Christianity Oasis Forum
Re: Beast Empire
Hello again,
Like myself, I assume that many of you currently have a fair bit of time on your hands due to hardships/inconveniences/etc brought on by the corona virus.
If you would like some insight into what's really going on, I recommend a new video from the Ron Paul Liberty Report. It is titled, 'The coronavirus distraction… and the continuing war on Iran.' I've just watched it.
It's too long to summarise, but it's an excellent summary from a source which is not 'left-wing' or 'right-wing', but endeavours to take more of an unbiased, unemotional approach to things.
Besides the appalling, criminal behaviour of the military-industrial complex against Iran, you will hear a very interesting insight right near the end, when the co-host quotes an unnamed friend of the show, who was far more concerned about the response to the virus, than the virus itself. Granted, if a loved one of mine was struck down by the virus, I'd be very supportive of any measure to help my loved one, and broader community.
However, if I take emotion out of it, and look at the broader picture, I remain totally unconvinced that the powers-that-be could care less about people like you, and me. If you don't choose to watch the video, I will give you a brief summary of the quote near the end. It was something like this (I will paraphrase, as it's too long to type out verbatim): If it only takes one crisis to turn our society into a draconian police state, we do not live in a free society (The way it was worded by the guy himself was longer, but much better).
Whether the response to the virus is justified or not, we already live in a police state. Don't be fooled by stupid words like 'Democracy' and 'Human rights'. Our governments, on a whim, can ban us from working, from gathering in groups, and even from leaving our houses/flats. They can, and have done this already. This is the power they have over us already. Moreover, whether the response to the virus is justified or not, this is a taste of things to come. How do I know? Because the Bible warns us of a future, draconian, totalitarian police state that will rule over virtually the entire world, before Jesus returns to destroy it Himself.
Furthermore, this evil, globalist police-state will not admit that it is evil. It will justify everything it does in positive terms, and pretend it does everything for the greater good. I'm just one guy with my view (guided by the Bible). If you have something to add about this, feel free. I don't claim to have all the answers, only many questions at the moment.
Link the video is below. I hope you're not doing it too hard during these uncertain times.
Like myself, I assume that many of you currently have a fair bit of time on your hands due to hardships/inconveniences/etc brought on by the corona virus.
If you would like some insight into what's really going on, I recommend a new video from the Ron Paul Liberty Report. It is titled, 'The coronavirus distraction… and the continuing war on Iran.' I've just watched it.
It's too long to summarise, but it's an excellent summary from a source which is not 'left-wing' or 'right-wing', but endeavours to take more of an unbiased, unemotional approach to things.
Besides the appalling, criminal behaviour of the military-industrial complex against Iran, you will hear a very interesting insight right near the end, when the co-host quotes an unnamed friend of the show, who was far more concerned about the response to the virus, than the virus itself. Granted, if a loved one of mine was struck down by the virus, I'd be very supportive of any measure to help my loved one, and broader community.
However, if I take emotion out of it, and look at the broader picture, I remain totally unconvinced that the powers-that-be could care less about people like you, and me. If you don't choose to watch the video, I will give you a brief summary of the quote near the end. It was something like this (I will paraphrase, as it's too long to type out verbatim): If it only takes one crisis to turn our society into a draconian police state, we do not live in a free society (The way it was worded by the guy himself was longer, but much better).
Whether the response to the virus is justified or not, we already live in a police state. Don't be fooled by stupid words like 'Democracy' and 'Human rights'. Our governments, on a whim, can ban us from working, from gathering in groups, and even from leaving our houses/flats. They can, and have done this already. This is the power they have over us already. Moreover, whether the response to the virus is justified or not, this is a taste of things to come. How do I know? Because the Bible warns us of a future, draconian, totalitarian police state that will rule over virtually the entire world, before Jesus returns to destroy it Himself.
Furthermore, this evil, globalist police-state will not admit that it is evil. It will justify everything it does in positive terms, and pretend it does everything for the greater good. I'm just one guy with my view (guided by the Bible). If you have something to add about this, feel free. I don't claim to have all the answers, only many questions at the moment.
Link the video is below. I hope you're not doing it too hard during these uncertain times.
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hi All,
I wish to share a few thoughts with you about the topic of the day, the 'Corona Virus.' Today, I will not share any links with you, only some ideas for how it ties into the satanic plan for a one-world-government.
I have no idea about how it was started, whether it was released on purpose or not, whether it's all planned by globalist elites, or whether it is all random. Even if it is random, which is possible, a phrase comes to mind. I don't know who coined it, or when, but I'm sure you've heard it before: 'Never let a good crisis go to waste.' There is no question that the globalist system is using this virus to tighten control, and take further steps on the path to global totalitarianism.
Firstly, a caution. Do not for a second believe that officials, top scientists, top experts, medical experts, etc, etc, etc, are all smarter than you are. On the one hand, they would presumably have more expertise in their chosen field than most others. But they are only people. And all people have agendas, biases, bad motives, and a tendency toward groupthink. Moreover, the higher they rise in their fields, the more prone they are to being corrupted, and pushing the globalist agenda.
For example, most scientists would have more expertise in science than me, but most of them also believe in the theory of evolution, which, as a Christian, I believe is a big, satanic lie, and a fake story about human origins, intended to take God out of the equation. Secularists like to view the scientific community as a noble, truth-seeking fraternity. Indeed, there would be some, perhaps many truth-seeking, free-thinking geniuses in science, but, in my estimation, most would be ‘Government paid research hacks,’ as Michael Savage once put it.
Another thing, when a secularist says they ‘Trust science,’ this is a deceptive, falsely-worded statement. ‘Science,’ actually means ‘Knowledge’. So, when a secularist falsely says they, ‘Trust science,’ what they really mean is that they, ‘Trust scientists,’ i.e. they trust people, with all of their agendas, biases, corruption, groupthink, etc.
I’m not knocking scientists and other such experts here. Just not putting them on a pedestal higher than other people. To underscore my original point, while such people presumably know more about their chosen field than most others, I would encourage everyone to maintain a high degree of scepticism, and make your own judgement, guided by God, instead of just blindly trusting human authority.
That said, this virus has killed people, made others very sick, and anyone would be wise to maintain strict standards of hygiene, etc.
Anyway, here are some thoughts I’ve had. Note, they are only thoughts, I don’t claim to be a prophet. Firstly, I believe that this crisis could be used as a pretext to ban cash. In the few businesses that are still open in my area, cash is accepted, but discouraged, and the people at the cashiers put on the rubber gloves to accept it, and give change. I can understand why they do this, but my point remains: ‘Never let a good crisis go to waste.’
Could the fear of viral infections be used to ultimately ban cash? Remember, a cashless society is a goal of people who believe in the New World Order. The Bible tells us that, in the end times, you will only be able to buy and sell if you take a literal mark on your wrist or forehead, the ‘Mark of the Beast’. While I don’t know for sure, this may well be a microchip with your own personal barcode, with which you can do many, if not all of your transactions, etc.
The Bible tells us that, in the end times, a man known as the Anti-Christ will rule over a one-world government, which will be the most evil, tyrannical empire that ever existed up to that point. To be sure, I don’t believe we are quite there yet, but tyranny is certainly building. You may have heard about how people are now being actively tracked via their mobile phones. I heard one story about a guy (in Europe, I believe) who’s mobile phone battery ran out.
On the same day, he was visited by police at his home, who suspected he may be breaking quarantine rules, because his phone had stopped pinging the nearest phone towers. I have also heard other such stories, of people being tracked via their mobile phones to make sure they are not breaking ‘Social distancing’ rules. Again, while this may seem like a sensible move by law enforcement in the current crisis, it is very draconian and undemocratic. ‘Never let a good crisis go to waste.’
I recently heard a quote by a guy who commented that we have a very, very fragile democracy and system of ‘freedom’, which can be abolished on a whim by the authorities due to a health crisis. Can we really trust human authorities not to abuse this power? The answer given by history, and by the future (through Bible prophecy) is a definite, 100% NO.
I express my sympathy to all of you put out financially, professionally, etc, by this crisis. It is also an anxious time for all, when our freedoms are so severely restricted like they are at the moment, whether the reason for it is justified or not. Extra sympathy if you’ve lost a loved one from the virus, or any other sickness or accident for that matter.
To close, I have the feeling that the powerful people of the New World Order are waging economic warfare against their own people. Actually, it’s a fact. This is what they are deliberately doing. They are waging severe economic warfare against us. Is it justified? That’s another question, which I can’t answer. But I do certainly feel that, to coin another phrase, ‘The solution to the problem may be much worse than the problem itself.’
If the right balance is not found, and the big shutdown is continued indefinitely, our societies may well melt down, and virtually cease. Is this a good cure for the problem? I’m not answering that question. You can make your own mind up. The massive shutdown is unsustainable on a long-term basis, even medium-term. Those calling for an indefinite shutdown, in my opinion, are essentially calling for the end of civilization as we know it. Is this a good cure to the problem? Again, I don’t answer. You know just as much as I do, maybe even a lot more.
Do you think I’m irresponsible for pointing this out? If so, I don’t take it personally. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and, as stated, maybe you know a lot more about this topic than I do. But I know for sure that people have already suicided out of stress over this crisis. And I’d be willing to bet my house that people have already died of stress due to the massive shutdown. Do you know how many people died in the Great Depression in the US alone? Answer: approximately several million, maybe even up to 7 million, which would be more than the Jewish holocaust in WWII. Most of these were due to health issues brought on by malnutrition, lack of hygiene, etc, but stress and suicide would’ve also undoubtedly added to the overall death toll.
Make no mistake, while those calling for an end to the shutdown, and return to business, may well have to live with the fact that there would be an immediate rise in the death toll, those calling for an indefinite shutdown are actually calling for another Depression to occur, with possibly many millions of deaths. Which would be worse? Again, no comment. I’m just a guy with an opinion. What do you think?
God bless you. I hope you’re well set to get through this. Trust God, and not human authority.
I wish to share a few thoughts with you about the topic of the day, the 'Corona Virus.' Today, I will not share any links with you, only some ideas for how it ties into the satanic plan for a one-world-government.
I have no idea about how it was started, whether it was released on purpose or not, whether it's all planned by globalist elites, or whether it is all random. Even if it is random, which is possible, a phrase comes to mind. I don't know who coined it, or when, but I'm sure you've heard it before: 'Never let a good crisis go to waste.' There is no question that the globalist system is using this virus to tighten control, and take further steps on the path to global totalitarianism.
Firstly, a caution. Do not for a second believe that officials, top scientists, top experts, medical experts, etc, etc, etc, are all smarter than you are. On the one hand, they would presumably have more expertise in their chosen field than most others. But they are only people. And all people have agendas, biases, bad motives, and a tendency toward groupthink. Moreover, the higher they rise in their fields, the more prone they are to being corrupted, and pushing the globalist agenda.
For example, most scientists would have more expertise in science than me, but most of them also believe in the theory of evolution, which, as a Christian, I believe is a big, satanic lie, and a fake story about human origins, intended to take God out of the equation. Secularists like to view the scientific community as a noble, truth-seeking fraternity. Indeed, there would be some, perhaps many truth-seeking, free-thinking geniuses in science, but, in my estimation, most would be ‘Government paid research hacks,’ as Michael Savage once put it.
Another thing, when a secularist says they ‘Trust science,’ this is a deceptive, falsely-worded statement. ‘Science,’ actually means ‘Knowledge’. So, when a secularist falsely says they, ‘Trust science,’ what they really mean is that they, ‘Trust scientists,’ i.e. they trust people, with all of their agendas, biases, corruption, groupthink, etc.
I’m not knocking scientists and other such experts here. Just not putting them on a pedestal higher than other people. To underscore my original point, while such people presumably know more about their chosen field than most others, I would encourage everyone to maintain a high degree of scepticism, and make your own judgement, guided by God, instead of just blindly trusting human authority.
That said, this virus has killed people, made others very sick, and anyone would be wise to maintain strict standards of hygiene, etc.
Anyway, here are some thoughts I’ve had. Note, they are only thoughts, I don’t claim to be a prophet. Firstly, I believe that this crisis could be used as a pretext to ban cash. In the few businesses that are still open in my area, cash is accepted, but discouraged, and the people at the cashiers put on the rubber gloves to accept it, and give change. I can understand why they do this, but my point remains: ‘Never let a good crisis go to waste.’
Could the fear of viral infections be used to ultimately ban cash? Remember, a cashless society is a goal of people who believe in the New World Order. The Bible tells us that, in the end times, you will only be able to buy and sell if you take a literal mark on your wrist or forehead, the ‘Mark of the Beast’. While I don’t know for sure, this may well be a microchip with your own personal barcode, with which you can do many, if not all of your transactions, etc.
The Bible tells us that, in the end times, a man known as the Anti-Christ will rule over a one-world government, which will be the most evil, tyrannical empire that ever existed up to that point. To be sure, I don’t believe we are quite there yet, but tyranny is certainly building. You may have heard about how people are now being actively tracked via their mobile phones. I heard one story about a guy (in Europe, I believe) who’s mobile phone battery ran out.
On the same day, he was visited by police at his home, who suspected he may be breaking quarantine rules, because his phone had stopped pinging the nearest phone towers. I have also heard other such stories, of people being tracked via their mobile phones to make sure they are not breaking ‘Social distancing’ rules. Again, while this may seem like a sensible move by law enforcement in the current crisis, it is very draconian and undemocratic. ‘Never let a good crisis go to waste.’
I recently heard a quote by a guy who commented that we have a very, very fragile democracy and system of ‘freedom’, which can be abolished on a whim by the authorities due to a health crisis. Can we really trust human authorities not to abuse this power? The answer given by history, and by the future (through Bible prophecy) is a definite, 100% NO.
I express my sympathy to all of you put out financially, professionally, etc, by this crisis. It is also an anxious time for all, when our freedoms are so severely restricted like they are at the moment, whether the reason for it is justified or not. Extra sympathy if you’ve lost a loved one from the virus, or any other sickness or accident for that matter.
To close, I have the feeling that the powerful people of the New World Order are waging economic warfare against their own people. Actually, it’s a fact. This is what they are deliberately doing. They are waging severe economic warfare against us. Is it justified? That’s another question, which I can’t answer. But I do certainly feel that, to coin another phrase, ‘The solution to the problem may be much worse than the problem itself.’
If the right balance is not found, and the big shutdown is continued indefinitely, our societies may well melt down, and virtually cease. Is this a good cure for the problem? I’m not answering that question. You can make your own mind up. The massive shutdown is unsustainable on a long-term basis, even medium-term. Those calling for an indefinite shutdown, in my opinion, are essentially calling for the end of civilization as we know it. Is this a good cure to the problem? Again, I don’t answer. You know just as much as I do, maybe even a lot more.
Do you think I’m irresponsible for pointing this out? If so, I don’t take it personally. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and, as stated, maybe you know a lot more about this topic than I do. But I know for sure that people have already suicided out of stress over this crisis. And I’d be willing to bet my house that people have already died of stress due to the massive shutdown. Do you know how many people died in the Great Depression in the US alone? Answer: approximately several million, maybe even up to 7 million, which would be more than the Jewish holocaust in WWII. Most of these were due to health issues brought on by malnutrition, lack of hygiene, etc, but stress and suicide would’ve also undoubtedly added to the overall death toll.
Make no mistake, while those calling for an end to the shutdown, and return to business, may well have to live with the fact that there would be an immediate rise in the death toll, those calling for an indefinite shutdown are actually calling for another Depression to occur, with possibly many millions of deaths. Which would be worse? Again, no comment. I’m just a guy with an opinion. What do you think?
God bless you. I hope you’re well set to get through this. Trust God, and not human authority.
Last edited by TrueAndMagneticNorth on Fri Apr 03, 2020 6:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hi Everyone,
I felt compelled to make a post in an attempt to encourage anyone who may need it. This may be a little long, so if you feel you have the patience to get through, grab a coffee, tea or whatever, before reading on.
Firstly, while I am not a medical expert, and have no inside knowledge of what’s currently going on, it doesn’t add up. Something is wrong with the whole picture, in my reasoned opinion. I don’t know exactly what it is, nor are people like us supposed to know. But I dare say it would have a lot to do with money, and power.
I have heard arguments from both side of the ledger: Those who say this is an unprecedented health crisis, and others who say it is not much worse than an average flu season, i.e. the corona virus is nothing more, nothing less than a bad flu season.
Who knows? What I do know is that tens of thousands of people have typically died in average flu seasons of the past in places like Italy and the USA, with hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions more infected. Some might accuse a person like me of downplaying the current crisis, to which I could, with equal justification, accuse them of downplaying all of the other terrible flu seasons that passed with virtually no public attention.
Yes, there is a real virus here that has killed people, and the loved ones of those who have suffered have my sympathy. But, so do the loved ones of all those other people who died of non-corona causes.
Another point; I have heard several voices pointing out that, while some have died because of the corona virus, many others have died WITH IT, but not BECAUSE OF IT. Moreover, there seems to be a focussed, hysterical, systematic effort to hype up and inflate numbers.
I refer you to a rare, good article from mainstream media, the BBC in this case. It’s titled, ‘Corona virus: How to understand the death toll.’ I recommend you read it, but in short, the point made is that many people reported as Corona victims died WITH IT, but not BECAUSE OF IT, i.e. They would have died anyway.
Further to this, the ages of the victims correlate to the average age that people tend to die anyway. Don’t get me wrong here. All people have lives, and all life is precious. I’m not quite ‘old’ myself yet, but get more and more aware of my own mortality as time passes. I am also concerned for my elderly parents, and would not want them to catch this virus. However, the fact remains; the average age of victims generally correlates with the average age that people die anyway.
Of course, the odd young person dies too, as I’m sure happens with any regular flu season. Every death of a young person is hyped by media, I have noticed, to try and ensure maximum fear. I will post the link to the BBC article below, before we continue:
While every death, young or old, is sad (and, of course, the death of a young person is extra tragic), I do not for a millisecond believe that out politicians, media, etc, are reacting to the virus in this way out of concern for the public. The government-media complex across the globe is pro-war, pro-abortion, and pro-many other awful things, too. Do they care for us? No, they don’t. So, what’s all of this about? I don’t exactly know, but I know it can’t be good. And I feel very confident that the ‘cure’ (the government reactions to the virus) is worse than the problem (the virus itself).
Not only are our human authorities waging economic warfare against us, they are also waging psychological and spiritual warfare. Satan wants you to feel despairing, despondent, helpless, and fully dependent on our globalist, new world order governments. Never forget that he is the current god of this world, as revealed in your Bible: 2 Corinthians 4:4- ‘Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.’
Enough with the doom and gloom. It’s quite possible that you, as you read this post, are finding yourselves on hard times, due possibly to the virus, but more likely from the globalist, governmental response to the virus.
You may well find yourself under economic, psychological, and spiritual warfare. Have you noticed that virtually no politicians or mainstream media have put a timeline on when things could get better? Have you heard any of them talk about how unsustainable the lockdown is, and when the economy simply MUST reopen before a recession, or depression? (which could kill millions, see the US depression as an example).
No, virtually nobody is talking about light at the end of the tunnel, and I am firmly convinced that this is part of a deliberate campaign to make you feel like all hope is lost, and to get you down, despondent, etc. This is how Satan wants you to feel, and how he is using the globalist political system, and establishment media, to try to ensure that you feel all is lost.
I’m feeling anxious about all this, too, and I know I need to draw closer to God. I’m sure that many of you have already drawn close to Him, but maybe there are others among you that have been feeling so down, you haven’t yet been able to.
Every person is experiencing a different set of difficulties. Some of you are no doubt hit much harder than me by this crisis, especially if you’ve lost a loved on. But I just want to encourage you, here and now, to draw closer to God. Unlike Satan, God does not want you to feel despondent, full of despair, and helpless: Psalm 46:1-3 ‘God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.’
We all have hard times to go through, to varying degrees, and yours may be harder than most, but I just want to encourage you again to draw nearer to God, and, if you can, decide for yourself that everything is okay. I repeat, don’t wait for CNN to tell you that everything is okay. CNN (and all corporate media) doesn’t want you to feel okay. It wants you to feel like you are without hope. If you wait for CNN to tell you that everything is okay, you might be waiting for a very, very long time. And why would you believe proven liars anyway?
No, if you can, draw nearer to God and with Him by your side, you can forget about CNN, and declare, NOW, that in the end, everything will be okay, because it’s God’s plan for you that everything will be okay.
Use these difficult, unpleasant times to make the kinds of changes that you know God wants to see in your life. I, for one, have decided to quit alcohol in all its forms, something I’ve been meaning to do for years, and something I know God would approve of. In a few years from now, if I’m still around, I’ll be able to say, ‘I quit alcohol because I was given the chance during the time of the corona virus.’ Don’t misunderstand me. I’d much prefer none of this corona virus thing ever happened. But it has, and I’m using it to make positive changes that I might otherwise never have done. What about you?
What positives can you get out of this time? I encourage you to think of something: A big change, or even a little one, that you know would be pleasing to God. It might well be that, in the midst of all this insecurity and sadness, the corona virus may have given you the chance, or impetus, to make a change, to take the chance and make that change now.
Make the best of a bad situation, friends. The world wants us to despair, but this is not what God wants for us. He wants us to feel peace. I know that it’s hard to feel this at times when bad news and sadness is so prevalent, but He still wants us to have the peace, and to have it now.
I leave you with another Bible verse: Joshua 1:9: ‘Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.’
If any of you want to talk about the current situation, or have something to add, feel free. Remember, in Heaven right now, where you will be one day, there is perfect peace, even as things get messier down here. All the best.
I felt compelled to make a post in an attempt to encourage anyone who may need it. This may be a little long, so if you feel you have the patience to get through, grab a coffee, tea or whatever, before reading on.
Firstly, while I am not a medical expert, and have no inside knowledge of what’s currently going on, it doesn’t add up. Something is wrong with the whole picture, in my reasoned opinion. I don’t know exactly what it is, nor are people like us supposed to know. But I dare say it would have a lot to do with money, and power.
I have heard arguments from both side of the ledger: Those who say this is an unprecedented health crisis, and others who say it is not much worse than an average flu season, i.e. the corona virus is nothing more, nothing less than a bad flu season.
Who knows? What I do know is that tens of thousands of people have typically died in average flu seasons of the past in places like Italy and the USA, with hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions more infected. Some might accuse a person like me of downplaying the current crisis, to which I could, with equal justification, accuse them of downplaying all of the other terrible flu seasons that passed with virtually no public attention.
Yes, there is a real virus here that has killed people, and the loved ones of those who have suffered have my sympathy. But, so do the loved ones of all those other people who died of non-corona causes.
Another point; I have heard several voices pointing out that, while some have died because of the corona virus, many others have died WITH IT, but not BECAUSE OF IT. Moreover, there seems to be a focussed, hysterical, systematic effort to hype up and inflate numbers.
I refer you to a rare, good article from mainstream media, the BBC in this case. It’s titled, ‘Corona virus: How to understand the death toll.’ I recommend you read it, but in short, the point made is that many people reported as Corona victims died WITH IT, but not BECAUSE OF IT, i.e. They would have died anyway.
Further to this, the ages of the victims correlate to the average age that people tend to die anyway. Don’t get me wrong here. All people have lives, and all life is precious. I’m not quite ‘old’ myself yet, but get more and more aware of my own mortality as time passes. I am also concerned for my elderly parents, and would not want them to catch this virus. However, the fact remains; the average age of victims generally correlates with the average age that people die anyway.
Of course, the odd young person dies too, as I’m sure happens with any regular flu season. Every death of a young person is hyped by media, I have noticed, to try and ensure maximum fear. I will post the link to the BBC article below, before we continue:
While every death, young or old, is sad (and, of course, the death of a young person is extra tragic), I do not for a millisecond believe that out politicians, media, etc, are reacting to the virus in this way out of concern for the public. The government-media complex across the globe is pro-war, pro-abortion, and pro-many other awful things, too. Do they care for us? No, they don’t. So, what’s all of this about? I don’t exactly know, but I know it can’t be good. And I feel very confident that the ‘cure’ (the government reactions to the virus) is worse than the problem (the virus itself).
Not only are our human authorities waging economic warfare against us, they are also waging psychological and spiritual warfare. Satan wants you to feel despairing, despondent, helpless, and fully dependent on our globalist, new world order governments. Never forget that he is the current god of this world, as revealed in your Bible: 2 Corinthians 4:4- ‘Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.’
Enough with the doom and gloom. It’s quite possible that you, as you read this post, are finding yourselves on hard times, due possibly to the virus, but more likely from the globalist, governmental response to the virus.
You may well find yourself under economic, psychological, and spiritual warfare. Have you noticed that virtually no politicians or mainstream media have put a timeline on when things could get better? Have you heard any of them talk about how unsustainable the lockdown is, and when the economy simply MUST reopen before a recession, or depression? (which could kill millions, see the US depression as an example).
No, virtually nobody is talking about light at the end of the tunnel, and I am firmly convinced that this is part of a deliberate campaign to make you feel like all hope is lost, and to get you down, despondent, etc. This is how Satan wants you to feel, and how he is using the globalist political system, and establishment media, to try to ensure that you feel all is lost.
I’m feeling anxious about all this, too, and I know I need to draw closer to God. I’m sure that many of you have already drawn close to Him, but maybe there are others among you that have been feeling so down, you haven’t yet been able to.
Every person is experiencing a different set of difficulties. Some of you are no doubt hit much harder than me by this crisis, especially if you’ve lost a loved on. But I just want to encourage you, here and now, to draw closer to God. Unlike Satan, God does not want you to feel despondent, full of despair, and helpless: Psalm 46:1-3 ‘God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.’
We all have hard times to go through, to varying degrees, and yours may be harder than most, but I just want to encourage you again to draw nearer to God, and, if you can, decide for yourself that everything is okay. I repeat, don’t wait for CNN to tell you that everything is okay. CNN (and all corporate media) doesn’t want you to feel okay. It wants you to feel like you are without hope. If you wait for CNN to tell you that everything is okay, you might be waiting for a very, very long time. And why would you believe proven liars anyway?
No, if you can, draw nearer to God and with Him by your side, you can forget about CNN, and declare, NOW, that in the end, everything will be okay, because it’s God’s plan for you that everything will be okay.
Use these difficult, unpleasant times to make the kinds of changes that you know God wants to see in your life. I, for one, have decided to quit alcohol in all its forms, something I’ve been meaning to do for years, and something I know God would approve of. In a few years from now, if I’m still around, I’ll be able to say, ‘I quit alcohol because I was given the chance during the time of the corona virus.’ Don’t misunderstand me. I’d much prefer none of this corona virus thing ever happened. But it has, and I’m using it to make positive changes that I might otherwise never have done. What about you?
What positives can you get out of this time? I encourage you to think of something: A big change, or even a little one, that you know would be pleasing to God. It might well be that, in the midst of all this insecurity and sadness, the corona virus may have given you the chance, or impetus, to make a change, to take the chance and make that change now.
Make the best of a bad situation, friends. The world wants us to despair, but this is not what God wants for us. He wants us to feel peace. I know that it’s hard to feel this at times when bad news and sadness is so prevalent, but He still wants us to have the peace, and to have it now.
I leave you with another Bible verse: Joshua 1:9: ‘Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.’
If any of you want to talk about the current situation, or have something to add, feel free. Remember, in Heaven right now, where you will be one day, there is perfect peace, even as things get messier down here. All the best.
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hello Everyone,
I hope you're currently coping well with these strange times we're in.
Today, I only wanted to bring your attention to a new article from establishment media.
The title is, 'The corona virus will accelerate the trend towards a cashless society.' Link to article is below: ... 54i6u.html
I hope you're currently coping well with these strange times we're in.
Today, I only wanted to bring your attention to a new article from establishment media.
The title is, 'The corona virus will accelerate the trend towards a cashless society.' Link to article is below: ... 54i6u.html
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hi again,
There has been a bit of chatter lately that Bill Gates is using the current virus crisis to push for microchipping of people.
I’ve read from some independent sources who make this claim, and some mainstream sources who try to deny this claim.
I do not know for sure if Bill Gates is explicitly using this crisis to push for microchipping. But what I do know is that Gates is a globalist, not to be trusted, very likely not well-meaning, and certainly interested in helping to build the satanic empire we are warned about in Bible prophecy.
What is also clear is that politicians, and other establishment figures like Gates, never let a crisis go to waste. We are warned in the Bible not to take the mark of the beast. I don’t know what form this mark will take, and encourage you to be open-minded, and ask for God’s help to recognize it.
However, if I had to hazard a guess about what form it will take, I would suggest that it could well be a microchip, and every person will have their own barcode within the microchip, with a hidden ‘666’ within the barcode.
I feel compelled to tell you something. Mainstream media, and people who are not sceptical of the mainstream media, will try to brainwash you into thinking it will be okay to be microchipped, and anyone who doesn’t take the chip is somehow stupid or bad. Don’t fall for this peer-group pressure, and deception. Stay strong with God.
Below is an article, titled, ‘Bill Gates will use microchips to fight coronavirus.’
Enjoy, if you have time to read it: ... 7OdgwiKE5U
There has been a bit of chatter lately that Bill Gates is using the current virus crisis to push for microchipping of people.
I’ve read from some independent sources who make this claim, and some mainstream sources who try to deny this claim.
I do not know for sure if Bill Gates is explicitly using this crisis to push for microchipping. But what I do know is that Gates is a globalist, not to be trusted, very likely not well-meaning, and certainly interested in helping to build the satanic empire we are warned about in Bible prophecy.
What is also clear is that politicians, and other establishment figures like Gates, never let a crisis go to waste. We are warned in the Bible not to take the mark of the beast. I don’t know what form this mark will take, and encourage you to be open-minded, and ask for God’s help to recognize it.
However, if I had to hazard a guess about what form it will take, I would suggest that it could well be a microchip, and every person will have their own barcode within the microchip, with a hidden ‘666’ within the barcode.
I feel compelled to tell you something. Mainstream media, and people who are not sceptical of the mainstream media, will try to brainwash you into thinking it will be okay to be microchipped, and anyone who doesn’t take the chip is somehow stupid or bad. Don’t fall for this peer-group pressure, and deception. Stay strong with God.
Below is an article, titled, ‘Bill Gates will use microchips to fight coronavirus.’
Enjoy, if you have time to read it: ... 7OdgwiKE5U
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hi Everyone,
I hope you’re going okay in these hard times. Wanted to touch on the only topic of the day: Corona Virus.
I am not a medical or financial expert, but I have a God-given mind to think. I have heard many of the experts quoted by mainstream media and political establishment, and have heard many who have dissented from the official narrative. Of course, the dissenters are not widely cited by mainstream media, if at all.
After hearing what experts from both sides have to say, I have become firmly convinced that while this is a real virus that has killed people, it is not nearly as bad as the government-media are insisting. There simply has to be a secret agenda going on behind the scenes, though I don’t know what it is.
In my opinion, there are two extremes: The one extreme is the version given us by the government-media, government-paid scientists, etc, that the corona virus is the worst thing ever, and we should destroy our economies, possibly killing millions in the process (malnutrition, lack of medical care for non-corona patients, mental health, suicide, etc). There are many people who think we should stay in lockdown forever, because the media said so. Some of my lifelong friends unfortunately think like this, and they think I am stupid because I don’t believe the media.
The other extreme is that there is no virus, and it’s all totally made up, and the anti-Christ will be here tomorrow, and we will have to either choose the microchip, or death, very soon.
I am only one guy with an opinion, but I think that the truth at this point is probably somewhere between either extreme. Yes, the virus is overhyped for reasons of control, power, secret agendas, etc, without a doubt. But is the anti-Christ going to be on the scene tomorrow? Will we have the choice to either take the mark or die any time soon? I don’t know. Maybe, maybe not. I hope not. But if so, I pray that anyone reading this, and myself, would have the strength to reject the mark, no matter the cost in this brief lifetime we have on earth.
As usual, I encourage you to read widely. You are assuredly well aware of the version we are given by mainstream media, so, make sure you are also well-informed from alternative media that is critical of the mainstream media. Overall, through the whole thing, pray to God for discernment, so that you are not misled by one version of the story, or another. After all, the only one with a monopoly on total truth is God.
I have a very short (4:20) video from Ron Paul of the Liberty Report. I think he is a very good, balanced analyser who does not buy into mainstream media hype, but does not put forward any alternative versions without evidence. He is far more balanced than most news sources, whether they be mainstream, or alternative. In this short video, he weighs up the cost of the great lockdown, compared to what may’ve been wrought by the virus itself. His conclusion is that the ‘solution’ to the virus is much worse than the virus itself, and I totally agree.
Link below:
I hope you’re going okay in these hard times. Wanted to touch on the only topic of the day: Corona Virus.
I am not a medical or financial expert, but I have a God-given mind to think. I have heard many of the experts quoted by mainstream media and political establishment, and have heard many who have dissented from the official narrative. Of course, the dissenters are not widely cited by mainstream media, if at all.
After hearing what experts from both sides have to say, I have become firmly convinced that while this is a real virus that has killed people, it is not nearly as bad as the government-media are insisting. There simply has to be a secret agenda going on behind the scenes, though I don’t know what it is.
In my opinion, there are two extremes: The one extreme is the version given us by the government-media, government-paid scientists, etc, that the corona virus is the worst thing ever, and we should destroy our economies, possibly killing millions in the process (malnutrition, lack of medical care for non-corona patients, mental health, suicide, etc). There are many people who think we should stay in lockdown forever, because the media said so. Some of my lifelong friends unfortunately think like this, and they think I am stupid because I don’t believe the media.
The other extreme is that there is no virus, and it’s all totally made up, and the anti-Christ will be here tomorrow, and we will have to either choose the microchip, or death, very soon.
I am only one guy with an opinion, but I think that the truth at this point is probably somewhere between either extreme. Yes, the virus is overhyped for reasons of control, power, secret agendas, etc, without a doubt. But is the anti-Christ going to be on the scene tomorrow? Will we have the choice to either take the mark or die any time soon? I don’t know. Maybe, maybe not. I hope not. But if so, I pray that anyone reading this, and myself, would have the strength to reject the mark, no matter the cost in this brief lifetime we have on earth.
As usual, I encourage you to read widely. You are assuredly well aware of the version we are given by mainstream media, so, make sure you are also well-informed from alternative media that is critical of the mainstream media. Overall, through the whole thing, pray to God for discernment, so that you are not misled by one version of the story, or another. After all, the only one with a monopoly on total truth is God.
I have a very short (4:20) video from Ron Paul of the Liberty Report. I think he is a very good, balanced analyser who does not buy into mainstream media hype, but does not put forward any alternative versions without evidence. He is far more balanced than most news sources, whether they be mainstream, or alternative. In this short video, he weighs up the cost of the great lockdown, compared to what may’ve been wrought by the virus itself. His conclusion is that the ‘solution’ to the virus is much worse than the virus itself, and I totally agree.
Link below:
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hi All,
Wanted to share some more thoughts on the current virus hysteria, and fears that some Christians have, that it could lead to the mark of the beast.
I think it's important to remain vigilant about the mark, which will come sometime in the future. And we must make sure we're strong enough in our commitment to Jesus, so that we would not take it, no matter the cost in this lifetime.
For the short term, however, it's also important we don't jump at shadows, and worry that it's all happening tomorrow. Balance, and God's wisdom, are key... James 1:5- If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you…
I refer you to a video of about five minutes, and encourage you to watch it. It's titled, 'Mark of the Beast- Coronavirus vaccine?' The video is a two-edged sword.
If any of you are worried that a vaccine to the virus may itself be the mark of the beast, the video may ease your fears for the short-term. The mark of the beast, as outlined in Revelations 13: 16-17 is about financial control (16- And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17- so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark— the name of the beast or the number of its name).
Therefore, as pointed out in the video, unless there is financial control linked with any vaccine, and it does not require an actual mark to be put on our right hand or forehead, it would seem unlikely that a vaccine would be the mark. Please note: I am only summarising the video, and my own interpretation of it. Above all, seek God's guidance.
So, while it may seem that there is no immediate peril regarding the mark, the flip side of the coin, also pointed out, is that it’s still coming. Also, this coronavirus thing is certainly, without doubt, being used by the globalist agenda, the ‘new world order’ ruling elites, to further build the satanic empire which is described in Revelation.
To summarise; a coronavirus vaccine is not necessarily the mark of the beast, and would have to meet certain biblically described characteristics, as well as a timeline, to qualify as the possible mark. We are yet to see much evidence of this.
However, even if it isn’t the mark, the time of the anti-Christ, the one who will be in power when the mark is introduced, is getting closer. Another point; unless I’ve missed something, which is certainly possible, the anti-Christ has not yet risen to power. But I’ll let you know if I believe anything changes on this front, not that I claim to be a definitive source on such matters, because I certainly am not.
Feel free to chime in and add something, if you wish. Link to video is below:
Wanted to share some more thoughts on the current virus hysteria, and fears that some Christians have, that it could lead to the mark of the beast.
I think it's important to remain vigilant about the mark, which will come sometime in the future. And we must make sure we're strong enough in our commitment to Jesus, so that we would not take it, no matter the cost in this lifetime.
For the short term, however, it's also important we don't jump at shadows, and worry that it's all happening tomorrow. Balance, and God's wisdom, are key... James 1:5- If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you…
I refer you to a video of about five minutes, and encourage you to watch it. It's titled, 'Mark of the Beast- Coronavirus vaccine?' The video is a two-edged sword.
If any of you are worried that a vaccine to the virus may itself be the mark of the beast, the video may ease your fears for the short-term. The mark of the beast, as outlined in Revelations 13: 16-17 is about financial control (16- And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17- so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark— the name of the beast or the number of its name).
Therefore, as pointed out in the video, unless there is financial control linked with any vaccine, and it does not require an actual mark to be put on our right hand or forehead, it would seem unlikely that a vaccine would be the mark. Please note: I am only summarising the video, and my own interpretation of it. Above all, seek God's guidance.
So, while it may seem that there is no immediate peril regarding the mark, the flip side of the coin, also pointed out, is that it’s still coming. Also, this coronavirus thing is certainly, without doubt, being used by the globalist agenda, the ‘new world order’ ruling elites, to further build the satanic empire which is described in Revelation.
To summarise; a coronavirus vaccine is not necessarily the mark of the beast, and would have to meet certain biblically described characteristics, as well as a timeline, to qualify as the possible mark. We are yet to see much evidence of this.
However, even if it isn’t the mark, the time of the anti-Christ, the one who will be in power when the mark is introduced, is getting closer. Another point; unless I’ve missed something, which is certainly possible, the anti-Christ has not yet risen to power. But I’ll let you know if I believe anything changes on this front, not that I claim to be a definitive source on such matters, because I certainly am not.
Feel free to chime in and add something, if you wish. Link to video is below:
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hi All,
More on the topic of the Coronavirus. I can’t remember if I’ve already mentioned this in an earlier post, but a statement from the Executive Director of the World Food Program, a UN agency, has said that up to 130 million (extra) people could face starvation by the end of the year, explicitly because of the big, globalist lockdown imposed by the government-media complex across the planet.
You have my sympathies if you know of someone who has died of the virus. It’s undoubtedly a real thing, just like the flu kills tens of thousands per year in countries like the USA, and Italy.
That said, I doubt that there is a single person reading this who is not suffering because of the shutdown. You’ve quite possibly lost a job or had hours reduced, had your ability to be productive taken away from you by the government, you likely have suffered stress, even depression, and you have been forced into a kind of isolation.
I firmly believe that something doesn’t add up about this whole thing, and I believe many of you would agree with me. The ‘solution’ imposed on us is much worse than the virus could ever have been. There is evidence that many people who died with the virus, did not die because of the virus, i.e. they died of a pre-existing condition, which the virus may have accelerated. This does not reduce the tragedy associated with each and every death, but there is certainly evidence that the establishment has been keen to hype up the threat, and overstate the death toll of people who explicitly killed by the virus.
Tens of millions, perhaps hundreds of millions across the globe will have lost their jobs not because of the coronavirus, but because of the government-media response to the virus. I have personally heard of one story of a person (an associate of a person I know) who suicided due to the stress. I have also read of a huge spike in suicides across the world because of the stress caused by the lockdown, and read personal stories of these, including a teenage autistic girl who took her life in the UK because she was unable to cope with the lockdown.
I don’t have figures to prove it, but would be willing to bet that a great many people have had a heart attack, suffered from high blood pressure or even a stroke because of this stress.
I have heard a personal anecdote about a psychiatrist with five clinics, 30 employees, who will soon have to close two or three of his clinics, because people are too scared, or unable to go. I have also read news reports of the inevitability, for similar reasons, that many people will be denied the chance to have cancer identified during its early stages, because they’re not going for regular check-ups, or have been denied the chance to have their regular check-up.
If this is not enough, there is the statement from the guy at the World Food Program, UN, and his estimation that 130 million (extra) people could face starvation across the third world by the end of the year, because of the shutdown, lack of productivity, lack of access to food supplies that would have otherwise been there, etc.
If you wish to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth, you can read the speech by the guy, in which he lays out the details of the emerging catastrophe, in his own words.
I hope you’re getting through these hard times okay, and that better times lay ahead. Remember, while the government-media complex does not care about you, and does not want the best of you, God loves you, and does want the best for you. Put your faith in Him, not in humans.
Link to the speech from the UN (World Food Program) guy is below: ... ty-council
More on the topic of the Coronavirus. I can’t remember if I’ve already mentioned this in an earlier post, but a statement from the Executive Director of the World Food Program, a UN agency, has said that up to 130 million (extra) people could face starvation by the end of the year, explicitly because of the big, globalist lockdown imposed by the government-media complex across the planet.
You have my sympathies if you know of someone who has died of the virus. It’s undoubtedly a real thing, just like the flu kills tens of thousands per year in countries like the USA, and Italy.
That said, I doubt that there is a single person reading this who is not suffering because of the shutdown. You’ve quite possibly lost a job or had hours reduced, had your ability to be productive taken away from you by the government, you likely have suffered stress, even depression, and you have been forced into a kind of isolation.
I firmly believe that something doesn’t add up about this whole thing, and I believe many of you would agree with me. The ‘solution’ imposed on us is much worse than the virus could ever have been. There is evidence that many people who died with the virus, did not die because of the virus, i.e. they died of a pre-existing condition, which the virus may have accelerated. This does not reduce the tragedy associated with each and every death, but there is certainly evidence that the establishment has been keen to hype up the threat, and overstate the death toll of people who explicitly killed by the virus.
Tens of millions, perhaps hundreds of millions across the globe will have lost their jobs not because of the coronavirus, but because of the government-media response to the virus. I have personally heard of one story of a person (an associate of a person I know) who suicided due to the stress. I have also read of a huge spike in suicides across the world because of the stress caused by the lockdown, and read personal stories of these, including a teenage autistic girl who took her life in the UK because she was unable to cope with the lockdown.
I don’t have figures to prove it, but would be willing to bet that a great many people have had a heart attack, suffered from high blood pressure or even a stroke because of this stress.
I have heard a personal anecdote about a psychiatrist with five clinics, 30 employees, who will soon have to close two or three of his clinics, because people are too scared, or unable to go. I have also read news reports of the inevitability, for similar reasons, that many people will be denied the chance to have cancer identified during its early stages, because they’re not going for regular check-ups, or have been denied the chance to have their regular check-up.
If this is not enough, there is the statement from the guy at the World Food Program, UN, and his estimation that 130 million (extra) people could face starvation across the third world by the end of the year, because of the shutdown, lack of productivity, lack of access to food supplies that would have otherwise been there, etc.
If you wish to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth, you can read the speech by the guy, in which he lays out the details of the emerging catastrophe, in his own words.
I hope you’re getting through these hard times okay, and that better times lay ahead. Remember, while the government-media complex does not care about you, and does not want the best of you, God loves you, and does want the best for you. Put your faith in Him, not in humans.
Link to the speech from the UN (World Food Program) guy is below: ... ty-council
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hello Again,
The latest news that I have come across is that Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, has openly said that he would like to microchip his entire population, starting with kids.
I have known for quite some time that Netanyahu is not the good guy that some people like to imagine him to be. I have learned myself that it is very unwise to put your faith in any single politician, regardless the 'side of politics', regardless the country. Netanyahu, like most other politicians across the world, is a power-mad individual with a sinister agenda.
This doesn't necessarily make him worse than any other politician. It just means that he is no different.
His desire to microchip his population, starting with kids, is couched in nice-sounding terms, i.e. to supposedly protect people from the coronavirus. His desire to effectively enslave his citizens was recently covered in Israeli establishment outlet, 'The Jerusalem Post.'
The title of the article, is, 'Benjamin Netanyahu suggests microchipping kids, slammed by experts.'
For your information, Netanyahu is quoted directly in the article, and he made it clear that, while he would like kids to be microchipped first, his intention was that ultimately every citizen would be microchipped.
I remind you that I am not 100% certain that the Mark of the Beast will come in any of our lifetimes, but I suspect that it may. I am not 100% certain that it will take the form of a microchip (or something similar), but I suspect that it may. I also suspect that, if it does take the form of a microchip (or something similar), then we will get out own barcodes.
The vast majority of barcodes across the earth have a '666' code embedded within. If you want some biblical proof about what I am getting at here, check Revelations 13: 16-18:
(16)- 'And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, (17) so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark— the name of the beast or the number of its name. (18) Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.'
Friends, I don't feel that the mark of the beast is upon us yet, but I'm just one guy with an opinion. Seek God's guidance on this, and prepare yourselves spiritually, and I would also urge you to decrease your reliance on government as much as you can so that you could try to survive as well as you can, in case you would be shut off from the economic system due to your unwillingness to take the mark.
Link to the article about Netanyahu is below: ... rts-627381
The latest news that I have come across is that Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, has openly said that he would like to microchip his entire population, starting with kids.
I have known for quite some time that Netanyahu is not the good guy that some people like to imagine him to be. I have learned myself that it is very unwise to put your faith in any single politician, regardless the 'side of politics', regardless the country. Netanyahu, like most other politicians across the world, is a power-mad individual with a sinister agenda.
This doesn't necessarily make him worse than any other politician. It just means that he is no different.
His desire to microchip his population, starting with kids, is couched in nice-sounding terms, i.e. to supposedly protect people from the coronavirus. His desire to effectively enslave his citizens was recently covered in Israeli establishment outlet, 'The Jerusalem Post.'
The title of the article, is, 'Benjamin Netanyahu suggests microchipping kids, slammed by experts.'
For your information, Netanyahu is quoted directly in the article, and he made it clear that, while he would like kids to be microchipped first, his intention was that ultimately every citizen would be microchipped.
I remind you that I am not 100% certain that the Mark of the Beast will come in any of our lifetimes, but I suspect that it may. I am not 100% certain that it will take the form of a microchip (or something similar), but I suspect that it may. I also suspect that, if it does take the form of a microchip (or something similar), then we will get out own barcodes.
The vast majority of barcodes across the earth have a '666' code embedded within. If you want some biblical proof about what I am getting at here, check Revelations 13: 16-18:
(16)- 'And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, (17) so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark— the name of the beast or the number of its name. (18) Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.'
Friends, I don't feel that the mark of the beast is upon us yet, but I'm just one guy with an opinion. Seek God's guidance on this, and prepare yourselves spiritually, and I would also urge you to decrease your reliance on government as much as you can so that you could try to survive as well as you can, in case you would be shut off from the economic system due to your unwillingness to take the mark.
Link to the article about Netanyahu is below: ... rts-627381
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hello Again,
I've already made the point that the evidence shows that the government-media response to the coronavirus is much worse than the virus itself.
Two posts ago, I quoted the Executive Director of the WFP, a branch of the UN, who said that up to 130 million (extra) people across the 3rd world will face starvation by the end of the year, not because of the virus, but because of the governmental response to the virus, i.e. the shutdowns.
Now, I refer you to a new mainstream media article about a study, which found that about 1.2 million children could starve to death across the world as a direct result of the shutdowns in the first 6 months of the shutdowns, at about 6,000 per day. The best case scenario is about 250,000, which is still well over 1,000 per day.
Note, this is not some futuristic, hypothetical estimation. This is what is happening here and now.
The government-media complex does not care about saving lives. There are sinister things going on in the background which we're not being told about, and government-paid scientists should be regarded with healthy scepticism.
Having said this, I'm sure that I'm already 'preaching to the choir' with many of you, while some of you may even disagree with what I write. If you are polite and can provide evidence about why my assertions are wrong, I'm always happy to consider.
Link to article on the new study is below: ... f188ba505d
I've already made the point that the evidence shows that the government-media response to the coronavirus is much worse than the virus itself.
Two posts ago, I quoted the Executive Director of the WFP, a branch of the UN, who said that up to 130 million (extra) people across the 3rd world will face starvation by the end of the year, not because of the virus, but because of the governmental response to the virus, i.e. the shutdowns.
Now, I refer you to a new mainstream media article about a study, which found that about 1.2 million children could starve to death across the world as a direct result of the shutdowns in the first 6 months of the shutdowns, at about 6,000 per day. The best case scenario is about 250,000, which is still well over 1,000 per day.
Note, this is not some futuristic, hypothetical estimation. This is what is happening here and now.
The government-media complex does not care about saving lives. There are sinister things going on in the background which we're not being told about, and government-paid scientists should be regarded with healthy scepticism.
Having said this, I'm sure that I'm already 'preaching to the choir' with many of you, while some of you may even disagree with what I write. If you are polite and can provide evidence about why my assertions are wrong, I'm always happy to consider.
Link to article on the new study is below: ... f188ba505d
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hi Everyone,
I refer you to a new article, titled, 'California doctors say they've seen more deaths from suicide than coronavirus since lockdowns.'
While people have unfortunately died from coronavirus, there is overwhelming evidence that the governmental shutdowns are killing more people than the virus ever could have. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I invite you to read the last several posts.
The government shutdown in the USA, and other countries, has unleashed a suicide pandemic (from the despair/stress of suddenly living under tyrannical conditions, being banned from working, socialising, etc).
Suicides have skyrocketed since the lockdown started, and you can read about this in the article.
Unsurprisingly, this is not often discussed in mainstream media, as it doesn't fit the agenda/narrative.
For your information, I have also read about suicide pandemics, caused by the government shutdowns, in other western countries including Australia, Britain and countries in Europe.
Link to the article I referenced above is underneath. God bless you, and stay focused on His kingdom. There will be great days down the track, here on Earth, and in His kingdom: ... -lockdowns
I refer you to a new article, titled, 'California doctors say they've seen more deaths from suicide than coronavirus since lockdowns.'
While people have unfortunately died from coronavirus, there is overwhelming evidence that the governmental shutdowns are killing more people than the virus ever could have. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I invite you to read the last several posts.
The government shutdown in the USA, and other countries, has unleashed a suicide pandemic (from the despair/stress of suddenly living under tyrannical conditions, being banned from working, socialising, etc).
Suicides have skyrocketed since the lockdown started, and you can read about this in the article.
Unsurprisingly, this is not often discussed in mainstream media, as it doesn't fit the agenda/narrative.
For your information, I have also read about suicide pandemics, caused by the government shutdowns, in other western countries including Australia, Britain and countries in Europe.
Link to the article I referenced above is underneath. God bless you, and stay focused on His kingdom. There will be great days down the track, here on Earth, and in His kingdom: ... -lockdowns
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hi Friends,
More on the topic of the coronavirus. Had an interesting (via correspondence) chat with an old friend yesterday. He’s the kind who unfortunately puts all of his trust in government/media/government-paid scientists.
He was pushing his view that the lockdowns are great, the longer the better, etc. All I did was, in a mundane manner, say that I believe the evidence suggests that the lockdowns will kill more people than the virus. He flipped, became aggressive and accused me of selfishness, ignorance, etc, although he didn’t actually address any of the specific evidence I offered him. The exchange quickly ended, and I dare say there will be no more contact for quite some time, although, thanks to God, while I asserted my view strongly, I had enough wisdom not to burn any bridges (the old me was unfortunately a bridge burner).
I would now be willing to bet the house that he would’ve gone off to other old friends today and mocked me behind my back for being ‘unscientific’. In reality, what I believe most people subscribe to is ‘Scientism’, not ‘Science’. As Christians, we know that God and science are absolutely compatible. Legitimate science is great. So, I urge you to be very wary of people, especially those from government/media, or any secular institution, misusing the word ‘Science’ to push an agenda (This is what I understand ‘Scientism’ to be).
The pressure to conform to mainstream thought is very strong. I thank God that, despite my massive flaws and limitations, at least I have an independent-thinking mind. Anyway, enough about me. Have any of you had experiences like this?
The latest article I wish to bring to your attention refers to a new study by JP Morgan. The title of the article, is, ‘Lockdowns failed to alter the course of pandemic and are now destroying millions of livelihoods worldwide, JP Morgan study claims.’
I am not saying that the article is all without error, and I don’t know if JP Morgan has an agenda to push, as a counter to the hysterical government/media agenda. I don’t know.
All I want to do is offer you information that counters the mainstream narrative, because, as already stated in earlier posts, I firmly believe that the evidence suggest two things; 1) The virus is bad, and kills people; 2) The governmental shutdowns are worse than the virus itself, and are killing far more people than the virus.
I’ve read the article (which is a summary of the report from JP Morgan) and believe it makes a compelling case, which supports a volume of other evidence I have already come across.
Just a warning; the newspaper is a tabloid source and there are a few unrelated pics along the side of ladies in bikinis, etc, and I understand that many people might have good reason not to wish to see such imagery, even in passing.
I wish you a nice Sunday, and hope you’re keeping well during these times. Link to the article is below: ... laims.html
More on the topic of the coronavirus. Had an interesting (via correspondence) chat with an old friend yesterday. He’s the kind who unfortunately puts all of his trust in government/media/government-paid scientists.
He was pushing his view that the lockdowns are great, the longer the better, etc. All I did was, in a mundane manner, say that I believe the evidence suggests that the lockdowns will kill more people than the virus. He flipped, became aggressive and accused me of selfishness, ignorance, etc, although he didn’t actually address any of the specific evidence I offered him. The exchange quickly ended, and I dare say there will be no more contact for quite some time, although, thanks to God, while I asserted my view strongly, I had enough wisdom not to burn any bridges (the old me was unfortunately a bridge burner).
I would now be willing to bet the house that he would’ve gone off to other old friends today and mocked me behind my back for being ‘unscientific’. In reality, what I believe most people subscribe to is ‘Scientism’, not ‘Science’. As Christians, we know that God and science are absolutely compatible. Legitimate science is great. So, I urge you to be very wary of people, especially those from government/media, or any secular institution, misusing the word ‘Science’ to push an agenda (This is what I understand ‘Scientism’ to be).
The pressure to conform to mainstream thought is very strong. I thank God that, despite my massive flaws and limitations, at least I have an independent-thinking mind. Anyway, enough about me. Have any of you had experiences like this?
The latest article I wish to bring to your attention refers to a new study by JP Morgan. The title of the article, is, ‘Lockdowns failed to alter the course of pandemic and are now destroying millions of livelihoods worldwide, JP Morgan study claims.’
I am not saying that the article is all without error, and I don’t know if JP Morgan has an agenda to push, as a counter to the hysterical government/media agenda. I don’t know.
All I want to do is offer you information that counters the mainstream narrative, because, as already stated in earlier posts, I firmly believe that the evidence suggest two things; 1) The virus is bad, and kills people; 2) The governmental shutdowns are worse than the virus itself, and are killing far more people than the virus.
I’ve read the article (which is a summary of the report from JP Morgan) and believe it makes a compelling case, which supports a volume of other evidence I have already come across.
Just a warning; the newspaper is a tabloid source and there are a few unrelated pics along the side of ladies in bikinis, etc, and I understand that many people might have good reason not to wish to see such imagery, even in passing.
I wish you a nice Sunday, and hope you’re keeping well during these times. Link to the article is below: ... laims.html
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
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