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Prying Thoughts
The desire to know the truth concerning the concept of whether or not one can lose a redemptive position in the Lord Jesus is clearly the most popular spiritual growth doctrine among the New Testament teachings (which of course is a separate issue concerning receiving salvation). It’s clear that Scripture contains language that can appear to support either concept, and I believe there are two certainties concerning this issue: that only one of these concepts is true; that until the translation of the Church there will always remain believers who will accept one or the other as truth.
It’s been wisely said that asking good questions is key to finding good answers! At present one of my most prying thoughts is why Scripture (primarily in the NT) has been written in a way that often presents significant difficulty in understanding spiritual growth truths due to numerous passages that seem to contradict and conflict with one another, even though we know there is perfect coalescence in thought and practical application within the plenary of “the Word of Truth.”
It’s my belief there are at least two possible reasons answering to this paradoxical situation; for the purpose of requiring Bible-studying believers to maintain an ever-increasing reliance on the Holy Spirit’s instructions for understanding (1Co 2:13); and to learn to exercise respect and kindness to one another amidst the ongoing frustrations that often arise when communicating beliefs with one another. For success here, what we believe to be the truth must be communicated “in love” (Eph 4:15).
Love to one another is the pinnacle goal of all Biblical doctrine, because practical love to God is only apprehended in practical love to others (1Jn 4:20); and God’s love is incomplete in us if we do not desire to love one another (4:12). It is common knowledge that loving God is obeying Him (Jhn 14:15; Jhn 14:21), therefore neighborly love is the primary work that maintains consistent obedience to Him; without which our walk and doctrinal conversation will be unsuccessful concerning spiritual growth.
It’s been wisely said that asking good questions is key to finding good answers! At present one of my most prying thoughts is why Scripture (primarily in the NT) has been written in a way that often presents significant difficulty in understanding spiritual growth truths due to numerous passages that seem to contradict and conflict with one another, even though we know there is perfect coalescence in thought and practical application within the plenary of “the Word of Truth.”
It’s my belief there are at least two possible reasons answering to this paradoxical situation; for the purpose of requiring Bible-studying believers to maintain an ever-increasing reliance on the Holy Spirit’s instructions for understanding (1Co 2:13); and to learn to exercise respect and kindness to one another amidst the ongoing frustrations that often arise when communicating beliefs with one another. For success here, what we believe to be the truth must be communicated “in love” (Eph 4:15).
Love to one another is the pinnacle goal of all Biblical doctrine, because practical love to God is only apprehended in practical love to others (1Jn 4:20); and God’s love is incomplete in us if we do not desire to love one another (4:12). It is common knowledge that loving God is obeying Him (Jhn 14:15; Jhn 14:21), therefore neighborly love is the primary work that maintains consistent obedience to Him; without which our walk and doctrinal conversation will be unsuccessful concerning spiritual growth.
The Christian life is not our living a life like Christ, or our trying to be Christ-like, nor is it Christ giving us the power to live a life like His; but it is Christ Himself living His own life through us; 'no longer I, but Christ.'" -MJS
Netchaplain - Posts: 1024
- Location: Missouri, USA
- Marital Status: Married
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