Christianity Oasis Forum
Re: Beast Empire
Hi Everyone,
This post is all going to be off the top of my head, based on all I’ve recently watched/heard/seen.
Firstly, things can change really quickly. The last 18-24 months have taught us that.
Never, ever, ever put your trust in any politician. The vast majority of them, almost without exception, regardless the ‘side of politics’ or ‘party, are deeply corrupt and immoral.
Yes, we are all fallen. No doubt. But, in my opinion, the vast majority of people, including many Christians, have this false idea that politicians are generally trustworthy, and care about us. Very dangerous to think this way.
The mainstream media is total filth. Total, total filth. It is your enemy.
Government-paid scientists are, by their very definition, corrupt. Everything that comes into connection with government is corrupt. The vast majority of people regard government-paid scientists with great regard. Indeed, government-paid scientists are the high priests of our age.
If the government/media/government-dominated scientific community all decided that 2 plus 2 equals 5, the bulk of the world’s population would accept it, and hate anyone who insisted that 2 plus 2 equals 4.
The anti-Christ has not yet arrived on the scene. There is still (at least) a little bit of time left before he reveals himself. But meanwhile, the spirit of the anti-Christ is working feverishly across the globe to prepare the way for his own arrival in the form of a man.
In Germany, the mantra throughout the entire era of covid/shutdowns up until about a fortnight ago was that, ‘Vaccination MUST stay voluntary.’ Out of nowhere, the whole pendulum has swung, and the calls from government/media/government-paid scientists, etc, have coalesced into a fever pitch, with a united, hyperventilating call for, ‘Mandatory vaccination for everyone.’
In typical, lying fashion, these same corrupt people, who once said, ‘Vaccination MUST be voluntary,’ are now deflecting blame away from their own lies. Rather than admit that they lied, they are saying, ‘Well, it wasn’t a lie at the time I said it, but circumstances have now changed.’
Consider this: If I was to cheat on my wife, then she were to find out and then accuse me of lying when I said in my marriage vows that I vowed to be faithful to her, would it not mean that I lied when I initially made my marriage vows? Or would my adultery be acceptable because, at the time that I made my marriage vows, I (temporarily) believed what I was saying? It’s a rhetorical question. It obviously means that I would've lied from the outset (not picking on anyone here who has been immoral at one time or another, as we have all been immoral, including myself)
Mandatory vaccinations are coming to Austria as of Feb. 2022. Germany might well order the same approach around the same time, or a bit later. Those who refuse to comply could initially face fines of several thousand Euros, or even a stint in jail if they continually refuse to comply.
Ultimately, make no mistake about it, the human authorities of the New World Order also want to force the vaccines onto the kids, even though kids face virtually NO DANGER AT ALL from the virus.
I have thoroughly researched the ‘globalist elites’, the apparent leaders of the New World Order. These are not just run-of-the-mill corrupt politicians. Paedophilia, drug addiction, the occult, devil worship, human trafficking (including of kids for sexual abuse, even worse) are all prevalent activities among the high-up people running our world.
Moreover, these are the same people forcing the vaccines onto the world’s population. The vaccines are currently not the Mark of the Beast, but there is something very, very sinister going on.
Everyone would be well-advised to seek God’s counsel and deal with the current situation as would be in their own best interests. As for me, I am not going to take an MRNA under any circumstances, nor will my child. I will wait for an inactivated virus vaccine to come onto the market (a more traditional, less dodgy type) and then weight it up. There should be some on the market in the first half of 2022.
But even if I take such a vaccine (as someone currently unvaccinated, I am already locked out of most public places except for basic shops, though I praise God that I am still allowed to work at the moment), I must then bear in mind that I would have already taken a step in the direction of the Mark of the Beast. After all, if I cannot reject taking a vaccine, how will I reject the mark itself, if it is indeed mandated by the anti-Christ in my lifetime?
No, the vaccines are not the mark, but, as Christians, they are a very chilling warning sign of what may be in store down the track, maybe even in our lifetimes, or even in the near future. We must draw a line in the sand somewhere, a clear line which we are not going to cross under any circumstances. I myself may well take a vaccine, given that it is almost certainly not the Mark of the Beast. But for me, under no circumstances will I ever take a microchip, or any kind of mark that could be administered on the forearm, or forehead.
Therefore, if you have already taken the covid-19 vaccine, do not fret. But I strongly urge you to draw that line in the sand. Prepare yourselves (spiritually and physically) for the day when you might well be completely cut off from society; no job, no buying or selling, etc, if you refuse to conform to the evil human authorities running our world.
The anti-Christ, the evil man himself, is not yet on the scene, and other factors mentioned in Bible prophecy need to play out first before the literal mark itself is mandated. Therefore, I believe that we probably still have at least a few years before the mark is mandated (maybe even more than a few years, only The Lord knows). This is precious time, as we are commanded by The Lord to reject the Mark of the Beast at all costs. Eternal life in paradise with Jesus is our reward for rejecting the mark, eternal damnation the cost of accepting the mark.
But now is the time to prepare spiritually. Draw nearer and nearer to God. Constantly seek His counsel. It is also a good idea to prepare physically. It might well be time now to prepare for the day when we are cut off from society altogether. Start to plan for that day. Do you have an isolated refuge you can get to? A place in the wilderness, perhaps? Can you start to store non-perishable food supplies, and other necessary items, in a safe place? Do you know a safe, accessible water source?
Maybe I will talk more on this another day. As I may have mentioned in a previous post, I also have a fantastic article that I wish to share with you. But not today.
Lastly, you may have heard about a ‘New variant’ of covid-19 which has suddenly exploded, originally (allegedly) from South Africa. Media coverage about this ‘New variant’ is already blanket wall-to-wall, and hysterical. I don’t know for sure, as I only have the limited knowledge which God has allowed me to have. But from someone who has spent a great amount of time looking into the globalist agenda, I can offer you my gut feeling about this ‘New variant’.
And my gut feeling is that this ‘New variant’ is completely fake, pre-planned and invented. Within a day of anyone knowing about it, the UN already had a name for this ‘New variant’. Meanwhile, people like the Prime Minister of Belgium were already giving ‘facts’ about this ‘New variant,’ as if they are experts. The authorities in South Africa, meanwhile, have been incredulously stating that they don’t know what all the international fuss is about, and maintaining that this ‘New variant’ is no more serious than previous strains of covid-19.
I have never denied that there is a real virus. There is. And it is a little bit worse than the common flu (which can also kill people, let’s not forget). Moreover, corona is possibly more contagious than the flu. But who would know? Certainly not corrupt, government-paid scientists.
But this ‘New variant,’ in my honest opinion, is fake. Meanwhile, the whole era of covid/shutdowns, etc, is given yet another burst of momentum to power on into the future.
That is all for today. If you’ve read this far, thanks for making it to the end, and hopefully you have gotten something out of what I had to say.
Overall, though, while I consider myself as a person of above-average intelligence (everyone would like to think of themselves as having ‘above-average intelligence', wouldn’t they?), I urge you again to ask God for all of the knowledge you need. After all, He is ultimately the only source of pure knowledge.
God bless you, and until next time.
This post is all going to be off the top of my head, based on all I’ve recently watched/heard/seen.
Firstly, things can change really quickly. The last 18-24 months have taught us that.
Never, ever, ever put your trust in any politician. The vast majority of them, almost without exception, regardless the ‘side of politics’ or ‘party, are deeply corrupt and immoral.
Yes, we are all fallen. No doubt. But, in my opinion, the vast majority of people, including many Christians, have this false idea that politicians are generally trustworthy, and care about us. Very dangerous to think this way.
The mainstream media is total filth. Total, total filth. It is your enemy.
Government-paid scientists are, by their very definition, corrupt. Everything that comes into connection with government is corrupt. The vast majority of people regard government-paid scientists with great regard. Indeed, government-paid scientists are the high priests of our age.
If the government/media/government-dominated scientific community all decided that 2 plus 2 equals 5, the bulk of the world’s population would accept it, and hate anyone who insisted that 2 plus 2 equals 4.
The anti-Christ has not yet arrived on the scene. There is still (at least) a little bit of time left before he reveals himself. But meanwhile, the spirit of the anti-Christ is working feverishly across the globe to prepare the way for his own arrival in the form of a man.
In Germany, the mantra throughout the entire era of covid/shutdowns up until about a fortnight ago was that, ‘Vaccination MUST stay voluntary.’ Out of nowhere, the whole pendulum has swung, and the calls from government/media/government-paid scientists, etc, have coalesced into a fever pitch, with a united, hyperventilating call for, ‘Mandatory vaccination for everyone.’
In typical, lying fashion, these same corrupt people, who once said, ‘Vaccination MUST be voluntary,’ are now deflecting blame away from their own lies. Rather than admit that they lied, they are saying, ‘Well, it wasn’t a lie at the time I said it, but circumstances have now changed.’
Consider this: If I was to cheat on my wife, then she were to find out and then accuse me of lying when I said in my marriage vows that I vowed to be faithful to her, would it not mean that I lied when I initially made my marriage vows? Or would my adultery be acceptable because, at the time that I made my marriage vows, I (temporarily) believed what I was saying? It’s a rhetorical question. It obviously means that I would've lied from the outset (not picking on anyone here who has been immoral at one time or another, as we have all been immoral, including myself)
Mandatory vaccinations are coming to Austria as of Feb. 2022. Germany might well order the same approach around the same time, or a bit later. Those who refuse to comply could initially face fines of several thousand Euros, or even a stint in jail if they continually refuse to comply.
Ultimately, make no mistake about it, the human authorities of the New World Order also want to force the vaccines onto the kids, even though kids face virtually NO DANGER AT ALL from the virus.
I have thoroughly researched the ‘globalist elites’, the apparent leaders of the New World Order. These are not just run-of-the-mill corrupt politicians. Paedophilia, drug addiction, the occult, devil worship, human trafficking (including of kids for sexual abuse, even worse) are all prevalent activities among the high-up people running our world.
Moreover, these are the same people forcing the vaccines onto the world’s population. The vaccines are currently not the Mark of the Beast, but there is something very, very sinister going on.
Everyone would be well-advised to seek God’s counsel and deal with the current situation as would be in their own best interests. As for me, I am not going to take an MRNA under any circumstances, nor will my child. I will wait for an inactivated virus vaccine to come onto the market (a more traditional, less dodgy type) and then weight it up. There should be some on the market in the first half of 2022.
But even if I take such a vaccine (as someone currently unvaccinated, I am already locked out of most public places except for basic shops, though I praise God that I am still allowed to work at the moment), I must then bear in mind that I would have already taken a step in the direction of the Mark of the Beast. After all, if I cannot reject taking a vaccine, how will I reject the mark itself, if it is indeed mandated by the anti-Christ in my lifetime?
No, the vaccines are not the mark, but, as Christians, they are a very chilling warning sign of what may be in store down the track, maybe even in our lifetimes, or even in the near future. We must draw a line in the sand somewhere, a clear line which we are not going to cross under any circumstances. I myself may well take a vaccine, given that it is almost certainly not the Mark of the Beast. But for me, under no circumstances will I ever take a microchip, or any kind of mark that could be administered on the forearm, or forehead.
Therefore, if you have already taken the covid-19 vaccine, do not fret. But I strongly urge you to draw that line in the sand. Prepare yourselves (spiritually and physically) for the day when you might well be completely cut off from society; no job, no buying or selling, etc, if you refuse to conform to the evil human authorities running our world.
The anti-Christ, the evil man himself, is not yet on the scene, and other factors mentioned in Bible prophecy need to play out first before the literal mark itself is mandated. Therefore, I believe that we probably still have at least a few years before the mark is mandated (maybe even more than a few years, only The Lord knows). This is precious time, as we are commanded by The Lord to reject the Mark of the Beast at all costs. Eternal life in paradise with Jesus is our reward for rejecting the mark, eternal damnation the cost of accepting the mark.
But now is the time to prepare spiritually. Draw nearer and nearer to God. Constantly seek His counsel. It is also a good idea to prepare physically. It might well be time now to prepare for the day when we are cut off from society altogether. Start to plan for that day. Do you have an isolated refuge you can get to? A place in the wilderness, perhaps? Can you start to store non-perishable food supplies, and other necessary items, in a safe place? Do you know a safe, accessible water source?
Maybe I will talk more on this another day. As I may have mentioned in a previous post, I also have a fantastic article that I wish to share with you. But not today.
Lastly, you may have heard about a ‘New variant’ of covid-19 which has suddenly exploded, originally (allegedly) from South Africa. Media coverage about this ‘New variant’ is already blanket wall-to-wall, and hysterical. I don’t know for sure, as I only have the limited knowledge which God has allowed me to have. But from someone who has spent a great amount of time looking into the globalist agenda, I can offer you my gut feeling about this ‘New variant’.
And my gut feeling is that this ‘New variant’ is completely fake, pre-planned and invented. Within a day of anyone knowing about it, the UN already had a name for this ‘New variant’. Meanwhile, people like the Prime Minister of Belgium were already giving ‘facts’ about this ‘New variant,’ as if they are experts. The authorities in South Africa, meanwhile, have been incredulously stating that they don’t know what all the international fuss is about, and maintaining that this ‘New variant’ is no more serious than previous strains of covid-19.
I have never denied that there is a real virus. There is. And it is a little bit worse than the common flu (which can also kill people, let’s not forget). Moreover, corona is possibly more contagious than the flu. But who would know? Certainly not corrupt, government-paid scientists.
But this ‘New variant,’ in my honest opinion, is fake. Meanwhile, the whole era of covid/shutdowns, etc, is given yet another burst of momentum to power on into the future.
That is all for today. If you’ve read this far, thanks for making it to the end, and hopefully you have gotten something out of what I had to say.
Overall, though, while I consider myself as a person of above-average intelligence (everyone would like to think of themselves as having ‘above-average intelligence', wouldn’t they?), I urge you again to ask God for all of the knowledge you need. After all, He is ultimately the only source of pure knowledge.
God bless you, and until next time.
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hi Friends,
I wish to give you an update from Germany, where the mask has slipped and the authoritarian nature of the state has well-and-truly begun to show its true colours.
The ‘infection numbers’ are off the charts, though (unmentioned by the government-media complex) the vast majority of these infections involve very mild cold-like symptoms, and in many cases no symptoms at all.
The hysteria here is incredible, and the unvaccinated are all-but shut out of public life. The ‘2G’ rule is now in-place nationwide, meaning that only Vaccinated or Officially Recovered (from the virus) can participate. Only essential stores, such as supermarkets, bakeries, allow in the unvaccinated. Official stickers on storefronts forbid the unvaccinated from entering.
The unvaccinated can currently work, but only with daily tests (in front of a witness). Moreover, a blanket vaccine-mandate is set to come in from February/March (2022), meaning that unvaccinated will not be allowed to work anywhere, and will also be faced with either multi-thousand-euro fines, or a stint in prison.
The whole mood has changed here over the last month, and the general public has been whipped up into a frenzy of aggression against the unvaccinated. The government/media complex has whipped up this frenzy.
I do not believe that the final target of the anti-Christ system will be simply the unvaccinated. It will be anyone who dares to dissent, particularly Christians. A lot of genuine Christians have already taken these vaccines, and the vaccines are (currently) not the Mark of the Beast.
But I can tell you one thing- there are some eerie parallels here. No, the unvaccinated in Germany are currently nowhere near the predicament experienced by European Jews (among other minorities) in the 1940s. The holocaust was launched in 1941.
But Hitler rose to power in around 1933. It took an eight-year build-up to get to the point of exterminating people deemed as an ‘enemy of the state’. I don’t care if anyone gets on their high horse with what I’m about to say, or feels all indignant and self-righteous. I am telling you now that there ARE CERTAINLY PARALLELS between mid-1930s Germany (and its treatment of Jews and other people deemed as an ‘enemy of the state’) with the Germany that is here-and-now (as I type these words).
Please note again; there are CURRENTLY NO PARALLELS between 1940s Germany/Europe and the treatment of Jews and others, compared with the unvaccinated of today. One was a holocaust, and the other (the situation today) is a systematic campaign of oppression, bullying, and the like. I would much rather the oppression and bullying, than to be exterminated.
But again, THERE ARE PARALLELS between mid-1930s Germany, and the Germany of today. Remember, it took the system (under Hitler) eight years to build up to the holocaust. Before that time, there was a systematic escalation of harassment, oppression, bullying, etc. It would have started off somewhat mildly, and built up, gotten worse and worse, and so on. Many Jews and others would have hoped that at some time it would relent or run out of puff, but in hindsight we know it didn’t.
One of the most vivid images from archival footage is of German businesses from the time, with signs upon their businesses which made it clear that Jews were not welcome inside. I presume that such signs would have been prevalent in the mid-1930s, when the Jews were being oppressed, side-lined, pushed into a corner, etc, before the systematic campaign of mass murder was ultimately launched.
And yes, as I walked along a row of shops yesterday, and noticed that they all had the signs out front barring the unvaccinated from entering, it was not hard to make a connection to the archival footage of the old shops that I just mentioned.
There are some differences, however. The Jews and other persecuted people at the time had no immediate ‘Get out of jail card’. The unvaccinated, however, do have a temporary reprieve, if they would choose to take it. That is, of course, to take a vaccine, but there’s more than one catch to this, as well.
The vaccines have officially killed many tens of thousands of people over the last year. There are obvious health risks with taking them, especially those of the MRNA variety. The other catch is this: while the vaccines are currently not the Mark of the Beast, by simply taking one, we have allowed ourselves to be bullied by the state into taking one, in order to save ourselves from being punished if we were to refuse.
Thus, we’ve allowed ourselves to be conditioned, a little step closer, into taking the Mark of the Beast, should we still be alive when the anti-Christ arrives on the scene. The vaccines are currently not the Mark of the Beast, but where do we draw the line? At what point do we refuse to co-operate with the state, and bear the full consequences?
I don’t know. I will probably end up taking an inactivated virus vaccine (a more traditional type), but the line in the sand is a microchip, or anything else which would represent a ‘mark’ on the forearm or forehead. I will take a bullet before they microchip me.
And this is not useless bravado. I’m certainly not a tough guy, and am already feeling very anxious about the situation as it is. I will probably take a vaccine to save myself from a stint in prison, but there HAS TO be a line in the sand somewhere, no matter the consequences.
Something else re: the comparison between 1930s Germany/Europe to the Germany/Europe of today. Back then, there were friendly countries who the persecuted could seek refuge in, if they were able/insightful enough to see the storm clouds on the horizon, and get out early.
Today, in this globalized world which is being prepared for the literal arrival of the anti-Christ, where can you go? The tentacles are everywhere, all over the planet, and they are tightening. The anti-Christ might still be 100 years off, but I’d be just as confident that he might be only 1 year off.
Take it from me: Until recently, I sat out much of the whole corona hysteria thinking, ‘I haven’t got it so bad here in Germany. A lot of places are far more evil/draconian.’
My friends, that all changed inside of the last month. If you are enjoying relative peace/security wherever you are right now, God bless you, and good for you. But take it from me, this can change very quickly. Let me rephrase. It WILL change one day, and maybe very quickly.
I do not foresee a genocide specifically against the unvaccinated playing out. I think the severe pressure on the unvaxxed is only a sinister stepping stone on the way to somewhere else. At the moment they are the main dissenters against the globalist system, and they are in the gun. But soon, the definition of ‘dissenter’ could alter, or broaden, etc.
In recent posts I have alluded to an article, and I will post it here. It’s a summary of a brilliant analysis from a certain professor, which goes a long way to explaining the dramatic changes suffered by our world (and mankind) since early 2020.
This will explain many things to you, such as; why the people of Germany could have enabled and supported the rise of Hitler; why the people of Germany (and much of the world) are now behaving similarly to the people of 1930s Germany; why you might have encountered angry, aggressive reactions from people who are incensed that you would dare to have a different opinion to them (which had been initially spoon-fed to them by the government/media complex), why you feel uneasy about what’s going on while most around you think that it’s all above board, etc.
It is not an emotional analysis, but a rational, data-driven one. Terms such as ‘Mass hypnosis’, ‘Cult members’ and ‘Mass formation’ are outlined, and applied to the general public re: covid.
You could cover this little article in under 5 minutes, and I really urge you to do so.
God bless. Stay strong, and get closer to Jesus.
Link below: ... disturbed/
I wish to give you an update from Germany, where the mask has slipped and the authoritarian nature of the state has well-and-truly begun to show its true colours.
The ‘infection numbers’ are off the charts, though (unmentioned by the government-media complex) the vast majority of these infections involve very mild cold-like symptoms, and in many cases no symptoms at all.
The hysteria here is incredible, and the unvaccinated are all-but shut out of public life. The ‘2G’ rule is now in-place nationwide, meaning that only Vaccinated or Officially Recovered (from the virus) can participate. Only essential stores, such as supermarkets, bakeries, allow in the unvaccinated. Official stickers on storefronts forbid the unvaccinated from entering.
The unvaccinated can currently work, but only with daily tests (in front of a witness). Moreover, a blanket vaccine-mandate is set to come in from February/March (2022), meaning that unvaccinated will not be allowed to work anywhere, and will also be faced with either multi-thousand-euro fines, or a stint in prison.
The whole mood has changed here over the last month, and the general public has been whipped up into a frenzy of aggression against the unvaccinated. The government/media complex has whipped up this frenzy.
I do not believe that the final target of the anti-Christ system will be simply the unvaccinated. It will be anyone who dares to dissent, particularly Christians. A lot of genuine Christians have already taken these vaccines, and the vaccines are (currently) not the Mark of the Beast.
But I can tell you one thing- there are some eerie parallels here. No, the unvaccinated in Germany are currently nowhere near the predicament experienced by European Jews (among other minorities) in the 1940s. The holocaust was launched in 1941.
But Hitler rose to power in around 1933. It took an eight-year build-up to get to the point of exterminating people deemed as an ‘enemy of the state’. I don’t care if anyone gets on their high horse with what I’m about to say, or feels all indignant and self-righteous. I am telling you now that there ARE CERTAINLY PARALLELS between mid-1930s Germany (and its treatment of Jews and other people deemed as an ‘enemy of the state’) with the Germany that is here-and-now (as I type these words).
Please note again; there are CURRENTLY NO PARALLELS between 1940s Germany/Europe and the treatment of Jews and others, compared with the unvaccinated of today. One was a holocaust, and the other (the situation today) is a systematic campaign of oppression, bullying, and the like. I would much rather the oppression and bullying, than to be exterminated.
But again, THERE ARE PARALLELS between mid-1930s Germany, and the Germany of today. Remember, it took the system (under Hitler) eight years to build up to the holocaust. Before that time, there was a systematic escalation of harassment, oppression, bullying, etc. It would have started off somewhat mildly, and built up, gotten worse and worse, and so on. Many Jews and others would have hoped that at some time it would relent or run out of puff, but in hindsight we know it didn’t.
One of the most vivid images from archival footage is of German businesses from the time, with signs upon their businesses which made it clear that Jews were not welcome inside. I presume that such signs would have been prevalent in the mid-1930s, when the Jews were being oppressed, side-lined, pushed into a corner, etc, before the systematic campaign of mass murder was ultimately launched.
And yes, as I walked along a row of shops yesterday, and noticed that they all had the signs out front barring the unvaccinated from entering, it was not hard to make a connection to the archival footage of the old shops that I just mentioned.
There are some differences, however. The Jews and other persecuted people at the time had no immediate ‘Get out of jail card’. The unvaccinated, however, do have a temporary reprieve, if they would choose to take it. That is, of course, to take a vaccine, but there’s more than one catch to this, as well.
The vaccines have officially killed many tens of thousands of people over the last year. There are obvious health risks with taking them, especially those of the MRNA variety. The other catch is this: while the vaccines are currently not the Mark of the Beast, by simply taking one, we have allowed ourselves to be bullied by the state into taking one, in order to save ourselves from being punished if we were to refuse.
Thus, we’ve allowed ourselves to be conditioned, a little step closer, into taking the Mark of the Beast, should we still be alive when the anti-Christ arrives on the scene. The vaccines are currently not the Mark of the Beast, but where do we draw the line? At what point do we refuse to co-operate with the state, and bear the full consequences?
I don’t know. I will probably end up taking an inactivated virus vaccine (a more traditional type), but the line in the sand is a microchip, or anything else which would represent a ‘mark’ on the forearm or forehead. I will take a bullet before they microchip me.
And this is not useless bravado. I’m certainly not a tough guy, and am already feeling very anxious about the situation as it is. I will probably take a vaccine to save myself from a stint in prison, but there HAS TO be a line in the sand somewhere, no matter the consequences.
Something else re: the comparison between 1930s Germany/Europe to the Germany/Europe of today. Back then, there were friendly countries who the persecuted could seek refuge in, if they were able/insightful enough to see the storm clouds on the horizon, and get out early.
Today, in this globalized world which is being prepared for the literal arrival of the anti-Christ, where can you go? The tentacles are everywhere, all over the planet, and they are tightening. The anti-Christ might still be 100 years off, but I’d be just as confident that he might be only 1 year off.
Take it from me: Until recently, I sat out much of the whole corona hysteria thinking, ‘I haven’t got it so bad here in Germany. A lot of places are far more evil/draconian.’
My friends, that all changed inside of the last month. If you are enjoying relative peace/security wherever you are right now, God bless you, and good for you. But take it from me, this can change very quickly. Let me rephrase. It WILL change one day, and maybe very quickly.
I do not foresee a genocide specifically against the unvaccinated playing out. I think the severe pressure on the unvaxxed is only a sinister stepping stone on the way to somewhere else. At the moment they are the main dissenters against the globalist system, and they are in the gun. But soon, the definition of ‘dissenter’ could alter, or broaden, etc.
In recent posts I have alluded to an article, and I will post it here. It’s a summary of a brilliant analysis from a certain professor, which goes a long way to explaining the dramatic changes suffered by our world (and mankind) since early 2020.
This will explain many things to you, such as; why the people of Germany could have enabled and supported the rise of Hitler; why the people of Germany (and much of the world) are now behaving similarly to the people of 1930s Germany; why you might have encountered angry, aggressive reactions from people who are incensed that you would dare to have a different opinion to them (which had been initially spoon-fed to them by the government/media complex), why you feel uneasy about what’s going on while most around you think that it’s all above board, etc.
It is not an emotional analysis, but a rational, data-driven one. Terms such as ‘Mass hypnosis’, ‘Cult members’ and ‘Mass formation’ are outlined, and applied to the general public re: covid.
You could cover this little article in under 5 minutes, and I really urge you to do so.
God bless. Stay strong, and get closer to Jesus.
Link below: ... disturbed/
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hello Everyone,
I wish to comment more on- what else?- the Covid/shutdown insanity of the last (nearly) two years. As painful as it has all been for many, many people, it has also been extremely educational. I have learned more about human nature since March 2020, than I did in all of my years on the planet beforehand. This is no exaggeration.
Just remember this; the same people who love the military-industrial complex and all of its wars, who also support abortion, etc, are generally the same people who claim to care about public health, and are pushing lockdowns (martial law) and (experimental, dangerous) vaccines onto the entire population. At the very, very least, I will say this- the government/media complex and all of its minions could not care less about public health. They literally have no interest in whether you live or die, or whether I live or die.
They literally have no interest in us, or our wellbeing. This is the same class of people who started World War One, for example, a war in which the world's nations mobilized on mass to slaughter each other over a period of several years, FOR NO CLEAR REASON. Of course, that was 100 years ago, and that generation is gone. But exactly the same spirit, presiding over the same (now further-developed) globalist system, has remained in tact, from today, back to World War One, and much, much further back.
I recently read an article in the German press that, according to a scientific study, approximately one million people with cancer in the EU are estimated to have had their deadly illness either misidentified, or missed altogether, DUE TO THE CORONA LOCKDOWNS. The mainstream media will typically spin such revelations by blaming the virus itself. However, the virus itself is not to blame. It is the government/media enforced lockdowns which are to blame, i.e. human authorities who will never admit their own fault.
I looked for an article about this in English, and found out that this revelation is not as hot off the presses as I first thought. The article I found for you (about this revelation) is from the middle of the year. Link below: ... tudy-shows
Unfortunately, I have more appalling news to share with you on the carnage wrought by the lockdowns.
Again, I am not referring to 'conspiracy theory' sources. I am giving you the figures from the government/media complex itself. In this case, according to WHO, which is from the UN itself, upwards of 50,000 people across the world died of malaria in 2020 DUE DIRECTLY TO THE LOCKDOWNS.
In short, there were 14 million more cases of malaria in 2020 compared to 2019. There were also an extra 69,000 malaria-related deaths in 2020, of which 47,000 were found to be directly attributable to the government-enforced Covid lockdowns.
There is no mention of 2021 in the article, but there is no reason to believe the situation would have improved in comparison to 2020.
Make of it what you will. A link to an article about this is below: ... n-reports/
Stay strong, stay prayerful, and continue to seek God. Until next time.
I wish to comment more on- what else?- the Covid/shutdown insanity of the last (nearly) two years. As painful as it has all been for many, many people, it has also been extremely educational. I have learned more about human nature since March 2020, than I did in all of my years on the planet beforehand. This is no exaggeration.
Just remember this; the same people who love the military-industrial complex and all of its wars, who also support abortion, etc, are generally the same people who claim to care about public health, and are pushing lockdowns (martial law) and (experimental, dangerous) vaccines onto the entire population. At the very, very least, I will say this- the government/media complex and all of its minions could not care less about public health. They literally have no interest in whether you live or die, or whether I live or die.
They literally have no interest in us, or our wellbeing. This is the same class of people who started World War One, for example, a war in which the world's nations mobilized on mass to slaughter each other over a period of several years, FOR NO CLEAR REASON. Of course, that was 100 years ago, and that generation is gone. But exactly the same spirit, presiding over the same (now further-developed) globalist system, has remained in tact, from today, back to World War One, and much, much further back.
I recently read an article in the German press that, according to a scientific study, approximately one million people with cancer in the EU are estimated to have had their deadly illness either misidentified, or missed altogether, DUE TO THE CORONA LOCKDOWNS. The mainstream media will typically spin such revelations by blaming the virus itself. However, the virus itself is not to blame. It is the government/media enforced lockdowns which are to blame, i.e. human authorities who will never admit their own fault.
I looked for an article about this in English, and found out that this revelation is not as hot off the presses as I first thought. The article I found for you (about this revelation) is from the middle of the year. Link below: ... tudy-shows
Unfortunately, I have more appalling news to share with you on the carnage wrought by the lockdowns.
Again, I am not referring to 'conspiracy theory' sources. I am giving you the figures from the government/media complex itself. In this case, according to WHO, which is from the UN itself, upwards of 50,000 people across the world died of malaria in 2020 DUE DIRECTLY TO THE LOCKDOWNS.
In short, there were 14 million more cases of malaria in 2020 compared to 2019. There were also an extra 69,000 malaria-related deaths in 2020, of which 47,000 were found to be directly attributable to the government-enforced Covid lockdowns.
There is no mention of 2021 in the article, but there is no reason to believe the situation would have improved in comparison to 2020.
Make of it what you will. A link to an article about this is below: ... n-reports/
Stay strong, stay prayerful, and continue to seek God. Until next time.
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hi Friends,
Today I wish to take a break from the topic of Covid-19.
A couple of years ago (before the whole era of Covid-hysteria commenced) I had an interesting conversation with a close Christian friend.
We were talking about Satan. We both agreed that he is way, way more intelligent and powerful than any person or group of people on earth. In fact, for now, it has been granted to Satan that he may have control over the entire earth (this is according to the Bible).
My friend and I were talking about Bible prophecy, particularly the coming rise of the beast power, and anti-Christ. We then wondered about Satan, about how he could potentially foil God’s prophecy if he really could (don’t get me wrong, I know that God is all-powerful, and His prophecy cannot be foiled. But hear me out).
Knowing that Satan is much more intelligent and powerful than any person, and that he is presumably well aware of Bible prophecy (I believe the Bible mentions how Satan knows that his time as ruler of earth is only short, for example), my friend and I wondered about something like this, ‘Why doesn’t Satan decide to go off-script? That is to say, why doesn’t Satan decide to carry things out contrarily to how Bible prophecy says things will actually occur?’
The conclusion that my friend and I came to is that God is so completely all-powerful, and His prophecy so completely pre-ordained, that although Satan could technically decide to act contrarily to what the Bible indicates about the end-times, and thus ‘Prove God wrong’, God actually cannot be ‘Proved wrong’ at all. Thus, events are absolutely certain to play out precisely as Bible prophecy has indicated they will (in books such as Revelation, Daniel, etc).
In Short, God can see the future. He knows exactly what Satan is going to do (through the satanic new world order, rise of the anti-Christ, etc), and God knows that Satan is going to do exactly as Satan is going to do, regardless of how familiar Satan is with Bible prophecy. It is, as stated, all absolutely pre-ordained by God, regardless of the semantics.
To get to my point of today, I first wish to refer you to a Bible verse, namely: Daniel 7: 2-4. Here it is:
Daniel said: “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me were the four winds of heaven churning up the great sea. Four great beasts, each different from the others, came up out of the sea.
“The first was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off and it was lifted from the ground so that it stood on two feet like a human being, and the mind of a human was given to it.
Now, we go to Revelation 13:2:
The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.
In short, both Bible verses appear to (symbolically) describe the future beast power of the anti-Christ. I now refer to another Bible verse, this one from: 1 Thessalonians 5: 2-3:
… for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labour pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.
Remember, the beast, the anti-Christ too, will initially appear as agents of peace, and the first half of their reign (approx. 3.5 years) will apparently reflect this, before the Mark of the Beast is mandated half-way through their reign, and the planet then witnesses the worst 3.5 years of its history (culminating in the literal apocalypse).
To get to the specific point of this post, I refer you to an article. It is about a new statue that was recently erected at the UN headquarters.
The statue very, very, very closely resembles the beast described in both Daniel and the book of Revelation.
In an official online statement by the UN, the statue was referred to as, ‘A guardian for international peace and security…’
I highly recommend that you click on the link provided, where you can see pictures of the new statue, as well as analysis. Bible prophecy from the Word of God is truly pre-ordained, and you will see evidence of this if you click on the link below: ... elation-13
Today I wish to take a break from the topic of Covid-19.
A couple of years ago (before the whole era of Covid-hysteria commenced) I had an interesting conversation with a close Christian friend.
We were talking about Satan. We both agreed that he is way, way more intelligent and powerful than any person or group of people on earth. In fact, for now, it has been granted to Satan that he may have control over the entire earth (this is according to the Bible).
My friend and I were talking about Bible prophecy, particularly the coming rise of the beast power, and anti-Christ. We then wondered about Satan, about how he could potentially foil God’s prophecy if he really could (don’t get me wrong, I know that God is all-powerful, and His prophecy cannot be foiled. But hear me out).
Knowing that Satan is much more intelligent and powerful than any person, and that he is presumably well aware of Bible prophecy (I believe the Bible mentions how Satan knows that his time as ruler of earth is only short, for example), my friend and I wondered about something like this, ‘Why doesn’t Satan decide to go off-script? That is to say, why doesn’t Satan decide to carry things out contrarily to how Bible prophecy says things will actually occur?’
The conclusion that my friend and I came to is that God is so completely all-powerful, and His prophecy so completely pre-ordained, that although Satan could technically decide to act contrarily to what the Bible indicates about the end-times, and thus ‘Prove God wrong’, God actually cannot be ‘Proved wrong’ at all. Thus, events are absolutely certain to play out precisely as Bible prophecy has indicated they will (in books such as Revelation, Daniel, etc).
In Short, God can see the future. He knows exactly what Satan is going to do (through the satanic new world order, rise of the anti-Christ, etc), and God knows that Satan is going to do exactly as Satan is going to do, regardless of how familiar Satan is with Bible prophecy. It is, as stated, all absolutely pre-ordained by God, regardless of the semantics.
To get to my point of today, I first wish to refer you to a Bible verse, namely: Daniel 7: 2-4. Here it is:
Daniel said: “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me were the four winds of heaven churning up the great sea. Four great beasts, each different from the others, came up out of the sea.
“The first was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off and it was lifted from the ground so that it stood on two feet like a human being, and the mind of a human was given to it.
Now, we go to Revelation 13:2:
The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.
In short, both Bible verses appear to (symbolically) describe the future beast power of the anti-Christ. I now refer to another Bible verse, this one from: 1 Thessalonians 5: 2-3:
… for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labour pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.
Remember, the beast, the anti-Christ too, will initially appear as agents of peace, and the first half of their reign (approx. 3.5 years) will apparently reflect this, before the Mark of the Beast is mandated half-way through their reign, and the planet then witnesses the worst 3.5 years of its history (culminating in the literal apocalypse).
To get to the specific point of this post, I refer you to an article. It is about a new statue that was recently erected at the UN headquarters.
The statue very, very, very closely resembles the beast described in both Daniel and the book of Revelation.
In an official online statement by the UN, the statue was referred to as, ‘A guardian for international peace and security…’
I highly recommend that you click on the link provided, where you can see pictures of the new statue, as well as analysis. Bible prophecy from the Word of God is truly pre-ordained, and you will see evidence of this if you click on the link below: ... elation-13
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hi Friends,
I have a few diverse topics to share with you today; three topics, to be precise. But as diverse as they are, they all still fit under the category of New World Order, or ‘Globalist agenda’.
Firstly, we are all no doubt acutely aware of the intense pressure (from the international government/media complex) placed on most people across the globe to take an experimental Covid-vaccine, regardless of whether you want it or need it, with direct punishments a real possibility for anyone who would dare to say ‘No’.
According to official figures (from government sources, but almost never mentioned by politicians/government-paid scientists/mainstream media), upwards of 20,000 have been killed by these vaccines across the EU this year. The number is upwards of 10,000 across the USA, between 500-1000 across Australia, and so on.
This has been covered in earlier posts in this forum, so I just want to share a couple of anecdotes with you, before we move on to something else. I have just learned today of four people in Australia who were very adversely affected by these vaccines.
To be sure, I am a very private person with minimal associates. But I have heard of many horror stories about adverse reactions to these vaccines, from the few people I know well. Anyway, this morning I spoke to a close family member on the phone. This person told me about one of his neighbours that he sometimes comes across and speaks with. My family member ran into this neighbour over the Christmas break, and they had a chat.
For context, this neighbour is not a ‘Conspiracy theorist’. On the contrary, he has great trust in government/media, and is all-in on the corona narrative. To cut a long story short, this neighbour told my family member that he has been in ‘Great pain’ since he took the injection, and he is in no doubt that the injection is to blame.
Before the conversation ended, this neighbour explained how his son had also taken the vaccine, and reacted very badly. The mother drove him to a hospital in Melbourne, and, although propped up by the mother, the son collapsed onto the ground twice during the (approximately) 80-metre walk from the carpark to the hospital.
When the neighbour and my family member ended their conversation, the neighbour walked back to his car and, according to my family member, the neighbour, although aided by a walking stick, could ‘barely’ make it back to the car. This had not been the case at all several months prior.
On a separate note, I spoke to a separate close family member earlier today. She informed me that her brother-in-law, who had not previously had any cardiac issues, had taken the vaccine around September or so. Since then, he has had a heart attack, and been in-and-out of hospital with ongoing cardiac issues. My close family member saw her brother-in-law over the Christmas break (the first time in a while), and said that he looked ‘Awful’.
As a footnote, a daughter of this brother-in-law has a boyfriend who was a very sporty, healthy guy. He took the vaccine around mid-year, and has since suffered severe cardiac issues (he has been diagnosed with something, but I forget the name). He has been told never again to play contact sport, because a hard knock to his chest could be fatal.
These are not even all of the stories I have recently heard about adverse reactions to the vaccines. They are just the ones I heard today. Stuff like this is happening worldwide, and some of you probably have your own stories, too. There is something very sinister about the rollout of these experimental vaccines, and it will never, ever, ever be admitted by politicians, mainstream media, government-paid scientists, or anyone who does not possess a healthy scepticism towards anything we are told by the government-media complex.
The second topic for today is that of Christian persecution. I have seen reports that inform us that international persecution of Christians has increased in 2021 compared to previous years. I wish to point out that although it is often not necessarily national governments that are directly responsible for this, I have no doubt that it is still very much part of the ‘New World Order’.
In essence, the same sinister spiritual forces (i.e. Satan and his servants) that are ultimately responsible for the hideous, over-the-top, destructive response to Corona, are the same dark spiritual forces that drive groups like ISIS, al-qaeda, and likeminded others to kill Christians. It is all part of the globalist agenda, and will only continue to spread.
One of the worst places for Christians in the world at the moment is Nigeria, which is roughly 50-50 (Christians-Muslims). While I don’t tar all of the latter with the same brush (most Muslims in Nigeria are assuredly relatively peaceful), there are some powerful jihadist terror militias (akin to mini-armies) that are committing literal genocide against Christians in that country, and with seeming impunity (accusations against the Nigerian government range from incompetence in battling these terrorist forces, to actually collaborating with these terrorist forces).
I now post you a couple of links to articles (from Persecution- International Christian Concern). The first will provide you with an overview of the situation vis-à-vis Nigeria (with mention given to what appears to be a clear lack of interest from the US political scene). The second link I provide will give you info on a very recent massacre in Nigeria, in which approximately 45 Christian farmers were massacred by some of these Nigerian jihadists.
Please note: There are calls for donations on this website. I am not encouraging anyone to make such a donation. I’m only referring to the info provided in these articles. Links are below: ... s-nigeria/ ... d-nigeria/
The last topic I wish to touch on with you today is the lead-up to the Mark of the Beast. As I have pointed out previously in this forum, I am not sure what form the mark may ultimately take, but I believe that it could be a barcode in the form of a tattoo, or implanted microchip.
In Sweden, which has (until now) been one of the least insane western countries during the era of Covid-shutdowns (martial law), people are already getting their vaccine passports inserted under the skin in their hands/wrists (in the form of a microchip). For more info, as well as audio/visual documentation of this, I refer you to a new article about this, which has many links within, and background info. Link below: ... -of-bodies
If you would like further verification, I encourage you to clink on the following link. It is a three-minute video which includes more information on the Swedish move away from cash towards microchips, which will undoubtedly spread to other countries, and possibly, before long, the entire world. Link below:
I am almost certain that the Mark of the Beast is not yet here, as a number of Bible prophecies need to first be fulfilled before the mark is mandated, and these prophecies have not yet come to pass. The most obvious of these as-yet unfulfilled prophecies is the rise of the anti-Christ (the man himself) to the position of global dictator, to take the reins of the beast empire which is currently being built.
He does not yet appear to be on the scene, but there is an abundance of evidence that the world is being conditioned for his arrival.
As I’ve stated in earlier posts, his arrival might still be a long way off into the future. But just as likely is the possibility that he could arrive on the scene at literally any time.
He could be 100 years off, but he also might be only one year off. Sorry if this comes across as repetitive. Some Christians say that they are not interested in when the anti-Christ may come on the scene, as they only want to focus on the second coming of Jesus.
I respect this sentiment, but we have been told a lot about the rise of the anti-Christ in the Bible, and I believe firmly that God wants us to be knowledgeable about the future rise of the anti-Christ (regardless of whether it happens in our lifetimes, or not).
Thus, my personal view is that, while the return of Christ is our main priority, we would be very wise to watch out for the anti-Christ in the meantime, to ensure that we are not deceived by the anti-Christ, and to be spiritually ready to reject the Mark of the Beast, which we simply MUST REJECT if we want to be with God in heaven.
Some people believe that we will be raptured away before the anti-Christ takes power. I personally don’t subscribe to this view of things, although I don’t wish to debate it, as I know that many genuine Christians (some of whom are no doubt more scholarly than me) subscribe to this pre-trib rapture theology. Also, in my opinion, the timing of the rapture is not something that Christians need to spend too much time debating about, and I am not particularly interested in it anyway.
I suppose I am just a bit concerned that, on the off-chance that the pre-trib rapture happens to be false theology, then many, many Christians who had previously believed in it may be spiritually unprepared for the rise and (brief but incredibly destructive) reign of the anti-Christ. In short, while the pre-trib rapture would be nice, I’m just saying that we shouldn’t put all of our eggs into this basket. Be prepared for the possibility that us Christians may not be taken away to safety prior to the rise of the anti-Christ.
Just a final note; I believe that we will have adequate warning signs anyway in the lead-up to the rise of the anti-Christ, if we engage ourselves with Bible prophecy, and ask for God’s understanding. Even if there is not a pre-trib rapture, we still have at least a bit of time to spiritually and even physically prepare for the rise of the anti-Christ.
There’s so much more I could say, and would like to say, to try to bring all of my points for today together. The points I made today feel a little incomplete, and I feel that there are some loose ends.
If you feel a bit confused, please feel free to ask a question. I don’t have all the answers, but feel that God has helped me to become quite well-versed in this topic, and maybe we can all work things out together (with the overall guidance of God, of course).
That’s it for today. Different topics on the one hand, but (on the other hand) I have no doubt they are all connected.
Until next time.
I have a few diverse topics to share with you today; three topics, to be precise. But as diverse as they are, they all still fit under the category of New World Order, or ‘Globalist agenda’.
Firstly, we are all no doubt acutely aware of the intense pressure (from the international government/media complex) placed on most people across the globe to take an experimental Covid-vaccine, regardless of whether you want it or need it, with direct punishments a real possibility for anyone who would dare to say ‘No’.
According to official figures (from government sources, but almost never mentioned by politicians/government-paid scientists/mainstream media), upwards of 20,000 have been killed by these vaccines across the EU this year. The number is upwards of 10,000 across the USA, between 500-1000 across Australia, and so on.
This has been covered in earlier posts in this forum, so I just want to share a couple of anecdotes with you, before we move on to something else. I have just learned today of four people in Australia who were very adversely affected by these vaccines.
To be sure, I am a very private person with minimal associates. But I have heard of many horror stories about adverse reactions to these vaccines, from the few people I know well. Anyway, this morning I spoke to a close family member on the phone. This person told me about one of his neighbours that he sometimes comes across and speaks with. My family member ran into this neighbour over the Christmas break, and they had a chat.
For context, this neighbour is not a ‘Conspiracy theorist’. On the contrary, he has great trust in government/media, and is all-in on the corona narrative. To cut a long story short, this neighbour told my family member that he has been in ‘Great pain’ since he took the injection, and he is in no doubt that the injection is to blame.
Before the conversation ended, this neighbour explained how his son had also taken the vaccine, and reacted very badly. The mother drove him to a hospital in Melbourne, and, although propped up by the mother, the son collapsed onto the ground twice during the (approximately) 80-metre walk from the carpark to the hospital.
When the neighbour and my family member ended their conversation, the neighbour walked back to his car and, according to my family member, the neighbour, although aided by a walking stick, could ‘barely’ make it back to the car. This had not been the case at all several months prior.
On a separate note, I spoke to a separate close family member earlier today. She informed me that her brother-in-law, who had not previously had any cardiac issues, had taken the vaccine around September or so. Since then, he has had a heart attack, and been in-and-out of hospital with ongoing cardiac issues. My close family member saw her brother-in-law over the Christmas break (the first time in a while), and said that he looked ‘Awful’.
As a footnote, a daughter of this brother-in-law has a boyfriend who was a very sporty, healthy guy. He took the vaccine around mid-year, and has since suffered severe cardiac issues (he has been diagnosed with something, but I forget the name). He has been told never again to play contact sport, because a hard knock to his chest could be fatal.
These are not even all of the stories I have recently heard about adverse reactions to the vaccines. They are just the ones I heard today. Stuff like this is happening worldwide, and some of you probably have your own stories, too. There is something very sinister about the rollout of these experimental vaccines, and it will never, ever, ever be admitted by politicians, mainstream media, government-paid scientists, or anyone who does not possess a healthy scepticism towards anything we are told by the government-media complex.
The second topic for today is that of Christian persecution. I have seen reports that inform us that international persecution of Christians has increased in 2021 compared to previous years. I wish to point out that although it is often not necessarily national governments that are directly responsible for this, I have no doubt that it is still very much part of the ‘New World Order’.
In essence, the same sinister spiritual forces (i.e. Satan and his servants) that are ultimately responsible for the hideous, over-the-top, destructive response to Corona, are the same dark spiritual forces that drive groups like ISIS, al-qaeda, and likeminded others to kill Christians. It is all part of the globalist agenda, and will only continue to spread.
One of the worst places for Christians in the world at the moment is Nigeria, which is roughly 50-50 (Christians-Muslims). While I don’t tar all of the latter with the same brush (most Muslims in Nigeria are assuredly relatively peaceful), there are some powerful jihadist terror militias (akin to mini-armies) that are committing literal genocide against Christians in that country, and with seeming impunity (accusations against the Nigerian government range from incompetence in battling these terrorist forces, to actually collaborating with these terrorist forces).
I now post you a couple of links to articles (from Persecution- International Christian Concern). The first will provide you with an overview of the situation vis-à-vis Nigeria (with mention given to what appears to be a clear lack of interest from the US political scene). The second link I provide will give you info on a very recent massacre in Nigeria, in which approximately 45 Christian farmers were massacred by some of these Nigerian jihadists.
Please note: There are calls for donations on this website. I am not encouraging anyone to make such a donation. I’m only referring to the info provided in these articles. Links are below: ... s-nigeria/ ... d-nigeria/
The last topic I wish to touch on with you today is the lead-up to the Mark of the Beast. As I have pointed out previously in this forum, I am not sure what form the mark may ultimately take, but I believe that it could be a barcode in the form of a tattoo, or implanted microchip.
In Sweden, which has (until now) been one of the least insane western countries during the era of Covid-shutdowns (martial law), people are already getting their vaccine passports inserted under the skin in their hands/wrists (in the form of a microchip). For more info, as well as audio/visual documentation of this, I refer you to a new article about this, which has many links within, and background info. Link below: ... -of-bodies
If you would like further verification, I encourage you to clink on the following link. It is a three-minute video which includes more information on the Swedish move away from cash towards microchips, which will undoubtedly spread to other countries, and possibly, before long, the entire world. Link below:
I am almost certain that the Mark of the Beast is not yet here, as a number of Bible prophecies need to first be fulfilled before the mark is mandated, and these prophecies have not yet come to pass. The most obvious of these as-yet unfulfilled prophecies is the rise of the anti-Christ (the man himself) to the position of global dictator, to take the reins of the beast empire which is currently being built.
He does not yet appear to be on the scene, but there is an abundance of evidence that the world is being conditioned for his arrival.
As I’ve stated in earlier posts, his arrival might still be a long way off into the future. But just as likely is the possibility that he could arrive on the scene at literally any time.
He could be 100 years off, but he also might be only one year off. Sorry if this comes across as repetitive. Some Christians say that they are not interested in when the anti-Christ may come on the scene, as they only want to focus on the second coming of Jesus.
I respect this sentiment, but we have been told a lot about the rise of the anti-Christ in the Bible, and I believe firmly that God wants us to be knowledgeable about the future rise of the anti-Christ (regardless of whether it happens in our lifetimes, or not).
Thus, my personal view is that, while the return of Christ is our main priority, we would be very wise to watch out for the anti-Christ in the meantime, to ensure that we are not deceived by the anti-Christ, and to be spiritually ready to reject the Mark of the Beast, which we simply MUST REJECT if we want to be with God in heaven.
Some people believe that we will be raptured away before the anti-Christ takes power. I personally don’t subscribe to this view of things, although I don’t wish to debate it, as I know that many genuine Christians (some of whom are no doubt more scholarly than me) subscribe to this pre-trib rapture theology. Also, in my opinion, the timing of the rapture is not something that Christians need to spend too much time debating about, and I am not particularly interested in it anyway.
I suppose I am just a bit concerned that, on the off-chance that the pre-trib rapture happens to be false theology, then many, many Christians who had previously believed in it may be spiritually unprepared for the rise and (brief but incredibly destructive) reign of the anti-Christ. In short, while the pre-trib rapture would be nice, I’m just saying that we shouldn’t put all of our eggs into this basket. Be prepared for the possibility that us Christians may not be taken away to safety prior to the rise of the anti-Christ.
Just a final note; I believe that we will have adequate warning signs anyway in the lead-up to the rise of the anti-Christ, if we engage ourselves with Bible prophecy, and ask for God’s understanding. Even if there is not a pre-trib rapture, we still have at least a bit of time to spiritually and even physically prepare for the rise of the anti-Christ.
There’s so much more I could say, and would like to say, to try to bring all of my points for today together. The points I made today feel a little incomplete, and I feel that there are some loose ends.
If you feel a bit confused, please feel free to ask a question. I don’t have all the answers, but feel that God has helped me to become quite well-versed in this topic, and maybe we can all work things out together (with the overall guidance of God, of course).
That’s it for today. Different topics on the one hand, but (on the other hand) I have no doubt they are all connected.
Until next time.
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hello Again,
I wish to speak with you about deaths related to the Covid-19 vaccines.
Some strange stuff has happened from time-to-time around the statistics related to deaths caused by the Covid-19 vaccines.
I have recently (more than once, I believe) informed you that, according to official figures, upwards of 10,000 Americans have been killed by the vaccines, and upwards of 20,000 Europeans.
Personally, I believe that the real figures would be much higher, but I don’t wish to delve too deeply into speculation. I just wish to refer to the official figures. I very recently checked these figures again, and the official number of Americans killed in 2021 by the Covid-19 vaccines is about 10,400 (this is according to the CDC, i.e. the government itself).
There have been some strange movements with this number. For example, a couple of months ago, this official figure was (overnight) raised up to about 16,000 (from about 8,000 at the time), but after only a day or so, it was officially revised back to the 8,000 or so (which, as stated, has now grown to about 10,400).
Something odd has also happened around the EU figures. Last I checked, a couple of months ago, about 18,000 people had been killed in Europe by the Covid-19 vaccines in 2021. This is according to the European Medicines Agency, i.e. the government itself.
Well, I tried to do another check during the last few days, and it is now very hard to find the information from the official website. I believe that the original site (on which the database was maintained) has now been decommissioned. Moreover, to get to the figures, you now have to navigate various links, make several downloads, and then crunch the numbers yourself.
I did all of this and found that now, according to the official figures of the EU, only 8,000 Europeans have been killed by the covid vaccines, less than half the number I observed a couple of months ago.
Why? Did the other 10,000 victims of the vaccines come back to life? No, obviously this is not the case. Did the EU ‘redefine’ what constitutes as a vaccine death, so they could make the final figure look smaller?
I don’t know. I only know that there are games being played with the figures, and the authorities across the world clearly want to downplay, and cover up, the deaths caused by these experimental vaccines.
If I haven’t mentioned it before; be very, very wary of groups which are referred to as ‘Fact checkers’. Such ‘Fact-checking’ groups are portrayed in the media as pristine, neutral, trustworthy sources. They are not. They have agendas, biases, clients, sponsors and corrupt tendencies just like anything else.
‘Fact-checkers’ are primarily focussed on pushing the government-media narrative, above all else. If it suits the government-media to tell the public that 2 plus 2 equals 4, ‘Fact-checker’ groups will tell us that 2 plus 2 indeed equals 4.
But if it suits the government-media to tell us that 2 plus 2 equals 5, ‘Fact-checker’ groups will tell the public that 2 plus 2 equals 5, and that anyone who claims that 2 plus 2 equals 4 is a ‘Conspiracy theorist’. Mainstream media will then tell us the ‘Conspiracy theorists’ who believe that 2 plus 2 equals 4 have been ‘debunked’ by ‘Fact-checkers’.
Strangely enough, those that quote the government figures on vaccine deaths in places like the US and EU are also ‘debunked’ by ‘Fact-checkers’. In this bizarro world of human insanity, we are expected to believe that these Covid-19 vaccines have killed virtually zero people, even though there is hard, 100% evidence of many, many thousands of deaths, which undoubtedly run into the (many) tens of thousands of people in the western countries alone.
To top off this bizarro, sick insanity, the ‘Fact checker’ groups push the fairy-tale fantasy of virtually zero vaccine deaths, even to the point of labelling people as ‘Conspiracy theorists’ for simply referring to the official government figures (which admit many, many thousands of deaths from the Covid-19 vaccines).
If you want some more evidence of this widespread, sick, dishonest hysteria, let’s consider the situation regarding professional soccer across Europe. Most of the players have now taken the injections, and several dozen (from professional and semi-professional) leagues have suffered cardiac arrest this year alone. Many of these ended with the death of the players concerned.
In a normal year, before covid, there would tend to be a handful of cardiac arrest, as in maybe no more than 2 or 3 continent-wide (tops). Bear in mind, I am not talking here about amateur leagues, only professional or semi-professional.
Heart inflammation is a well-known, officially-recognized (potential) complication from the MRNA vaccines. Yet, whenever anyone would dare wonder if the Covid-19 vaccines could be a factor in this massive spike in cardiac arrests, they are shouted down, and so-called (almost certainly corrupt, group-thinking) ‘experts’ or so-called medical professionals are trotted out in the media to insist that there is no connection between the vaccines and the massive spike of cardiac arrests.
Do you see what hatred our world has for the truth? Don’t be surprised. In John 12:31, Satan is referred to as the ‘ruler’ or ‘prince’ of ‘this world’. In John 8:44, Satan is referred to as the ‘Father of lies’.
To put this into plain speak for everyone, the greatest liar ever is in charge of humanity. He controls politics, the media, the medical institutions, the scientific community, the police force, the military, etc. This is not to say that there can’t be honest people found within these institutions, as all of us (Christians alike) have to live in this world too. But all of these institutions are undoubtedly, ultimately controlled by Satan (from the top down). There can be no doubt about this.
I am now going to refer you to an article about the spike in cardiac arrests across pro or semi-pro soccer leagues. It’s from a mainstream source, and is predictably dismissive of the connection to the vaccines. Remember, anything of this world is ultimately not interested in the truth. If lying is more beneficial to them than telling the truth, they will lie through their teeth 100% of the time.
The title of the article is, ‘Why are so many footballers collapsing? There has been a worrying spike in cardiac arrests and stars retiring with heart-related issues, but leading sports cardiologist insists it is NOT to do with Covid vaccine.’
The article just gives a brief intro into the topic. Before you read, just remember what I said. If the official government/media position is that 2 plus 2 equals 4, then it’s okay to say that 2 plus 2 equals 4. But if the official government/media position is that 2 plus 2 equals 5, then anyone who thinks that 2 plus 2 equals 4 is a ‘Conspiracy theorist’, or ‘Unscientific’. Link below: ... -2021.html
A final point: I have read of many more newly-suffered cardiac arrests of players since this article came out. Over the last fortnight, for example, 4 more players (three from North Africa, one from Croatia) have DIED FROM CARDIAC ARRESTS ON THE FOOTBALL FIELD.
This is absolutely not normal, but our disgusting, lying society will continue to insist that everything is normal, and that ‘There is nothing to see here’.
If you want documentation of the four very recently deceased footballers I just mentioned, I have an article for you to peruse. Click on the link below: ... rt-attack/
This world is filthy and vile, as are all of its institutions. But none of us are above it, as we are all fallen.
Conversely, God is pure, and perfect in every way. These are the two extremes. Do we embrace our own fallen flesh, and the filth of this world? Or do we fight against our own flesh, as we are called to do in many Bible verses, and strive after the perfect example of Jesus Christ? (In Romans 13:14, among other verses, we are called to fight against our own flesh, and follow Christ).
Of course, to follow Jesus is a struggle (with inevitable setbacks due to our own fleshly desires), and requires daily renewal, and true repentance for our sins. And we can’t do it without Him: Romans 8:9- You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.
That’s all for today. Sorry for the bad news, but just remember that the Good News offered to us as a gift from Jesus Himself will ultimately prevail.
I wish to speak with you about deaths related to the Covid-19 vaccines.
Some strange stuff has happened from time-to-time around the statistics related to deaths caused by the Covid-19 vaccines.
I have recently (more than once, I believe) informed you that, according to official figures, upwards of 10,000 Americans have been killed by the vaccines, and upwards of 20,000 Europeans.
Personally, I believe that the real figures would be much higher, but I don’t wish to delve too deeply into speculation. I just wish to refer to the official figures. I very recently checked these figures again, and the official number of Americans killed in 2021 by the Covid-19 vaccines is about 10,400 (this is according to the CDC, i.e. the government itself).
There have been some strange movements with this number. For example, a couple of months ago, this official figure was (overnight) raised up to about 16,000 (from about 8,000 at the time), but after only a day or so, it was officially revised back to the 8,000 or so (which, as stated, has now grown to about 10,400).
Something odd has also happened around the EU figures. Last I checked, a couple of months ago, about 18,000 people had been killed in Europe by the Covid-19 vaccines in 2021. This is according to the European Medicines Agency, i.e. the government itself.
Well, I tried to do another check during the last few days, and it is now very hard to find the information from the official website. I believe that the original site (on which the database was maintained) has now been decommissioned. Moreover, to get to the figures, you now have to navigate various links, make several downloads, and then crunch the numbers yourself.
I did all of this and found that now, according to the official figures of the EU, only 8,000 Europeans have been killed by the covid vaccines, less than half the number I observed a couple of months ago.
Why? Did the other 10,000 victims of the vaccines come back to life? No, obviously this is not the case. Did the EU ‘redefine’ what constitutes as a vaccine death, so they could make the final figure look smaller?
I don’t know. I only know that there are games being played with the figures, and the authorities across the world clearly want to downplay, and cover up, the deaths caused by these experimental vaccines.
If I haven’t mentioned it before; be very, very wary of groups which are referred to as ‘Fact checkers’. Such ‘Fact-checking’ groups are portrayed in the media as pristine, neutral, trustworthy sources. They are not. They have agendas, biases, clients, sponsors and corrupt tendencies just like anything else.
‘Fact-checkers’ are primarily focussed on pushing the government-media narrative, above all else. If it suits the government-media to tell the public that 2 plus 2 equals 4, ‘Fact-checker’ groups will tell us that 2 plus 2 indeed equals 4.
But if it suits the government-media to tell us that 2 plus 2 equals 5, ‘Fact-checker’ groups will tell the public that 2 plus 2 equals 5, and that anyone who claims that 2 plus 2 equals 4 is a ‘Conspiracy theorist’. Mainstream media will then tell us the ‘Conspiracy theorists’ who believe that 2 plus 2 equals 4 have been ‘debunked’ by ‘Fact-checkers’.
Strangely enough, those that quote the government figures on vaccine deaths in places like the US and EU are also ‘debunked’ by ‘Fact-checkers’. In this bizarro world of human insanity, we are expected to believe that these Covid-19 vaccines have killed virtually zero people, even though there is hard, 100% evidence of many, many thousands of deaths, which undoubtedly run into the (many) tens of thousands of people in the western countries alone.
To top off this bizarro, sick insanity, the ‘Fact checker’ groups push the fairy-tale fantasy of virtually zero vaccine deaths, even to the point of labelling people as ‘Conspiracy theorists’ for simply referring to the official government figures (which admit many, many thousands of deaths from the Covid-19 vaccines).
If you want some more evidence of this widespread, sick, dishonest hysteria, let’s consider the situation regarding professional soccer across Europe. Most of the players have now taken the injections, and several dozen (from professional and semi-professional) leagues have suffered cardiac arrest this year alone. Many of these ended with the death of the players concerned.
In a normal year, before covid, there would tend to be a handful of cardiac arrest, as in maybe no more than 2 or 3 continent-wide (tops). Bear in mind, I am not talking here about amateur leagues, only professional or semi-professional.
Heart inflammation is a well-known, officially-recognized (potential) complication from the MRNA vaccines. Yet, whenever anyone would dare wonder if the Covid-19 vaccines could be a factor in this massive spike in cardiac arrests, they are shouted down, and so-called (almost certainly corrupt, group-thinking) ‘experts’ or so-called medical professionals are trotted out in the media to insist that there is no connection between the vaccines and the massive spike of cardiac arrests.
Do you see what hatred our world has for the truth? Don’t be surprised. In John 12:31, Satan is referred to as the ‘ruler’ or ‘prince’ of ‘this world’. In John 8:44, Satan is referred to as the ‘Father of lies’.
To put this into plain speak for everyone, the greatest liar ever is in charge of humanity. He controls politics, the media, the medical institutions, the scientific community, the police force, the military, etc. This is not to say that there can’t be honest people found within these institutions, as all of us (Christians alike) have to live in this world too. But all of these institutions are undoubtedly, ultimately controlled by Satan (from the top down). There can be no doubt about this.
I am now going to refer you to an article about the spike in cardiac arrests across pro or semi-pro soccer leagues. It’s from a mainstream source, and is predictably dismissive of the connection to the vaccines. Remember, anything of this world is ultimately not interested in the truth. If lying is more beneficial to them than telling the truth, they will lie through their teeth 100% of the time.
The title of the article is, ‘Why are so many footballers collapsing? There has been a worrying spike in cardiac arrests and stars retiring with heart-related issues, but leading sports cardiologist insists it is NOT to do with Covid vaccine.’
The article just gives a brief intro into the topic. Before you read, just remember what I said. If the official government/media position is that 2 plus 2 equals 4, then it’s okay to say that 2 plus 2 equals 4. But if the official government/media position is that 2 plus 2 equals 5, then anyone who thinks that 2 plus 2 equals 4 is a ‘Conspiracy theorist’, or ‘Unscientific’. Link below: ... -2021.html
A final point: I have read of many more newly-suffered cardiac arrests of players since this article came out. Over the last fortnight, for example, 4 more players (three from North Africa, one from Croatia) have DIED FROM CARDIAC ARRESTS ON THE FOOTBALL FIELD.
This is absolutely not normal, but our disgusting, lying society will continue to insist that everything is normal, and that ‘There is nothing to see here’.
If you want documentation of the four very recently deceased footballers I just mentioned, I have an article for you to peruse. Click on the link below: ... rt-attack/
This world is filthy and vile, as are all of its institutions. But none of us are above it, as we are all fallen.
Conversely, God is pure, and perfect in every way. These are the two extremes. Do we embrace our own fallen flesh, and the filth of this world? Or do we fight against our own flesh, as we are called to do in many Bible verses, and strive after the perfect example of Jesus Christ? (In Romans 13:14, among other verses, we are called to fight against our own flesh, and follow Christ).
Of course, to follow Jesus is a struggle (with inevitable setbacks due to our own fleshly desires), and requires daily renewal, and true repentance for our sins. And we can’t do it without Him: Romans 8:9- You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.
That’s all for today. Sorry for the bad news, but just remember that the Good News offered to us as a gift from Jesus Himself will ultimately prevail.
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hi Everyone,
I realize that a lot of you wouldn’t have the time to check the links I send you (whether they be article or videos), but I’m really asking you to make an effort to watch the 20-minute video link I post today.
If you don’t have the time to sit and watch, listen to it while you’re doing something else, or incorporate it into your next Bible reading time.
Not all of you will have the time or inclination to click the link, so here is my quick summary:
Firstly, in case you are unfamiliar with the creator of the video and his YouTube channel, I should inform you that he always uses the word ‘Insertion’ instead of ‘Vaccine’ or ‘Vaccination’. He also censors the words ‘Vaccine’ or ‘Vaccination’ out of the soundbytes he includes in his videos.
The first several minutes are focussed on the moves to merge ‘Vaccine passports’ with microchips, which can be implanted under the skin, presumably somewhere under the elbow. A Swedish firm is currently among those leading the charge, as I believe may have already been mentioned in a previous post on this thread.
The creator of the video, in his narration, points out that a great many people have already accepted the big lie of the ‘Beast system’. Unfortunately, many people inside of the church have also adopted the big lie.
The creator of the video discusses how people within the church (including regular attendees who appear to be enthusiastic followers) have also bought into the big lie, and how the church will be bitterly divided in the end times (between deceived Christians who have bought into the big lie, and the true people of God who reject the lies of the world).
The creator of the channel then refers to a Bible verse which points out how we appear to be living in the end times, and another verse which compels us to trust in God, and to disregard the proud, and to turn away from the lies of this world.
The creator of the video draws a direct connection between the ‘proud’ spoken of in the scripture, and the politicians, health officials, scientists, etc, who have driven the Covid insanity over the last two years. The creator of the video (correctly) points out that these leaders are generally all liars, deceivers, and proud.
Yet, dangerously, while God would not wish for us to trust these proud people, the bulk of society, including many in the churches, are putting their blind trust in these proud, lying, hypocritical leaders.
About ¾ of the way into the video, we saw some propaganda video clips (no doubt sponsored by the government) of what are purportedly church officials, calling on people to take the vaccinations. One of the preachers in one of these videos insisted that the vaccines are ‘Safe’.
The creator of the YouTube channel, at this point, via written caption, quoted a newly-published extract from the CDC (i.e. the government itself) which admitted that, up until December 20th 2021, 10,688 Americans had been killed by the Covid-19 vaccines (This appears to be several hundred higher than a figure I recently posted on this forum, from the CDC).
About 16 minutes in, the creator of the video made it clear that the Mark of the Beast itself has not yet been mandated. However, he pointed out that all of the current trends, and technological tendencies towards microchipping, or somehow marking people (here or there, for whatever reason), are going to ultimately be all thrown into the same pot, and streamlined into a single, common mark, which all will be ordered to take in either their forearm, or forehead.
As Christians, of course, we are commanded by God to reject the mark at all costs. What will apparently make this very tricky is that many people WITHIN THE CHURCH ITSELF will be taking the mark themselves, and calling for everyone else to take it, just like they are now doing with the vaccines.
The creator of the video, in conclusion, pointed out that everything is leading up to the Mark of the Beast. We’re not yet there, but we’re getting there very quickly.
(Note: No need to panic at this point if you have taken a Covid-19 vaccine, as it is almost certainly not the mark itself. However, it is certainly part of the lead-up to the mark. We all have to draw a line in the sand somewhere, a line that we will not cross, even if we are to suffer persecution, or death for it. My line is quite simple- I will not accept a microchip, or any kind of mark on or under the skin that allows me to buy, sell, etc. Such a thing would almost certainly be the Mark of the Beast. That aside, as far as God’s people are concerned, there will be no confusion about the mark when it comes. God will make it clear to us. No-one can be tricked into taking it, or taking it unknowingly)
The narrator (in my opinion, very correctly) points out that the Mark of the Beast will not be Sunday worship, or any other such abstract notion. Rather, it will indeed be very much a literal mark, akin to a microchip or tattoo on or under the skin, on the forearm or forehead.
The narrator summed up with a call to vigilance, to have our ‘antennas up’, and work together. Get closer to God, read His word, and seek His constant guidance and understanding.
Link below:
I realize that a lot of you wouldn’t have the time to check the links I send you (whether they be article or videos), but I’m really asking you to make an effort to watch the 20-minute video link I post today.
If you don’t have the time to sit and watch, listen to it while you’re doing something else, or incorporate it into your next Bible reading time.
Not all of you will have the time or inclination to click the link, so here is my quick summary:
Firstly, in case you are unfamiliar with the creator of the video and his YouTube channel, I should inform you that he always uses the word ‘Insertion’ instead of ‘Vaccine’ or ‘Vaccination’. He also censors the words ‘Vaccine’ or ‘Vaccination’ out of the soundbytes he includes in his videos.
The first several minutes are focussed on the moves to merge ‘Vaccine passports’ with microchips, which can be implanted under the skin, presumably somewhere under the elbow. A Swedish firm is currently among those leading the charge, as I believe may have already been mentioned in a previous post on this thread.
The creator of the video, in his narration, points out that a great many people have already accepted the big lie of the ‘Beast system’. Unfortunately, many people inside of the church have also adopted the big lie.
The creator of the video discusses how people within the church (including regular attendees who appear to be enthusiastic followers) have also bought into the big lie, and how the church will be bitterly divided in the end times (between deceived Christians who have bought into the big lie, and the true people of God who reject the lies of the world).
The creator of the channel then refers to a Bible verse which points out how we appear to be living in the end times, and another verse which compels us to trust in God, and to disregard the proud, and to turn away from the lies of this world.
The creator of the video draws a direct connection between the ‘proud’ spoken of in the scripture, and the politicians, health officials, scientists, etc, who have driven the Covid insanity over the last two years. The creator of the video (correctly) points out that these leaders are generally all liars, deceivers, and proud.
Yet, dangerously, while God would not wish for us to trust these proud people, the bulk of society, including many in the churches, are putting their blind trust in these proud, lying, hypocritical leaders.
About ¾ of the way into the video, we saw some propaganda video clips (no doubt sponsored by the government) of what are purportedly church officials, calling on people to take the vaccinations. One of the preachers in one of these videos insisted that the vaccines are ‘Safe’.
The creator of the YouTube channel, at this point, via written caption, quoted a newly-published extract from the CDC (i.e. the government itself) which admitted that, up until December 20th 2021, 10,688 Americans had been killed by the Covid-19 vaccines (This appears to be several hundred higher than a figure I recently posted on this forum, from the CDC).
About 16 minutes in, the creator of the video made it clear that the Mark of the Beast itself has not yet been mandated. However, he pointed out that all of the current trends, and technological tendencies towards microchipping, or somehow marking people (here or there, for whatever reason), are going to ultimately be all thrown into the same pot, and streamlined into a single, common mark, which all will be ordered to take in either their forearm, or forehead.
As Christians, of course, we are commanded by God to reject the mark at all costs. What will apparently make this very tricky is that many people WITHIN THE CHURCH ITSELF will be taking the mark themselves, and calling for everyone else to take it, just like they are now doing with the vaccines.
The creator of the video, in conclusion, pointed out that everything is leading up to the Mark of the Beast. We’re not yet there, but we’re getting there very quickly.
(Note: No need to panic at this point if you have taken a Covid-19 vaccine, as it is almost certainly not the mark itself. However, it is certainly part of the lead-up to the mark. We all have to draw a line in the sand somewhere, a line that we will not cross, even if we are to suffer persecution, or death for it. My line is quite simple- I will not accept a microchip, or any kind of mark on or under the skin that allows me to buy, sell, etc. Such a thing would almost certainly be the Mark of the Beast. That aside, as far as God’s people are concerned, there will be no confusion about the mark when it comes. God will make it clear to us. No-one can be tricked into taking it, or taking it unknowingly)
The narrator (in my opinion, very correctly) points out that the Mark of the Beast will not be Sunday worship, or any other such abstract notion. Rather, it will indeed be very much a literal mark, akin to a microchip or tattoo on or under the skin, on the forearm or forehead.
The narrator summed up with a call to vigilance, to have our ‘antennas up’, and work together. Get closer to God, read His word, and seek His constant guidance and understanding.
Link below:
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hi Everyone,
I don’t know about you, but when I hear about persecution of Christians, the major culprits that spring immediately to mind are terror groups like ISIS, al-queda, and their fellow travellers in the Middle-East, northern Africa and elsewhere.
Other culprits which may come to mind are nation-states like Saudi Arabia, possibly even Iran, China or North Korea (although, to be fair, it is not illegal to be a Christian in Iran, as it is in Saudi Arabia).
To be honest with you, the name ‘Pakistan’ does not come immediately to my mind when it comes to persecution of Christians, but this is a clear error on my part. As far as nation-states go, Pakistan is one of the leading persecutors of Christians.
I bring you a case in point, which you may have already heard about yourself. A Christian pastor from Pakistan, already in prison for almost a decade since he was convicted on ‘blasphemy’ (against Islam) charges, was initially sentenced to life imprisonment.
A judge has now decided to alter this sentence to the death penalty, for the same incident. So, what was the ‘crime’? He allegedly sent text messages which may (or may not) have been critical of Islam.
For that, he has spent the last decade in prison, and is now facing execution at the hands of his own government.
As stated in the same article, he is not the only Christian to be persecuted in such a brutal manner by the government of Pakistan.
Another incarcerated Christian was murdered inside of his cell in 2014.
The pastor recently sentenced to death has already had attempts made on his life in prison.
Christians apparently get very little sympathy from broader Pakistan society. Not only are they targeted by the government, but murderous, jihadist lynch mobs are also known to target anyone deemed to have been critical of Islam.
Link to a recent article about this is below: ... emy-death/
I don’t know about you, but when I hear about persecution of Christians, the major culprits that spring immediately to mind are terror groups like ISIS, al-queda, and their fellow travellers in the Middle-East, northern Africa and elsewhere.
Other culprits which may come to mind are nation-states like Saudi Arabia, possibly even Iran, China or North Korea (although, to be fair, it is not illegal to be a Christian in Iran, as it is in Saudi Arabia).
To be honest with you, the name ‘Pakistan’ does not come immediately to my mind when it comes to persecution of Christians, but this is a clear error on my part. As far as nation-states go, Pakistan is one of the leading persecutors of Christians.
I bring you a case in point, which you may have already heard about yourself. A Christian pastor from Pakistan, already in prison for almost a decade since he was convicted on ‘blasphemy’ (against Islam) charges, was initially sentenced to life imprisonment.
A judge has now decided to alter this sentence to the death penalty, for the same incident. So, what was the ‘crime’? He allegedly sent text messages which may (or may not) have been critical of Islam.
For that, he has spent the last decade in prison, and is now facing execution at the hands of his own government.
As stated in the same article, he is not the only Christian to be persecuted in such a brutal manner by the government of Pakistan.
Another incarcerated Christian was murdered inside of his cell in 2014.
The pastor recently sentenced to death has already had attempts made on his life in prison.
Christians apparently get very little sympathy from broader Pakistan society. Not only are they targeted by the government, but murderous, jihadist lynch mobs are also known to target anyone deemed to have been critical of Islam.
Link to a recent article about this is below: ... emy-death/
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hi Everyone,
In one of my previous posts I believe that I referenced a term called ‘Mass formation’, coined by a very insightful Belgian university professor named Mattias Desmet. If I recall correctly, I posted a little article about it.
Desmet (in my opinion, very correctly) explained, in a non-emotional, non-partisan, non-insulting way, that what we are seeing in the age of Covid shutdowns is a mass hysteria which has taken root across the whole globe, with evil governments/media reacting to Covid-19 with totalitarianism and a distinct lack of decency or logic, slavishly followed by the masses of hypnotized humans who view government/media as God (this is my basic summary of what Desmet has summarised in a much more detailed, eloquent manner than I could do myself).
You may have already heard about it yourself, but a guy called Dr Robert Mallone was recently interviewed by a podcaster named Joe Rogan (Rogan has one of the biggest podcasts in the world) and expanded on this, describing what he called, ‘Mass formation psychosis’.
Mallone, a virologist, is an accomplished individual, and was- among other things- a chief architect of the MRNA technology now used in the Pfizer and Moderna injections.
On the podcast with Joe Rogan, he also spent a lot of time warning about the (very real) dangers of these vaccines. Mallone, who has also been doing the rounds with other independent media, has since been removed from various social media platforms, i.e. censored by people who know much, much less about these topics than Mallone does himself.
That particular episode of Joe Rogan’s podcast has also been removed from various platforms, though I believe it may still be available at Spotify itself, which is where Rogan’s podcast is based.
Among other things, Mallone pointed out that the negatives of giving these vaccines to children far, far outweigh the positives. For daring to speak out against the government/media complex, Mallone is not only being kicked off social media, but he is copping hatred from medical people as well (Remember, doctors and scientists are not gods. They are generally flawed, corrupt, group-thinking people like anyone else).
I wish to refer you to an article from Christian news source The Trumpet. It’s too long for me to summarise in its entirety, but here are some dot points:
- This ‘Mass formation psychosis’ which has clearly taken root across the world is like a form of Godless worship, worship of the ‘will’, or of humanity.
- The forced or mandated vaccinations are sinister, and many, many thousands of people have already been killed by these injections over the last year, which is systematically covered up by government/media/government-paid scientists.
- There are clear parallels between the broad, society-wide insanity of today, and Germany of the 1920s/1930s, i.e. the time which ultimately saw the rise of Hitler.
- Deaths among working-age people seem to be way up compared to previous years. Why? (I think we know why, and it’s not the virus. It’s the ‘cure’ for the virus)
- Over 4.6 billion people have been vaccinated with an MRNA vaccine (over half of the world’s population).
- Medical tyranny is marketing itself as compassionate and scientific, and never before has the world been captive to such a centralized campaign of propaganda.
- The spirit world (headed by Satan) is ultimately responsible for the crazed insanity which has gripped the planet since March 2020, when the shutdowns were first brought in.
- Corona is ultimately little if any worse than a regular flu.
There are also some Bible verses in the article to bring it all together. I could write more, but I’ve had enough writing for today. If you’re interested in all of this, I recommend you read the article.
The world is ripe for the arrival of the anti-Christ. As I’ve already stated from time to time, his arrival may still be a long time off, but it could just as likely be within the next 12 months. We have to keep watch and stay vigilant, to ensure that we will not be deceived, even as the vast majority of our fellow human beings will unfortunately be completely deceived, as they currently are in this age of ‘Mass formation psychosis’.
Link to the article is below: ... -psychosis
In one of my previous posts I believe that I referenced a term called ‘Mass formation’, coined by a very insightful Belgian university professor named Mattias Desmet. If I recall correctly, I posted a little article about it.
Desmet (in my opinion, very correctly) explained, in a non-emotional, non-partisan, non-insulting way, that what we are seeing in the age of Covid shutdowns is a mass hysteria which has taken root across the whole globe, with evil governments/media reacting to Covid-19 with totalitarianism and a distinct lack of decency or logic, slavishly followed by the masses of hypnotized humans who view government/media as God (this is my basic summary of what Desmet has summarised in a much more detailed, eloquent manner than I could do myself).
You may have already heard about it yourself, but a guy called Dr Robert Mallone was recently interviewed by a podcaster named Joe Rogan (Rogan has one of the biggest podcasts in the world) and expanded on this, describing what he called, ‘Mass formation psychosis’.
Mallone, a virologist, is an accomplished individual, and was- among other things- a chief architect of the MRNA technology now used in the Pfizer and Moderna injections.
On the podcast with Joe Rogan, he also spent a lot of time warning about the (very real) dangers of these vaccines. Mallone, who has also been doing the rounds with other independent media, has since been removed from various social media platforms, i.e. censored by people who know much, much less about these topics than Mallone does himself.
That particular episode of Joe Rogan’s podcast has also been removed from various platforms, though I believe it may still be available at Spotify itself, which is where Rogan’s podcast is based.
Among other things, Mallone pointed out that the negatives of giving these vaccines to children far, far outweigh the positives. For daring to speak out against the government/media complex, Mallone is not only being kicked off social media, but he is copping hatred from medical people as well (Remember, doctors and scientists are not gods. They are generally flawed, corrupt, group-thinking people like anyone else).
I wish to refer you to an article from Christian news source The Trumpet. It’s too long for me to summarise in its entirety, but here are some dot points:
- This ‘Mass formation psychosis’ which has clearly taken root across the world is like a form of Godless worship, worship of the ‘will’, or of humanity.
- The forced or mandated vaccinations are sinister, and many, many thousands of people have already been killed by these injections over the last year, which is systematically covered up by government/media/government-paid scientists.
- There are clear parallels between the broad, society-wide insanity of today, and Germany of the 1920s/1930s, i.e. the time which ultimately saw the rise of Hitler.
- Deaths among working-age people seem to be way up compared to previous years. Why? (I think we know why, and it’s not the virus. It’s the ‘cure’ for the virus)
- Over 4.6 billion people have been vaccinated with an MRNA vaccine (over half of the world’s population).
- Medical tyranny is marketing itself as compassionate and scientific, and never before has the world been captive to such a centralized campaign of propaganda.
- The spirit world (headed by Satan) is ultimately responsible for the crazed insanity which has gripped the planet since March 2020, when the shutdowns were first brought in.
- Corona is ultimately little if any worse than a regular flu.
There are also some Bible verses in the article to bring it all together. I could write more, but I’ve had enough writing for today. If you’re interested in all of this, I recommend you read the article.
The world is ripe for the arrival of the anti-Christ. As I’ve already stated from time to time, his arrival may still be a long time off, but it could just as likely be within the next 12 months. We have to keep watch and stay vigilant, to ensure that we will not be deceived, even as the vast majority of our fellow human beings will unfortunately be completely deceived, as they currently are in this age of ‘Mass formation psychosis’.
Link to the article is below: ... -psychosis
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Greetings again,
This whole forum started off in the aftermath of the Las Vegas massacre of October 1st, 2017. At the time, I posted a lot of info from sources which strongly indicated that the massacre was an inside job, ultimately carried out and covered up by the government.
There were multiple gunmen all over the Las Vegas strip that night, but the government/media/law enforcement pushed out the narrative that it was all the work of a ‘Lone gunman’, just like with the assassination of JFK.
Some people look into ‘Conspiracy theories’ as a hobby. I reject the term ‘Conspiracy theory’. Maybe you already know this, but the term ‘Conspiracy theory’ was actually coined by US intelligence services in the aftermath of the JFK assassination, in order to disparage and isolate anyone who dared to question the official narrative.
I am personally fascinated in trying to find out what really happened vis-à-vis events like the Kennedy assassination, Las Vegas massacre, et al. But it is not a hobby. I would much prefer to live in a world where false flags didn’t happen, and government was generally okay.
Unfortunately, we do not live in such a world.
But we can learn a lot if we strive to be ‘Truth-seekers’ (what slavish believers in government/mainstream media would call ‘Conspiracy theorists’). While God calls on us to show a level of respect to human authorities, He also calls on us to oppose the dark forces that are running this world. It is a fine balancing act.
I personally believe that it is crucial, as this New World Order, satanic empire comes to fruition, that we Christians should have a healthy contempt for the human authorities ruling over us, and a strong mistrust in them. If we do not, then I think it will be very hard to recognize the anti-Christ whenever he finally comes onto the scene (The Bible warns us that even ‘The elect’ could be deceived by the anti-Christ, if we are not vigilant).
A new documentary about the Las Vegas massacre has come out. I came across it via There have already been moves made by social media outlets to censor it.
It dismantles the official narrative of a ‘Lone gunman’, and gives indisputable, voluminous evidence that multiple shooters carried out the atrocity; some of them undoubtedly on the ground, and others possibly even from helicopters which were suspiciously circling around the scene of the massacre as it unfolded (these choppers were captured on various videos, which you can see in the doco, and flight records also not only show that they were present, but also indicate that their movements were highly irregular).
I don’t often encourage people to check out material with profanities and vulgar words contained within, but this documentary is just too important. In this documentary, which is just over two hours long, you will hear the odd profanity from the narrator, but you will also hear quite a lot from within the snippets of footage taken on the night, when the bullets were flying from all angles.
I’m not judging those people who used such profanity, especially those who were there on the night and were edgy/terrified about what was unfolding around them, but I’m just letting you know about the profanity, before you would (possibly) choose to watch the doco. It’s not frequent, but is here or there.
Just a last point; the world is ruled over by corrupt, demonic, child-hating, murderous paedophiles. Most of them are in the shadows. The politicians we see on TV are generally just mid-level operatives. This is Satan’s kingdom at the moment, after all. My criticism is not against one ‘side of politics’ over the other. My criticism is not against the USA per se, which I believe was once a great county.
Overall, this is currently Satan’s kingdom. He is not only dominating in the USA, but across the entire world. And, in my opinion, he is particularly dominant in the USA at the moment because he is using its power to build his kingdom. But if the USA hadn’t been the dominant country it has been, he would obviously have used another country instead (to lead the New World Order).
In fact, I believe that Bible prophecy indicates that Europe, not the USA, may well be the epicentre of the beast empire when the anti-Christ finally arrives. But that’s another issue.
My recommendation- PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE- if you don’t believe me, that’s okay. If you don’t think it’s possible that the government itself could have carried out the Las Vegas massacre, that’s okay.
Just put my claims to the test. PLEASE just set aside a couple of hours, boil up some coffee or tea, relax, and put my claims to the test by watching this thoroughly-complied documentary, which is crammed full of hardcore evidence.
Link below: ... 71accce7df
P.S. Having trouble opening the link? If so, you might need to search for it online, possibly from an engine separate from google. Anyway, this is currently available in the 'Banned Video' section of It is titled, 'Route 91: Uncovering the Cover Up of the Vegas Mass Shooting'. It was produced by someone called Mindy Robinson.
If the link I posted doesn't immediately work, please don't quit. It can be easily found with an efficient search.
Lastly, needless to say, I am in no way affiliated with the documentary, and have never even been to America. I just think it's very important to watch this. God bless you.
This whole forum started off in the aftermath of the Las Vegas massacre of October 1st, 2017. At the time, I posted a lot of info from sources which strongly indicated that the massacre was an inside job, ultimately carried out and covered up by the government.
There were multiple gunmen all over the Las Vegas strip that night, but the government/media/law enforcement pushed out the narrative that it was all the work of a ‘Lone gunman’, just like with the assassination of JFK.
Some people look into ‘Conspiracy theories’ as a hobby. I reject the term ‘Conspiracy theory’. Maybe you already know this, but the term ‘Conspiracy theory’ was actually coined by US intelligence services in the aftermath of the JFK assassination, in order to disparage and isolate anyone who dared to question the official narrative.
I am personally fascinated in trying to find out what really happened vis-à-vis events like the Kennedy assassination, Las Vegas massacre, et al. But it is not a hobby. I would much prefer to live in a world where false flags didn’t happen, and government was generally okay.
Unfortunately, we do not live in such a world.
But we can learn a lot if we strive to be ‘Truth-seekers’ (what slavish believers in government/mainstream media would call ‘Conspiracy theorists’). While God calls on us to show a level of respect to human authorities, He also calls on us to oppose the dark forces that are running this world. It is a fine balancing act.
I personally believe that it is crucial, as this New World Order, satanic empire comes to fruition, that we Christians should have a healthy contempt for the human authorities ruling over us, and a strong mistrust in them. If we do not, then I think it will be very hard to recognize the anti-Christ whenever he finally comes onto the scene (The Bible warns us that even ‘The elect’ could be deceived by the anti-Christ, if we are not vigilant).
A new documentary about the Las Vegas massacre has come out. I came across it via There have already been moves made by social media outlets to censor it.
It dismantles the official narrative of a ‘Lone gunman’, and gives indisputable, voluminous evidence that multiple shooters carried out the atrocity; some of them undoubtedly on the ground, and others possibly even from helicopters which were suspiciously circling around the scene of the massacre as it unfolded (these choppers were captured on various videos, which you can see in the doco, and flight records also not only show that they were present, but also indicate that their movements were highly irregular).
I don’t often encourage people to check out material with profanities and vulgar words contained within, but this documentary is just too important. In this documentary, which is just over two hours long, you will hear the odd profanity from the narrator, but you will also hear quite a lot from within the snippets of footage taken on the night, when the bullets were flying from all angles.
I’m not judging those people who used such profanity, especially those who were there on the night and were edgy/terrified about what was unfolding around them, but I’m just letting you know about the profanity, before you would (possibly) choose to watch the doco. It’s not frequent, but is here or there.
Just a last point; the world is ruled over by corrupt, demonic, child-hating, murderous paedophiles. Most of them are in the shadows. The politicians we see on TV are generally just mid-level operatives. This is Satan’s kingdom at the moment, after all. My criticism is not against one ‘side of politics’ over the other. My criticism is not against the USA per se, which I believe was once a great county.
Overall, this is currently Satan’s kingdom. He is not only dominating in the USA, but across the entire world. And, in my opinion, he is particularly dominant in the USA at the moment because he is using its power to build his kingdom. But if the USA hadn’t been the dominant country it has been, he would obviously have used another country instead (to lead the New World Order).
In fact, I believe that Bible prophecy indicates that Europe, not the USA, may well be the epicentre of the beast empire when the anti-Christ finally arrives. But that’s another issue.
My recommendation- PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE- if you don’t believe me, that’s okay. If you don’t think it’s possible that the government itself could have carried out the Las Vegas massacre, that’s okay.
Just put my claims to the test. PLEASE just set aside a couple of hours, boil up some coffee or tea, relax, and put my claims to the test by watching this thoroughly-complied documentary, which is crammed full of hardcore evidence.
Link below: ... 71accce7df
P.S. Having trouble opening the link? If so, you might need to search for it online, possibly from an engine separate from google. Anyway, this is currently available in the 'Banned Video' section of It is titled, 'Route 91: Uncovering the Cover Up of the Vegas Mass Shooting'. It was produced by someone called Mindy Robinson.
If the link I posted doesn't immediately work, please don't quit. It can be easily found with an efficient search.
Lastly, needless to say, I am in no way affiliated with the documentary, and have never even been to America. I just think it's very important to watch this. God bless you.
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hi All,
It’s very unlike me to make two posts on the same day, so I will keep this very quick. A common theme of this forum is that we are generally ruled over by cold-blooded psychopaths. It doesn’t matter what the country, nor the level of government. This is currently Satan’s kingdom.
Human authorities are generally evil, and mainstream media is their shameless, unquestioning mouthpiece.
Yes, I know that we are all fallen in God’s sight. Without Christ’s perfect sacrifice, we are all evil. But, among us fallen humans, there are certainly degrees of evil, and I don’t think we should shy back from calling it out.
The Chief Health Officer of New South Wales (the biggest state in Australia, with Sydney as its capital) has apparently released an official tweet celebrating that only 3 kids in her state have died from the injections during the national rollout of child vaccinations for Covid-19. I say ‘apparently’, because the tweet in question has already been wiped and it is not easy to verify.
However, the available evidence certainly indicates that she did indeed make such a tweet, which read:
“Great result from the children’s roll-out,only 3 deaths linked and 106 adverse reactions out of 377000 vaccines.I would say that is a better result than expected.
Make sure you get your children’s vaccine done before school starts.”
Just to put everything in perspective: there have been virtually zero Covid-19 deaths worldwide among healthy kids. One study I read said that it is statistically more likely for a healthy kid to die of a lightning strike than from Covid-19. I have also read, among other things (perhaps I have already mentioned this at one time or another in this forum) that there have been literally zero Covid-19 deaths among healthy children in Germany and Sweden SINCE THE WHOLE AGE OF CORONA BEGAN.
For info on this Swedish and German aspect, click the link below: ... -to-covid/
Maybe some older people do need such a vaccine. Just maybe. But kids simply do not, no matter how many lying, government-paid pseudo-scientists say they do.
That this ‘Chief Health Officer’ of New South Wales would openly celebrate the unnecessary, state-sanctioned deaths of three children as a success, is a testament to the nature of the cold-blooded psychopaths who rule over us at virtually every level of government across the world (there would be a few scattered examples of ‘good’ politicians or bureaucrats here or there, of course, but they’re not easy to find).
If I’m proven wrong, and it turns out that this tweet was never actually made by this lady, then I will make a point of admitting it in a future post. But I’m pretty confident I will never have to do this, as this same lady has already made insane statements in the past. And the evidence seems to strongly indicate that she did indeed make this tweet.
Link to a brief article about this is below: ... -children/
It’s very unlike me to make two posts on the same day, so I will keep this very quick. A common theme of this forum is that we are generally ruled over by cold-blooded psychopaths. It doesn’t matter what the country, nor the level of government. This is currently Satan’s kingdom.
Human authorities are generally evil, and mainstream media is their shameless, unquestioning mouthpiece.
Yes, I know that we are all fallen in God’s sight. Without Christ’s perfect sacrifice, we are all evil. But, among us fallen humans, there are certainly degrees of evil, and I don’t think we should shy back from calling it out.
The Chief Health Officer of New South Wales (the biggest state in Australia, with Sydney as its capital) has apparently released an official tweet celebrating that only 3 kids in her state have died from the injections during the national rollout of child vaccinations for Covid-19. I say ‘apparently’, because the tweet in question has already been wiped and it is not easy to verify.
However, the available evidence certainly indicates that she did indeed make such a tweet, which read:
“Great result from the children’s roll-out,only 3 deaths linked and 106 adverse reactions out of 377000 vaccines.I would say that is a better result than expected.
Make sure you get your children’s vaccine done before school starts.”
Just to put everything in perspective: there have been virtually zero Covid-19 deaths worldwide among healthy kids. One study I read said that it is statistically more likely for a healthy kid to die of a lightning strike than from Covid-19. I have also read, among other things (perhaps I have already mentioned this at one time or another in this forum) that there have been literally zero Covid-19 deaths among healthy children in Germany and Sweden SINCE THE WHOLE AGE OF CORONA BEGAN.
For info on this Swedish and German aspect, click the link below: ... -to-covid/
Maybe some older people do need such a vaccine. Just maybe. But kids simply do not, no matter how many lying, government-paid pseudo-scientists say they do.
That this ‘Chief Health Officer’ of New South Wales would openly celebrate the unnecessary, state-sanctioned deaths of three children as a success, is a testament to the nature of the cold-blooded psychopaths who rule over us at virtually every level of government across the world (there would be a few scattered examples of ‘good’ politicians or bureaucrats here or there, of course, but they’re not easy to find).
If I’m proven wrong, and it turns out that this tweet was never actually made by this lady, then I will make a point of admitting it in a future post. But I’m pretty confident I will never have to do this, as this same lady has already made insane statements in the past. And the evidence seems to strongly indicate that she did indeed make this tweet.
Link to a brief article about this is below: ... -children/
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hello again,
I’m going to post a 17-minute video from YouTuber ‘Gabe the Street Preacher’. He’s a dry sort of a personality, rather just focussing on the Word of God.
The title of this video is, ‘No entrance into Walmart without the insertion: It’s here’.
He is focussed in this instance on Canada, and a handful of chain stores (such as Walmart) there which are beginning to strictly ban the unvaccinated from entering the stores. In the video, the preacher does not use the word ‘Vaccination’ in any of its forms. He refers to it as, ‘The insertion’.
To be sure, the vaccines themselves are not the Mark of the Beast. But he continues to make the point that the procedures and technology used to enforce vaccination status, and the associated penalties involved for those who are unvaccinated, are leading in to the eventual mandating of the Mark of the Beast.
Of course, as I’ve pointed out in this forum in the past, the Mark itself cannot be mandated before several things have happened (which haven’t happened yet), including the rise of the anti-Christ (the man himself) to the position of global dictator.
The flip side of the coin is that this could happen very, very quickly, as the spirit of the anti-Christ has been busily preparing the way for the arrival of the evil one himself.
If you watch this video, you will see plenty of documentation, including- but not limited to- scripture, that we are indeed in the end times.
If you have the time/inclination, I encourage you to get a tea or a coffee, put the feet up for 15-20 minutes, and watch the video.
Link below:
I’m going to post a 17-minute video from YouTuber ‘Gabe the Street Preacher’. He’s a dry sort of a personality, rather just focussing on the Word of God.
The title of this video is, ‘No entrance into Walmart without the insertion: It’s here’.
He is focussed in this instance on Canada, and a handful of chain stores (such as Walmart) there which are beginning to strictly ban the unvaccinated from entering the stores. In the video, the preacher does not use the word ‘Vaccination’ in any of its forms. He refers to it as, ‘The insertion’.
To be sure, the vaccines themselves are not the Mark of the Beast. But he continues to make the point that the procedures and technology used to enforce vaccination status, and the associated penalties involved for those who are unvaccinated, are leading in to the eventual mandating of the Mark of the Beast.
Of course, as I’ve pointed out in this forum in the past, the Mark itself cannot be mandated before several things have happened (which haven’t happened yet), including the rise of the anti-Christ (the man himself) to the position of global dictator.
The flip side of the coin is that this could happen very, very quickly, as the spirit of the anti-Christ has been busily preparing the way for the arrival of the evil one himself.
If you watch this video, you will see plenty of documentation, including- but not limited to- scripture, that we are indeed in the end times.
If you have the time/inclination, I encourage you to get a tea or a coffee, put the feet up for 15-20 minutes, and watch the video.
Link below:
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
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