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Doctors Appt & Treatment

Postby Mercy&Grace » Mon Aug 04, 2014 1:17 pm

For qutie some time I have been receiving minimal treatment for my disabilities. I've been Thankful that I've been able to receive any treatment due to insurance issues. But, my situation has changed. I have to move in the next 4-6 weeks and I am having periods of fear and doubt that the dr won't continue the treatments let alone increase them. Fortunately, I am also having greater periods of feeling that the Lord has this issue worked out. With the reduced treatments, there is very little chance that I will be able to do even the small things to get ready to move, let alone go and look for another place to live. But, if the dr doesn't continue the treatments, I will be homeless. This Dr doesn't listen, I have tried repeatedly to tell him how my physical disabilities affect me daily and he just does not listen. But, I have seen the Lord moving and making the way for the treatments to continue, even at the reduced level. So, now that the moving has come up, I have Faith that the Lord can move things so that if the dr will increase the treatments while I'm on the process of trying to move or at the very least not decrease them more or stop them.

I have a doctors appt Monday August 11. Your Prayers that the dr increase the treatment for the next 4-6 weeks while I'm in the process of trying to find a place and get things ready to move will be Deeply Appreciated. And if he won't increase the treatments at least keep them at the reduced level. I Know the Lord gives us what we need and I Know that the Lord is working all of this out. I just have to keep reminding myself of that. With my moving, there may be a way for me to pay out of pocket to see another dr. But, I won't be sure about that until after I move.
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Re: Doctors Appt & Treatment

Postby redbandit » Wed Aug 06, 2014 12:25 pm

I'm so sorry to hear about your situation! I can relate. I know how hard it is to have disabilities, and trusting in God isn't easy. I'm praying for you! *Pray* I hope things get better soon. If you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to pm me!
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Re: Doctors Appt & Treatment

Postby Mercy&Grace » Wed Aug 06, 2014 1:12 pm

redbandit, Thank You. I Know how the Lord moves and works in our lives. I've seen the Lord do things and others were left shaking their heads wondering what happened. So I Know the Miracles the Lord can Bless someone with when they are in different situations as well as the situation I'm in. I had to move 10 yrs ago and I Know al the things that Lord brought together then. And if He did it then, He will do it now. The enemy is trying to make me anxious and worried. But, remembering the things the Lord had done for me in the past gets rid of the anxiety and worry quickly. I Know that the harder the enemy tries to cause problems, the Bigger the Lord's Blessings.
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Re: Doctors Appt & Treatment

Postby redbandit » Wed Aug 06, 2014 3:25 pm

“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows; it empties today of its strength.”

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Re: Doctors Appt & Treatment

Postby Mercy&Grace » Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:27 pm

My doctor doubled the treatments for the next month while I'm trying to get ready and move, Praise The Lord ! He did have some news that I Know the Lord does not agree with. I have a few things that I believe the Lord wants me to look into and I will. It may be a few weeks because the moving has to be a priority right now. But, the Lord has already been dealing with me regarding these things before today. And He is guiding me in the way I need to go.

redbandit, Thank You For Your Prayers. How are you doing ?
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Re: Doctors Appt & Treatment

Postby Mercy&Grace » Thu Sep 11, 2014 9:13 am

I have a doctors appointment Monday September 15. I need the dr to continue the treatments for another month. The first deadline I was given to be out of my apartment by was Sept and that has been extended until Oct. Which is a Blessing because it is taking me so long to just get things to where I can pack my things up in order to move. I'm afraid that my dr won't want to continue the treatments for another month. On the there hand, I know that the Lord has everything worked out. The Lord knows that without the treatment I can't do anything to be able to get tho where I can pack thing up. ANd when I say I can't do anything, I mean I'm in bed 23 hrs and 30 mins everyday without the treatments. I'm tring to remind myself that my Faith will grow stronger through this.
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Re: Doctors Appt & Treatment

Postby Mercy&Grace » Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:11 pm

My doctors appointment didn't go well. I can either go into a nursing home, which I would rather die than do. Or I can pay for the treatment I need out of pocket and be homeless, literally. I've got a few other avenues to look into. But, I have to be totally moved no later than 4 weeks from today, so it is very important that the Lord open a door if he is going to.
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