Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those who have and/or are dealing with loved ones who have an illness of ANY type such as Autism, Asthma, ADHD/ADD, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer, Disabilities, Mental Illness and much more. Share your story, with others who truly care, understand and TOGETHER with the Lord as our guide, let's rise above it all.


Postby ChristianMentor20 » Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:35 pm

My dear friend Dutch has a bleeding condition and needs the cure for it though under state and country circumstances he is unable to pay for it. I am starting a fund for him and would appreciate any help I can get either by donations or word of mouth from my friends here. The link to this is:

thank you all and blessings. constant prayers for everyone here at oasis. love you guys.
Christian Mentor to teens and young adults, Lover of God and Mother of one.
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Location: usa
Marital Status: Single

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