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In loving memory of my Great Grandma who passed away 1/26/08

Postby Angelbaby5460 » Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:51 pm

Great Grandma

My love for you will never go
Its in my heart its in my soul
I will never forget you as I grow
For in me you will show

You were always there when I needed you most
You will still be there just as an angel
God must of needed you more then me
But I will see you again you'll see

When God calls for me
Will you wait at the gate
So when I come I can run into your loving arms
Then together we can make new memories

Before I end this I will say I love you Great Grandma
Please say hi to Jesus for me
He is at the gate waiting for you
One last hug and kiss I love you and goodbye

Amanda J. Conran
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Postby realtmg » Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:57 pm

Amen. Thanks for sharing and I too will see my dad one day. GBU
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Posts: 1051
Location: KY. LAKE
Marital Status: Divorced

Postby lizzie » Mon Jan 28, 2008 12:47 am

aww sis *hug*

What an beautiful poem :) I know ur gran would be proud :)

Thank you for sharing it with us.
Love u lil sis

GBU always
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