Beast Empire

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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Wed Sep 04, 2024 2:57 am

Hello again,

Today I'm referring you to a new video by Russel Brand, a good independent media source who has recently converted to Catholicism.

There is a censored profanity in the title of the video, but I don't believe there is any spoken profanity in the 20-minute or so video (as I recall).

The video begins with commentary on two recent state elections in former East German states. In both elections, the populist 'AFD' party did very well (winning one, getting second in the other). Moreover, with further such elections to come, mainstream media/political establishment politicians, et al, are beginning to get a bit uneasy.

As pointed out by Brand, the general response of the political establishment/media is to label anyone who has independent ideas/thoughts as 'extreme right-wing'. Nothing new here, of course, and I'm sure we've all well-and-truly noticed this ongoing smear strategy used by the globalists and their minions (labelled as 'The Blob' in this video).

Brand has a guest on this video who I hadn't heard of before. The guest really knows his stuff, and explains in great detail how 'The Blob' uses terms like 'Extreme right-wing' in a strategic and synchronized manner to attack independent thinkers who challenge globalist/Luciferian ideology.

In short, 'The Blob' (establishment politicians, mainstream media, social media, the intel agencies, foreign policy figures, think tanks, law enforcement, military leadership, etc, etc, etc) views its own dissidents in the West with exactly the same hatred that it views foreign governments that are not under its control.

As further pointed out by Brand, anyone who is not a follower of the New World Order agenda (whether it be a nation, political party, or even an individual person) is from the 'Extreme right-wing' and is therefore just like Hitler.

The well-informed guest on this video outlines how 'The Blob' doesn't really care about racism at all, but exploits it as a weapon for various purposes. He also delves into the evils of NATO and by extension the CIA, clearly globalist organizations whose purpose is to destroy the sovereignty of nation-states across the globe.

NATO, for example, is heavily invested in destroying populist movements in countries like France and Germany, and was responsible for the destruction of Libya, which had been the most prosperous country on the African continent. This vast crime against Libya played a big part in creating the same immigration crisis which, paradoxically, these populist parties and their followers are unhappy about.

The speaker then got into the whole anti-Russian business. The US/NATO push to drive a wedge between the EU and Russia is at least partially about corrupt profits, i.e. getting Europe off cheap Russian energy and coercing it to buy far more expensive energy from globalist-approved Western suppliers. A key part of this strategy has seen 'The Blob' and all of its tentacles working overtime to suppress populist movements and parties, labelling them as 'Russian puppets' or 'Putin apologists'.

Link to the video is below:
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Thu Sep 19, 2024 11:26 pm

Hello again,

I refer you to another article warning that a 'Black Swan' event could happen before the US election. In short, such as event is pre-planned and carried out by globalist/Western black ops//intel agents, but will be misreported and blamed on the wrong people in establishment media.

It could take the form of another pre-planned 'pandemic' and associated tyrannical measures, a false-flag terror event or provoked war, a colossal cyber-attack (of a world-altering nature) or some other left-field sinister plot.

As stated in previous posts, I don't believe in our fake democracy and I don't vote (but if you still do, I don't begrudge you). I'm not American but can stand neither of the two candidates.

However, there is clearly a candidate that the establishment favours, and one which it doesn't. I don't need to tell you the answer to 1+1. You can work it out for yourself (two confirmed assassination attempts are only the icing on the cake of what they've been trying to do for several years).

In short, if you're a Trump supporter you won't like what I'm going to tell you, nor the article I'm linking below.

They are not going to let Trump win. They engaged in massive, unprecedented vote-rigging to steal the election in 2020 and they would do the same again.

For this reason, talk of poll numbers, states in play, debate performances and the like is all useless theatre, no more credible than World Federation Wrestling.

The real danger, however, is that if (for whatever reason) they don't feel that industrialized vote-rigging will be enough this time, their Plan B is to 'go big' with a Black Swan event.

Such an event- like with the Covid shutdowns in 2020- will provide them all the cover they will need to steal another election.

All of that aside, if your prayer is for a free and fair election result (a miracle which only God Himself could bring about, should He choose to intervene) or that we be spared such a Black Swan event, I join you in this prayer.

I link you to the report, titled, 'Tucker Carlson: They want a 'war with Iran before election' to stop Trump.' ... top-trump/
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