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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Thu Jan 28, 2021 5:45 am

Hi All,

I have asked for permission from the administration of this site, and have been granted permission to tell you about a new podcast I have started.

Firstly, it is not monetized, there is no advertising, I don’t earn a cent from it, and never will.

It’s not what I would call a ‘Christian podcast’, but rather ‘A podcast by a Christian for anyone willing to listen.’

Of course, there is no explicit language within, but there are controversial themes within, and some strong opinions. I know that I am not always right. Like all people, I am sometimes very wrong, but one thing I can guarantee you is this: I am not wrong on purpose and in the podcast, just like in this forum, and the forum on Syria, I have gone to great lengths, and tried my utmost to present you with truth and properly researched facts.

In short, it is an aggressive analysis of the globalist agenda, New World Order, etc, covering exactly the kinds of themes that I’ve been writing about in this forum.

My motivation for creating the podcast was thus: God has put it on my heart that I’ve been way too passive and inactive on his behalf during my lifetime so far, and I wanted to do something for Him.

Don’t get me wrong; I know that no-one is good besides Him, and there is nothing anyone can do to ‘earn’ their way into heaven. And even as far as ‘good works’ go, my podcast is a tiny, rather comfortable endeavour compared to the great deeds other people have done for God.

I have, for example, great respect for street preachers who get out there, and have the guts/thick skin to confront the public with God’s word, i.e. not only the fluffy aspects (God is a God of love, which is easy for most to accept), but that God is also a wrathful God who hates sin, and hates the sin in all of us (this harsh truth, of course, is a lot harder for most to accept).

In short, the aim of this podcast is to open people’s eyes to the evil nature of the globalist agenda, and hopefully, in the end, either bring people to Christ, or bring them closer to Him at very least. After all, He, and He alone, is the only one who can save us from this evil world, and our own sins.

I have released 3 episodes so far, and will continue to release one per week. Episode 1 is titled, ‘(The religion of) Naturalism.’
It can be listened to on various platforms, but I will provide one for you below:

For your information, I am not going to make a habit of promoting my podcast on this forum. I plan to keep doing my same old thing in this forum, as long as God would have me do it. I will also write a post about it in the other forum (about Syria) in a few weeks, when I start to get into some anti-war stuff. But after that, I will also continue to post in that forum as always, and will not turn it into an ongoing promotional tool for the podcast.

So, I invite you to have a listen, but I totally understand it if you don’t want to, don’t have the time, etc. Each to their own.
God bless.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Feb 08, 2021 9:16 am

Hello Again,

I just wish to share with you some more hysteria from Australia, where they are about to roll out the vaccines. Australia is currently leading the charge to create a 'Vaccine certificate', or something of the kind.

Under this plan, it would be impossible for anyone to enter or leave Australia without being able to prove they have taken the vaccine.

There are currently 40,000 Australians stranded overseas, unable to get home. About 3,000 of these are destitute, i.e. for all intents and purposes, homeless, sleeping on the couches of associates, perhaps even on the streets, etc. The Australian government doesn't care about these people, and is busy celebrating its 'success' crushing the corona virus at home.

Moreover, under this vaccination certificate scheme, not only would international travel be banned for those who don't take the vaccine, but interstate travel could be banned as well, i.e. if you can't prove you've been vaccinated, you can't cross state borders, which, only a year ago, were not guarded, controlled, or anything of the sort.

There is also talk in Australia of banning unvaccinated people from certain venues, including workplaces, entertainment venues, or even businesses.

But, in true government/media, lying, deceitful fashion, they are not talking about 'punishments' for the unvaccinated, but 'rewards' for the vaccinated, i.e. it's not about the punishment of getting fired from your job for not taking the vaccine. Rather, it's all about the 'reward' of not being fired from your job, if you DO take the vaccine.

I've made it clear in previous posts that I am confident the covid vaccines are not the mark of the beast, as certain things in Bible prophecy don't indicate that we are quite in the final, end times at this point. For one, the anti-Christ does not appear to be on the scene yet, and the Bible appears to tell us that the mark will be adminstered about halfway through the tenure of the anti-Christ.

But, think about it; in Australia, which is leading the covid hysteria, causing some to wonder if it is a globalist, new word order test case, there is now serious talk about banning the unvaccinated from travel, certain venues and businesses, and even workplaces.

Does this not sound like the mark of the beast? Again, just to affirm, I am confident that the covid vaccines are not the mark of the beast, but I certainly believe they may be conditioning the people of the world to take the mark of the beast, some time in the future, maybe only a few years from now, not that I would know exactly when.

In more hysterical Australian covid news, the city of Perth (approximately 2 million people) recently went into a hard shutdown of almost a full week, in which the entire city was under virtual house arrest, because of... ONE CASE. Yes, one case of corona virus.

For more on the deeply sick situation currently dominating all of Australia, I provide you a link from a very rare mainstream media source that is just a little bit sceptical about the logic of the shutdowns. It's from Sky News Australia which, by and large, has been the only outlet in Australia to not buy into the insane covid hysteria. Link below:
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Feb 28, 2021 6:08 am

Hi All,

I wish to comment on New Zealand and the Corona situation.

Firstly, some context. Whenever the anti-Christ comes onto the scene, he will be almost universally loved. The mass media will brainwash most of the world into loving him. Anyone who doesn’t worship the anti-Christ will be persecuted, many put to death.

The anti-Christ does not yet appear to be on the scene, and I don’t believe he will come out of New Zealand. But I certainly believe there is a mini anti-Christ prototype currently in power in New Zealand, in the form of its popular, female Prime Minister.

Here is my argument:

- The current Prime Minister of New Zealand is a very harmless-looking, respectable-looking person (on the outside). She is widely loved by the mainstream media, which is already a reason for suspicion. Most people in this world held up by mainstream media as ‘good‘ are not good at all (Christ tells us none of us are good, but that’s another issue).

-The current Prime Minister of New Zealand pushed through an extreme abortion bill in late March 2020. This was deliberately timed to coincide with the initial Covid-19 shutdown, so it could be snuck through under the radar. This new bill makes it easy to get an abortion virtually all the way up to a full-term pregnancy.

-While being hyped by media as the lady who conquered corona, she has transformed her nation into a draconian police state, in the same mould as its hysterical, paranoid neighbour, Australia.

-Her rolling shutdowns have decimated the travel industry of New Zealand, one of the nations most dependent on international tourism in the whole world.

- She has just placed Auckland (NZ‘s biggest city) under its second week-long shutdown inside of a month, this time because of ONE CASE. Moreover, this so-called case was so ‘sick‘ that he went to a gymnasium twice to work out when he was already supposedly infected.

The shutdowns, as I‘ve pointed out again and again, are much worse than the virus itself, and much more deadly.

What’s the point of this post? To strongly advise you to be cautious about who the media tells you is ‘good‘.

That’s all today. I hope you’re going well through these complicated times.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Mar 14, 2021 9:17 am

Hello Everyone,

I wish to share with you some thoughts about the covid vaccines, obviously a hot topic.

It’s not for me to tell you what you should do; everyone has to decide for themselves. But while I am virtually certain that the covid vaccines are not the mark of the beast described in Revelation (it doesn’t appear to meet several important criteria), I still believe that there is something unnerving about the rollout of the covid vaccines.

From my own perspective, it’s already been made clear that I will probably never be allowed to return home ever again, visit my aging parents, etc, unless I take a covid vaccine.

There is also talk across the globe about ‘vaccine passports’, and, not only banning the unvaccinated from international travel, but even from venues, and businesses. This kind of talk obviously conjures images/thoughts of the mark of the beast. While these vaccines do not appear to be the mark, they seem to be a potential test case, a dry-run, prototype, or whatever you want to call it, for the future mark of the beast (although, it would seem that the anti-Christ is not yet on the scene, and many biblical scholars concur that this mark will be mandated half-way through the seven-year tenure of the anti-Christ).

I personally do not want to take the vaccine, as it poses a greater risk to my health than the virus does (given that I am not a ‘risk group’ for the virus, am very fit and healthy, and have talked with many people who were infected with corona, and had nothing more than very mild symptoms, and not one person suffered badly from the virus that I personally know of).

Moreover, I have spoken to various people first-hand, and have also heard second-hand accounts, of people who took the Astrazeneca vaccine, and were hit very, very hard for up to five days, with fever, migraines, etc. None of these people have died as yet, or were in a life-threatening situation, but of all the people I have talked to, the side effects of the vaccine were much worse than the symptoms of the virus.

I’m not saying that my observations here are definitive, or representative of the broader population, just telling you what I have heard, first-hand and second-hand.

The pressure to take the vaccine is high, and a lot of it is based on group-think, and emotional manipulation. One of my bosses, a lady who I generally like and get along with, told me in all seriousness that I am selfish and egotistical for not wanting to be vaccinated in order to ‘protect’ those around me. This kind of fake compassion, emotional manipulation is driven by the political/media establishment.

Can you imagine how intense the pressure will be to take the mark of the beast, when the anti-Christ is on the scene? To be sure, I don’t know if this will be in any of our lifetimes, but I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if it does happen in some of our lifetimes.

As it is, I am absolutely desperate to get home, and will possibly consider taking a vaccine later this year, as soon as Australia has opened its borders (which will only be to those who have been vaccinated, of course). As it stands currently, citizens cannot return home to Australia, ever if they are vaccinated.

But I reserve the right to choose which vaccine I take. I have great concerns about anything with focus on RNA, which can theoretically meddle with our DNA. I’m not a medical expert, but the very concept sounds questionable. At the very least, it is certainly and unequivocally experimental, and never tried before, as far as I know. Pfizer and Moderna are RNA vaccines, and I won’t be taking them.

If you already have taken one of these and are concerned, fret not. There is a God in heaven who you can pray to, and ask to minimise or eliminate the negative effects of any vaccine on your body.

I will be making a prayer just like this if I do end up taking a vaccine to get home, no matter what kind of vaccine I take.

According to official statistics, well over a thousand people have died due to these covid vaccines in the USA already. It’s not a lot from the tens of millions who have taken the shots already, but it’s still a lot, and each of those deaths from the vaccines is an individual tragedy, with devastated loved ones left behind.

It’s a safe bet that there would have been a similar ratio of vaccine-related deaths in other countries, i.e. if a country half the size of the USA (population-wise) has vaccinated a similar percentage of its people, the 1,200-plus deaths in the USA from the vaccines would presumably be 600-plus in that other country.

Also, keep in mind, that while the covid infection rates are deliberately inflated upward, the vaccine deaths will be deliberately inflated downward, played down, ignored, etc.

While the so-called vector-based vaccines are less experimental (Astrazeneca, Johnson and Johnson, Sputnik, etc), they tend to use cell lines from aborted foetuses in the production of their vaccines. It remains vague, and hard to ascertain, if these cells end up in the final product.

Then there is Bill Gates, a man with no medical background, yet a big stake in the vaccines. He has repeatedly spoken about ‘overpopulation’ and his concerns that there are ‘too many people’ on the planet. This leads me to ask myself, ‘Should I take a vaccine that is supported by a man who is adamant that there are too many people on the planet? Is he really motivated by a desire to do good?’

As far as I know, Gates has thrown in his lot (in a major way) with four vaccines: Astrazeneca, Johnson and Johnson, one from France (can’t remember the name) and Novavax.

I encourage you to think long and hard about whether you need a vaccine at all. If you do, I encourage you to look into them, and decide which one you would prefer, instead of just letting them inject you with whatever they have available.

Before I go, an anecdote. One week ago, the Health Minister of Australia took his first dose of Astrazeneca. Within 2 days he was in hospital, where he would receive antibiotics and fluids to help him recover from what, we were later told, was a ‘bacterial infection’. He would stay in hospital for a full week.

I did a scan of mainstream media headlines and articles on this incident about a day after he landed in hospital. Most, but not all of these articles, were from Australia.

I must have scanned about 20 such articles and all of them, without failure, either in their title or start of the article, went to great lengths to point out that there was ‘no link between the vaccine and his sudden illness.’

If I was a betting man, I’d bet my house that there was a VERY BIG LINK between the vaccine and his sudden illness, and that the Australian political system and mainstream media has totally covered it up, swept it under the carpet, etc.

This world is so hopelessly fallen. If you feel that you have too much trust in government/media, I encourage you to take it back, and reinvest it all into Jesus Christ.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Apr 10, 2021 11:40 am

Hi All,

A quick note for you with regard to Bible prophecy. The last year has obviously seen the world sink into a panicked, totally irrational hysteria in response to what is a moderately serious virus, little if any worse than a regular flu (the flu, too, is deadly for some, but only like a bad cold for most).

As pointed out several times previously, the shutdowns are much more destructive, and much more deadly than the virus itself.

Amid all of this, because of the insane global hysteria, many have wondered whether we are right at the pointy part of the biblical end times. While we’re getting closer, we are not there yet. Claims that the vaccines are the Mark of the Beast are not well thought-through, and do not meet biblical criteria for the mark.

That aside, the vaccines have already killed thousands across the US, EU, etc. I would just urge you to do all the research, weigh it all up, before you take one. True, this is well under 1 per cent of all people who have taken a vaccine, but this is no consolation for those killed by the vaccines.

Furthermore, I believe that current pressure to take the vaccine could be a test run, for future plans to enforce the Mark of the Beast, after the anti-Christ has taken power.

I refer you to an article which is another little reminder that we are not yet in the final part of the end times. It is regarding talk across the German, and European political spectrum of plans to establish a European army. According to my understanding of biblical prophecy, there will be a reformed Roman Empire in the end times (which many biblical scholars assume to be Europe). A unified European army would appear to fit into this scenario.

It is likely coming, but is obviously not yet fulfilled.

Link to the recent article is below: ... s-eu-army/
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun May 02, 2021 10:29 am

Hi All,

I wish to comment more on the Mark of the Beast, which, according to most biblical scholars, will be mandated half-way through the tenure of the anti-Christ (who will have a total of seven years in power, before he is destroyed by God).

Firstly, I have always been wary of the types of people that always seem to claim that the end times are upon us (people have thought this at various times over the last 2,000 years).

But I have been equally wary of the other extreme, i.e. people who say, ‘People have always thought it was the end times and they were all wrong so far. Don’t worry about it (etc)’.

My take on this issue is thus: For all of my thinking life, I have assumed that the arrival of the anti-Christ must be at least a hundred years off, and certainly not in my own lifetime. However, the last 14 or so months have changed my calculations. The bizarre, highly-synchronized, international (over) reaction to a virus that is little worse than a regular flu, tells me that the anti-Christ might indeed still be a hundred years off, but could just as easily be only ONE year off.

I am not playing down the tragedy of those who died from covid. But don’t forget that hundreds of thousands of people also typically die worldwide per year from the common flu.

Moreover, you might have recently heard about a deadly, out-of-control wave of a covid variant in India. I don’t dispute that something bad has happened there, and people have died, but the evidence indicates that what we are hearing is yet more deceitful, fear-based, media-fuelled panic mongering for reasons unknown.

For example, did you know that roughly 99% of the current cases in India are of people that experience only mild, cold-like symptoms that are nothing more than a nuisance? The mainstream media only tells you that there are over 300,000 infections in India per day at the moment. What they don’t tell you is that about 297,000 of these are people with mild, cold-like symptoms that are nothing more than a nuisance.

Anyway, to get to my point. The vaccines, while dangerous and experimental, are almost certainly NOT the Mark of the Beast. But, as I am sure I’ve stated in at least one earlier post, I believe that they are a test-run, warm-up for future plans to, for example, microchip people, which might indeed be, or end up being, the Mark of the Beast.

While I may be wrong, as there is certainly debate about what form the Mark will take, I believe that it will be a literal mark, perhaps a microchip and/or associated barcode, which will be implanted in, or tattooed into/onto the wrist and/or forehead.

Moreover, as pointed out in the Bible, it will be mandated under the rule of the anti-Christ, probably halfway through his tenure. Those who refuse to take it will be either starved to death, or hunted down and killed. Those who take it will tragically be lost to God.

As stated, this could still be at least a hundred years off, but it could just as likely be only a few years off at most.

I now refer you to an article which came out a few months ago, titled, ‘Amazon expands palm-scanning payment technology to 3 more Seattle-area stores.’ The picture under the by-line is of a person scanning their hand over a scanner in a market, presumably to either pay and/or enter the store.

It’s a very generic, secular-type, commerce-focussed article that of course makes no connection to the Mark. Link to this article below: ... attle-area.

If you would like to watch a short, 8-minute critique of this article and its content, from a Christian perspective, I will post a link to such a video. The speaker in this article, of course, makes a direct connection to the future Mark of the Beast, and the clearly sinister elements associated with this hand-scanning technology, evidently predicted in your Bible thousands of years ago.

The title of this video is, ‘Why do they keep targeting our hands?’ Link below:

It’s not all doom and gloom. Remember, those who refuse the Mark for the sake of Jesus will be gifted eternal life.

My basic advice at this point, would be: A) Make sure you’re right with Jesus. Remember, you don’t clean a fish before you catch it, nor does Jesus. Go to Him with all of your faults, as all Christians have done, and let Him renew you: B) While it’s clearly better NOT to take the Mark, it will be brutally unpleasant for those of us who reject it.

It’s very easy to be blasé right now, with a kitchen stocked full of food, to say, ‘I will starve before I take the mark.’ May God give us all the strength to indeed choose starvation/our own murder, instead of taking the Mark. However, there still might be some value in preparing in an earthly sense. While rejecting the Mark at all costs is our only option, this doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with stocking up on supplies, non-perishable edibles, important items, etc, and having them stashed in isolated, private areas.

Just a thought. Feel free to ask or share any views on the topic. God bless you this week.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Jun 06, 2021 7:11 am

Hi Everyone,

I wish to comment a little on the emerging persecution of Christians.

My use of the word ‘emerging’ is in part because of the different levels of persecution in different parts of the world. Obviously, it is currently most extreme in places like the Middle-East, where thousands, probably even tens of thousands of Christians have been murdered in recent years by groups like ISIS, al-queda, etc.

Also, keep in mind, ‘murdered’ may well sound like a generic word on a page, but is not at all generic for those who have suffered, or know someone who has suffered from a myriad of evil acts, including beheading, slit throat, suicide/homicide bombing, stabbing, shooting, etc.

In addition to this, tens of thousands, more likely in the many hundreds of thousands of Middle-Eastern Christians in recent years have been wounded, enslaved, terrorised, robbed, intimidated, etc.

As a Christian, I am far more concerned about the plight of fellow believers in the Middle-East, than I am about the state of Israel, for example. But that’s just me.

With all of that aside, some people scoff at the idea that Christians in the west could suffer persecution. Yet, the Bible tells us that in the end times, when the anti-Christ is in power, he will hunt down and murder Christians across the globe, i.e. what has happened to Christians in the Middle-East will eventually be inflicted on Christians worldwide, which will obviously include the western countries, with full support of the puppet governments in those countries.

True, the current persecution of Christians in the west is not deadly, but it is already at the stage of discrimination, legal persecution, intimidation, etc. And it will only get worse. One day, Christians will also be put to death across the west for the ‘crime’… of being Christians. The Bible tells us so.

I thank God that we are not there yet, as it will not be pleasant when it comes. Sure, we have God’s promise of eternal life if we endure. But let’s not pretend that the persecution will not be unpleasant. We ought to prepare ourselves for these unpleasantries.

To get to my point for the day (and you might’ve noticed this yourselves), there has been a steady stream of disturbing stories in recent months, generally from smaller, independent media sources, of government-orchestrated persecution against Christians in Canada, largely carried out by thuggish police officers who are ‘just obeying orders’ (this excuse was not morally acceptable in the aftermath of World War Two and its atrocities, and is equally unacceptable now. But most people have a very short memory).

Canada is a leader amongst western countries in terms of government persecution of Christians. Sure, it’s not yet even close to the level of what’s been happening to Middle-Eastern Christians, but the only two words I need to say, are, ‘Slippery slope’.

I am not interested in politically-based protests against police, such as the race-related stuff we’ve seen in the USA. There would clearly be good people- and bad people- in any police force, no matter where it is in the world.

My point is this: The police will ultimately NOT be the friend of Christians in this world, nor of anyone who will refuse to worship the beast.
They will assuredly ‘Just follow orders’, which will involve hunting down, incarcerating and killing innocent people all across the western world, and the world in general, like the Gestapo back in the days of Hitler, or Stalin’s secret police in Soviet Russia.

The same goes for the military (regardless of the country). They will also not be our friends, and have already shown that they are more than happy to ‘Just follow orders’ as they have destroyed country after country (Iraq, Yugoslavia, Libya, also Syria, etc) in recent years.

This is not to attack any particular group, or profession. We are all fallen, in a fallen world which is currently under the control of Satan. We all need the atonement which can only be provided by Jesus.

Below is a link to the current, developing persecution of Christians in Canada. I usually recommend that you read whatever article I may post on whatever topic. But I have to STRONGLY recommend that you read this one:
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Tue Jun 22, 2021 2:56 am

Hello Everyone,

Over my life, probably yours as well, I’ve heard someone ask from time to time something like this: ‘How could everyone in Nazi Germany just go along with it?’ (The behaviour of their government)

I don’t know exactly, but the Bible gives us pretty good insight. We are in a fallen world, and every last one of us is fallen. Moreover, someone even worse than Hitler is going to reign in the end times (the anti-Christ), and not only one country- or group of countries- will ‘just go along with it’, but virtually the entire world will go along with it.

While we are not at the pointy end of the final times just yet, we’re obviously getting nearer, and the global, hysterical, mentally unsound over-reaction to covid is definitely a taste of what is to come. In fact, it’s possible that the (over) reaction to covid is, in part, intended to condition us for the coming of the anti-Christ (whenever that may be).

Why do I say that the reaction to covid has been terrible? Because the shutdowns kill far more people than the virus itself. As for the virus itself, it’s highly contagious, but has a survival rate of approximately 99.7%. Yes, the fact of the matter is that it is comparable to the regular flu, perhaps mildly worse, perhaps not.

I’m not mocking anyone who has gone along with it to a certain extent. I, myself, have to wear a mask in order to work, attend church, enter a supermarket, etc, even though the masks are, in all probability, useless.

But here’s the risk; to me, and to anyone else who has already gone along with it, to a certain extent (I hate the masks, but want to work, go to church, enter a supermarket, etc). There would’ve been a lot of Germans from the Hitler-era just like me, who didn’t like the government and what it was doing, but ‘went along with it’ so that they could continue to somewhat live their lives.

Not everyone from the Hitler-era would have been a radical, frothing-at-the-mouth devotee who hung on every word of ‘The Führer’. There would’ve been many people who disapproved, but felt powerless, and so, in order to be left alone as much as possible, ‘just went along with it’.

Do you see the risk here: The slippery slope of ‘just going along with it’? It’s a risk to us all. I, myself, do not want to take the vaccine at all, for example, but I will consider it, if this would enable me to see my parents before they die. I, too, am being conditioned. It’s not only Germans from the Nazi-era who were conditioned. All of us, today, are being conditioned in like manner.

I urge you to take this seriously, and set your limits. I, for example, will never take an MRNA vaccine that can tinker with your DNA. I will also never take a microchip, or anything that can be inserted under the skin, as, to my mind, such a thing is getting eerily close to the ‘Mark of the Beast’ scenario. As Christians, we really have to draw the line somewhere, lest we let ourselves be conditioned to the point where we would ultimately worship the anti-Christ, and take his mark.

Just for clarity: There is no evidence at this point to link the vaccines to the mark. The vaccines are almost certainly not the mark at this point, but I believe that it is part of the conditioning.

On the topic of Australia, I have to vent. It’s my country of origin, and has locked me, and tens of thousands of other citizens out of the country. That’s right, Australian citizens are in virtual exile across the world, because the entire country has gone literally insane, and most of the population at home is ‘going along with it’ (polls consistently show majority support at home for locking us out)

Australia (and by extension, New Zealand) have totally shut their borders since March 2020 (except for politicians, celebrities, rich people, who can come and go at will). Roughly 40,000 Australians are stranded overseas, needing to, but unable to get home. About 5,000 of these are in a desperate situation (i.e. left destitute overseas). Yet, the government is totally disinterested in helping them, and most of the Australian population doesn’t care. They are ‘just going along with it’.

There are scores of horror stories, of the government denying people the right to visit dying loved ones, or attend funerals. In some cases, medical care has been refused to Australians who would need to cross state borders for life-saving care, with fatal consequences. Suicides are sky high, as is substance abuse, stress, domestic violence, undiagnosed cancer (due to the shutdowns), etc, etc, etc.

But the Australian government/media continues to sing their own praises, about how ‘Compassionate’ they are, and how Australia is the ‘Envy of the world’. This is delusional, of course, but they believe it, just like the Nazis believed all of their own propaganda back in the day. And, the Australian people ‘just go along with it’.

I have begun to absorb the very real possibility that I, like tens of thousands of other Australian citizens, may never be allowed to go home again. It’s an extremely bitter pill to swallow, but it’s better to face up to the possibility, than live in denial. And this is with the full blessing of the Australian population.

It can cost up to $20,000 to get a one-way flight from Europe to Australia. Even then, it’s like winning a lottery. Some people have had their reservations cancelled 12-15 times, due to the scarcity of people allowed into the country, and are still without luck. There is then two weeks of compulsory, self-funded ($3,000 per person) imprisonment upon arrival in Australia, under guard in a quarantine facility.
There is then a hostile local population to deal with, as politicians and media have spent the last 15 months or so subtly inciting the locals against the ‘dangers’ of outsiders, including returning citizens.

On top of this, vaccination currently doesn’t help you in any way. If you are fully vaccinated, you’re still not allowed to enter or leave the country (unless you are a politician, celebrity or rich person). And numerous government figures, including the Prime Minster, several times, have hinted that the borders may well stay closed indefinitely, even after the whole country is vaccinated.

If I didn’t have The Lord, it would be a lot tougher to deal with. And many of His people have suffered much worse than me, including martyrdom Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. Just venting, and maybe highlighting Australia as an example. So, I repeat the earlier question, from the start of this post: ‘How could everyone in (Nazi) Germany just go along with it?’ Again, I don’t know exactly, but if you think the days of mass hysteria, blind, total faith in government and mass consumption of crude propaganda are long gone, just take a look at modern-day Australia.

I post you a short, five-minute video from Sky News Australia, literally the ONLY mainstream outlet in Australia which has broken ranks, and dared to dissent, at least a little bit, from the broader, government/media covid insanity.

In it, you will hear about the state of Queensland, whose cruel, savage policies and denial of human rights has seen its leader win broad popularity, and re-election. There is also reference to the leading health official in that state, who has been rewarded for her inhumane, draconian directives, with a major promotion within the political system of that state. The people in that state, and Australian people are ‘Just going along with it’.

Let Australia serve as a warning to us all. We are all being conditioned to a certain extent. But where do we draw the line? It’s important that we think about that as individuals, I believe, otherwise we could find ourselves being conditioned all the way to the ‘Mark of the Beast’.

Link to the aforementioned video is below:
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Thu Jul 15, 2021 2:32 pm

Hi All,

I'm currently out and about on a mobile phone, so will try to keep this concise.

The era of Covid and shutdowns has, as discussed in previous posts, certainly brought the future rise of the anti-Christ much closer. One very striking aspect of this has been the transformation of law enforcement/police across the globe- particularly in the western countries- from an institution that was generally there to keep law and order, to a draconian, intimidating and adversarial weapon of oppression which carries out the dictates of government, and 'just follows orders'.

Unnerving stories of evil police behaviour have, over the last 18 months, poured out of Canada, Australia, the UK, the US and countries of the EU.

I refer you to a video out of Melbourne, Australia, titled, 'Help me make this evil Covid-cop famous.'

The officer was actually filmed at close range during the whole incident. The clip is only about 9 minutes long, and I recommend you watch it, if you wish to have some extra insight into the direction this world is going.

Make no mistake about it; while there would undoubtedly be some good people in the police, the institution itself, like the law enforcement in Nazi Germany, or Soviet Russia, will increasingly become the enemy of anyone who does not blindly support the government. Overall, whenever the anti-Christ does land on the scene, the police will fully carry out his orders without hesitation, which will include hunting down, and carrying out genocide against Christians and other 'Enemies of the state '.

As I believe I may have pointed out before, the excuse, 'I was just carrying out orders,' was not accepted at the Nuremberg Trials. Yet this same, broad excuse is increasingly being used by immoral police and their ilk across the western world, and will almost certainly be the principle they continue to adhere to, when the anti-Christ comes to power.

In the video link below, you will see a youngish female police officer, evidently (initially) hiding in wait nearby, as she issues a $200 fine to at least one, but possibly each of a pair who had been shopping in a supermarket. Their crime? The male in the pair allegedly removed his mask as he was literally exiting the store, instead of waiting an extra second until he had fully exited.

The police officer, who was antagonistic and mocking toward the pair throughout the whole, on-the-spot interrogation (and issuing of the fine/s), is exactly the same kind of creature who, in World War Two, worked at Nazi concentration camps, and happily exterminated the prisoners in those camps in order to 'Just follow orders'.

Moreover this police officer, when the anti-Christ assumes control, will be exactly the same kind of creature who happily hunts down you, me, other Christians and 'Enemies of the state,' and ultimately oversees our murder, because she is 'just following orders'.

If you want to see the exact, precise nature of the evil that we are increasingly going to be up against, click on the link below:
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Jul 25, 2021 7:07 am

Hi All,

I wish to share with you more of the inhumane savagery that has become widespread across Australia.

This is a personal story, from myself. In short, I, and other expats, have been essentially locked out of our own country since March 2020 (New Zealand is virtually the same). We are not allowed back, and this is an indefinite- possibly even permanent- reality.

If your reaction is to say, ‘Permanent? Don’t be so melodramatic!’, my response would be to think back to late 2019: Did you see any of this coming? (I certainly didn’t). If I had have somehow known that this was all going to happen, and I told you so, it would have also seemed ‘Melodramatic’.

In short, my own family in Australia has been ripped apart. My elderly father has been caring for my mother for years (in as much as she has depended on his care for years). She has dementia, has suffered depression, and been heavily medicated for 20-plus years, but has become dependent on my father as her carer for the last 5-10 years. Aggression and feelings of bitterness are things that have unfortunately been a part of her psyche for many years.

In a moment of madness earlier this week, she told her doctor at a routine check-up that my father had beaten her. My father was out in the waiting room, as my mother can no longer drive anywhere alone. Cops were called, and promptly arrived at the doctor’s clinic. It was quickly established by the cops that the story was fabricated, and that my mother has dementia. However, a court date is set for Tuesday for my father (two days from now), and a restraining order has been put in place.

The case should be quickly dropped, but I take nothing for granted in this corrupt world. Meanwhile, my mother is in the local hospital (uninjured, but as a sort of temporary accommodation until something longer-term is sorted out), without a phone in her room, and no possibility of visitors due to covid-shutdown in Australia.

In the past my mother has said she would suicide instead of going into aged care, and it has now dawned on her that her allegations have worked to her own detriment. She now realises that she has made the greatest mistake of her life, is not allowed to go back to the farm with my father, and, when she leaves hospital, will go straight into aged-care. She has already tried to bust out of the hospital once, and was described as psychotic and beyond distraught. The local police were called, to intercept her as she began the 12km walk home to the farm (her dementia and physical frailty would have ensured that she wouldn’t have made it).

Oddly enough, she wanted to head straight back to the farm she loves, where my father now lives alone due to the allegations and restraining order.

My sister, who has depression of her own, and a very strained relationship with my mother, is the only person there in Australia who can deal with this. I, myself, feel physically sick, tightness across my chest, and all of that. I want to be there, because I have good relations with everyone in the family, and could be there for them all. In normal times, I would jump straight on a plane, and be there within a day or two, and could stay for up to several weeks.

But, because Australia is so maniacally obsessed with ‘Covid-zero’ and perpetual lockdowns, I am shut out, not allowed to enter the country of which I am a citizen. If I was a politician, celebrity, or super wealthy, I could get in pretty easily. But I am none of the above, and getting into the country is virtually impossible for a regular person.

My personal story is assuredly only the tip of the iceberg, regarding Australia and its broad, covid-obsessed mental illness. There are also without doubt many similar stories across the world because, as terrible as Australia has become, many other parts of the world are probably not a great deal better.

I am not sharing this with you because I want sympathy. It’s not about that at all. I am feeling beyond bitter about Australia, and am praying that God might bring justice against the nation for all of the injustice it has been responsible for over the last 18 months. I would normally not make such a prayer, but have noticed such prayers, especially in the Old Testament, in which distraught people ask the Lord for justice on their behalf. Sure, it’s not a very positive prayer for me to make, but I am not asking God to punish any individuals in Australia. I am asking Him to bring justice against the whole nation, if He would find that it has been guilty of injustice during the era of Covid shutdowns, etc. Ultimately, though, His will be done, and certainly not mine.

This post is about venting some stress, but it’s not only about myself. It’s a cautionary tale to all of you people out there, that government does not care about the wellbeing of the people. Sure, it pretends that it does, but it really doesn’t.

Over the last century and beyond, what has been the biggest cause of premature death across the globe? (By ‘premature’ I mean, NOT of natural causes). The answer is government. Government is genocidal by nature. Even in our modern, ‘democratic’ nations, just think of all the wars they have started, the suffering and misery they have spread across the globe, not to mention legalized abortion since the 1970s.

Government does NOT care about people. It only pretends that it does. While I don’t doubt that some people have died from the Coronavirus (some people have died from the vaccines, too, but that’s another story), this whole thing is not about human life. It really isn’t. It’s about much more. The ‘Concern for human life’ angle is really only fake compassion to cover over some truly incredible, sinister realities.

After all, the Bible tells us in no uncertain terms who is really in control of this world in the current era, i.e. Satan. Yes, it’s only temporary control, and he has it only as long as God tolerates it, but the world is currently under the control of Satan, nonetheless.

The Bible calls us to respect human authority to a degree, but we are also told that this is not blind, total acceptance of human authority. We are also to realize that human authority is evil, and to do spiritual battle with it. The ‘respect for human authority’ thing and ‘doing spiritual battle with human authority’ thing clearly show that it’s a balancing act we need to do, a path we need to navigate with God’s guidance.

There are Bible verses to support what I’ve been sharing here, but my head is just spinning and I don’t feel like finding them right now. But if you would like me to find them, please let me know, and I’ll assuredly find them and post them in here, when I’m feeling up to it.

I’d welcome such a request, actually, as it’s critical that we all ultimately look to Scripture, and not just take anyone’s word for it, regardless if that person is me, or anyone else.

Lastly, I wish to highlight; while Australia has become debased, mentally deranged, and deeply sick across the whole nation, the rest of the world is not far behind it. The government of your country, and most of the population, no matter where you come from, care just as little for you, as my country does for me.

Put your trust in Christ, and the Kingdom of God. This is a ruler, and a Kingdom that truly do love you and care for you, unlike our human authorities.

I’m sure that some of you reading this have your own horror stories brought on by the shutdowns. Feel free to share, if you wish. We are under heavy spiritual warfare, all of us. But many of the secular kinds of people that love government/media do not even realize what spiritual warfare we are under. In fact, they embrace it. Sadly, these are the exact same people who will be enthusiastically rushing to the front of the line to get the Mark of the Beast, without knowing that they are sealing their own doom.

If you wish to read more on the mental sickness which has gripped Australian society, I will post a link to an article below.

The title is: One tweet sums up how Australia's lockdown obsession has left the world baffled as 14 MILLION Aussies give up the freedoms their grandparents fought for despite just THREE deaths from the virus all year.

• Three of Australia's biggest cities currently in lockdown over Covid outbreaks
• Lockdowns have sparked headlines and public outrage around the world
• Prompted Ben Fordham and Alan Jones to unleash savage attacks on lockdowns

Link to the article is below: ... downs.html
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Wed Jul 28, 2021 2:41 pm

Hi Everyone,

Over the last year, to a year-and-a-half, I have talked about Australia and its response to the whole Covid-19 situation.

In short, it is very deeply proud of its response, and the government/media complex- as well as social media minions and people on the street- have convinced themselves that Australia has done an absolutely brilliant job with its response to the virus; so brilliant, in fact, that the entire world is deeply envious of Australia, and full of admiration for how Australia has dealt with the virus.

The reality, however, is that Australia is a small, not particularly relevant country on the world scene. It’s living in a deluded little self-congratulatory bubble: A classic case of a small fish in a big pond, which would have itself believe that it is actually a big fish. Overall, its response to the Covid-19 crisis has been hysterical (a modern-day version of the Salem Witch trials); stunningly cruel, deeply illogical and unscientific (while masquerading as ‘scientific’, i.e. not really ‘science’, but ‘scientism’).

I could go on, but any of you who have read earlier posts in this forum would have already read similar commentary from me before. In short, Australia is a cautionary tale of why you should be very, very sceptical of human government. For many, many people out there, perhaps even the majority, government is their equivalent of God, mainstream media is their holy word, and government-paid scientists are their high priests. I believe I made this comment in the last post, so forgive me for being repetitive.

The problem with such blind, total trust in government, of course, is that the government/media complex could literally say anything, and secular-minded people will, by and large, swallow it without question.

For example, if the government/media complex, backed by government-paid scientists, one day announced that the Sun was a green living organism named Frank, most people would believe it- all the more so with each passing day, as this ‘revelation’ about the sun was repeated, over and over again. Furthermore, all of those who blindly accepted this explanation of the sun would feel hostility toward anyone who dissented, or was generally sceptical of the ‘official explanation’. They would care us ‘conspiracy theorists’, and ‘unscientific’.

My focus on Australia may come across as the disgruntled response of an Australian citizen literally locked out of his own home country, seemingly on an indefinite basis, and possibly forever (there are many tens of thousands of Australians, if not more, who have exactly my predicament). But I really, really hope that some good can come out of this. If any of you reading my posts learn to be less trusting of government/media/government-paid scientists, and invest MORE of your trust in Christ and the Kingdom of God, then, in my estimation, some good has come out of this.

Again, I reiterate that Australia is a cautionary tale of why we really need to be highly sceptical of human authority, while, in the right way, as commanded by God, also finding the right amount of respect that we should give to human authority (as mentioned in a previous post, perhaps the last one, this is a balancing act).

All of that aside, I have come across a mainstream media article, which is honest about the self-righteous plague of mental illness that has enveloped Australia since the initial outbreak of Covid-19. It’s from the Wall Street Journal, no less, and is titled, ‘Covid Mania Returns Australia to Its Roots as a Nation of Prisoners: Citizens in Sydney may leave their homes only for ‘essential’ purposes and not go more than six miles.’

It’s not available on all devices, apparently, (you may even need to subscribe, although I was able to read it once on my mobile phone without subscribing) but I will share something from the intro with you:

In short, the author has described the overall Australian response as a descent from ‘tragedy into farce’. The author pointed out one example of this farce, in which the Health Minister of New South Wales (the biggest state in Australia, with Sydney as its capital) gave some advice at a news conference. She told the citizens of her state to refrain from engaging in conversation with other people, because talking with other people could pass the virus from one person to the next, as they hold their conversation. Yes, you read correctly. She further highlighted her point by saying that people needed to go about their daily lives without coming into any sort of contact with anyone else.

To anyone with an independent mind, this is deranged nonsense. But to those in Australia with total trust in government/mainstream media/government-paid scientists, it is like the gospel to them, and anyone who doesn’t agree with this ‘advice’ is bad.

As awful as Australia is (New Zealand is no better) I am sure that many countries across the world, particularly in the west, are not much better.

If you would like to read the article, but can’t, I can point you to another article, in which this Wall Street Journal article is mentioned. It’s at, which is very surprising. To come across anything which might even come across as mildly critical of the lockdowns at this site is a bit of a shock, because, in my opinion, this site is usually one of the trashiest mainstream news sources in all of Australia, and that’s really saying something.

Here is a link to the piece at the Wall Street Journal: ... 1627237927

Here is a link to the piece at ... 8b8f530120

Not much else to say for now. Challenging times for all of us who are Christians, and also any independent-minded people who may not necessarily (yet) be Christians.

As usual, feel free to add anything of relevance if you wish.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Tue Aug 03, 2021 9:03 am

Hello Again,

Really short post today, as I wish to refer you to a 4-minute video clip.

Anybody who has followed this forum lately would've noticed a common theme: Australia, in the age of Covid, as a microcosm of widespread hysteria and broad disregard of common sense, decency and logic, i.e. the ultimate destination of any nation or civilisation which essentially rejects God.

This time, rather than read another long text from myself, you might like to watch this brief, succinct clip on the diabolical situation in Australia, from It is titled, 'Australia has fallen.' I recommend you watch it, as much of the content and evidence within has to be seen, to be believed.

Link is below:
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