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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Jun 19, 2023 6:59 am

Hello again,

A while ago I did a post about UFOs and other paranormal phenomena. While I don’t know if aliens really do exist (I am not convinced that the Bible gives us a definitive answer one way or the other), I argued that what we know as ‘aliens’ is largely a Hollywood construct.

Moreover, while most evidence/sightings of paranormal phenomena (not only UFOS, ‘aliens’ but also ghosts, cryptids, etc) would either be fake or well-meaning misidentifications, I am very confident that a small minority of reported evidence/sightings would indeed be legitimate.

But rather than adopt a Hollywood-type explanation for such cases, I would refer to the Bible for answers, and also admit that the realm of the paranormal is probably far more complex and obscure than basic Hollywood-type explanations.

There are a number of Bible verses which allude to the fact that there are fallen angels on Earth, i.e. a literal spirit realm around us here on Earth. While there are no doubt good spirits, namely angels among us, there are also bad ones, eg. demons.

In Revelations 12:4 and 12:9 we are told about how Satan was cast down to the earth, and apparently brought the fallen angels with him (one-third of the angels were fallen, as indicated in Revelations 12:4…)

I have done a fair bit of research on these kinds of things, and I believe that the minority of paranormal encounters which are actually legitimate would actually be encounters between people and the realm of the fallen angels, rather than Hollywoodish people-aliens/ghosts/cryptids kind of interactions.

I link you to a recent YouTube video on this general topic, of course from a biblical perspective. I don’t necessarily agree with all of the details offered up by the interviewee, but I believe he’s on the right track with his overall thrust.

Link below:
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Tue Jul 04, 2023 9:20 am

Hello again All,

I've been meaning to post something of late, but have been very busy like many of us.

A couple of weeks ago I saw an update about the plight of Torben Sondergaard, the Danish Christian figure who was hounded out of Denmark by the corrupt government/media establishment there, only to be locked up for his beliefs in the USA, the country where had fled in order to seek refuge.

Torben is being persecuted for his Christian beliefs, and had reportedly run afoul of a rich, influential political/business type French figure who has since acted as a puppetmaster of the corrupt Danish officials, and equally corrupt US figures who have kept Torben incarcertated on charges that are almost certainly 100% concocted.

I have talked about Torben in several recent posts on this thread. While the video is not absolutely fresh in my mind, I can recall the following aspects: Torben remained committed to The Lord and was active with evangelical work within the confines of the facility where is he currently locked up; despite this, he really missed his family and was getting worn down by his incarceration; he made mention of the YouTube video series (from this same channel, I believe) which outlined the central role of the corrupt French figure who was targetting him, and Torben appeared to validate the accusations made in the videos; he was being bullied by aggressive immigration officials in the prison facility; global(ist) hate against Christians is rising and we will all increasingly find ourselves in the gun.

These are the main points I recall, but there may be others I don't recall. The video goes for about 18 minutes, and is primarily composed of audio from a recent interview with Torben himself.

Link to the video is below:
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Aug 06, 2023 3:47 am

Hi Everyone,

The purpose of this post is to refer you to a recent article from Christian news source The Trumpet.

It touches on the coming mark of the beast, which will be mandated during the reign of the anti-Christ.

The article details growing efforts by the government-media complex in the West to freeze out and ultimately crush anyone who would criticise the state in any way.

A key plank of this would involve freezing the bank accounts of dissidents/protestors, and essentially making it impossible for them to buy/sell... sound familiar?

We have already seen preliminary endeavours to do just this, with victims thus far ranging from British anti-establishment politician Nigel Farage, to the peaceful Canadian trucker protestors who didn't like the totalitarian covid/vax mandates.

As a footnote, near the end of the article there is an attempt to link the coming mark of the beast with Sunday church worship. I personally believe that this interpretation of the mark of the beast is unbiblical and doesn't make sense.

Instead, I believe that the mark will be a literal mark, like a tatoo/microchip/barcode kind of mark.

That aside, I still think that this article is well worth a read.

Link below: ... -in-danger
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Aug 27, 2023 12:27 pm

Hi Everyone,

There’s an interesting little story that’s been circulating around independent/libertarian media over the last couple of weeks, initially broken by Alex Jones.

Alex Jones is obviously hated by the establishment and while he is sometime prone to hyperbole/exaggeration, he is clearly far more honest and accurate than virtually anything/anyone you will come across in mainstream media.

Jones’ scoop, based on testimony from two anonymous sources, is that the Biden regime was planning to incrementally bring back covid restrictions, starting with relatively minor rules in September, eventually ending in full lockdowns by December.

Firstly, it always, always, always pays to be sceptical about ‘anonymous sources’, no matter who is quoting them. ‘Anonymous sources’, especially in mainstream media, could be codeword for ‘people who don’t actually exist’. One should also be wary of reference to ‘anonymous sources’ by Alex Jones, even if Jones is not a globalist/government mouthpiece.

However, the story of secret plans to bring in restrictions and eventual lockdowns in the USA quickly grew legs of its own- independent of Jones’ revelations- when, in the days after the Jones scoop, establishment media in the USA began to roll out a synchronized fear campaign about a rising covid variant, etc.

Furthermore, as reported, numerous institutions such as colleges and even film studios have already begun to mandate mask wearing and other such measures. Recent statements from clearly corrupt figures such as Anthony Fauci have also raised suspicions among the curious and openminded that something may be afoot, not to mention the production of a new covid ‘vaccine’ which the US regime will apparently ‘encourage’ all citizens to take.

One could speculate as to why such plans would be afoot. The concept of ‘free and fair’ elections is obviously a fairytale pipedream, and the desire to 'manage' the result of the coming federal election in 2024- through largescale postal voting- has been mentioned as one possible hidden motive which would explain the desire of the US government to return to the era of covid.

To be clear, I do not know exactly why the US government would wish to return to this era. But I DO KNOW what it most certainly would NOT be about- public health.

My takeaway is that while there would certainly seem to be some veracity to the story, it’s not a foregone conclusion. Predictably, so-called ‘Fact-checker’ organizations have come out to say that the claims of Jones and the broader story are fake.

This means nothing, as the ‘Fact-checker’ organizations are generally controlled by the same globalist figures who control the mainstream media, governments, intelligence agencies, etc.

However, my feeling is that while there is no doubt that western governments/media/minions would love to return to full covid lockdowns, any current plans of the globalist US government are not a foregone conclusion (as already stated).

I say this for more than one reason. Firstly, while the covid era of 2020-2022 was an all-in example of corrupt globalism on steroids, there currently seems to be little appetite/interest in an imminent return to the era of covid outside of the USA. Would the USA lock down again, but this time all on its own for corrupt internal reasons? It’s a rhetorical question. I don’t know.

There’s not much point in a person like me predicting whether or not there really is something to this story. It could be just as Jones and others fear, or it could be elements of the globalist US establishment just incrementally trying to return to that terrible era but firstly seeing how far they can go, or if they can get away with it. These options aside, it could even be some kind of psy-op.

I have no idea, but certainly hope it doesn’t happen. If you wish to read a recent little dispatch on this topic, from UK establishment source The Telegraph of all places, quick on the following link: ... -dr-fauci/
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Sep 09, 2023 7:39 am

Hi again to everyone,

This is a follow-up to the last post I made in this thread; that is to say, the current push by globalist authorities- particularly the US government- to incrementally usher in new Covid-19 mandates with a view to potentially leading up to another lockdown.

Anyone who doesn’t worship government/mainstream media/their minions as their god must by now be aware that something was very, very wrong about the globalist/international response to Covid-19 from 2020-2022.

While much of the world has apparently moved on from this bizarre, hysterical chapter in world history, there are clearly moves- within the US at least- to return to that era. Why? One could speculate as to why, but I don’t want to do that. I just want to deal with the facts. And the facts clearly indicate that the US state is testing the water to see if it could get away with returning to the era of mandates and lockdowns.

It obviously has nothing to do with concern for public health, or decency in any way. It was only ever about power, agendas, corruption, greed, control, etc.

Today, I have another article to refer you to. It’s from online source ‘The Federalist’. The name of the piece, which was released a few days ago, is, ‘Petty covid tyrants want to bring back masks and lockdowns. Don’t let them.’

I will not summarize for you today. I ask you just to set aside five minutes and read it for yourself. It’s quite a short dispatch and I don’t believe you will need any longer then five minutes to get to the end.

Link below: ... -let-them/
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Sep 23, 2023 4:03 am

Hello Everyone,

This is a little post about Russel Brand. If you don’t know him, he is a middle-aged British guy. He’s been in Hollywood films and was also a comedian.

Brand made his name as a vulgar, risqué, cocky sort of a guy with a sharp wit. He has also been open about what he described as a ‘promiscuous’ lifestyle back in the day, while maintaining that all of his relationships/dalliances were consensual.

In recent years he has largely moved away from that part of his life, becoming an outspoken critic of the globalist agenda with all of its inherent corruption. His name is mentioned alongside the likes of Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, even types like Joe Rogan.

Brand has gained a big following on social media platforms with his anti-New World Order, anti-cabal, anti-globalist agenda content. While occasionally vulgar, his content nowadays is largely matter-of-fact, non-aggressive, amusing and fact-based.

He does not appear to be Christian, but nor does he appear to be anti-Christian. His biggest targets appear to be mainstream media in general, the corrupt western political establishment, as well as big pharma, the military-industrial complex and so on. He has been an outspoken critic of things like the Covid lockdowns, vax mandates and the like, as well as the US/NATO role in the Ukraine war as well as other conflicts.

Brand’s YouTube channel alone has roughly six million subscribers, not to mention his other platforms (though I am not as familiar with his other platforms). By one estimate, his YouTube channel alone could have earned him up to a million dollars (or pounds?) a year.

So anyway: What tends to happen to people who stand against the government/media establishment (New World Order)? That’s right, they get attacked, if not outright destroyed. Over the last week or so a raft of accusers has been pushed forward, initially by British establishment media outlets claiming it was part of an investigation they’d undertaken.

Interestingly, the accusers put forward by these state media outlets have remained anonymous, and no-one knows their names nor even what they look like. Since then, other media outlets across the western world have joined in the co-ordinated pile-on, reporting on other accusations and dredging up video of some of Brand’s risqué actions/quotes from back in the day.

The character assassination stems from a period of six or seven years, 2006-2013 or so. Brand, now married and with a 3rd child on the way, naturally maintains his innocence and actually saw the co-ordinated attack coming before it was unleashed (he posted a YouTube video warning of the coming attack just before the attack was indeed unleashed).

Moreover, since the attack was unleashed, several social media platforms have banned his channel, and YouTube has demonetized his channel. Further to this, it has now also been revealed that the British government has also been heavily involved in this co-ordinated attack against Brand, co-ordinating with the social media platforms to ban/censor him.

So, what’s my take on all of this? My take is of course largely irrelevant, as I’m just another person with an opinion. God knows all, no-one else does. But here are my two cents worth:

Is Brand being attacked by the globalist agenda because he is a ‘bad’ person? No, clearly not. He’s being attacked because he’s standing up to the government/media complex and its inherent corruption.

Are the accusations against Brand true? I cannot comment on this definitively, but I could make a very good educated guess. Here goes:

Most of the accusations against Brand would either be partially true, or totally fabricated. Some of the accusers (i.e. the anonymous ones) might be people who literally don’t even exist. Either that, or they were paid to make false accusations. This is how the world works, and it would take a very naïve person not to see this as a reality.

Because Brand lived a promiscuous, risqué life back in the day, it’s also very likely that he made some unwelcome advances on women. This is obviously unacceptable, but there is obviously a world of difference between making unacceptable advances on the one hand and rape on the other, the latter of which he has been accused of by at least one person/non-existant person who we’re told is real.

In short, I don’t know what Russel was or wasn’t guilty of. He will be accountable to God for his sins, just like I also will be, and you will be too if we don’t know Jesus. But I do know this: the co-ordinated attack that Brand is now under is almost certainly happening for ONLY ONE REASON- his opposition to the New World Order.

If any of the accusations against Brand are legitimate- and that’s a very big IF- then I pray for the Lord’s peace and salvation for that person who may’ve been wronged. I also pray the same for Russel and his family as they find themselves under attack by the forces of darkness. And if Russel doesn’t yet know the Lord, may he repent and indeed give his heart to the Lord.

Overall, may justice be done. And this can only come from the Lord, no-one else.

I provide you a link to a recent article from on exactly this topic. Link below: ... lence-him/
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Sep 23, 2023 4:21 am

Hi again,

Two posts in one day on this forum, but this time I'll make it quick.

Since the era of Covid-19 (namely the associated hysteria and corrupt/incompetent governmental reactions across the globe), more and more evidence is emerging which indicates that the lockdowns did far more damage than good and that the 'vaccinations' were ineffective and arguably more dangerous than the virus itself (with many recorded deaths/injuries due to these experimental vaccines).

I refer you to a new article titled, 'New study: lockdowns had zero to negative impact on excess deaths'. It's from a source called, 'Hot Air'.

The piece has plenty of evidence, fact/figures, charts and the like. I'm not going to summarize it for you, but will copy/paste a paragraph (very poignant) from near the end and I'll provide a link too.

Just for the sake of being extra transparent, the name of the writer is David Strom, and he wrote the article. The paragraph I now copy/paste was obviously written by him, not me. Here it is:

'Lockdowns didn’t “save one life;” they cost many, and will continue to do so for decades. This was entirely predictable and predicted by the best epidemiologists in the world, and they were censored. Governments around the world went to enormous efforts to destroy the careers of scientists who were telling the truth, and simply saying what epidemiologists knew for decades.'

End of paragraph. If you wish to read the whole article, here is the link: ... hs-n578112
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Oct 23, 2023 5:04 am

Hi Everyone,

Haven’t posted in a little while. This latest report I read could certainly be filed under the, ‘Mark of the Beast,’ category.

It’s a recent article from Infowars, titled, ‘Breaking: WEF whistleblower warns of globalist plan to microchip people.’

As an aside, I’ve also read several other recent stories on the same topic, particularly with regard to moves in Australia to accelerate moves to a cashless society (Australia would obviously not be an outlier in this situation, but would be more akin to a globalist test case, with most of the western world closely behind it).

The main source quoted in the Infowars item is German economist Richard Werner, who is warning that we are being conditioned to move from cards (credit, debit, etc) to contactless transactions that will end up with mass microchipping of people. Werner, as mentioned in the article, was a former insider who was presumably privy to globalist plans on this topic. The implants spoken of would be RFID microchips about the size of a grain of rice, implanted under the skin.

Just to be sure, while it’s hard to know with 100% certainty, there is a strong chance that such a microchip could literally be the Mark of the Beast, which would directly result in eternal separation from God for anyone who would take it (my comment here, not necessarily the view of the guy quoted in the article).

Werner commented that such an RFID chip could contain all of your documents, from currency to your passport and even keys. In layman’s terms, we have already moved from exchanging cash, to inserting cards, now onto scanning a card without contact.

Again, my comment here: It would be a very small step indeed to scan our (microchip-implanted) forearms once cards had become obsolete altogether (or have our foreheads scanned, as let’s not forget that the Bible points out that people will receive the mark either in their forearm or forehead).

As pointed out by Werner, a key justification (promulgated by government, media, their minions, etc) for abolishing cards and bringing in these microchips will be ‘security’. That is to say, you won’t be able to lose it, and no-one will be able to steal it if it’s literally implanted under your skin.

Towards the end of the article, it’s explained that the era of Covid lockdowns and mandates played an important role in the march towards the towards the microchip/(potential) Mark of the Beast.

In conclusion, while I am very confident that such a microchip could literally be the Mark of the Beast, I cannot be 100% sure and we must remain openminded that the mark could take some other form which we didn’t see coming.

But either way, it’s just not worth the risk. It would not be wise- under any circumstances- to agree to take such a chip. Even the risk that it ‘could be’ the mark is already enough risk to never accept it under any circumstances.

We’re not there yet. In the meantime, my advice would be to get spiritually prepared (priority number one) and physically prepared (if you feel so inclined). Priority one obviously involves getting closer to God through prayer and the Word, continually asking to be led by the Holy Spirit, and asking for discernment and understanding as we approach the end times.

In terms of physical preparation, this would involve having a contingency plan if you wish to try to survive during the tribulation. This could involve prepping, having a bug-out plan with adequate supplies and an isolated location to try to get off the grid. Even this would not ensure that you would escape the beast system undetected. On the other hand, however, it could leave some people in a far stronger position to avoid the Mark of the Beast.

Remember this; while we still have relative comfort and freedom in our day-to-day lives, it is easy to be brash and jingoistic with phrases like, ‘You wanna get me that microchip?! Over my cold, dead body!!’ But it will not be near as easy to be this dismissive and gung-ho when you find yourself literally in the middle of such a crisis, in which your immediate choices are to be murdered (directly or even indirectly via starvation, etc) or take the mark and thus be accepted by society and be allowed to eat for a little while before eternal condemnation via the final judgement.

It will ultimately not be by our own strength that we can reject the mark, and thus reject eternal damnation. It will only be by the strength of God that we can reject the mark.

I don’t begrudge anyone who believes in the pre-tribulation Rapture, but I am far from 100% sure that it’s sound doctrine. The risk here, of course, if that if the pre-trib Rapture indeed doesn’t turn out to be correct, there are going to be a lot of Christians (still stuck on Earth) dreadfully unprepared for the tribulation when the true colours of the anti-Christ are suddenly exposed.

Link to the article, video links contained within, is below: ... opulation/
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Thu Nov 16, 2023 8:27 am

Hi Everyone,

I’ve got another posting for you here which could be filed under the ‘Mark of the Beast’ category.

It’s a 25-minute video by Russel Brandt. As mentioned in a recent post I made, Brandt is a high-profile anti-New World Order commentator who has recently been subject to a smear campaign by the western political/media establishment. A key part of this campaign has featured a flurry of almost-certainly exaggerated, if not totally invented sexual assault and/or misconduct allegations.

Brandt’s YouTube channel was demonetized, so he moved his show to a lesser known platform with more of a focus on freedom-of-speech. However, his content is still posted on his YouTube channel where it obviously runs without advertising.

There is mild vulgarity on his shows from time to times, but it’s pretty mild and I believe that his content- though from a more secular perspective- is quite good.

I do not wish to spend all afternoon summarizing the 25-minute for you. I highly recommend that you watch or listen to it. Note; if you don’t have the time to sit and watch, why not put it on and listen to it while you’re doing something else?

In short, the video has high production values and draws on a variety of sources. The topic of this video is digital currency, and the rapid move (particularly in Europe, but no doubt elsewhere as well) towards a European digital ID which would apply to all Europeans.

Obviously framed by authorities as a positive and appealing thing, the introduction of such an ‘initiative’ would be incremental, and would initially appear to be on a voluntary basis, before this ‘voluntary’ aspect of it would be ultimately phased out.

From here, it would only be a matter of time until this ‘Digital ID’ would be comprehensively incorporated into a microchip about the size of a grain of rice, which would be implanted under the skin of all citizens.

Ring any alarm bells? While I can’t know for sure at this point, and it’s important to remain openminded on interpretation of Bible prophecy, such a microchip could literally be the Mark of the Beast itself.

Given that Brandt- while genuinely intelligent and insightful- comes from more of a secular position, he doesn’t mention the mark. But the parallels must be pretty obvious to any student of the Bible.

Link to the video is below:
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Dec 10, 2023 7:57 am

Hello Everyone,

This is yet another post that touches on the coming ‘Mark of the Beast’. The mark will apparently be mandated by the anti-Christ halfway through his seven-year tenure. Refusal to take it will mean to be cut off completely from society, hunted down and killed.

Conversely, taking the mark will spare you from these things for (no more than) a few years, but result in eternal damnation for whoever takes it.

To be sure, the anti-Christ is not yet here. But the dark forces behind his future rise are well-and-truly paving the way for his arrival on the world scene, so that everything he needs in order to carry out his evil intentions will be at hand for him to utilize.

Before getting into the specific details, I note an interesting development out of Australia which besides China, was the worst, most tyrannical and hysterical nation during the era of Covid. It was only two or three years ago in which that country was right in the middle of its demented, unhinged obsession with Covid-zero.

The establishment in Australia- particularly the federal government and state governments in connivance with their various organs including the mainstream media- were clearly in an ongoing state of self-righteous, power-lusting ecstasy from early 2020 until mid-2022. Moreover, anyone that mildly criticized them was deemed evil, stupid and unworthy.

While most of the world has largely moved on from Covid (onto Ukraine at first, then onto Israel/Palestine), I have noted that almost all of the worst monsters from the era of Covid in Australia are gone. The Prime Minister is gone, the Premier of Victoria- who presided over the longest lockdown in the entire world (affecting the capital Melbourne particularly hard) is gone. Today, his criminal-in-arms in the state of Queensland has also quit, citing benign-sounding reasons that are no doubt untrue.

I may be wrong, but it is not only these states/territories that have shed their Covid-era dictators. And across the Tasman Sea, the leader of New Zealand Jacinda Adern- another evil monster- is not only out of office, but her handpicked similar-minded successor was also turfed out in a federal election.

What’s the takeaway of all of this? Firstly, these politicians who were getting off on the abuse of their previously unheard-of power (up until only a year or two ago) are off the scene. They’ll no doubt be getting corrupt money in cushy jobs away from the limelight, but their rise and fall is a real lesson in just how fleeting everything is.

Will their departures, and the departures of similar undesirable elements across the western world, change the overall corrupt nature of the beast system? No. They’ll ultimately be replaced by similar morally-bankrupt, power-lusting elements. Still, even their time will be ultimately fleeting too. As will be the time of this beast system currently in the works, and the reign of the anti-Christ whenever he appears.

What will not be fleeting, however, is the eternity which we will all face after we’ve lived our lives on this planet, and the beast system and anti-Christ are history.

Staying on this general topic, I have noticed a flurry of articles in Australian mainstream media of late which all point to the potential imminence of a cashless society. According to these articles, such a reality could only be two or three years away.

I refer you to a piece in the Murdoch-run site, which is generally low-brow garbage more focussed on celebrities’ breasts and abs rather than the weighty issues of the day. The title of the piece is, ‘Cashless society: Finance specialist breaks down inevitable new reality facing Australia’.

The report basically says that cash is being phased out due to consumer preferences vis-à-vis paying, rather than a concerted push by the state. Sounds benign, but either way the outcome would be the same and would be totally in line with the New World Order.

The article provides an attempt at balancing out some pros and cons, but reiterates that the trend towards a cashless society is rapid, and virtually unstoppable. It could be just a couple of years off.

For details, read the piece for yourself and also keep in mind that the push is in no way limited to Australia. While Australia and others may be leading the charge (reliable guinea pigs), it is certainly a global phenomenon.

Link below: ... d516523ec0

At this point, our focus starts to move onto the broader, extremely sinister picture of what is really in the works. I will now refer you to a recent piece in the Australian branch of the Sky News outlet. The piece is titled, ‘Labor’s ‘voluntary’ digital ID ploy is ‘1984’ on steroids, untrustworthy and the perfect target for hackers’.

For those of you with not much interest/knowledge in Australian politics, it’s very similar to Britain. Moreover, ’Labor’ is the Australian version of the Democrats in the USA, and is currently in power. The article is rightfully sceptical of a strong, unified push coming from the Australian establishment to introduce such a digital ID.

Needless to say, it’s being sold as something harmless and voluntary, but ultimately would be neither. It would incorporate various elements such as a driving licence, healthcare card, passport, etc, all into one thing. Of course, anyone who would dare wonder out loud if this could be detrimental to the rights of the citizens- and also wonder it it’s affording too much power to government- is being branded as a ‘conspiracy theorist’.

For your information, when the real anti-Christ does arrive on the scene, what will people be called who are at least a bit sceptical of his intentions? I don’t know for sure, but probably all kinds of insults will be thrown at them, and ‘conspiracy theorist’ could be one of them.

Back to the article, and several reasons are given as to why any right-minded, well-meaning person should be very concerned about this coming digital ID. These include: it will not be near as voluntary as government/media try to portray it as. We only need to look at the behaviour of western ‘democracies’ during the era of Covid to see that they have zero interest in the freedoms of the citizens. In fact, ‘zero interest’ is not the right way to put it. Rather, the government/media complex has an increasing hatred of the freedoms we have had.

Another cause for alarm is that the government would easily be able to collaborate with banks to shut off the bank accounts of anyone who dare criticize the state. This happened during the era of Covid, perhaps most notably with the Canadian trucker convoy/s, but has also happened with anti-establishment campaigners/politicians.

Another reason given is that such a digital ID would be a hacker’s paradise though, as far as I am concerned, the overall threat posed by hackers is NOTHING compared to the increasing threat we are going to face from our own evil governments (under the umbrella of the globalist beast system).

This very real cause for concern is brought up towards the end of the article with regards to the terrifying concept of a ‘Social credit dystopia’. Moreover, it is of course not only Australia taking this scary path, but also the EU. Details on the push within the EU establishment, which is virtually identical to what is being pushed in Australia, are contained right near the end of the article.

And while it may be Australia and the EU on one day of the week, it will be the US and other such countries the next day. If we combine the coming cashless society with the coming digital-ID, and then bring in a charismatic world leader who seemingly came out of nowhere and is adored by the world-at-large, with the international mainstream media running wall-to-wall propaganda puff pieces in support of that leader, it will only be a very small step indeed to merge your digital-ID/finances and love/loyalty for the charismatic leader into a simple act: the acceptance of a small object, perhaps a microchip, in your forearm, or perhaps forehead. It wouldn’t be much different to the pressure we all recently faced to get vaxxed during the era of Covid, would it?

To be sure, the Covid injections were not the Mark of the Beast. But if you couldn’t say no to the needle, how are you going to cope if the anti-Christ rises and the mark is mandated while you’re still walking this Earth?

Link to the article by Sky News is below: ... e27265691a
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Tue Dec 26, 2023 2:14 pm

Hi Friends,

I want to share some things with you before the end of the year. Tomorrow I am flying off to my country of origin for a one-month visit. This in itself is understandably not very interesting to a reader such as yourself.

But it gives me a chance to praise God. Australia was hysterical, insane and quite simply rather demented throughout the era of Corona. Besides China, and maybe another country or two which I am unaware of, Australia was the world’s most tyrannical and immoral nation vis-à-vis its response to the Corona Virus.

While the rich and famous jetted in and out of the country at their leisure, the average joes like myself were neither allowed to leave nor enter the country for the better part of two-and-a-half years. And even after this period, there was the very real prospect that Satan would set the pre-conditions for Australia’s citizens to return: Namely, being coerced into taking a dangerous, experimental, totally unnecessary injection in order to be ‘allowed’ to enter/leave the country.

I am not a particularly brave or hardened person, and this situation caused me great stress. Eventually, however, I begrudgingly reached the bitter conclusion that I would never be going back, injection or no injection. Praise be to God, the situation somehow changed around mid-2022 and I am about to go back for the 4th time since the tide turned. Moreover, I have gone back on God’s terms (freedom-based) rather than Satan’s terms.

Praise be to God. While I am very glad that I didn’t take the injection, many Christians and well-meaning did take them, and in many cases now regret it. If you are one of these, don’t sweat it. Pray to God that He would remove the danger from you, that He would detox your body from the potentially harmful effects of the injections.

Next topic: In previous posts I have mentioned the case of Torben Sondergaard, the Danish pastor who fled state-sponsored persecution in Denmark, only for it to follow him to the USA, where he was locked up in a detention centre for over a year on clearly bogus charges. Praise be to God, Torben was finally released several months ago.

May the Lord grant him, his associates and ministry refuge somewhere here on earth, and may He bring justice against the persecutors of Torben, so that maybe one of them would even repent and come to The Lord. I provide you a link, about four months old, to an article written soon after Torben was released: ... lease-pray

Now, onto a couple of unrelated issues. Firstly, there was recently a Federal Election in Serbia- a country which has frequently been in the crosshairs of the New World Order due to its sovereign tendencies, or general desire to be somewhat sovereign from the globalist agenda.

The recent election saw the re-election of the incumbent government, which has been rather pro-Russian and not all-in with the West. Now, it appears that the globalist agenda- intel agencies, mainstream media, Western politicians, Serbian agent provocateurs for hire, social media elements, globalist front groups (NGOs, et al)- is getting whipped up in a frenzy about the result which didn’t fall its way, and is trying to overturn the legitimate election result.

The same old script has been rolled out time-after-time-after-time in various Western-backed revolutions in different countries over the years. Sometimes it has worked, at other times it hasn’t. We ought to pray that it doesn’t work on this occasion. The corruption, moral decay and self-righteousness of the West is off the charts, and I don’t think there is anything wrong with wishing for its evil plots to fail.

Lastly, a prediction for 2024. I’m not a prophet, and I hope this turns out to be wrong. But I just feel it in my guts that some heavy things are going to occur in 2024. I am not claiming this to be an original thought. Rather, several independent sources who I deem to be trustworthy have voiced similar concerns.

One possibility is a massive false-flag operation carried out by the same kinds of globalist elements (listed only a couple of paragraphs ago) currently trying to overturn the legitimate election results in Serbia.

One grim possibility is the following: A society altering cyber attack (the likes of which we have never seen before) carried out by the West, but conveniently blamed on Russia (largely through pre-packaged, well-synchronized propaganda spewed out on cue by the mainstream media).

I really hope I’m wrong, but the psychotic, murderous paedophiles running the Western countries would be more than capable of pulling off stuff like this. They’ve done it before and they’ll do it again, continuing to raise the stakes as time goes on.

I’ll leave it there. Regardless of what does or doesn’t happen in 2024, if you are all-in with Jesus you can’t lose. Yes, there will be unpleasant experiences- even bitter ones along the journey. But with Jesus in your corner, 2024 can bring you all kinds of joys and pleasant surprises, regardless of what the Luciferian globalists throw at us along the way.

God bless you, and until next time.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Jan 19, 2024 3:35 am

Hello again,

As I am typing this on a small device, it will be kept very brief. I wish to simply refer you to a couple of fresh articles which refer to the globalist Luciferian WEF and its ongoing efforts to pave the way for the rise of the anti-Christ.

Article one is titled, 'What the WEF has in store for you'.

Link below: ... ou-n605323

Article two is titled, 'Klaus Scwab: Elections will soon be a quaint relic of the past '.

Link below: ... -the-past/
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