Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those who have and/or are dealing with loved ones who have an illness of ANY type such as Autism, Asthma, ADHD/ADD, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer, Disabilities, Mental Illness and much more. Share your story, with others who truly care, understand and TOGETHER with the Lord as our guide, let's rise above it all.

Welcome everyone!

Postby susidivah » Sun Jul 27, 2008 2:08 pm

Greetings in the Spirit of our Father!

I am so excited that our Lord has given me the opportunity to host this forum... welcome brothers and sisters in Christ *angelbounce*

As the description states, this is a forum which embraces hope, strength, and support for those with medical struggles. There are many different ways we can offer these to each other, whether it be through personal stories, prayer, education, or Biblical study, to name a few. Always, of course, keeping our eye on our One and Only true Physician and Healer, Jesus Christ *saint*

If you are comfy, tell us a lil bit about yourself here in this thread. If not that's ok too, if you just feel like sitting back and reading a while (they call this "lurking" but that sounds kinda ominous to me!)

As for me, briefly I'm 39 year old female who honestly has been in pretty good health most of her life. I've battled my weight through eating disorders both restricting (bulimia) and overeating all my life. I have two what are considered by laymen "chronic medical conditions". I have had hypertension (high blood pressure) since I was in my teens. I also was just diagnosed in May with thyroid cancer... that of course to world is treatable but incurable. I am on medications for the blood pressure as well as an anti depressant/anti anxiety medication which also helps to stabilize the blood pressure. I am not on thyroid replacement yet for am awaiting treatment in the next few weeks and have to be what's called hypothyroid.

The biggest struggle I have with my medical is the frustration over all the doctors appts and people's reactions when they hear about the cancer (not many peeps know tho)... won't go into detail now but maybe some can relate...

Other than that, I lead a pretty "normal life", love my Lord more than anything and thank Him every day for the blessings He's bestowed upon me!

Hope to hear from you and let's get this party started! If you have any questions or suggestions you can feel free to start a new post, or feel free to pm me here on the Oasis!

Love you all and remember HE does as well! *hug*
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Posts: 260
Location: Illinois
Marital Status: Single


Postby goldieluvs » Sun Jul 27, 2008 4:55 pm

Amen sis!!. Im 43 weigh more than i should, smoke cigarettes which i would like to be able to stop.. its a nasty addiction. I have high blood pressure and allergies and also dx'd with bipolar. I take alot of meds which help me function. I work and lead a relatively normal life as opposed to how i used to live. I love God,, He helped me through the worst times of my life, which prolly shouldnt be posted here since this is medical forum.. Congratulations on starting up the forum.. so many new things are happening here and it is SO AWESOME.. i need to send O a thank you email. GBU and hopefully the party will continue!!!
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