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Pine's family problems and person issues :/

Postby Dora » Mon Oct 31, 2016 5:09 am

Whew! I just poured a strong cup of coffee. *coffee10*

My father-in-law, (Dad) has been in the hospital for over a week now. He had kidney failure do to a medication. He's now on dialysis and may come home tomorrow. He needs to go to a care center first but he wont. He just misses home. We're thankful he's alive. He's not able to comprehend much anymore. Almost like dementia. (Thank God for spell check.) His blood sugar was over 200. Please pray for Kidney function and his blood sugar.

My mother-in-law (Maw) has been a diabetic all her life. Her insulin level dropped to 23 and she was not making since with her words. My husband got her to drink some sugary things and she's still with us. This happens all the time now. She was alone this time. It could of been a tremendous loss for us. Praising God He intervened and we have her with us still. Please praise God with us over this and pray for her.

My mothers heart is only working 25% which is up from the 5% it was when she went into the hospital. She is on dialysis as well. Please pray for heart strength and for kidney function

My husband is struggling with high blood pressure. It is finally starting to come down some after a year and a half. But it needs to get regulated better. Please pray for his blood pressure to stabilize.

Our son is having blood sugar issues as well. He is prediabetic but not eating right. Please pray he's better able to care for his blood sugar level.

Our other son has fallen from the Lord. Please pray he comes back. That God gives me and his dad the right things to say to him. That the Lord continues to speak to him. He is 18 and just sort of wandering around right now with out a goal in life. With out a purpose. With out the Lords leading.

And me. I'm a mess. *Whistle* I can joke about it but I really am. I'm digging deeper into therapy. God told me it's time to go deeper into some very bad things so I can be free for Him and do better service. I have bad anxiety afterward. My psych isn't sure I'll be able to stay out of the mental hospital and be able to keep working. He said the word disability. No thanks. *BigGrin* Anyhow I appreciate the prayers. Greatly. <3 <3 <3
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Re: Pine's family problems and person issues :/

Postby mlg » Mon Oct 31, 2016 6:40 am

Hi pine,

You got it. Prayers are rising. God knows your needs and wants.

Love ya
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Re: Pine's family problems and person issues :/

Postby notforgotten » Mon Oct 31, 2016 8:09 am

Praying. *Pray*
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Re: Pine's family problems and person issues :/

Postby Dora » Mon Oct 31, 2016 6:11 pm

Dad came home from the hospital this evening. *Clap*
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Re: Pine's family problems and person issues :/

Postby mlg » Mon Oct 31, 2016 6:13 pm

Praise the Lord!
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Re: Pine's family problems and person issues :/

Postby Dora » Wed Nov 02, 2016 2:21 am

Dad refused to go to a care center after being released from the hospital. We found out yesterday he spent all day sitting in one chair. He was to afraid of falling to even get up to go to the bathroom. :cry: He really needs to be in a care center. Maybe today will be better. *Pray*
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Re: Pine's family problems and person issues :/

Postby mlg » Wed Nov 02, 2016 7:10 am

Uh oh...God's will be done for Him. More prayers rising.
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Re: Pine's family problems and person issues :/

Postby Mackenaw » Wed Nov 02, 2016 11:32 am

Hello Piney :)

I join in lifting up prayers to our Lord in the name of Jesus on behalf of you and your entire family. God's will be done.

The Lord loves each of you so very much. Never forget that.

God bless and keep you, Pine.
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Re: Pine's family problems and person issues :/

Postby Dora » Fri Nov 04, 2016 3:20 pm

After I posted in here my mom went to the doctor for an appointment. Her heart was working at 25% which is up! It was 5%!!!

My husbands blood pressure has hit an all time low. In the 30s!!!! Wow! He's so happy about that. It's been a long couple years of checking his blood pressure in the morning and at night and seeing the same or similar results.

God answers prayers.
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Re: Pine's family problems and person issues :/

Postby Mackenaw » Mon Nov 07, 2016 12:05 pm

Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus.

Thank you for sharing, Piney. God is so Good!

God bless you,
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