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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby mlg » Tue Nov 01, 2016 12:25 pm

Hi hisown,

Lots of love and hugs for you this day.
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby HisOwn » Mon Nov 07, 2016 9:49 am

Today is one week. Yesterday I felt sad. And weird. Was thinking now I am a widow. And thinking that today would be one week. But today, driving to babysit God reminded me that "widow" is actually not my identity. I am still a child of God. A daughter of the king And a bride of Christ. So what I do is different but who I am is the same. If I can remember.
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby Mackenaw » Mon Nov 07, 2016 12:02 pm

Awwwwww, Amen, HisOwn. Amen.

God bless and keep you.
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby mlg » Mon Nov 07, 2016 8:40 pm

Hi hisown,

Just want you to know that you are loved and cared about. Keep looking for God's purposes for you. He has so many. A new chapter is beginning in your walk with Him. Embrace it...Your husband will always be a part of your life...hold on to his memory, but look forward to the future of your relationship with God.

*hugs* take care my friend
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby HisOwn » Wed Nov 09, 2016 7:48 am

God keeps reminding me that He Is God With Me in every moment. Easy moments, hard moments, Sad and happy ones.
He says:
I AM is Emmanuel
Now to remember. I am going on a road trip to visit a friend who is a widow. When her husband died, I walked beside her. This is something I planned long ago to do.
Simply get out of town for a few days.
And another thing I may do later, is take a few days at the beach by myself.
Because when I am gone, I can rest because there are no "things" to do.
Today I need to mail two things and call one place regarding his death. One or two things a day, step by step until I am finished...
I don't like being unsettled, I wish I was MORE settled in Him. Maybe I am and just don't know it.
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby Dora » Wed Nov 09, 2016 6:47 pm

I'm sorry you have to go through this HisOwn sis *Hug*

I think it's normal to be unsettled when one goes through this. You're doing so well to turn to Him and listen to His word.

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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby mlg » Wed Nov 09, 2016 9:54 pm

Hi hisown,

You are facing a change...and change can be unsettling and uncomfortable....but once that change becomes less of a change and more normal, you will have peace.

Keep pushing through.

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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby HisOwn » Sun Feb 05, 2017 10:24 pm

I am still looking to God for how to live this "new normal". Wonder when it will feel normal?
The good thing is a friend lost her spouse and I was able to comfort her, with something I had written.
Maybe I will post it here.
Also as I go through the day God is very present.
In a lot of ways this is way easier than watching him decline over the years.
I am glad I listened to God and wise advisors and had things already in place, like going to care/home group, exercising etc.
This is what I wrote:
You ask me how I feel,
And I can’t tell you,
Because I don’t KNOW,
How I feel.

I do not know this “me” yet.
I do not know HOW I feel,
Because I do not know,
How I am supposed to feel.
I feel numb much of the time,
Shut Down and far away.

So I cannot answer your question,
Because I REALLY do not know.
Some moments I know,
Others I do not.
When you ask me how I feel,
And I tell you I don’t know,
That is the truth.

Connected to God,
As a vine is to the root,
From which it comes,
But often not even feeling there.

There simply are NO WORDS,
For how I feel.
I am using all my energy,
To CLING to God,
With all I am,
While I discover,
Who I am right now.

What do I like now?
What brings me joy?
How do I nurture my spirit?
Will it be in the old ways still,
Creation, baby love, friendships?
Will it be something new?
I don’t know.

But I do know the ONE,
Who DOES know how I feel,
The One who holds my heart,
Ever so gently in His hand,
The One who invites me,
To simply “be" with Him,
Feeling however I feel,
In that moment,
Or even not feeling at all.

So I KNOW I am OK,
Even when I don’t feel OK,
BECAUSE I am held tenderly.
In His arms of love.
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby HisOwn » Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:17 pm

Been another year... been a year and almost 4 months since "the event". God is good and always with us. At times loneliness is huge but most moments of most days are lovely.
I am not who I was before and not yet fully who I am becoming, but isnt that true for all of us?
I popped over here and was glad to see life going on, Miss Mack still posting and MIG and Oasis and others. May God bless each one who serves here and those who come.
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby HisOwn » Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:18 pm

The only way to rise above anything is to FALL, but to fall on The Rock.
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby Mackenaw » Wed Feb 14, 2018 4:31 pm

Hello HisOwn :)

It is good to hear from you and to read that you are still very much leaning and falling on The Rock for His mercies: grace, love and hope.

God bless and keep you.
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby mlg » Wed Feb 14, 2018 10:25 pm

Hey Hisown,

We sure miss seeing you post here. It's a blessing to have you say hello. May you know how much you are loved by many here. May God Bless you this year.

Take care
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