving touch and you will be fine,
So what is an angel you may ask,
They are all the earth's people just hiding behind a mask,
For many angels walk all around,
Walking real quiet without making a sound ,
They will be with you even when your life ends,
As you have so many angels and you call them your friends. ..... *AngelYellow*
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