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Postby kentuckyranger » Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:20 pm

as i look around me, and try to understand the how,what and why in our nation. shootings, murders total corruption of our political arena,the un godliness in general. i start to cringe, but then i recall jesus his self said he doubted he would find faith on the earth.then thru a biased evening news or news paper, i hear a sound, when i see a new law passed i hear it again. when i see how our leaders turn on israel ,i begin to hear it again even louder/as i see more and more, shameful programs on tv , i hear it then,as i see nation rise against nation it grows even more louder, i start wondering what the sound is and what is making it, after picking up my king james bible,it becomes clear. its the white horses in heaven, snorting pawing, all ready saddled, waiting in intencepation for its riders. and the king of kings to climb in the saddle and ride. and im so ready for it.
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Re: hoofbeats

Postby ServeGod » Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:43 pm

Yes times are near.

When you see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies, you will know that its desolation is near. (luke 21:20) We have had surrounding wars, and now with what is happening in Syria, armies are not only surrounding but at the door.

The Gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

God bless you brother
Let us put on the our armour of God
For our true and faithful King
Our king of Kings
Our Lord of Lords

Praise and Glory to God always
To shine in one light.
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Re: hoofbeats

Postby realtmg » Thu Jan 24, 2013 6:24 pm

God Bless you both.
May we share the TRUTH till HE comes.

Real...... *ReadBible*
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Re: hoofbeats

Postby kentuckyranger » Thu Jan 24, 2013 7:11 pm

thanks real
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