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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Mar 06, 2022 6:31 am

Hello Friends,

I wish to post about the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, and I may stay on this topic for quite a while. As stated in my previous post, I fully supported the Russian intervention in the Syrian Civil War (to stop ISIS, al-queda, etc) but I simply DO NOT support this invasion of the Ukraine.

That said, it’s hard not to be moved by what is happening, and hard not to be interested in developments as they take place. One might also wonder whether there is any special relevance in relation to end times Bible prophecy. I have my suspicions, based on Bible prophecy, that Russia may well be a great power in the end times, and (along with China, and others) it may well be part of the 200-million-man army (spoken of in Revelation 9: 16-18) which will march against the European armies of the anti-Christ, and possibly clash somewhere around the Middle-East. But I don’t know for sure, and I have no doubt that some of you reading this know more about Bible prophecy than myself.

Given that I did not believe that this invasion would actually happen at all, I am not really in a credible position to tell you how I think it will pan out. But I can certainly give you my impressions on the current state of play. Here goes:

- The endgame of Putin is hard to read. He may only want to get to the Dnieper River (which essentially cuts Ukraine in two, from top to bottom). This would allow him to take Kiev, and take control of only the eastern section of Ukraine, which has far more pro-Russian people in it than the bigger section on the other side of the river. After the heavy fighting is done, holding onto this part of the country would be far more manageable than trying to conquer the entire country.

- In my honest opinion, a lot of the widespread, mentally ill hysteria surrounding Covid-19 has been diverted into war fervour, and anti-Russian hatred. While it is perfectly justifiable to be against this war, the reactions across the world, particularly in the west, have been hysterical, and open xenophobia against ethnic Russians has quickly become ‘morally acceptable’ to many in society. Russia has been blocked off from the world in a large number of ways, from banning them, cancelling them out, vilifying them, persecuting them, etc, in any way possible. Moreover, knowing what I now know about human nature, this has not been done out of compassion, but out of mentally ill hysteria driven by the government/media complex. Also, many of those now openly racist against Russians are the same types of people who claim to ‘hate racism’. But God can see through all of us, and will not be fooled by hypocrisy in anyone. As Christians, we have to keep our heads, and be driven by God, not by the mob-based mentally which is prevalent here on earth.

- It is very, very hard to get accurate info on the war. Russian media, which would no doubt be putting out pro-Russian propaganda, has largely been banned in the west. Meanwhile, western media, which is pumping out non-stop pro-Ukraine propaganda, is virtually unchallenged. You might ask yourself, ‘What is wrong with being pro-Ukraine?’ This is a fair question. The problem is not being ‘pro-Ukraine’ per se. The problem is the colossal amount of lies being put out by western media to further the narrative. Remember, this is not about compassion at all. It is about control, power, and victory (both for the Russians, and the west, with Ukraine caught in the middle)

- Western media have put out the narrative that Ukrainian forces are absolutely kicking butt, Russia is getting nowhere, west is best, etc. Both sides are playing down the casualty figures of their own side, while exaggerating the casualties of the other side. The fog of war is so thick at the moment, but my best estimation of the situation is thus: the Ukrainians have fought hard and inflicted losses on the Russians, but the Russians have still taken a lot of ground, albeit not yet the major population centres. Plan A for Putin was apparently to minimise destruction, allow capitulation, and take over. But if that doesn’t work, he will go to Plan B, which is essentially scorched earth. Thus, the question must be asked: is bravely fighting against the Russian invasion actually the smartest thing to do, or would a quick capitulation save a lot of death and destruction? I’m just asking the question. After all, I am currently in the safety of my residence, where everything is still peaceful, and I don’t want to be one of those people who cheers on as others spill their blood in another country, while I sit in safety.

- Based on everything I have read, my estimation of casualties, through the very thick fog of war, would be the following: Approximately 1,000-3,000 dead Russian soldiers up to this point, and a similar number of dead Ukrainian soldiers. In addition, also based on all of the estimates I have read, and then estimating how much I think the figures are exaggerated for propaganda purposes, I guess that about 500-2,000 Ukrainian civilians have died. Moreover, the numbers of killed combatants and civilians will possibly climb even faster as Putin slowly transitions from Plan A to Plan B.

- History has shown us that the Russian military can become rather brutal in pursuit of victory (then again, there’s no such thing as a non-brutal fighting force, but I think you know what I mean). The brutality of Hitler’s armies was certainly matched by Stalin’s Red Army in World War Two, for example. And the brutality of the Islamist Chechen Rebels (in both Chechen wars) was also matched by the brutality of the Russian forces. In both of those conflicts, the Russians ultimately prevailed with scorched earth tactics and I fear that the Ukrainians could be next.

I don’t think that any compassionate person wanted any of this. It would have been much better if Ukraine was left alone, that its sovereignty would be respected by both the western nations, and Russia. But neither side was ever going to respect the sovereignty of Ukraine. Both sides would have been willing to commit all kinds of war crimes to get control of Ukraine (indeed, both sides have been committing war crimes there since 2014 or so, in the ongoing civil war that preceded the Russian invasion).

But now, Russia had made its move, and has, in my opinion, ‘Out-wested the west’, if you know what I mean. And this is a very dubious honour.

Lastly, it’s very hard to find unemotional, fact-based reporting on Ukraine. So few are interested in telling the truth. But I find that good information on this war can be found from debkafile, and I link you to the site, where you can check out the dispatched for yourself. Link below:
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Tue Mar 08, 2022 3:23 am

Hi again,

It's occurred to me that, as horrific as the Russian invasion of Ukraine certainly is, there are a lot of people who are aware that what we are getting from western mainstream media is largely one-sided propaganda, with everything that comes along with propaganda: i.e. understatement of own losses, exaggeration of enemy losses, inflation of civilian casualties, distortions/half-truths/lies/manipulations/purposeful omission of info which may paint the preferred side in a tainted light, etc, are all things that have already been widespread in the coverage of the Ukraine war.

It is perfectly rational to be against this war, and to be angry at Russia, but it is not acceptable to lie- nor to willfully accept lies- which further the narrative of 'Us good, them bad'. As Christians, the truth must remain our priority, our main focus. So, I will endeavour to find you balanced articles on the situation re: Ukraine/Russia. There are not many out there, and they are very hard to find. But they are out there if you have the time/inclination to look.

I will now post a fresh article, which I believe provides you a balanced analysis of the current situation. The overall picture is that both sides have suffered setbacks, and that there is also potential upside for both sides. Furthermore, is the invasion going harder than what the Russians had initially expected? Absolutley, and this is openly mentioned in the article. That's war. Things rarely, if ever go to plan (thanksfully, I've never been involved in one, but this is what my research tells me).

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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Wed Mar 16, 2022 5:36 am

Hi Everyone,

I wish to share with you some more info on what I have learned about the current situation vis-à-vis the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

It is so hard to find balanced information, but it is available for anyone with the time/inclination to forage around.

On the one hand, while it is very hard to justify any of the Russian actions, and they have certainly committed war crimes (when has a fighting force ever gone to war without committing war crimes?), the western mainstream media is pumping out biased, lie-based, hysterical propaganda in favour of Ukraine, against Russia.

This, quite clearly, has nothing to do with caring about Ukraine. It is all about a war for control. As some astute observers have observed, US politicians are more than happy to fight (against Russia) to the last (Ukrainian) man.

If any of you are new to how the globalist agenda works, and are wondering how someone can be against the Russian invasion, but also against the anti-Russian narrative of the western media, I have a prime example for you.

I just heard an interview from a guy on the ground in eastern Ukraine (where most people are pro-Russia). He says that rockets were fired by Ukrainian forces yesterday into the city (held by pro-Russian proxies). This guy personally saw the bodies of 10 slaughtered civilians (killed in the rocket attack), and he later heard that 26 had died overall.

In short, he could not confirm if the 26 number was accurate, but he could directly confirm that at least ten had been killed. So, what was the western media response to this Ukrainian war crime? The crime was ignored (unreported) by western media.

Furthermore, Ukrainian authorities actually acknowledged that the incident happened, but pinned the blame on Russia, and the odd western media outlet then regurgitated this version without question (without bothering to ask the question of why Russia would bomb territory which was already controlled by its own side)

While Russia is certainly committing war crimes, so too is (western-backed) Ukraine. But nobody really cares about those ones. War crimes are apparently only bad when carried out by the enemy, but they’re perfectly justifiable when committed by our own side (according to the government/media/military complex).

The truth is far more complex than black and white ‘Us good, them bad’ chest-thumping. The Bible makes clear that we are all bad, and that God intensely hates human pride. It is only through a humble spirit, repentance of one’s own sins, and trust in God, that we can be truly interested in the truth. I am not stating for a moment that I am a guardian of truth myself. But I am fascinated by the truth, and I want to find it, no matter what the topic, or where it may lie. And I thank God for this.

As stated in previous posts, I am anti-war, and this could have all been avoided if both NATO and Russia would have agreed to let Ukraine remain neutral, a bridge between east and west. But neither side was ever going to let that happen.

Just another thing: There has been a lot of talk recently about potential gas attacks and bio-weapons labs in the Ukraine, with both Russia and the USA accusing each other of planning to unleash such weapons in Ukraine, and blame the other side for it. Like with Assad in Syria, Russia has very, very little to gain from using such weapons in Ukraine (in my opinion).

If such an incident happens in the foreseeable future, I would state with high confidence that it would almost certainly be a false flag operation carried out by western black-operations agents. The mainstream media would then predictably pin the blame on Russia (without evidence, as usual), thus greasing the skids for further western escalation in Ukraine.

If anyone would tell me that the Russians are the bad guys in the Ukraine, I would be happy to agree with them if they would also agree that Ukrainian forces and their NATO sponsors are also the bad guys. But, as Christians, I really think we have to resist the media brainwashing, and not look at the world through the secular comic book lens of, ‘Us good, them bad’.

Lastly, the hysterical western propaganda which would have us believe that Ukraine is kicking Russian butt is severely distorting the reality. From what I have read, both sides are fighting hard, and incurring severe losses (while civilian losses are also mounting). For every image of a blown-up Russian helicopter or tank which you see splashed across western media, you can bet there is also at least one blown-up piece of Ukrainian hardware which is deliberately not presented in western media.

For anyone interested in the truth, a balanced picture of what is happening, it is becoming increasingly hard to circumvent the western propaganda. But I have found an article here which you may find interesting. It is from a left-wing, establishment globalist source, who is pro-Ukraine and so on. But at least the writer refrains from being totally driven by hysteria, and offering an assessment of the current situation on the ground.

Link below: ... 5a54h.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:53 am

Hi Friends,

I want to share with you my latest thoughts on the Ukraine-Russia war.

I am not a military expert, but am a well-read guy with an independent mind, and will give you my best summary of the current situation vis-à-vis the war.

Firstly, as an anti-war person, my preference would have been for Ukraine to be left alone. That would mean that it would not have been absorbed/annexed by NATO nor would it have been attacked by Russia. Quite obviously, unfortunately, it was always going to be one or the other.

That aside, here is my best estimate of the current situation:

- Ukraine is obviously a puppet state of the New World Order. Moreover, the Ukrainian government is a powerless proxy of the west. Does this mean that Russia was justified to invade Ukraine? No, not all. It just means that the Ukrainian government is a powerless proxy of the west, as stated.

- The propaganda war is all-encompassing. In the west, mainstream media coverage is highly synchronized, and dissenting opinion is not accepted. Rather than just focussing on the real crimes committed by Russian forces, western media is systematically lying, exaggerating, distorting info, and even ignoring war crimes committed by Ukrainian forces, while totally making things up and maintaining a black-and-white comic book narrative of, ‘Us good, them bad’, i.e. New World Order good, Russia bad.

- Both sides claim to have lost roughly 1,500 of their own combatants up to the present, while claiming to have killed roughly 15,000 combatants from the other side. Both sides are obviously lying through their teeth, and my best estimate would be that approximately several thousand combatants have died on either side. Moreover, civilian deaths may be in the order of 1,000-2,000, but I am only really guessing, based on the various reports I have read.

- In the past, when it came to other wars/major incidents, I endeavoured to look for sources which I viewed as somewhat balanced. However, the propaganda in relation to the Ukraine-Russia war is so intensely widespread (and broadly synchronized), that I have largely given up looking for ‘unbiased sources’. Instead, I try to find some Russian propaganda, then balance it out against the western media propaganda. I have never in my life found the truth so hard to look for, to be perfectly honest with you. There are no doubt some unbiased accounts out there, but it takes a lot of searching to find them. Even looking for pro-Russian propaganda is hard, because a significant element of the western propaganda war has involved banning Russian sources, and even making them very hard to find online.

- Russia is becoming more authoritarian as a result of this war. Protest against the war (in Russia) is cracked down on severely, and if anyone would get too vocal about it in Russia, jail time would be a real possibility. On the other hand, talk of ‘democracy’ in Ukraine is nauseating, and based on fantasy/hypocrisy. The President of Ukraine, a western puppet, has banned opposition parties (from existing), and has placed all Ukrainian media under one umbrella of control, to ensure that there is no dissent. Moreover, those who protest or show dissent in Ukraine (against the Ukrainian government) face a similar fate to those who would protest in Russia against the war. And, as mentioned, while Russia is currently committing significant war crimes in Ukraine, Ukrainian forces are not without blood on their own hands, and have continued to commit war crimes against pro-Russian populations in eastern Ukraine (conveniently ignored by western mainstream media).

- In my view, as western media continually claims that Ukraine is kicking Russian butt, while Russian authorities claim that their military operation against Ukraine is on track, neither side is really winning, and I don’t see how either side could actually win. If Ukraine ultimately outlasts the Russians, they will almost certainly have to part with significant sections of territory in the east (conquered by the Russians), while numerous cities that they managed to hold onto will be at least partially destroyed, essentially in ash and ruins. Yet, such a final scenario would be enough for western media to unanimously claim a ‘Ukrainian victory’.

- On the other hand, if Russia manages to take (and hold onto) significant sections of eastern Ukraine, but is not able to take major cities such as Kiev, they will claim that they never wanted to take Kiev anyway, but had only wanted to put it under pressure while conquering the areas in the east. In this way, they will claim ‘victory’ for themselves, and I’m pretty sure that both sides will claim victory, no matter how this all turns out. This is the nature of the intense propaganda war which is being carried out.

- Foreigners are apparently pouring into the Ukraine to fight for the Ukrainian government, while Russia has said that it is considering recruiting thousands of foreigners from places like Syria, to bolster its own forces in the Ukraine. In my view, this is a fight between Russia and the Ukraine, and I believe that it is totally immoral for anyone to enter another country, take sides, and kill people in a conflict which most human beings (including these foreign fighters themselves) have little to no real understanding of. To my mind, these foreign fighters entering the Ukraine (most of whom, so far, are westerners fighting for Ukraine) are no different to the al-queda jihadists who flock to warzones to carry out their jihad. Sure, these foreign fighters (i.e. mercenaries) flocking to Ukraine to kill Russians might look like non-threatening westerners. They might even talk about ‘helping’ the Ukraine. But they are essentially just the same as a bearded jihadist who likes to behead people. After all, ‘mercenary’ is a dirty word for good reason.

I don’t know what else to tell you. Russian and Ukrainian forces are bleeding each other out, and killing each other in large numbers. There is a massive propaganda war underway, and both sides claim to be winning, and kicking the butt of the other side. The Ukrainian people are no doubt suffering terribly, and many regular people on the street (like you and I) are feeling great sympathy for them.

Please remember that politicians are a totally different breed. They are generally evil, corrupt to the core, narcissistic, psychopathic, and possess a complete disregard for the truth. Moreover, many of them are murderers, demon worshippers, drug addicts and paedophiles.

Let’s not forget that, according to the Bible, the current ruler of the world is Satan. My point is, when you see a politician (regardless of their gender, political party, or country) talking about their concern for the Ukrainian people, it is a virtual certainty that they are lying, and do not have any concern at all for the people of Ukraine at all. Their primary concern is their own narcissistic interests, political career, and desire to build the satanic New World Order kingdom for the coming anti-Christ.

There is probably, and quite miraculously, a decent, well-meaning politician who or there, but they would be as rare as an unbiased news report about the Ukraine-Russia war. Ultimately, the only source of truth is Jesus Himself (and, of course, his father God, as well as the Holy Spirit). Any other source (including myself, of course) is tainted, and imperfect. What separates us Christians from the rest of the world, however, is to acknowledge our own shortcomings, and strive for the truth, rather than openly reject the truth.

That’s all. God bless you, as well as the suffering people of the Ukraine, and Russia. May the Lord bring about an end to this conflict which would involve the least possible amount of bloodshed. And if the warmakers on either side are unwilling to compromise, may the Lord, if it be His will, force them to compromise.

Until next time.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Apr 03, 2022 7:33 am

Hello again All,

I wish to post a lengthy section on Ukraine, but won't today. I am reading heaps on it, trying to sift through western government/media propaganda, balance it out with Russian propaganda, and even see if I can find some relatively balanced reports somewhere between either extreme. It's not an easy task.

My current intention is to do a lengthy post in the coming days. But in the meantime, I recommend a news source named the GrayZone. It is not a Christian site, and is in fact sometimes referred to as 'left-wing'. However, I don't believe that 'left-wing' is an accurate description of the site. The site is generally against the military-industrial complex, sceptical of the covid lockdowns, pro-freedom of speech, and critical of mainstream media. These stances do not sound 'left-wing' to me at all. I think that 'libertarian' would be a better description of the GrayZone.

I do not condone everything on the site, but I recommend it to you on the basis that it is far, far better than mainstream media, and will offer you an alternative perspective to the synchronized hysteria peddled by western government/establishment media. Therefore, if you would like to access info about the Ukraine/Russia war which you would never get from mainstream media, it might be worth your while to check it out.

Lastly, needless to say, I have never been affiliated in any way with GrayZone, nor with any news organization at all for that matter. Link below:
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Wed Apr 06, 2022 3:10 am

Hello Everyone,

As alluded to in the previous post, I wish to share with you my latest thoughts on the Ukraine/Russia war.

I’ve continued to do heaps of reading on it, and attempted to form an overall, balanced perspective (easier said than done), and this is how I think that things are going there at the moment:

Firstly, it’s not going as well for the pro-Ukraine crowd as they would have us believe, but nor is it going as well for the pro-Russia crowd as they would have us believe. On the one hand, quite a chunk of Ukrainian territory in the east has fallen under Russian control, significant parts of numerous towns and cities are in ruins, and many thousands of Ukrainian combatants have died (which, for obvious propaganda reasons, the Ukrainian state and western government/media complex do not admit to). Moreover, vast amounts of Ukrainian military infrastructure/hardware have been destroyed or damaged.

On the other hand, Russian forces have apparently not made the progress they would have initially desired, and in some areas they are clearly bogged down. They have also lost thousands of men, and a lot of military hardware/equipment. My takeaway at this point: Anyone who says at this point that their side of choice appears to be ‘winning’ is really only being parochial.

Before I continue, my usual disclaimer: I have never been to the Ukraine, nor served in the military. I am certainly not a military expert, but consider myself to be very knowledgeable in matters pertaining to the ‘New World Order’, such as government/media propaganda.

There are two very well-known phrases about war which you have no doubt heard. One of these is something about the ‘Fog of War’; the other is, ‘The first casualty of war is the truth’. These sayings are so common, that they have almost become cliches. That aside, they are extremely pertinent.

A recent case in point is the pullback of Russian forces from the area around Kiev. They appear to have redeployed to the eastern sections of Ukraine, which they wish to completely conquer. Pro-Ukrainian sources, including all of the western mainstream media, are saying that it was a victory for Ukraine, i.e. they expelled the Russians from the areas around the capital. Meanwhile, pro-Russian sources will say that the plan at this stage was never to take Kiev, but that having Russian troops stationed there was simply a feint to keep large numbers of Ukrainian troops stationed in the capital, awaiting an attack that was not really going to come yet, and thus keep them away from other theatres of the war.

I really don’t know which version is correct, but believe there may be some intangible grey zone between the claims of either side (but I highlight, I really don’t know). Further to this, you may well have recently seen news reports from a town called Bucha, about 25 km north of Kiev. This was one of the towns occupied by the Russians before they withdrew. The town was then quickly reoccupied/retaken by Ukrainian forces. Quite hysterical allegations are now coming out from Ukrainian authorities, parroted unquestioningly by western media, that Russian forces committed a massacre of civilians there, and left the bodies behind, which were then, according to the claim, found by Ukrainian forces.

This is where I would urge you to be especially careful about what you choose to believe. On the one hand, Russia does indeed have a brutal history (so, too, do the western nations, but that’s a topic for another day). Russia, like the western nations, has a history of committing atrocities against civilians across the course of the various wars it has been involved in. It has also undoubtedly killed many civilians in the Ukraine, since it invaded the nation in late February. Every dead civilian is a war crime, whether the death was ‘accidental’ or not. The Ukraine has also killed pro-Russian civilians over the course of the last several weeks, but that’s also an issue for another day.

My point, however, is that it's quite possible that Russia did indeed carry out the alleged atrocity in Bucha, which it is now being accused of. But there is another side to the story, which any truth seeker simply must be aware of. The Ukraine, before the invasion occurred, was widely considered to be one of the most corrupt nations on earth. It has even figured prominently on official lists of the most corrupt nations on earth. This is not to justify atrocities against its people. On the contrary. I am just pointing out that it is deeply, deeply corrupt, and it would be more than capable of staging a false flag operation to smear the Russians, in order to stoke further international outrage against Russia. Needless to say, the western government/media/military complex is not interested in truth, nor figuring out whether something is true or not. The allegations against Russia vis-à-vis Bucha fit the narrative, so we are now hearing the Ukrainian allegations being parroted in establishment media, even before we could know for sure whether they are true or not.

I am not stating that the alleged massacre in Bucha is a false flag. I just don’t know. But some people wonder whether it might be a false flag operation orchestrated by the notoriously corrupt Ukrainian government, then predictably parroted by a western media which obviously places little value in the truth, and more value on its anti-Russian narrative.

Here is a key point; while Russia, like any other strong country, obviously has a history of committing brutal acts in wartime, the western government/media/military complex also has a proven track record of staging false flag events, then deliberately placing the blame on the wrong people, to whip up outrage against them, and ‘justify’ predetermined action/escalation against the targeted party, which in this case would be Russia.

Recent examples of these false flag attacks have been seen in Syria, when western black-ops agents and western-backed jihadists attacked civilians with chemical weapons (numerous times), which the western government/media then blamed on the Syrian government, to ‘justify’ predetermined action against the Syrian government.

I am not certain that this is what has now happened in the Ukrainian town of Bucha, but it certainly cannot be ruled out. The west has a proven history of doing stuff like this, as stated.

And to highlight (just in one way) how primitive the Ukrainian propaganda can be, they are now claiming to have killed 20,000 Russians since the invasion began only about six weeks ago. This would already be well over the total of Soviet forces lost during their ten-year war in Afghanistan. (throughout the 1980s). It would also be about the same number of Russians lost in the two Chechen wars, which raged from the mid-1990s to about 2010 (with a three-year break between the first and second wars there).

This claim of colossal Russian casualties from the Ukrainian government is over-the-top, unsophisticated propaganda, but is nonetheless repeated unquestioningly by much of the western mainstream media. Moreover, this is just one example of the crazy propaganda which has been pumped out since the invasion began, and these are the same completely unreliable sources which are now telling us about the alleged Russian atrocity in Bucha.

Again, I am not saying that the alleged atrocity didn’t happen, and I’m not saying that the Russians didn’t do it. But I AM saying that it could’ve been a Ukrainian/western false flag operation, carried out to escalate the war. In conclusion, I don’t know what happened there and, again, I would urge you (the truth seeker) to remain openminded, and be highly sceptical of anything that you hear from either side.

After all, the only guaranteed source of truth is God Himself, His son, and His holy word.

That’s all for now. Take care, and I’ll keep posting on the war in Ukraine when I feel there is something to share.

Meanwhile, let’s pray for a speedy end to the fighting, with as little bloodshed as possible, reduced influence of warmongers on either side, and a spirit of compromise across both sides in order to secure some kind of peace.

Lastly, for more info, which includes a look at some of the elements of the Bucha incident that don’t quite add up, thus pointing to a possible false flag operation carried out by Ukraine/the west, check out this half-hour discussion on the topic from The Liberty Report (featuring Ron Paul). It’s titled, ‘Bucha Massacre: War Crime or False Flag?’ Link below:
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Apr 09, 2022 9:08 am

Hi Everyone,

I’m going to continue to try to make this forum a place to go to for those seeking a balanced perspective on the Russia/Ukraine war.

Just like anyone else, I make mistakes and have my own biases. But I give you my word that I will try to offer balanced thoughts on the war, and will seek to post articles (or even videos or podcasts, if I come across any) which offer a balanced, or even somewhat balanced perspective.

As noted in previous posts, the western mainstream media is not interested in balance or truth. That said, I am sure that Russian media is equally biased. However, so hysterical is the western propaganda (and so disinterested in freedom of speech, or freedom of thought), that numerous Russian outlets have been banned from broadcasting/publishing across western countries.

While the Russian invasion of Ukraine is evil, so too is the western propaganda machine, which is all about the narrative, and absolutely scornful of the truth whenever the truth does not support the narrative. This general approach involves (but is not limited to) deliberately lying about casualty figures (military casualty figures from either side, and civilian casualties), distorting or even completely making up stories (for consumption by western audiences) to further the overall narrative, trivialising and also ignoring war crimes committed by Ukrainian forces, etc.

The result of this lie-based approach is multi-faceted; impressionable troublemakers from around the world, but particularly from the western countries, are incited into becoming mercenaries and entering a foreign land where they hope to kill strangers for reasons which they don’t understand themselves. Moreover, rather than admitting the obvious fact that there is currently something of a military stalemate, there is a hysterical consensus around the fake narrative that it is all one-way traffic in the war, with the Ukrainian forces sensationally kicking Russian butt in what is portrayed as a one-sided rout.

The obvious result of this is that the war will be prolonged, more combatants killed on both sides, more civilians killed by both sides (though, to be honest, Russia currently appears to be killing more civilians than the Ukraine), increasing war crimes committed by both sides, and so on.

The only real winners are the murderous, duplicitous, self-righteous politicians across the world with their crocodile tears over Ukrainian civilians, as well as the war loving mainstream media, and, of course, the weapons manufacturers who must be currently doing brilliant business.

As long as this war lasts (unlike the mainstream media, I will hope it somehow ends sooner rather than later), I will endeavour to make regular posts which offer you the chance to read a balanced perspective. Sometimes I will write you a lengthy post of my own musings, based on what I’ve been reading. But at other times, when I don’t have as much time, I may just post you a news item which I have checked out myself, and believe will offer you a bit of balanced info vis-à-vis Ukraine/Russia.

I believe I already have something for you today, a good little article from an outlet which I haven’t heard of before, called the ‘Morning Star’. The article is titled, ‘Ukraine wrapped ever tighter in the fog of war’. The caption under the title reads, ‘Putin's disastrous propaganda performance in the West is inversely mirrored by its widespread success at home — this gap is testament also to the power of our own uncritically pro-Nato media. NICK WRIGHT attempts to chart a course‘.

Link below: ... er-fog-war
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Apr 11, 2022 1:20 am

Hi Again,

I have read a new, good, balanced article on the military situation in Ukraine. It is centred on what appears to be a looming, large-scale battle in eastern Ukraine which could well be crucial to the final outcome of the whole war.

The article is not parochial, and admits to setbacks suffered so far by BOTH Russian and Ukrainian forces. Now, both sides seem to be bracing themselves for a huge, probably prolonged battle around the Donbas area in the east.

Strategic analysis is offered in the piece, which outlines what Russian forces will be trying to do, and what Ukrainian forces will be trying to do, and prospects of success for either. Potential difficulties for both sides, and potential advantages, are also outlined.

The writer pointed out that a great deal is at stake for both sides, with much riding on the eventual outcome of this looming battle in the east. The conclusion of the text points out that, no matter who is seen to ‘win’ at the end of this battle, both sides will lose massive amounts of men and equipment, with civilians also paying a heavy price.

It will be a grinding, horrible battle of attrition, as pointed out by the writer. I recommend that you read it. Link below: ... ines-fate/
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Wed Apr 13, 2022 2:49 am

Hello Again,

I have a 25-minute video to post for you. It is from Christian news site, ‘The Trumpet’. The video is titled, ‘Putin remembers Yugoslavia (2022)’. I have just watched it, and you may find it interesting.

Before I give you my brief summary, a disclaimer: The Trumpet delves heavily into Bible prophecy, and I think it is well worth a read. But this doesn’t mean I condone everything it says, or agree with everything. One example which I do not necessarily buy into is the claim in this video that Germany is pulling all of the strings behind NATO, the EU, etc.

The Trumpet sees a major role for Germany in Bible prophecy, and claims that German desires for world supremacy have not died since World War 2, but rather just went underground for a while. As stated, while Germany is undoubtedly the most important country in the EU, and may well play a major role in the end times as the driver of the Beast Empire, I don’t necessarily agree with the level of focus given to Germany by The Trumpet.

That aside, I still think that The Trumpet is a good source, and the video I will post today offers a spiritual dimension to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The video points out that Putin draws a direct connection between his invasion of Ukraine, and the US/NATO led destruction of Yugoslavia in the 1990s.

As pointed out in the video, this is not to excuse Putin in the slightest. What he is doing in the Ukraine is monstrous, without question. BUT, so too was the action taken by the US/NATO in Yugoslavia during the 1990s. The speaker in the video, who is absolutely no fan of Putin, and often tends to be rather pro-US, is honest enough to draw the conclusion that what Russia is doing now in the Ukraine is NO WORSE than what was done by the US/NATO in Yugoslavia.

Moreover, there are many similarities between both conflicts, and the excuses given by both the US/NATO back then, and Russia now, to wage their wars. Even Putin seems to draw similarities between what he is doing now, and what was done in the 1990s by his adversaries. According to the video, Putin has taken an approach along the lines of the following: ‘If it’s good enough for you (US/NATO), then it’s good enough for me’.

Again, as I have stressed in previous posts, I urge everyone to take a wholistic view of such things. DO NOT allow your views to be driven by the mob, by mainstream media, etc. Develop your critical thinking skills, and cherish the independent mind which has been given to you by God. The mainstream media will tell us that US/NATO war crimes are good, but Russian war crimes are bad.

The sincere truth seeker knows that Russian war crimes are terrible, but that US/NATO war crimes are equally evil, and that neither side has any moral foundation to criticize the other.

Remember, the only true source of truth and virtue is God, His son, spirit and holy Word. Unless a mortal person is speaking righteous judgement on direct behalf of God, no-one has any moral authority to condemn others.

A Bible verse that comes to mind at this point is Matthew 7: 4-5: ‘How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ while there is still a beam in your own eye? You hypocrite! First take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.‘

Link to the video is below: ... lavia-2022
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Apr 16, 2022 9:47 am

Hello again,

It continues to be totally frustrating to search for truths about what is really happening on the ground in Ukraine, as well as in the background.

The western pro-Ukraine propaganda is way, way over the top, lacking any semblance of subtlety. Yet, while pro-Russian propaganda clearly appears to be more sophisticated (i.e. at least admitting setbacks, and that its own soldiers are dying, etc), I still get the overall impression that pro-Russian propaganda is ultimately not much better than the pro-Ukraine propaganda so prevalent in the west.

My reading, and viewing of various sources (both pro-Ukraine and pro-Russian propaganda, as well as those rare sources which attempt to be somewhat balanced) continues to tell me that the war is not going well for the Ukraine, nor for Russia. Ukraine has already lost a couple of thousand civilians and probably 5,000-10,000 military forces, while Russia has also lost 5,000-10,000 military forces (these are my rough estimates based on everything I have read/seen/heard, though, of course, I am just as clueless as anyone else). Moreover, Ukrainian infrastructure, particularly in the east, is copping a hammering.

The latest exhibit re: the information/propaganda war is the Russian battleship ‘Moskva’, which was sunk a day or two ago. It sunk in the Black Sea, about 100km off the coast. Ukraine says its own missiles sunk the ship (fired from the coast), while Russia says that a fire on board, and resultant detonation of ammo stocks, caused the sinking. Ukraine says that the ship was sunk almost immediately, with all 500 on board killed, while Russia says that the ship took quite a while to sink, and that most if not all of the crew were safely evacuated to other ships. Moreover, Russia claims that the ship only sunk after a failed attempt to tow it back to a port.

The hidden element here is NATO, and some commentators suspect that the ship was attacked by NATO operatives on a covert level, with responsibility then attributed in western media to Ukrainian forces. From what I have read/heard/seen, Ukraine is swarming with NATO/western operatives in the form of spies, intelligence agents, special forces, black ops elements, mercenaries, etc. It’s also no secret that NATO is pouring vast swathes of high-tech weaponry into Ukraine, to be used against the Russians.

One thing that is very clear is that this is not only a Ukraine v Russia war; it’s clearly a NATO v Russia war, with the west able to use Ukrainians as the cannon fodder. Ukraine and Russia are both clearly the losers of this war, while the winners are the usual sinister suspects; the military-industrial complex (particularly the weapons manufacturers), western mainstream media, western politicians, etc, all of whom can enjoy the carnage from afar, while crying crocodile tears and claiming that it’s about their ‘concern’ for Ukraine.

I don’t know the truth about the Russian warship that was sunk, but I believe it was probably a joint Ukraine/NATO operation, and it’s likely that some of the personnel on board were killed (but I have no idea how big the number really was, with both the Ukraine claim of ‘All killed’ and Russian claim of ‘None killed’ equally preposterous).

Recently I have found myself thinking about propaganda, as in the concept itself, and what Jesus would think of it. For us flawed mortal humans, it is easy to understand the practical use of propaganda, i.e. it is a weapon of war designed to paint ‘Us’ as ‘Good’ and ‘Them’ as ‘Bad’. It certainly can play a major role in the business of ‘Winning’ and ‘Losing’ but, if we strip it all away to its core, propaganda is essentially nothing more than lying. When all is said and done, propaganda is sin. It doesn’t matter who does it, whether its sophisticated or not, or whether it may be perceived by some to serve a greater good. Propaganda is lying, and lying is sin. Am I wrong?

Firstly, in an ideal Christian world there would be no war, and Russia would not have invaded the Ukraine. But two wrongs do not make a right, to coin a phrase, and I believe that Jesus would not condone this war, but nor the propaganda (from any side).

There are so many Bible verses that talk about truth, equating God to pure truth and reminding us that, unlike us flawed mortal humans, there is literally NO DECEIT in God. He is pure truth. One verse that comes to mind is John 14:6- ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me’. (Spoken by Jesus Himself).

Thus, how could Jesus possibly endorse any kind of propaganda? He simply couldn’t, as there is no deceit in Him. While I, myself, am certainly not perfect, and am aware that there is deceit in my soul just like with anyone else (besides Jesus), I am very disturbed at the blinding, radioactive propaganda surrounding this war in the Ukraine. I’m sure it is equally bad in Russia, but as someone who lives in the west, I am mainly being bombarded with the western, pro-Ukraine propaganda on a daily basis, and I find it to be absolutely appalling and completely contemptuous of the truth (regardless of what side you may take in the war, if any, and regardless if, like me, you oppose this invasion).

All of that aside, I have come across more and more talk of a looming, largescale battle in the Donbass region (eastern Ukraine). I have a recent article to share with you (a few days old now). It’s titled, ‘Russia bets on quantity of troops over quality for Donbas assault, but Mariupol is still tying up resources’. The caption under the title says, ‘Experts say Russian forces are regrouping in Kharkiv to reinforce Izyum south-east of the city. When the troops arrive, the ISW said it expects them to advance south to seize Slovyansk’.

It's from a news outlet I haven’t heard of before called ‘i-news’. I don’t know much about it, but this particular article seems to be a very even-handed attempt at outlining the lead-up to, and potential development of the looming battle in the Donbass region, with tactical analysis, discussion of troop movements, etc. It’s a short, but well-written piece and you could be through it in five minutes. Link below: ... es-1573939
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Apr 18, 2022 6:24 am

Hi again,

I’ve come across another good, relatively balanced outline of the current situation in the Ukraine war, and looming (major) battle in the Donbas region (eastern Ukraine). It is titled, ‘The battle for Donbas will be a tough fight for Ukraine’.

The writer comes across as pro-Ukraine, but still endeavours to give the reader a fair, meaningful analysis. Here is my brief summary of the article:

- Russian forces suffered clear setbacks around Kiev, but this does not necessarily mean that the looming battle in Donbas will mirror what happened around Kiev (reasons are given).

- Western pro-Ukraine elements are possibly over-confident at how the whole war might play out.

- There is likely going to be a grinding war of attrition in the Donbas region, with implications for the broader war. According to the writer, Russia will be aiming to grind the Ukrainians down and prevail through weight of numbers, equipment and so on, while the Ukrainians will be trying to make the battle as bloody as possible for Russia, which would presumably force an eventual withdrawal.

- The geography/topography in the Donbas region is obviously different to Kiev, and will be more favourable to the Russians.

- The Russian withdrawal from the Kiev area was likely not part of a feint, but more likely born out of a realization that initial plans to take Kiev were unrealistic, and would need to be shelved. These forces have been moved out, and many of them will be used in the Donbas offensive.

- Russia has done a lot of preparation for the kind of warfare which will be waged around Donbas. While Russian success in this looming battle is far from guaranteed, its initial failure around Kiev is also not a guarantee that it will fail in Donbas.

- The general logistics of the operation for Russian forces will be far easier to maintain in the Donbass theatre, than they were around Kiev.

- Ukrainian forces may well have greater struggles with logistics in the Donbass region than Russian forces, due to geography. They will also have to significantly adjust tactics in Donbas to take on Russian forces.

- Russian airstrikes are taking a significant toll on the capabilities of Ukrainian forces re: logistics/supplies.

- Western media is full of stories about Russian losses and setbacks but, as stated by the writer, despite a news blackout on Ukrainian losses and setbacks, these have also been substantial and quite possibly are more-or-less equal to Russian losses and setbacks. If the war of attrition plays out, this could work against the Ukraine, which has less manpower and equipment to draw on (unmentioned in the article, however, is the copious amounts of weapons and munitions poured into the Ukraine by NATO, and many thousands of NATO mercenaries, intelligences agents, special forces, black ops, etc).

- While Ukrainian forces stationed in the east have gained experience from the low-level civil war since 2014 in the Donbas region, this is different to the high-intensity, conventional warfare which is apparently about to commence in that part of the country.

- The author then gives an outline of how the battle in the Donbas might play out. He outlines potential strategies and tactics which may be used, particularly by the Russians, noting that tens of thousands of Ukrainian forces there may end up besieged.

- He draws a parallel to the port city of Mariupol, which you may have heard about. It has been the scene of the war’s heaviest fighting to date, and has left much of the city destroyed, but apparently on the verge of being taken by the Russians (they have already taken much of it, but several hundred, perhaps even a few thousand Ukrainian forces and mercenary allies are holed up in a large steel plant which is up to 9 square km in size).

- The author tends to think the advantage in the coming battle is with Russia (then again, nothing is certain, especially in war), and that the Ukrainian government and people ought to weight the costs of resistance with the costs of capitulation. What the author doesn’t mention here is that the Ukraine is a proxy state of the west, and likely has no say in whatever course will be mapped out vis-à-vis this conflict with Russia.

That’s all. I provided this summary just in case you don’t feel inclined to read the article. But if you do wish to read it, link below. Lastly, while it’s hard to see this war ending any time soon, we shouldn’t let this dissuade us from praying on it. ... r-ukraine/
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun May 01, 2022 7:55 am

Hello again to All,

Haven't had time to give you an update for a couple of weeks. Today, I refer you to an interview between Michael Savage (on his podcast) and Rebekah Koffler, a person with a Russian background but also with significant ties to US intelligence.

Koffler does not come across as a partisan for one side or the other, and does not seem to be particularly fond of either side (neither NATO/Ukraine nor Russia) in this conflict. This places her in a good position to be able to offer you some insight into the broader picture of what's really going on, and how it may all play out, as opposed to the comic-book ('Us good, them bad') nonsense peddled by the mainstream media.

The interview was pubslished about a week ago, and the show goes for about an hour. I realize that this is a pretty big time commitment for any busy person so, if you are interested to know about what's really happening vis-a-vis Ukraine and Russia, but don't have time to sit down and listen, I suggest that you multi-task, i.e. listen to it if as you go to sleep, or as you're cleaning the house, or going to work, etc.

I have listened to it all but won't summarize, as it's way too long. God bless you and have a peaceful/productive week. Link below: ... -end-game/
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