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Ever in Residence

Postby Netchaplain » Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:59 pm

To “abide” in the Lord Jesus is to trust (rest) in the work of His Cross by which He has permanently provided “propitiation” for the sins of the believer. This means every accusation from the opposition, esp. from the closest enemy—old self, should instantly default the believer to rest in the position where he has been eternally placed—“hid with Christ” (Col 3:3).

One who is truly “born again” has the unfailing promise of eternal life, but for now, the testing of faith concerns not the unfailing permanency of being “saved through (not by) faith” (Eph 2:8), but rather in the testing, growth in the strength of faith occurs.

Ever in Residence

“Hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus” (Eph 2:6). The important question is, “Where are you living?” On which level do you normally reside? Are you experientially living in the “heavenly places” day by day? The Lord Jesus meant just that when He said, “Abide in Me.” Abide means to stay where you are. Position-wise, you are there. Rest in your blessed portion, in the One who is your life, by faith in the facts.

Your two mortal enemies, Satan and the “old man”, will ever seek to drag you down in spirit—down into the sense realm, in depression, under circumstances or conditions. But your rightful position is on top; therefore, refuse to come down. Never be governed by your fluctuating feelings. What is true concerning your justification is also true regarding your sanctification. Feelings do not count (concerning Biblical truths—NC)! It is your Father’s fact that matters. Assert and affirm your position by faith in the completed work*.

I was much impressed some years ago, at a Missionary Conference, to hear and aged missionary, recently home from the field, assert that she had often longer to know this heavenly position, but had never been able to get there—or as she expressed it, to get “within the veil.” One of the leaders present was able to take her to the Word at Ephesians 2:6. He explained that in the purpose of her Father she was already there. This was the Father’s fact. There was no need to strive for a position that was already hers.

“You are there; believe it, and take your position, by simple faith in the Word.” It was a joy to see the glow that came into her face, and her blessed release as she recognized that simple truth for the first time, after forty years on the foreign field. It is not an act to be performed, or an ideal to be realized, but a fact to be believed. It is not a promise to be pleaded or claimed, or appropriated, but an established truth to be rested in.

When distributing tracts in a village in the Yorkshire dales, some distance from the railway station, a Christian worker entered the dwelling of a dear old saint of God, eighty-four years of age, who lived there alone. One room was all she occupied, and everything in it bespoke the most abject poverty. If the contents of her abode had been knocked down at the auctioneer’s hammer, the whole of it would not have fetched more than five shillings.

Being desirous of cheering and comforting his aged friend, he remarked to her: “Well, Margaret, soon we shall have done for ever with the trials and difficulties of the way and be fully happy with the blessed Lord Jesus up yonder.” “That’s my home now, sir,” she replied. Finding he had begun much below the mark, he sped on, with a view of helping her if possible, and said, “Yes, Margaret, soon we shall be in that bright Home, that Father’s house above, with the Lord Jesus, rejoicing ever in His presence.” “I live there now, sir,” was her bright and smiling reply.

Finding himself still very considerably in the rear, he hastened on to say, “How blessed it will be, Margaret—will it not—when we and all the redeemed are praising Him together in the glory forever?” “I sing there every night sir,” was her joyous response. Thus his expectations were far more than realized; for instead of helping “poor” Margaret, he was instructed and helped himself.

- Reginald Wallis

* I reminded of a fictional story about a man who received a fine wood cabinet from a friend who did not want him to do anything for it, so it could only be considered a gift, for which nothing will be required to receive. Upon leaving, the friend glanced back at the man and noticed he was about to apply sand paper to the cabinet, who, thinking within himself that there must be something he can do to add to it. Then the friend immediately stopped the man and informed him that it was unnecessary to do anything with the cabinet—because it was finished! (John 19:30).

Just mentioning:
When regularly reading the Bible I’ve found it helpful to return to where I left off, that way you do not have to choose where to read. For thirty-five years now I re-read the Old Testament every third time I re-read the New Testament, which has now been about twenty times or so. The more knowledge of the Word to which we are exposed, the more we can recall, and the more understanding the Spirit can impart.

Daily Devotional by Miles J Stanford
The Christian life is not our living a life like Christ, or our trying to be Christ-like, nor is it Christ giving us the power to live a life like His; but it is Christ Himself living His own life through us; 'no longer I, but Christ.'" -MJS
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