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Jourey of God's word?

Postby RockofAges » Wed Nov 28, 2012 7:35 pm

After living life for a while some things that once were blurry somehow clear to full view. Some are in life impressed with inspirational reading of the bible while others are devoted to reading the bible daily and some are really involved in praise and worship music all in the body of Christ. All are wonderful and have good meaning in it however I found self indulging in each one growing up to then step back... in that time taking it all in wondering what is it all about I couldn't help but notice how so many who push others to praise and worship, or push others to read God's word daily, or pressure to listen to bible based preaching but many found to be so nasty, mean, unloving, and then another amzing thing discovered,

I found out many out there that do not have access to a bible nor get the chanse to praise and worship in church for whatever reason have shown more grace and love and yes they have Jesus as Lord and Savior in their heart. I hope they will get the opportunity to own a bible some day and maybe read that yes they lived the bible not just read it daily finding encouragement that the Father is pleased in them and not waste away like so many do.

I sat and thought about this months ago before entering in here about the others I encountered and the love that beamed in them richly that I find rare in many. I am tired of those who push reading the bible daily like drug dealers and have so much spite in their convo's and spirit and wound so many others in their plow everyone over thinking they are doing God a rich service. They may always win the debate with me, but the cannot debate with the Author of our Faith.

What I am saying most likely wont make any difference in anyone reading it on here. People will do what they want to do even Christians even Christians who read the bible daily go to church faithfully offers tithing and abstains from worldly impurities but man why are they known to be the first to slay their brother in christ is beyond me.

Instead of being upset with them, I will join the ones who truly do produce fruit in my life and hope they the ones who we will never know their names until heaven who show in action Jesus's love can draw even the waxed cold christians to develop a warmer heart and share God's word for the meaning God gave it.

I am thankful for those who share the bible absolutely and I dont have an issue with those who stumble or have a harsh season in life, but those who are just outrageous in joureying God's word daily are like those burning up the wheat detroying the harvest as they think they are getting rid of the weeds of the enemy.

I am sure some will have clever come backs, they always will, and well hopefully after their daily preaching teaching and reading of the bible, maybe before their last breath they will get a clue what it was meant for.
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Re: Jourey of God's word?

Postby Maverick_Reborn » Wed Nov 28, 2012 7:47 pm

Rockofages, the people who push daily bible reading with malice and hatred in their heart, are the ones who need guidance the most. Of course, they are affected by pride, a sin hard to get rid of, but easy to brimg to light. It is a good idea to share advice and help people, knowing that the wisdom coming from your lips are from the Holy Spirit. However, never take back your hand from the prideful. Show them, with understanding and patience, humility. Some may follow, others may not. The ones who follow are the ones whose mind was too numbed by the world, to affected from the abundance of sin around them, and just needed a helping hand from a child of God who understood and never gave up on them =)
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Re: Jourey of God's word?

Postby RockofAges » Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:01 pm

Thank you for the feed back, I am comforted that there is one person of heart who understands.

As of right now, I am raising three teen sons, I am a single divorced mom (my exhubby died a while ago now) anyway I can only but wonder if I am only to post the thought as maybe a messanger and it will get to others who have the answer but wasnt sure but now are.

My hands are full right now with low income job and though Christ is my solid foundation in life, that doesnt mean that my house is steady that is my mind will and emtion. Just as an example I will show you what I mean, today a person who is a good pal of mine said something to me and it triggered something totally different and I took what that person said the wrong way. That person still is my friend that person made it clear. But what the friend didnt know was, that they helped me realise oh, another area of hurt I needed to work on. Then later another person arrived and in a cruel way presenting the bible and this wasnt the first time it happened, and it triggered a strong point in me realising this area that needed to be addressed so I posted this message you responded to. Even though weak in some areas yes God is using me and others found in the same situation. Can't stop the Rock (Jesus).

Final point is I am still in progress, I know right now my focus is with finishing raising my teen sons to adult men, that is how I am saving the world and that is my ministry and I work to provide for my ministry that is my family our future. When that comes full circle and if God has more for me and I dont find my building in ruins(mind will emotions) and it be found solid and standing after all the messes in life that made absolutely no sense enduring for, and God wants to continue this through me and others, so be it. If I am not called I will be very relieved about it because I just want off this planet. LOL!
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Re: Jourey of God's word?

Postby Maverick_Reborn » Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:08 pm

I understand all too well about how hard it is to control the mind =) I've always been sensitive, never wanting to accept someone else's words. Wounds of a friend are better than kisses of an enemy. Your ministry is your family, but you are helping many people through your own questions. If you ever have something to say don't hold back, because it can help a lot of people =)
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Re: Jourey of God's word?

Postby RockofAges » Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:13 pm

LOL sorry I didnt make it clear, the pal gave me a compliment that i took the wrong way because that pal said word for word what enemies would say in sarcasm but the pal truly meant it as a compliment... it was just a true example, he didnt wound me at all.

Enemies wound , friends heal
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Re: Jourey of God's word?

Postby Maverick_Reborn » Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:23 pm

Yeah, I don't take sarcasm too well XD but usually people feel offended of the truth, but in the end the truth is better than a lie by an enemy. That's why I said wounds of a friend are better than kisses of the enemy =)
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Re: Jourey of God's word?

Postby RockofAges » Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:45 pm

Oh I love the truth always!!!! What i dont like is those who force what they think is truth when it is not and get a large mob siding with them attacking others for the sheer enjoyment of it.

Or the one with the logs of conviction in their mind's eye and dont want to see it and yet can see the speck in their brother's minds eye and nit pick that person to death to me is an enemy that has no understanding of hisown self how can he help anyone else?

Now if we all tended to our own convictions and clear it out and set our selves in line, we can then understand how to help others.

So please give me time to flush out the forrest of logs in my eyes LOL so i wont make a mess! thanks! :) LOL!
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Re: Jourey of God's word?

Postby Maverick_Reborn » Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:56 pm

Beloved, unfortunately there will always be people like that. Usually, (because their are so few called who answer yhe calling of God), people side with a judgemental person just because they make themselves feel better. People so attach to the world will try to meet its expectations. When those expectations cannot be accomplished, they try to make other people feel like thry failed to quiet the pain in their souls. Unfortunately, many people only know about worldly ways. They may not even mean the bad things they say, it's just that the pain in their hearts are too much to bear.
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