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Angel Encounters

Postby Angelwings » Wed Oct 01, 2008 12:12 pm

I Saw An Angel *AngelYellow*

Before i tell you my story you should know that i do not believe in organized religon.I was sent to a catholic highschool for education purposes only.That being said here is my story of the angels.I always knew i had a guardian angel.When i was younger they used to comfort me when i was sad.They used to stroke my head.They talk to me all the time.They are all ok with me not going to church.They told me i did not have to go to church to talk to them.They love me for me.I saw an angel when i passed out from the shower oneday.I have seizures.I was in the shower one day and it was really hot,i could feel myself getting dizzy so i got out and sat on the toilet for a minute.Next thing i knew i was on the ground and someone was shaking me and calling my name.I saw the angel.He/she was wearing blue and had shoulder length light brown hair.I went out and bought an angel candle.I light it and say a prayer for them to watch over my friends like they watch over me.Sometimes i wake up in the morning i smell roses.I also have spirits around me so sometimes i don't know who is doing that.When my grandma died i went into her bedroom and heard wings flapping.That freaked me out. To all those people who do not believe ,im here to tell you that its all true.I do not read the bible,i dont do anything religous and yet i still saw the angel.

Angel Wisdom *Halo*

Barbiel, the Angel of October, reminds us of the generosity of nature, and at this time helps us understand 'as you reap, so shall you sow.' Some things we shall enjoy immediately, others we can keep until the optimum time. *AngelYellow*
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