Beast Empire

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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat May 26, 2018 5:17 am

Hi All,

This will be a short post about the Pope, which is an indirect follow-up to the previous post. Firstly, my disclaimer: I am not Catholic, nor am I anti-Catholic.

Some argue that the Vatican will be a key religious institution in the end-times 'Beast Empire': the tyrannical future global government detailed in Revelations, among other books of the Bible. Some argue that the Vatican already is a key part of the developing global government. I have my opinion on all of this, but you don't need to hear it. Each to their own.

In my opinion on a separate issue, while previous Popes have come across as decent men, the current one is a bit of a mystery and a mixed bag. He has undoubtedly been more political than previous ones, getting involved in controversial debates such as 'Global Warming'.

Anyway, a few days ago he allegedly appeared to endorse the homosexual lifestyle in some of his statements. Again, you don't need to hear my own opinion on this general topic; the Bible makes it clear that every one of us is fallen, and it also makes God's views on homosexuality crystal clear.

If this is really what the Pope said, it would no doubt have the full support from the western political establishment and all of its arms, including the mainstream media.

Here is a link to an article on this specific topic. Keep in mind, it is from an establishment media source, which means that its own biases would be very much in the humanist/secular corner. ... s-so,11537

I'm going to leave it there. Feel free to comment.

God bless you.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby mlg » Sun May 27, 2018 4:37 pm

Hi TrueandMagneticNorth,

I know that there is much thought that has been given to a one world religion, and one world government. I'm not sure how everything will play out in the End times, but I would say there is much to be watched in both Islam and Catholicism as for what Satan will use as his weapons.

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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon May 28, 2018 2:27 am

Thanks for the response, mlg. And hello to All.

There has been a rash of news around the world of late. Ireland, once a conservative Catholic nation, has voted overwhelmingly to legalise abortion, a few years after a similarly overwhelming vote in that nation to legalise 'Same Sex Marriage'.

What I wish to touch on in this post, however, is Great Britain. As someone who is constantly researching the state of the world, etc, it has become clear to me that Britain has become a frontrunner among western nations when it comes to its draconian laws against freedom of speech, and its descent into becoming a fully fledged police state.

There are countless examples I could give to you, but I just wish to touch on two. Firstly, Julian Assange, who, as you would be aware, is still holed-up in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Assange's real crime is that he has been involved in exposing the lies, corruption and crimes of the ruling elites in western countries, as well as others.

Allegations of rape (which was alleged to have happened in Sweden) were levelled against him back in about 2011 or 2012. To cut a long story short, he skipped bail and took refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy, where he still currently resides.

The rape charges have since been dropped, but an arrest warrant is still out against him for skipping bail. Think about this for a moment; the case has been dropped, meaning that there is no case to answer. Yet an arrest warrant is still out against him for skipping bail, even though it's now admitted there is no case to answer.

While firstly stating that only God knows everything, and that I don't, I will now tell you what is almost certainly the incontrovertible truth on this topic: the rape charges are and always were phony, with the aim of framing Assange, so that the sycophantic, draconian British regime could then arrest him and ship him off to America, the current headquarters of the New World Order.

Of most concern at the moment are reports that the CIA and other globalist arms are putting severe pressure on the Ecuadorian government to expel Assange from the Embassy, which would lead to his immediate arrest.

I'm loathe to link to such a disreputable 'news' source as CNN, but will do so in this instance: ... index.html

While I do not know if Assange is a Christian, and he is obviously not perfect, he has been a key figure in the fight against the New World Order globalist agenda, and a brave warrior against what is ultimately satan's plan to bring the entire would under his own undivided control. I think that prayers for Assange, his well-being, work, justice, God's will in his life, etc, would be a good idea at this point.

The second individual I wish to discuss at this point is another British individual. His name is Tommy Robinson. For those of you who don't know him, I would classify him as Britain's version of Alex Jones. As I write this post, is leading with stories about Robinson's arrest and immediate 13-month incarceration; a sentence cast upon him mere hours after his arrest.

So, what was Tommy Robinson's 'crime'? Officially, he was charged with 'Breaching the peace'. As we all know, satan likes to make his evil activities sound official, orderly and reasonable. In truth, however, Robinson was quietly standing near a courthouse in a small group. He was livestreaming from outside the Leeds Crown Court, where an ongoing trial dealing with pedophilia and grooming of victims is being held.

The defendants, of which there are many, are all from a certain background and there have been allegations that law enforcement and authorities for a long time did virtually nothing to stop the alleged crimes (deliberately turning a blind eye, for whatever reason), even though many of the alleged crimes were against children.

In summary, Robinson was initially arrested for 'Breaching the Peace'. But within a few hours he was sentenced to 13 months prison by a clearly corrupt judge for 'violating' a suspended sentence he had previously obtained. This is almost certainly a pre-mediated stitch-up to take down another warrior who's been fighting the New World Order.

But it gets even worse. The judge ordered a total media blackout on reporting of the arrest and sentence, and within hours virtually all British media had scrubbed any online articles that may have been initially posted. Frighteningly, Robinson is at extreme risk of death at the hands of other prisoners who identify and sympathise with the defendants in the pedophile case, ie. Islamic extremists. Britain is a police state.

Just a disclaimer here. The vast majority of muslims are quite clearly peaceful and reasonable people. All groups have their undesirable elements and extremists. Strangely, the western political/media establishment has a bizarre love affair with extremists from the Islamic religion, presumably for geo-political-spiritual reasons. Robinson's crusade against this marriage from hell (western establishment- Islamic extremism) would clearly seem to be the reason for the persecution he is now suffering.

Needless to say, prayers for Robinson, and for justice in this entire affair, are vital. I will provide a link to one of the articles on drudge below: ... -orwellian

My blood is boiling today. But God has clearly warned us in His word that this is the way the world will go, before His return. And it's going to get a lot worse before He comes back and makes it a lot (infinitely) better.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Thu Jun 14, 2018 3:48 am

Hi All,

I want to provide you with an update on Tommy Robinson. If you don't know who he is, please read the previous post.

At the top of the as I currently write you this post, is a headline that Robinson has been moved from a low security, relatively safe (for him) prison, to a heavier security prison with a large amount of Islamic inmates (one source reports that it is 70% of all inmates).

Link to article is below: ... ed-prison/

There is currently a second headline about Robinson on Robinson has reportedly already received death threats and taunts from other groups of inmates in his new prison. There is also a report that a death sentence has been placed on him by an imam (essentially inviting followers/fellow travellers to murder him).

Link to article is below: ... son-video/

None of this is covered in mainstream media, who tend to just slur him and his supporters as 'Nazis'. If you are reading this post, I ask you to think very seriously and deeply about this.

I don't know if Tommy is a Christian, or has some other beliefs altogether. But he is now languishing in a prison full of hostile inmates, at least some of whom want to kill him.

The 'crime' of Tommy Robinson was to try to expose child grooming and rape gangs, whose heinous, ongoing crimes had been deliberately covered up and enabled by the British establishment (government, media, police, etc). Paedophilia is rife among the western establishment, and it goes to the highest levels.

We would be truly shocked if we knew the total truth about the private activities of many of our most prominent politicians, celebrities, mainstream media people, important people, figureheads, financiers, TV faces, etc. This is not conspiracy theory, it is fact. I don't pretend to have all of the details but I don't need each and every last detail to get a good idea of what's going on. There is more than enough evidence out there to paint a very grim, sinister picture of our elites.

It is currently satan's world we live in, and his high-up minions on earth love paedophilia. Would you really expect anything different?

Tommy Robinson is far more decent and tough than the vast majority of people out there today (including myself). He is being persecuted for exposing paedophilia. Meanwhile, the mainstream media simply labels him as a 'Nazi', thus 'justifying' anything bad that may happen to him.

Tommy Robinson really needs our prayers. I hope that he gets to know Jesus in prison, if he doesn't already know Him.

Lastly, I wish to pose this rhetorical question (and I'm not standing from a soapbox, here. I'm also struggling with the state of the world, and whether I'm doing enough or am tough enough).

Here is my question: As satan tightens his control of the world, will he really just let Christians in western countries continue to live in comfort and peace? Will what is happening to Robinson not come later (perhaps even very soon) to followers of Christ?

Of course it will. The Bible tells us so.

I'll leave it there for now. God bless you. And may He bring swift justice, true justice, in the case of Tommy Robinson.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Jun 17, 2018 3:07 am

Hi Friends,

The latest reports about Tommy Robinson suggest that he is currently in solitary confinement in the prison. I'll give you some more details as I come across them.

However, the main purpose of this post was to discuss the Pope. In previous posts, I have suggested that he seems very much to be a mixed bag, sometimes saying good things from a Christian perspective, while at other times totally towing the line of the government-media complex.

Further to this, a few eyebrows were recently raised when the Vatican sent a Cardinal to the globalist Bilderberg conference, a mysterious and (in the view of many well-informed people) sinister annual meeting of the global elites to discuss and further hammer out their New World Order. This was apparently the first time the Vatican has sent an official representative to the summit. A link to an article about this is below: ... eting.html

That aside, I wish to give kudos to the Pope. Some of what he sometimes says seems to be questionable from a Christian perspective. But at other times he is absolutely spot on and rather bold with what he says. His recent comments on abortion were very timely, particularly as once-Catholic nations like Ireland vote to legalise abortion, as recently happened.

A link to an article about this is below: ... 4zlxu.html

While remembering that we are all sinners, and all sin is abhorrent to God, I feel that this is not a good reason to simply sweep the issue of abortion under the carpet, and accept it as an unavoidable part of everyday life (although, it certainly feels that it is unavoidable across society at the moment, given our deeply fallen state).

That's all for now. Take care.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Tue Jun 19, 2018 1:36 am

Hi All,

I wish to post you this video of about 9 minutes. It is a letter written by Tommy Robinson in prison, dated June 10th. It is read out by someone else.

There is one instance of mild profanity in the latter part of the video, in which 'S-H-I-T' is said, but I believe that's the only instance.

If you don't know who he is, please read some of my previous posts about him. He is a political prisoner in the UK who has been locked up for exposing and covering paedophile grooming gangs, as well as the Islamisation of the UK.

Don't forget, Christian brothers and sisters, today it is Tommy Robinson, but, according to the Bible, one day it will be all of us who don't accept this New World Order (Beast system).

Link to video is below:
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Jun 25, 2018 12:57 am

Hello again Everybody,

A key pillar of the so-called New World Order, satan's global empire, is the persecution of Christians, and destruction of the church.

Sometimes this goal can be promoted by a smiling, apparently nice-looking politician (including the kind who like to have their photos taken with children). At other times, the goal can be promoted by apparent rogue elements, such as bandits and terrorists. Either way, it is the reality of the New World Order.

An often forgotten hotspot of persecution is Nigeria, which is roughly half-Christian, half-muslim. There would have no doubt been atrocities committed by both sides, but I'm not about to lie to you now (in the name of 'equality' and political correctness) and tell you the spread of atrocities has been even. No, the reality is that the Christians have borne the greater brunt, and the persecution is genocidal in nature.

For example, I can recall seeing one photo in which (if I recall correctly) dozens of burned, mangled corpses were strewn across the ground, the victims of an attack on a church. Needless to say, it was highly graphic.

The latest news I have is that over 80 Christians have been slaughtered in an attack on several villages in Nigeria. I am going to post you an article so that you can read about it. It is from a newspaper which I am quite familiar with; a paper which is noted for its politically partisan, globalist biases.

Before you read the article, which is rather short, I encourage you to take note of the sanitised nature of the writing. It talks of an attack by 'herdsmen', a very bland, non-descriptive term, clearly intended to hide the religious motivation of the perpetrators.

Towards the end of the article, it mentions 'Tensions...' between Christian farming communities and muslim herdsmen, again using sanitised language to describe the reality of the situation, also pretending that the main issue lies with agricultural and economic reasons, rather than spiritual.

There is also no mention in this article of the means of murder which, in Nigeria, is rarely as quick as a mere to bullet to the head. Burnings (immolations), beheadings and the like are the norm.

On the one hand, it's a positive that this story was at least covered, given that most such atrocities are ignored by the mainstream media. On the other hand, this article is a great little case study in globalist propaganda. The article was able to obscure the reality by distortions, misdirected emphasis. insinuations, etc, rather than just telling bald-faced lies. Very subtle propaganda.

Link is below: ... 4znkl.html
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Jun 25, 2018 1:05 am

Hi Again,

For anyone who is interested in the Mark of the Beast, and I do encourage you to get informed on this issue if you're currently not informed on it (it's something that the Bible explicitly warns you not to accept), here is a little article which may be relevant on the topic.

Some people take the view that the Mark of the Beast may well take the form of a microchip (I'm not advocating this position 100%, as I don't know for sure, but this view certainly makes sense).

I wish to link you to an article from Zero Hedge (linked by infowars). It appears to indicate that Sweden may currently be a testing ground for microchipping people, with a possible end goal of microchipping people across the world.

Important to note is how such a microchip would be promoted; it would not be promoted as a draconian measure which would make the person totally subordinate to the globalist state. Rather, it would be advertised as sophisticated, modern, convenient, etc.

This topic has been covered earlier in this forum as well, so you could look further back if you still want some more information after reading this article. Or, you could easily research it elsewhere.

Link is below: ... hemselves/

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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Jul 07, 2018 4:11 am

Hello Again,

In the post before the last one, I mentioned a massacre of Christians in Nigeria, carried out by muslim extremists in that country.

The death toll I referred to in that post suggested at least 80 Christians were murdered in that incident. The death toll has since been upgraded to 200-300. They were apparently murdered via gunshot, or hacked to death with machetes.

Meanwhile, a representative of the president of that country, who I assume is of muslim background (correct me if I'm wrong) has expressed very lukewarm (at best) sympathy with the Christian victims, and urged them to give up their farmlands to the terrorists that have been killing them.

A recent article on this is linked below: ... errorists/
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Jul 09, 2018 2:55 am

Hi All,

This is another post about the massacre of Christians in Nigeria. I have read another article which confirmed all that I had suspected.

Firstly, the minimal media attention that the atrocity garnered has largely framed the massacre as economic in nature, rather than spiritual. The New World Order currently has a bizarre, fawning obsession with extremist Islam. The result of this is that the western governments, mainstream media, etc, will generally tend to play down any wrongdoings by jihadists. Even when there is conflict between extremist muslim jihadists and moderate (secular) muslim governments, as we have seen in recent years within the context of the so-called 'Arab Spring', the western government-media complex has sided wholeheartedly with the extremist side. Why? I don't have all the answers, but it is most assuredly part of the satanic globalist agenda.

Secondly, I may be proven wrong, but the current President of Nigeria is apparently of 'Fulani' ethnicity. It is from this group that the jihadists who killed the Christians originate. Moreover, the President, as pointed out in the last post, has expressed lukewarm (at best) sympathy for the victims. Also, an agricultural group in Nigeria (that is sympathetic to the 'Fulani') has downplayed the massacre as part of a tit-for-tit situation, alleging that the Christians had stolen cattle from the Fulani, thus leading the jihadists to retaliate in their own way. This sickening moral equivalence is the way of the world.

Make no mistake, the world wants this to happen to all followers of Christ across the world. Further to that, it is not only bloodthirsty primitive barbarians who desire for this; it is also powerful men (and women) in suits and skirts in capital cities across the world that also desire to have satan's will done.

I'm going to link to an article about this, from Breitbart. But before you click on, BE WARNED: the article contains graphic photos, purportedly from the aftermath of the massacre, of many dozens, perhaps even hundreds of corpses of victims that have apparently been hacked to death via machete, shot or burned alive. ... t-warning/

Prayers would obviously be a good idea at this point, for Nigeria, its Christian people and for God's justice to come against the perpetrators. Yes, we are all sinners and all deserve God's wrath. But after seeing those photos and reading the details, it's a little hard, at least for me, to make warm and fuzzy prayers on behalf of the perpetrators at this point in time.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Thu Aug 09, 2018 7:47 pm

Hi Friends,

Not much time to type. But I wanted to bring you up-to-date on the current plight of three individuals who are currently leading the fight against the 'New World Order', the satanic grand plan for a one-world government.

Let's start with the good news. Tommy Robinson, the British man mentioned previously in this forum, has been released on bail from prison. If you don't know who he is, you could go back into this forum and read up about him. You could also research about him online, but be cautious; the corporate mainstream media will slur him as a 'right-wing extremist' and so on, partially because of the wrongdoings of a handful of his supporters in the past.

I don't want to get into the whole 'left-wing/right-wing' thing here. But keep in mind that Christians are also hated by the establishment, and this will only grow. We, too, are "extremists" according to the globalist agenda.

An article on this development, from a mainstream source, is below: ... l/10063316

The next piece of new is about Julian Assange, still currently holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy. There is increasing suggestion that the USA/UK/et al. are putting the squeeze on Ecuador to expel him from the embassy, so they can capture him. There are also concerns about his health, having not been allowed to leave the embassy for six years due to fear of arrest. Remember, the rape charges against Assange are almost certainly phoney, and have officially been dropped. He is still wanted for skipping bail while facing these contrived charges. An article on his current plight is below: ... on-embassy

I am not sure whether or not Robinson and Assange are Christians. If not, I pray that they find Jesus and seek His help as they face off with this 'New World Order'. What I am sure of is that these are brave men and they need our prayers. If they are ultimately silenced, it will be a great blow to anyone interested in the truth of the globalist agenda.

On this issue, there is also Alex Jones. Many of you will no doubt know of him from Infowars. In my opinion, he is sometimes a bit silly, and hysterical. But he is a professing Christian, and is largely very truthful and sincere. He is a great weapon against the globalist agenda. Anyway, there has recently been a co-ordinated push to remove his content from all of the major social media platforms. Apple, Youtube, Facebook, etc, have been front and centre.

The push has been in the works for a long time, and the social media giants have cited vague "hate speech" concerns for their actions, while not taking any action against genuinely hateful content from sources that are pro-globalist, and therefore "acceptable". While Jones can continue to run his operation from his own platforms, his ability to maintain a wider audience will no doubt take a considerable hit.

The mainstream media will routinely describe him as a 'right-wing' extremist, and 'conspiracy theorist'. However, he is generally far more fact-based than anything from mainstream media, I have no doubt about that. Remember, the media, too, thinks that Christians are "extremists". And we are "conspiracy theorists" and "crazy" for believing the Bible, and believing that satan is building a New World Order.

An article about Jones and the recent attacks and censorship against him is below: ... 4780d0076c

Friends, the attacks on these three individuals are not really because they are "extreme", "right-wing", "conspiracy theorists", etc. They are being attacked because the globalist agenda, the New World Order under satan's control, CAN NOT tolerate any resistance. These three people need our prayers and support. If they are all ultimately taken down, the purge will not stop there. It will only continue to gather steam.

All the best. God bless these three men, and may God use them all for His work in the face of this globalist humanistic agenda.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:57 am

Hi All,

I came across an article that I just had to post for you. It’s about a bunch of Australian ‘academics’ who have published their support for ‘After-birth abortion’, including of perfectly healthy newborns that the parent/s simply don’t want to keep.

In the past I’ve also read similar sentiments from people in the US, UK, Europe, etc. As with this article, the general tone of people pushing this pure, unadulterated evil is couched in high-brow academic psycho babble. And anyone who is outraged by this evil is an ‘extremist’.

Even articles like this one seem to be trying to provide hesitant, uncritical coverage of such sentiments, in my opinion, rather than outright condemnation.

Personally, I’m a big supporter of freedom of speech. But should you be allowed to call for the legalised murder of newborns? The answer is clearly no, as a vital part of free speech is not calling for, or inciting violence. Yet, in this twisted world, calling for infanticide is ‘freedom of speech’, while commentators like Alex Jones are kicked off virtually all social media platforms for criticising the government-media complex.

This is another good insight into the true face of the globalist New World Order Agenda. Article is below: ... b7e9dfb7a3
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