The situation in Syria

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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Aug 25, 2024 10:28 am

Hello All,

Today I link you to an article from Newsweek, titled, 'Ukraine war maps reveal Russian advances toward critical city of Pokrovsk'.

It's from a mainstream source, but nonetheless paints a rather balanced picture of the current status of the war on the ground.

As pointed out in the piece, Russian forces are gathering momentum in their offensive operations in Eastern Ukraine, particularly as they march on and around the regional city of Pokrovsk (population about 60,000).

However, as also mentioned in the report, the NATO/Ukrainian invasion of the Russian border area towards Kursk (featuring not only Ukrainian personnel but also large numbers of Western mercenaries) continues to present significant problems to the Russian side.

For specific details, click on the link below: ... sk-1944070
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Sep 08, 2024 11:00 am

Hi again,

Today I link you to a good article from CNN (!). Yes, CNN is a globalist outlet controlled by the intel agencies but somehow- for whatever inexplicable reason- even a highly dubious source like CNN can occasionally put out a good report.

It's a brand new piece, titled, 'Outgunned and outnumbered, Ukraine's military is struggling with low morale and desertion'.

You'll need a good 10-15 mins to get through it, but it's worth the effort. Rather than sterile battlefield reports and statistics, you get grounded, personalised accounts from Ukrainian personnel about the misery and apparent hopelessness of their war-of-attrition against a much bigger neighbour.

CNN- so often a leading propaganda outlet promulgating a narrative in which Ukraine is kicking Russian butt and the Ukrainian populace remains highly buoyant and bullish in their fight against Russia- has this time opted for an honest, sobering account of the situation.

The report is linked below: ... n-intl-cmd
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Sep 14, 2024 10:08 am

Hi again,

Really sobering developments re: the Ukraine War. Thinking people have long been concerned that Western globalists/Deep state/Military-industrial complex elements would continue to escalate and provoke what is essentially a conventional regional war (NATO-Ukraine v Russia) and turn it into a civilization-endangering conflict possibly involving nuclear weapons.

Recently, as you may have heard, the US regime and some of its minion vassals (UK, Canada, etc) have begun to talk loudly about their wishes to fire long-range missiles into Russia from Ukrainian territory.

To be sure, regardless of denials or spin, these weapons systems could not be deployed without direct involvement of NATO personnel.

Putin- it's completely irrelevant if you love, loathe or just don't care about him- has said that this would amount to open warfare between NATO and Russia, and Russia would respond accordingly.

The response from Western/globalist politicians and media has been to dismiss and/or ignore and/or spin Putin's statement.

Just to spell it out- it doesn't matter how bad Putin is or how well Western politicians and media can lie and spin: What DOES matter is that if the US/Russia tensions are not de-escalated in timely fashion, the ultimate destination is a nuclear exchange which could kill everything on Earth.

This psychotic escalation is being initiated amidst the backdrop of the coming US election, and this is likely not a coincidence.

To be sure, Bible prophecy does appear to tell us that weapons of mass destruction will wreak havoc on the Earth in the end times, but that Jesus will return just before all life is literally extinguished.

It is not a given that there has to be a nuclear exchange within the context of the Ukraine War, but the delusional, evil, sick nature of the Western establishment- and obvious Russian willingness to use nuclear weapons if the West goes too far- means that we're in very, very dangerous territory.

For a fresh article on all of this (including more details and angles that I could care to bring up in this post), click the link below: ... on-russia/
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