Silent addiction

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

Silent addiction

Postby Ditto » Sat Apr 05, 2008 1:26 pm

Theres an addiction, I see many choose not to talk about. I am one...

my husband is addicted to pain meds, amongst a few other kind of pills. This is a hard thing to deal with, especially on our own. I for one have had enough and am seeking help for him, for me, for my whole family, because we all know addictions affect us all.

Yes!!! Jesus IS My ever present help, and by Him we can overcome anything.
Still there are steps to be taken and any journey begins with the first step. If anyone is struggling with this or has a family member who is, please lets talk :)
You can PM me, if you want, post here or email me at

I love you
Jesus Loves you more :)
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Postby susidivah » Sat Apr 05, 2008 1:51 pm

*hug* Ditto sis

Thank you for sharing... I hope it helped to post :) I hope this doesn't sound like I'm generalizing, but this is a more common addiction than peeps know, and yes a silent one at that.

The thing about it is most of the drugs abused are prescribed to take care of a medical problem so not suspicious at all to have them around.

I can relate to some extent from all angles sis, have had friends and family dealing with this, work with clients who have dealt with or are dealing with this (the latest is dependency to the meds that help with Attention Deficit Disorder), and I was abusing codeine in college and benzodiazipines on and off for the past 20 years.

You are right, of course :) Jesus is the Help we need. Are you familiar with the 12 steps sis cuz I know a lot of peeps in Al-anon and CODA (for families and supports of addicts) that do study the 12 steps as well. Also, Celebrate Recovery I believe has literature for the families and supports too. I do not know where your husband is in his spiritual walk, but will be praying for him as well, to see Jesus thru you Julia (as I do) *harp*

Love you sis but yeah.... HE loves you and your husband infinitely more!
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Postby Ditto » Sat Apr 05, 2008 4:20 pm

Hey sus :)

Thanks sis...yes, I do realize that this IS a very common addiction, and it is sad that most doctors who prescribe these meds (for legitimate purposes) are not prepared to help their patients when it has all became too much and is threatening their health, relationships and financial well being.
Than we have doctors who simply seem to not care at all and will prescribe almost anything to anyone :(

Thanks for the info, I have been looking into quite a few helpful places for us all.

I am currently researching a med that is being used to beat these kind of addictions, the only negative I see in this drug, is there is still the possibility of becoming dependant on it too.

Prayer Changes Things :)

Love ya
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Postby splash » Sat Apr 05, 2008 6:05 pm

Dear Ditto,

You and your husband are in my prayers... thanks for giving me the opportunity to pray for you both. I know from research I've done for others that you can't just stop cold turkey without either weaning off or switching over to other meds. I suggest searching to find people who have overcome an addiction to the same medication (there are many online support groups)...and then present what they have done to your doctor for his medical advice.

Love ya,

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Postby storm » Sat Apr 05, 2008 8:05 pm


God Bless You

Last edited by storm on Sat Apr 05, 2008 9:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Ditto » Sat Apr 05, 2008 8:35 pm

Hey Splishi :)

Thanks...yes, I fully understand tapering off and the 99 % possibility another med, will need to be used to beat this. I have already joined a forum, where I have seen, is a good place to be for this, better if in time I can get Ron online (what a concept lol )

As a matter of fact, there are a handful of doctors who are legally certified to prescribe and hopefully counsel a small amount of patients at a time with this med, that is really helping and people are getting their lives back on track.
In my husbands case, he is rare, he still works, still provides where MOST lose or quit their jobs, lose their family, etc...

All who have suffered this addiction, are deteriorating their health. I have done a LOT of research on just what these pills do and can do to ones health, not to mention their spiritual well being.

Ron has been taking these pills for just about 11 yrs now.
I just can't sit by and watch this anymore... I have begged, cried and most of all pray... even tho I am and I pray Ron will (he says he is ready) be venturing down certain avenues to overcome this... I KNOW... *REALSolutions* and without HIM, I can do nothing.

Thank You Jesus!!!
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Postby realtmg » Wed Apr 09, 2008 11:33 am

Denial is such a big issue with we who are addicted. We think "we" can handle things and as long as we keep things floating then we are in control.
As for me, I had no choice but to admit to my problem. It took years for me to admit to this, and then after I finally admitted did I see just how bad I was.
And even today it is hard for me to admit to some people that I have this problem, yet, I have had the opportunity to turn my bad into good.
The doctors only know to prescribe medicine in which keeps the merry -go - round turning. And it is very sad for those who got hooked on this medicines. Alot of them think that since they have been prescribe from a doctor then they are ok.
The end usually ends up in pain and suffering. Few cases have I seen where the addicted person quit because they wanted to. There usually has to be a motive behind the scenes that gets our attention.
I knew that I"needed" to quit years ago. It affected my life so much and the lives of people that loved me. I later found out that most of us were selfish, self-centered, and driven by fears. We tend to make decisions and live life based on our emotions instead of intellect. I had to learn how to live life without being medicated. At one time, I could see no light at the end of the tunnel.
I had to lose all to be where I am today. I had to surrender to my addictions daily and seek to do God's will daily.
I am writing this because of prayers that where lifted up to Him over the years. As you know, my mom comes on here and every time I see her log on, I will never know how much pain I put her through. My father is gone and I was sober when the Lord carried him Home, Thank God.
I want to stay clean. We HAVE to want to. I suppose I have went through so much pain that I can't stand no more. I came to the point I didn't want to live any longer and tried 3 different times to escape this pain. But, God had a plan for me. God's will be done.
People such as your husband and I fool no one but ourselves. I had to seek God with all my heart on a consistent basis to see the light.
Only God can relieve us of our addictions. But again, we have to want to quit. For me, it was God's chastening that finally brought me to my knees after I rebelled against Him for so many years. I fought Him and anyone else that stood in my way to get what I wanted. I didn't like who I was. I felt I needed a "boost" to fit in and to be liked.
Most of us are anti-social. I have to work hard to interact with people. I love people but I felt less than and felt I did not measure up. I finally realized that God does not make mistakes and He created me. Yes, I made wrong choices and most of them along with my pain was self- induced. I could either roll around in self-pity or dust my knees off and try to better my life. But.............. I had to have help.
God brings people into my life to help and for me to help. When I think no one can possibly know what I am going through and am feeling down does He show me someone else that is going through something worse than me.
I hid my problem for years. I got good at it. I knew how to play people and to support my habits. I ended up feeling like King Solomon in the Book of Ecclesiastes when he sought to do everything under the sun and the result was vanity. The highs I was seeking were always temporary and I knew I had accepted Jesus into my heart as my Salvation. But now, I serve a Living God who knows what we are going through and loves us even though we may not see Him working or feel His Presence.
Since this Forum was created, I have always felt that there was a great need for people in situations such as you.
Addiction is a family affair. It affects all those around.
I highly respect you coming in here and sharing what is REAL in your life my dear friend. If I could fix it I certainly would.
I do ask that you continue to share your experiences here as they will show people that they are not alone.
God has given me compassion for the hurting soul. When you hurt, I do.
Thank You sis
I luv ya for real.

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Postby Ditto » Thu Apr 10, 2008 9:14 pm

Thanks Real, for your love and understanding :) I love ya just as much!!!

As far as any progress....

One Big Step Forward.... two steps back :(

I am not giving up, Gods Will Be Done

Love you ALL!!!

Jesus Loves us the Mostest!!! *ohyeah*
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Postby storm » Wed Apr 30, 2008 7:37 pm

hi guys,

there are not many that i think would start on this route out of choice.....most i think are prescribed meds in situations that are thrust upon them and if they had a choice would much have prefered never to have started on the merry go round


once on the merry go round its real hard to jump off even when its going slow.....
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Postby splash » Thu May 01, 2008 2:14 am

Dear Ditto and everyone :)

Unliike recreational drugs and alcohol and many other addictions which began as a "daring way to make life a little more exciting"... for most people, addiction to prescribed medications begins as a necessary route for survival.

And unlike many other addictions, "jumping off" can be very hazardous and you can't safely quit "cold turkey". Those of us who have sufferered with addictions know it's sometimes more difficult to have "a little" than it would be not to have any at all. Since you still have it in the house the temptation is always there. The level of self discipline needed is overwelming.

Our hope lies in admitting to God the problem is beyond our own control, and surrendering the addiction into His hands daily. His Word is faithful and true, and He has promised that if we cry out to Him for wisdom he will guide us.

Love ya,

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Postby goldieluvs » Sun May 11, 2008 12:53 pm

Realtmg suggested i read this after a post i made. I will keep u and ur family in my prayers. I am a recovering addict and my ex, well he says he is clean, i am fixing to find out cuz i am letting him move back in. If hes not then he's back out the door! The difference is that ours is crack. Praise the Lord for helping me stay clean. I know it is a rough road to travel and u are all in my prayers. God loves u and so do i. I was gonna try to email u but it wouldnt let me something about default email. oh well. I hope u see this response. GBU hon... Goldie
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Postby Show Forth the Praises » Sat Jun 14, 2008 10:50 pm

God's richest blessings to you and your family, Ditto.

My older brother was an addict and mainlined heroin.

His suicide at age 20 (when I was 9) left me with a deep fear of illicit street drugs.

You are being upheld in prayer, my sister.

Your sister in Christ----

"...Show forth the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvellous light ..."
I Peter 2:9(b)

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