Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum will help us to learn how to use Preventative Maintenance when it comes to our emotions. Renewing our minds daily in Christ helps us to control our emotions and lead a more productive life in Christ instead of being swept away in the whirlwind of emotions this life can throw at us daily.

emotion rollercoaster

Postby Hope » Sun Nov 02, 2014 11:34 am

Life here on earth presents many challenges. it is easy for one to quickly become lost though i know from here the shepherd goes searching for those lost ones. I am also reminded of how so many mistakes can quickly spiral into a huge obstacle sometimes the obstacle can look oh so big and insurmountable. And discouragement quickly follows. What i have learned is that i have to just look up to God and ask for His help and then actually let Him help. Sounds easy enough but for me it has been difficult to just let go,,, i always want to take it back or help in some way (as if i knew better than God)... as an example i was recently hired at a very well paying job great benefits highest money i have ever made in my entire life.. everyone keeps saying hang in there it will get better as i keep failing.... i am at a point where i will probably be fired before long i have been quite discouraged over this job with one thing after another just falling apart around me. Today it hit me,, perhaps this isnt where i am supposed to be... perhaps God has better things in store for me as money isnt everything. So my pondering leads me to wonder,,, is this one of those insurmountable objects? is it something to just walk away from and move on? it seems impossible to climb and achieve the company's expectations which would leave me jobless again... course if i was fired i would be jobless again anyways and i think i am close so very close to being fired. Since starting this job for the first time in years i have experienced severe panic attacks on a regular basis. I guess perhaps my first clue that this may not work out was when i asked about time off at Christmas in orientation and was told it was not called Christmas but winter break so as to be more culturally acceptable.... i bit my tongue,,, wat i really wanted to say it will always be Christmas for me and have you forgotten that you are actually in what is referred to as the bible belt???? course i didnt say any of those things, just bit my tongue. People say i need to think positive that i can do what is expected..well truth be told,,, i could........ if i lied..... It has been years since i have felt stable enough to maintain any kind of real life without worries of losing my home and my furkids.. i thought this was my chance to get it back together.... wat i see now is that this is just another step in a long line of things that go wrong. So when emotions are all over the place and i look around and feel like my brain is going to explode and i try to catch my breath... now i dont really have a solution right now as to what action i should take... except pray.... and try not to take it back from God.... hopefully this will also help even out my emotions cuz this rollercoaster ride the past few years is not fun and i am ready to give up.....I want off this ride.
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Re: emotion rollercoaster

Postby bonbons2 » Sun Jun 18, 2017 6:00 pm

Hi I know this is late but I wanted to just say I can relate and feel we need to support each other in our ups and downs. I see no one seems to respond to posts but thousands view them. That kinda does not seem right. How long does it take to stop and encourage a fellow CHristian struggling. I am here for you.
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Re: emotion rollercoaster

Postby Mackenaw » Sun Jun 18, 2017 8:55 pm

Hello Bonbons :)

Welcome to Christianity Oasis.

If The Lord leads you to respond to a particular post, then by all means, respond. But, please don't be too quick to draw a conclusion by first glance or by what is seen on the surface. The post you responded to was not the only post that particular member posted that day, and they received forum board responses as well as private messages from other members.

I pray The Lord leads you to respond to other members' posts on both the forum boards and perhaps even by private message (a feature on this site).

God is so very Good!

God bless and keep you,
Sister Mack
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