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Re: My Journal

Postby Mackenaw » Sat Jun 17, 2017 11:27 am

Hello Xavier :)

God bless you this day.

I'm glad you have decided to embrace this 14-Day study. It will help you in the way of inspiration to reconnect with God more often and grow in a deeper relationship with Him.

As far as the individual steps that encourage you to make graphs or charts, etc., please do not allow yourself to get overwhelmed by it. They are suggestions, and for some it is right up their alley, but for some of us we need to look at it as less of an assignment but more of an inspiration to "think" about certain things and areas in our life by allowing The Lord to redirect us by applying God's Word to our daily lives.

Inspiration vs in spite. Choose inspiration. :)

Also, all those items listed on the chart in step #5, if you click on them individually, there are short, but inspiring, studies with scripture to help us. For instance, (one example) 12 years ago, the study on fear helped me tremendously. So, don't get overwhelmed by all your problem areas, but pray to God and read His Word and the study(s) in hope. And, invite The Holy Spirit to read both with you. He'll point out things -- inspiring and insightful ..."knock your socks off" truths. :) God is Good.

If you continue the studies and ever want to discuss certain scriptures or a principle/truth shared in a study, don't hesitate to write that within your journal. I, and others, are inspired by God to help wherever we can in that regard. may not always know the answer, but we surely can pray about it. :) Again, inspiration vs in spite.

I've never really seen where keeping others accountable works in the long run. Because, when Christians take a step away from God, they are not operating in spirit, but are fully operating in the old nature, and the words of another in attempt to keep them accountable are spoken, peeps tend to get all defensive. Again, inspiration vs in spite.

I hope to inspire you in your journey back to God. The studies are all true blessings as they are founded and supported by God's Word.

Some of us endure physical limitations, and The Holy Spirit is so gentle and true to reveal areas we can help ourselves, and others. Simple example: Make up the bed. It can be a bear, but. sometimes it can be done. Reminder: The Lord had no place to lay His head, but He managed to find rest. God is Good!

I'm praying to The Lord in the name of Jesus on your behalf. God's will be done.

God bless and keep you,
Sister Mack
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Re: My Journal

Postby Taryn » Sat Jun 17, 2017 1:51 pm

Xavier, here's a couple ideas:
Read the Bible every day (even if it's just a few passages)
Do simple, easy stretches
Listen to Christian music

I personally deal with anxiety and depression, and I've found that reading even a little bit of the Bible to be very comforting. You said that you're disabled and can't walk very far, would you be up for trying to find some simple stretches you could do?
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Re: My Journal

Postby mlg » Sat Jun 17, 2017 5:08 pm

Hi Xavier,

You are doing so awesome continuing on the stepping stones! So you need some ideas on growing your mind, body and spirit....well I will offer you a few that I personally use.

Encourage someone today. Find a soul that needs to hear a kind word, and reach out to them with love and support. There are many who visit here at the Oasis that could use a friend. Look at some of the forums, and find one that you could answer with encouragement.

Read The Daily Bread posts in the forum. Cimi posts one there often. These are great little devotionals.

Pray and talk to God 3 times a day. Even if it's just to say a quick thank you. You don't have to talk long if you are short on time, but reminding him that you love Him is important.

As for your body, maybe sit in a chair and swing your legs back and forth. Rotate your arms.

You are doing great on the steps. You will find the best activities to do to keep you focused on God.

Yes, I know you have a lot of healing still to do. But that's ok. Take each issue you wrote down, and one at a time work on them. Don't eat the whole elephant at once, eat it one small bite at a time.

Take care
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Re: My Journal

Postby Xavier » Wed Jun 21, 2017 12:59 pm

June 21, 2017

I know it’s been a few days since I have written anything in my journal, it would seem to me that as I continue on The Path Satan is trying to make it harder for me to follow through with everything that I am learning. I have to admit that the spreadsheet that I was supposed to make is still not entirely finished and I have not kept up on it like I should be. It is a struggle to try and keep up with this program especially with everything that keeps building one on top of the other. I am not giving up though and holding on dearly to my faith in the Lord. Though problems will always come up or I am met with temptation throughout the remainder of my life here I will have the necessary tools to keep everything maintained and live my life for Christ as He intended. On a side note I have found myself facing certain difficulties with frustration that can easily lead to anger and I have had several outbursts because I didn’t keep my temper and lost patience. Please continue to pray for me as I am nowhere close to finishing the program and have a lot of work ahead of me. Thank you for your prayers. God Bless and may the peace of Christ be with you.
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Re: My Journal

Postby mlg » Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:02 pm

Xavier, no matter what Satan throws at you...don't stop fighting the good fight....Satan does not like you building a relationship with God and he will try to stop you from doing so....but know this...we serve a God that is much bigger than Satan and God will see you through this battle...don't give for the spreadsheet...don't let that be a stumbling block....if you can't finish it now...keep moving forward and come back to it later. I will keep you in my prayers.

Jesus loves you Xavier.

Take care
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Re: My Journal

Postby Mackenaw » Thu Jun 22, 2017 5:49 am

Hello Xavier :)

God bless you this day.

I'm glad to hear you are not giving up, no matter the struggle, and that you are hanging onto that blessed "faith" the Lord gave you. God is Good!

I, too, have an angry streak in me, and from what I've seen, a whole lot of people do. I have learned through my life in Christ, that as soon as I feel my arrogant temper and anger rising up, to confess it to The Lord and ask Him to forgive me and to restore His blessed peace upon my soul.

The Lord is Good!

Keep up the good fight of faith, Xavier. And if you find yourself wavering, the sooner you confess it to The Lord and ask Him to forgive you, the quicker you'll be restored.

The Lord loves you!

God bless and keep you,
Sister Mack
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Re: My Journal

Postby Xavier » Thu Jun 22, 2017 12:03 pm

June 22, 2017

I want to first say to all those who have responded to my journal entries thank you for all your encouragement and prayers, it has been very helpful to know that those who have never seen my face or know me in whom I call brothers and sisters in Christ have so positively responded to me without persecution or judgement. I too am praying for you all for we all are co-inheritors of the Kingdom of Heaven and one day will be with our Lord for all eternity, Praise be that day! As I have been going through the program I have noticed that I have lost the virtue of patience even though I do as instructed to wait each day before proceeding to the next stepping stone I am not as patient with people that I interact with and I think that it may be due to my frustrations and wanting to put the blame of my disabilities on everyone else which means I have been selfish and have allowed pride to consume me. I had a revelation yesterday that “my garden” has been filled up with a lot of weeds because I allowed pride, frustration, anger, depression to fester and germinate for years and it took its toll on me and I have no one to blame but me because I chose to allow all of it to grow, I can’t believe how I was so blind to the truth and was broadsided by Satan. It taught me some very valuable lessons like to be vigilant in my faith, to stay in the arms of God and surround myself with things that are just, lovely and righteous. I thank you for all your input and may God bless you all. May the peace of Christ be with you
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Re: My Journal

Postby Taryn » Thu Jun 22, 2017 12:14 pm

Hi Xavier,

I have seen so much positive change since you started. Keep up the good work, and God Bless!
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Re: My Journal

Postby mlg » Thu Jun 22, 2017 8:51 pm

Hi Xavier, I agree with are changing for the thing is that you are now catching yourself by catching hold of your negative actions and recognizing them. Patience is something I had to work on for a long time but with practice I am getting much better at it. You too can as long as you keep working on it.

Xavier those weeds in your garden did not grow overnight....don't expect to weed them all out at once or in a day...some of them are deeply rooted and will take your full attention to get them out of that hard ground. But, you can get them out as long as you keep working on them.

Keep up the steps are doing great.
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