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God always make a way

Postby morningrain » Mon Mar 11, 2013 11:35 am

Hello everyone, because this post is a long one, thought i'd break it into 2 parts, will post the 2nd part tomorrow. I pray and hope the message behind this post will help someone who needs to hear it.

Genesis 45:1-5
Then Joseph could not refrain himself before all them that stood by him; and he cried, Cause every man to go out from me. And there stood no man with him, while Joseph made himself known unto his brethren.
And he wept aloud: and the Egyptians and the house of Pharaoh heard.
And Joseph said unto his brethren, I am Joseph; doth my father yet live? And his brethren could not answer him; for they were troubled at his presence.
And Joseph said unto his brethren, Come near to me, I pray you. And they came near. And he said, I am Joseph your brother, whom ye sold into Egypt.
Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither: for God did send me before you to
preserve life.

Most of you know the story above how Joseph's brothers (sons of Jacob) and then afterwards was Joseph sold into slavery. Joseph was only 17 years of age at that time. Can image how scared he was when all this was going on. Jacob had sent Joseph out to where his brothers were to see whether they were doing well and to see if the flocks they were tending were well and Joseph was to bring word back to his father (Gen 37:14 ). When Joseph's brothers seen him coming they immediately conspired against him in how to kill him. They despised Joseph and to me seemed they were very jealous of Joseph and they envied the dreams he had, specially when Joseph dreamed a dream where they all would bow down to him one day (Gen37:5-11). I believe though scripture doesn't directly says it, I believe when God placed this dream upon Joseph, it was to help prepare his heart for what was about to come. Though Joseph hadn't a clue what was about to happen to him and by his own brethren at that! They threw Joseph into a pit and left him there to die, then because they somewhat had conscience, so not to kill him (Gen.37:18-27). I'd imagine there had to be some word exchange between Joseph and his brothers before they did this to him and possibly rough him up a good bit for they striped him of his coat.. Know I would have tried fighting back to keep someone from throwing me into a pit to be left there to die.

But can you imagine what all was going through his heart and mind. His brother turned completely against him and did these things to him. Joseph was torn abruptly away from his father and his younger brother and all he had known growing up. Now being sold into slavery in a strange land and people. Not understanding why God was allowing these things to happen to him. Yet go back and read all God did for Joseph in Egypt, God blessed him a great deal, and before Joseph reached the level of leadership he come to have under Pharaoh, he was at one time thrown into prison by Pharaoh. Even there in prison God blessed Joseph. God never left Joseph nor forsaken him. God had His hand upon Joseph through it all. God did not let Joseph go through that fire alone. I'm gonna take a pretty good guess and say at the time all this was happening to Joseph, he had a hard time understanding why God was letting this happen and had a hard time seeing God at work. Isn't that the way with all of us, when something bad happens its hard to see God at work. It's hard to understand why God would let something so horrible happen. Fact is, God sees and knows everything that is going to happen in our life, the good and the bad. He, has already made a way through it all. Jesus made a promise I have held on to know matter what, there have been a time or two I couldn't see it, but held on to it as God's truth anyway, Even found myself questioning the Lord over it. Jesus promised never to leave us nor forsake us and its a promise that He also holds dear to His heart.

God used Joseph in a mighty way, He used Joseph to preserve life, not just for his his brothers, his father and their whole household, but God used Joseph to preserve life for Israel, the land, His chosen land and His chosen people. For Joseph and his brothers are the 12 tribes of Israel. Jacob their father whom God changed his name, and begin calling him Israel. Not just Israel, but for every Christian that has ever lived or ever will live. Jesus is the promise seed of Abraham, and it is through the blood line of Judah (one of Joseph's brothers) did God bring His Son Jesus into this world to bring unto us His redemption through His shed blood on the cross. Because of it, we are now heirs to the promise God made unto Abraham (Joseph and his brother's gr. Grandfather).

Will be continued...

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Re: God always make a way

Postby morningrain » Wed Mar 13, 2013 9:12 am

How did God preserve Josephs' life so that he could preserve the life of so many. Go back to Gen.37.26-27, “And Judah said unto his brethren, What profit is itif we slay our brother, and conceal his blood? Come, and let us sell him to the Ishmeelites, and let not our hand be upon him; for he isour brother andour flesh. And his brethren were content.”

Who do you think it was who gave Judah and his brethren that day the conscience they come to have. Not of kill Joseph but to sell him to the Ishmeelites? It was the Holy Spirit of God working. But then, “passed by Midianites merchantmen; and they drew and lifted up Joseph out of the pit, and sold Joseph to the Ishmeelites for twenty piecesof silver: and they brought Joseph into Egypt.” Gen 37:28

Who do you think brought about those Midianites that way, that day, at that very time? It was the Holy Spirit of God working. God made a way that day and through it He preserved life for many. Let me see if I can paint a couple of possible picture for you of what might would have happen if the Lord did not intervene that day. On that day when Joseph came to see how his brothers were doing and they conspired against him to kill him. They threw him into that pit to leave there and die. Let's say he died, what would have happened? Joseph wouldn't have ended up in Egypt, he wouldn't have been there to do all God had chosen him to do. (much the same way for us today, though bad things happen, if we not survive those things we would not be here to do all the Lord has planned for us, people He may need us each to reach and witness too.) In chapter 41:15-32 speaks how Pharaoh had a dream and it was Joseph who it for him, from the Lord. The Lord had placed upon Pharaoh this dream to shew to him the things coming, 7 years of plenty, and then 7 years of drought. If Joseph had died that day his brothers threw him in that pit. Joseph wouldn't have been there to interpret Pharaoh's dream. God could have chosen someone else to do it, but He chose Joseph. God has a reason for whom He chooses and who He doesn't. He has a purpose behind everything He does. Look at the men and women of Scripture that God has chosen and the things they each endured> God could have chosen anyone for each one of them Jobs, but He chose who He chose for a purpose.. Just as He has chosen you and I for a purpose.

But if Joseph hadn't been there to interpret this dream, what would have happen to Egypt during the time of 7 years of famine? What would have happen to Joseph's family, his brothers and his father? One of two things, either they would have died during this drought, or when Jacob sent his sons down to Egypt, they right then and there would have came under slavery. Israel did not come under slavery/ bondage to Egypt till many many years later. Also Egypt itself would have been struck in a very bad way during the time of this famine if not Joseph was there to do all God had called him to do. The possiblities are many of the things that could have happen if Joseph had died that day he was thrown into that pit.

Through bad things that have happened to you, has God intervened? I personally can;t say how He intervene for you except I know if you are reading this. You're alive, therefore God has brought you through it for a reason and a purpose. For one He loves you, He wants you to be part of His purpose, His plan. He sent His only begotten Son to die for You. Jesus has made a promise never to leave you nor forsake You. Therefore you have been embedded down deep into His heart. Sad reality is, there are many out there that are still yet lost or needs help in some way. God may have very well when time comes has chosen you to be there for a certain individual(s). He has found no better person to do that certain job then you.

Pray and hope God will use this to help someone. My prayers are with you all.

My apologizes for not coming back yesterday as i said i would and finish posting this. One of my sons got sick with stomach virus and then i ended up sick with him and it was a long day yesterday and long night for both of us being sick.

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