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Prayer for Husband to Listen to God.

Postby InQuestofAwe » Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:26 pm

hi. I'm new here. I've been on the healing path for 11 days. giving my life back to God and I'm really thankful for the entire experience and excited to see what else God has in store. One thing that has been heavy on my heart and also something that may be holding me back a little is my husbands walk with the Lord. I've been wanting to share how excited I am and have been having trouble because he doesn't seem interested in any of it He professes Christianity but seems to have no desire for God to take over his life which I'm not in any position to judge him for. so I was telling God about it today and I decided to just do what the bible said and be a really good wife so he'd be like "hey why'd you change so fast" and then I could be all like"Jesus is fixing my heart" and stuff. So anyway he got busted for possession of cannabis tonight and he's in jail, and I'm kinda hoping that maybe God would really speak to his heart right now and show him how much he needs a relationship with Jesus, and that we can't just do whatever we want. I'm just really hopeful that God is trying to teach him something and that he'll actually get it. I love him a lot and the only thing that's kept me going some days is him. He's saved my life and taken care of me and as happy as I am that God has a hold of me again I'm not as happy as I would be if He had a hold of my best friend too. Please pray that this situation will be fully under the will of God and that the outcome will be to the glory of God no matter what happens. And also pray for him please, that he would be humbled a little so he'll have more compassion on the needy and want to give and tithe. I am eternally thankful to all of you and God bless your hearts for being so compassionate. Oh and please agree with me that I can pay better attention to the Holy Spirit when he speaks to me. Thanks.
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Re: Prayer for Husband to Listen to God.

Postby Mackenaw » Tue Mar 05, 2013 2:51 am

I join you in lifting up prayers to our Lord in the name of Jesus. May God's blessed will be done.

God bless and keep you, InQuestofAwe.
In Christ Jesus' love,
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Re: Prayer for Husband to Listen to God.

Postby redbandit » Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:59 am

Praying for you & ur husband!
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