Christianity Oasis Forum
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Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up on wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint'. Isaiah 40:31.
Gradually, as we dwell with God, repenting and receiving forgiveness we find that our strength IS restored. This is spiritual strength. Active BEING with our Lord then fills our spiritual tanks with all the best and Godly resources we need in life. Our motives will become purer and our attitudes better. Habits change and life becomes fresh and exciting again. We will be filled with joy and love, peace and purpose, power and Christ-likeness. We shall be renewed through all of this and change in all manner of ways.
God Bless you both ...
Gradually, as we dwell with God, repenting and receiving forgiveness we find that our strength IS restored. This is spiritual strength. Active BEING with our Lord then fills our spiritual tanks with all the best and Godly resources we need in life. Our motives will become purer and our attitudes better. Habits change and life becomes fresh and exciting again. We will be filled with joy and love, peace and purpose, power and Christ-likeness. We shall be renewed through all of this and change in all manner of ways.
God Bless you both ...
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