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Christianity and blood sacrifice

Postby wonder20 » Wed May 03, 2017 8:22 pm

I'm not sure if any of you have struggled with this before, but lately I've been trying to read the Bible more and have been shocked by many things I've come across. I wanted to have a better understanding of the Bible, so I started with the Old Testament, but many things I've come across have left me feeling disturbed. Time and time again in the Bible, we are told that God requires blood sacrifices from his followers (the following is a partial list): ... ifice.html

Why would an all-powerful God require living beings to be sacrificed to him? And why is the concept of blood so important? I get it that some might say that God brings good out of sacrifice, but an all-powerful being wouldn't need suffering, blood, and death to create good anymore than an "all-powerful doctor" would need to cut someone open to heal them.

What are others' thoughts on this?
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Re: Christianity and blood sacrifice

Postby mlg » Wed May 03, 2017 10:30 pm

Hello wonder20,

Welcome to Christianity Oasis!

I want to share two concepts with you as you journey through your studies of the Bible. First the Old Testament was written before the new covenant. The new covenant being Jesus. The Old Testament was based upon laws and sacrifices. The New Testament is all about grace. In the Old Testament, blood sacrifices were required for the atonement of sin.

In the New Testament, God came to this world in the flesh of Jesus. Jesus gave up His life so that blood sacrifices would no longer be required for the atonement of sin. It was God's grace being give to us freely.

Now, to understand why God required blood about checking out this study:

Sacrifices were pleasant to God. He desired them, but there was a time that God no longer wanted blood sacrifices, but wanted our personal sacrifice. Just know that God is a righteous God. What man sometimes deems to be "harsh", is not how God sees it.

Welcome again. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.

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Re: Christianity and blood sacrifice

Postby wonder20 » Thu May 04, 2017 9:45 am

Thanks for your reply.

I get what you're saying about the concept of God finding sacrifice pleasing, but if the concept of sacrifice (not the blood aspect) of it was what was important and pleasing, any meaningful sacrifice could have sufficed without requiring blood or death. If blood sacrifice was not necessary in the New Testament, why would it be required in the Old Testament, if God was non-changing?
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Re: Christianity and blood sacrifice

Postby mlg » Thu May 04, 2017 8:41 pm

Blood Sacrifice was no longer necessary in the New Testament as Jesus gave up His life as the ultimate sacrifice. God decided that man was so sinful that the only way to stop the blood sacrifice would be to give His only begotten Son to be sacrificed once and for all.

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Re: Christianity and blood sacrifice

Postby Coolbellexoxo » Tue Jul 04, 2017 1:23 pm

Here's my two cents on it. Now keep in mind I am not a scholar or any officiated member of the clergy, but I do feel as though the Holy Spirit has prompted me to share my thoughts, so feel free to be either open or close-minded at your discretion.

If you consider the symbolic value of blood in the first place, that might be a good place to start. At the last supper, even Jesus passed the cup of wine to represent his blood...meaning that if you accepted his offering, you accepted him to abide in you. In other words, you accept his life and spirit in yours. So blood symbolizes life. That's why they call it "lifeblood", because they're intricately tied together. If you didn't have it, you'd die..plain and simple.

You're probably thinking "yeah yeah I intuitively know all that, how is this news to me and when do you get to the part that actually answers my question?!"

Well thinking about blood in this context...when you shed blood for're offering your life! Above all else, He wants you to abandon and surrender yourself and your soul and your life to Him. YOU by virtue of being alive are the greatest gift to God. And because He loves mankind so much He never wanted or intended for us to die to be right with he settled for the substitution of animals in the Old Testament. But that isn't "technically" the equivalent to a "personal" sacrifice. But God KNEW that! God knew that that would never reconcile them because they had to learn they couldn't approach God by their own works, but through God's free grace. The ways of the Old Testament needed to happen as a model of learning the RIGHT AND HOLY way to the glory of God.
And still, yet again, we see God's CONSTANT and LOVING nature to preserve and save mankind even in the New Testament. For even though we learned from our ancestors that keeping the law was futile and impossible, instead of demanding that we pay the eternal penalty of our sins and wickedness, He came down as flesh to free us. He shed His own perfect blood for us, but not as a symbol of death and pain...but of sacrificial, resurrected and eternal LIFE that we may share with Him. Blood,in my humble opinion, was always about us yielding our lives for Him. THAT'S what He finds pleasing...that you choose to belong to Him. That you see how much HE LOVES YOU and CREATED you just for his joy and pleasure! He wants you to give up your life to Him. Not always literally, but to whole-heartedly and passionately and earnestly allow Him to use ALL of you exactly as He designed you for. To bring all your cares and worries onto Him. And to abandon yourself to the overflowing and boundless love and blessings He has stored for you.

God's nature is and always will be one of love...of unfailing perfect and unconditional love. Always remember that.
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Re: Christianity and blood sacrifice

Postby Mackenaw » Tue Jul 04, 2017 2:02 pm

Hello Wonder20,

Welcome to Christianity Oasis, and God bless you this day.

Good question, plus I see you have received some blessed answers. Thank You Lord.

I know Mlg included a link to a great study from this site, but here is another: ... fJesus.htm

There are so many wonderful studies on this site. Here is a list of studies on this site, in alphabetical order: ... tudies.htm

If I were to be so bold as to share my opinion to you or anyone desiring to begin reading The Bible, it would be this. Begin with The New Testament book, the Gospel of John. Then read Matthew, Mark and Luke, and note the similarities and differences. Also, read a few Psalms daily for good measure. :)

Plus, if your Bible has the occasional scripture reference at the end of various verses, then turn to those reference scriptures and read them as well. :) This process will lead you all over the Bible.

Pray and ask The Holy Spirit to read The Holy Scriptures with you. He'll open your understanding and insight on such a deeper level.

Read some or all of the studies on this site, and look up the scriptures that are included within the studies within your own Bible. And, in closing, continue asking questions just as you have done here.


God bless and keep you,
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