what now

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

what now

Postby goldieluvs » Mon Jun 23, 2008 10:27 pm

Well, I am at a loss. Roomie (ex) ok lemme just say friend from now on, maybe that make it easier as it is not a sexual relationship. At any point, he ended up in ER this afternoon complaining of multiple symptoms sounding much like an anxiety attack. His blood pressure was pretty high 165/115 initially, so i dont doubt that there are some issues there. ER gave him a script for blood pressure meds for a month. I dont know the whole job standing, he did leave the house this morning. He acts like he can go back to work but somehow and God please forgive me if I am wrong, I am highly doubtful of that. So, in reviewing my boundaries i realize now I have to tell him he's got two weeks to have it together because I cannot continue to provide for him. Although he does his share, he cooks for me alot and mows the lawn and cleans the kitchen as far as chores go. And I am grateful for those things as it is alot to deal with when u r by urself. That doesnt really help the money situation or help him to work on getting his life back. He has exhibited classic symptoms pretty much ever since i met him years ago of MI combined with SA issues. I say this becuz i work in MH field. Even with my previous issues,, it was amazing tho cuz not too long after i cried out to God and started rebuilding,, God blessed me with this job. He says compared to when we used together he has more or less been clean for past year altho would occasionally spend 40.00 ( ok to be fair.., its lots better than 300.00 which used to happen ALOT); however it is still not clean, although i know he has not used here and that has been gosh i cant even remember when he came i dunno two months ago? Has it been that long? Last time I stuck it out for three months. He needs to get right meds for MI issues. I know this totally goes against NA/AA so will ask forgiveness and request we agree to disagree on this one point. I was really hoping and praying and while i dont think hes quite down for the count, i just dont know.. I dont doubt Gods ability, I doubt my friend. So it is with sadness I am sharing this tonight. Nevertheless. God's will; not mine.
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Postby realtmg » Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:50 am

Let me say this my friend. I know that God uses AA and NA to help people. I know too many doctors and mental health professionals who attend reguraly and work the 12 step program. If he wants to really help himself, he will give it a shot. God works through people who have been there.
My thoughts this morning as I have to leave for work.
Will get with you later but wanted you to know that I will pray for wisdom today while working.

Luv Ya,

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Postby goldieluvs » Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:24 pm

Ty real. AA/NA would be a good thing,, i havent asked him about going or getting a schedule for him, but I can certainly do so and at least say, ok theres the information, balls in ur court. I am praying and I wanna say thanks for ur prayers as well. God teaches me something every day. Am not sure what todays lesson is yet. It has been so wild at work that I havent even had time to think of home issues. I got home but was on phone with a person i work with and just got off about 15 min ago and was allready here ... hey, i CAN multitask afterall lol Thanks bro for being there.. GBU
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Postby realtmg » Wed Jun 25, 2008 8:17 am


I am sorry I did not get back with you last night as I had to come home early from work with cramps from the heat. I wanted to but just couldn't make myself. In return, I woke up at 3 AM thinking of this and was not able to go back to sleep.
When a person who wants to REALLY recover, they will do what is suggested from someone who has been there and has overcome. I also know of how he is depressed as I have ended up in hospitals and 6 treatment centers,not to mention the jails. Depression is very painful and we seem to want a quick fix out of it.
What I tell you are only suggestions and what I've learned. A friend of mine who has been sober for 29 years told me that staying sober has to become number one in life. A job, a relationship, or anything else can't come first. This friend of mine was faithful to AA for years and now is a Sunday school teacher and very spiritual. He has helped alot of people by telling them not what they want to hear but how he learned from others.
I used to go to his Sunday school class and he used AA principles to apply to his lesson.
I know many who would not enter Church but would go to AA. In the process, they found God.
What I am saying, if one wants to stay clean and sober, God will provide.
He feeds the sparrows.
Yes, the Bible is Truth and inspired from our Creator. But I also feel that He inspired Bill W. and Dr. Bob to produce a way of living life for the suffering. One helps themselves by helping others.
Ii personally think you are doing very well as to your thinking and mindset. I don't have the answer but God does.
Some have to take medications for depression and yes I have tried many of them. But, I Choose my Lord and His Word instead of medicating myself. And sometimes it is not easy. God has given me a heart for the hurting people cause I have suffered so much. This was from my own making. I learned the hard way.
I will suggest to you to print out the 12 Steps that is in this forum and just leave them laying around the house. You might even print off my testimony too for him to read. There is hope. He will eventually pick them up to read and the seed will be planted.
I will also say that you are not alone dealing with this issue here as there are a few who are dealing with the same thing but remain quiet and observe. My hat goes off to all who are dealing with this issue.
I do know that everyone turn their back on me eventually except one person. Christ the King who loved me and died for this unworthy man.
I am always close and observe as I am a very slow typer. God is working at all times whether we feel it or not.
My prayers are with you and the others who suffer from this.
Keep me posted friend.

Luv Ya,

Real *REALSolutions*
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Postby goldieluvs » Wed Jun 25, 2008 3:20 pm

Ty for the response. And its perfectly ok that u were busy cuz i wasnt online long at all last night, am just exhausted all the time lately.He says he wants to be able to go to work and not feel like he cant breathe and feeling like hes having a heart attack. I printed off ur testimony. I just dunno. Hes begging for money to see a doctor. I know it wont go to drugs he wants copay for doctor and says he could get work as long as he knew that well, he says all sorts of stuff. I am just tired and I need a break. Thanks for keeping us in ur prayers and GBU for caring and sharing. luv ya bro!
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Postby Sylvia » Thu Jun 26, 2008 7:08 am

Hi Goldie
I am still praying for you and your friend. I don't have any answers but I know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ does have the answers.
Sometimes He tells us to wait for the answers, sometimes the answers come immediately, sometimes the answers come gradually. But they come.
We continue to pray for each other and God's Will is being worked in us and through us. In His time not ours.
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Postby goldieluvs » Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:42 pm

Ty for the prayers sis.. am continuing to pray for u and ur son as well. I am sorry i missed the topic chat earlier this week. I appear to be having some minor health issues, i havent gone to the doctor but am sure i was running a fever as I have sores all inside my mouth and woke up sweating on more than one occasion. And your right, God will provide the answers. I am just praying i realize it when He does answer or if He allready has, that i follow through with what God would have me to do in this situation. Will continue to keep u and ur son in my prayers and I hope things are going better for u both,, GBU sis.
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