Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those who have and/or are dealing with loved ones who have an illness of ANY type such as Autism, Asthma, ADHD/ADD, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer, Disabilities, Mental Illness and much more. Share your story, with others who truly care, understand and TOGETHER with the Lord as our guide, let's rise above it all.

Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby mlg » Sat Jan 11, 2014 2:56 pm

Praise God!

Do you know my Jesus? Do you know my friend? Have you heard He loves you? If not, I'd like to introduce you.
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby HisOwn » Sat Jan 11, 2014 6:42 pm

Thank you mig
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby HisOwn » Sat Mar 29, 2014 9:03 am

Now the end of March....He is breathing worse and worse. God is working on my attitude. I have realized afresh that at the end, we realize "this is how it is" There is no hope that things will be different. The relationship, people. At least GOD is constant and God is LOVE. God is Emmanuel too.
We can endure, with grace too, al things because of God. I will always do life imperfectly because I am human.
Life will go on.
people are as they are.
But GOD is GOOD. AND he is WITH US all too.
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby Mackenaw » Mon Mar 31, 2014 12:36 am

Hello HisOwn :)

God bless you this day.

I'm glad you stopped by and gave us an update. HisOwn, it's good to hear from you (((hugs))).

Amen! to the Truth you shared. Amen!

Please know that prayers continue to rise to our Lord in the name of Jesus on behalf of your husband, and for you, HisOwn. May God's blessed and perfect will be done.

God bless and keep you.
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby HisOwn » Sat Apr 12, 2014 7:31 am

Thank you Sister Mack.
Some times i feel so selfish. Because this is so hard for me, but of course its him that is so ill. But it is hard for me. My entire life has changed too. And honestly there is nothing in me personally that can make it ok...but there is in me the Spirit of then when i am struggling i feel guilty about struggling when i KNOW God is with me, with him, with us. I think if he had faith more...meaning really knew God was with him it would be easier. not sure. seems to me...
I tell myself i am going to focus on the plus of life and there are many more plus than minus, but then I don't do it...God tells me forgive myself, stop being hard on myself...but i don't/can't/won't..
Writing for today:
When HOPE is difficult to recognize,
Perhaps impossible in the natural,
We remember He is our HOPE.

When JOY is elusive,
And very fleeting,
We remember JOY is our STRENGTH.

When PEACE wants to,
Sprout wing and fly away,
We remember YESHUA is our SHALOM.

His heart is crying out TO us.
His heart is crying WITH us.
His LOVE calls us,
Bids us COME.
Come and SEE that,
No matter what.
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby HisOwn » Tue Aug 12, 2014 8:19 am

It, his health, continues to get worse and worse. I feel so sorry for him and so helpless.
Some days or more like some moments of some days, especially late afternoon I feel like I just simply CANT and that is true but I am NOT alone, God is with me
But sometimes its so hard. Every person alive will come to the end of life.
Hope is not for healing but for God being God no matter what and THAT is a valid and promised HOPE.
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby Dora » Fri Aug 22, 2014 7:34 pm

Thank you for sharing. I am here and I care. Reading your sharings made me smile as I lay in bed with my own rotten illnesses. One moment at a time is how we make it. Love ya.
*angel7* Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, But faith looks up! Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and trust in our Creator who loves us.
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby HisOwn » Sun Aug 24, 2014 8:22 am

Pine, I am sorry I did not realize you too have illness. One thing that is so neat is how God can use us in spite of or really maybe because of the stuff we have gone through or are going through. Reminds me how noting is wasted in God's economy.
Sharing the "word" God place in my heart today.
There are things which a person cannot understand.
Situations which are too difficult to face.

When you cannot understand and you feel incapable of going on, call out to Me.
I AM you HELP in EVERY time of need.

Do not feel that you must endure on your own.
I am always present and ready to come to your aid.

Think of a small child who is hurt or upset.
He will begin to wail and cry.
He does not worry about how he looks or what people will think.

A good parent will immediately comfort the child.
They may not be able to fully remove the pain or the fear, but the child will always feel safe and comforted in his parents love.

My arms and my love are always open to you.

Remember when Peter walked on water, then took his eyes off me and onto the circumstances?
What was my first response?
I reached out and held and helped him.
In other words, I comforted him FIRST.
Then I offered guidance.

Call to Me when you cannot understand.
Look to Me, look at Me when the situation is too difficult to face.
Allow Me to comfort you.
Then you will be enabled to endure the unendurable circumstances of life which you cannot understand.\psal
psalm 46:1 and Jer 29:11-13
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby Dora » Mon Aug 25, 2014 7:01 am

Amen!! *hug*
*angel7* Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, But faith looks up! Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and trust in our Creator who loves us.
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby HisOwn » Sun Nov 30, 2014 8:29 am

He has been in either hospital or rehab almost all month. Rehab is helping him build endurance. I don't know what to think. I am numb. In me there is nothing that will allow or enable me to live the life I have to live during this season. I would rather be in my place than his and for the most part he is accepting the time in rehab amazingly well. It is good that in Christ we are promised to receive ALL we need to do whatever it is we need to do. So I guess I an hoping for grace to endure with a quiet spirit.
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby HisOwn » Mon Dec 01, 2014 5:42 pm

i really do not much like this season of life... or there are things i do like and things i do NOT like..i simply have to get focused on only the positives..but was was I am so tired of this...and so literally is hard really really hard and when i admit that to God, he just says "I know" but in a very sweet way. In fact when I cry inside my heart, "it's hard" and God gives me sympathy it makes me tear up and some of the unshed tears leak out.
I hate Christmas in a lot of ways...i miss my mother, her birthday is the 7th...i miss what could have been with my daughter whose birthday is the 14th and i miss katty so much it is tangible...i wish so bad she would contact me just an email or a hello card... i do not see how people can just make others not exist.. i really don't..
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby Mackenaw » Tue Dec 02, 2014 10:39 am

(((((((hugs))))))) HisOwn. God bless you, dear sister in Christ.

I'm thinking of you and sending up prayers for you in the name of Jesus. God's will be done.

You have so much love in your heart and godly wisdom to share, and I'm blessed to know you.

God bless and keep you.
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