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Feeling down.

Postby Ruthk34 » Sat Oct 27, 2012 10:11 pm

Hi everyone.

I am feeling down tonight as I have come to the conclusion that I will have to give up my house. I will have to sell it or the bank will take it. Having to face the facts is a hard one. I have had this house for 9 years and because of the rising costs of fuel, food and other expenses and not seeing a pay raise in 3 or 4 years now I just can't keep it up. I have no idea how long it will take to sell my house or if it goes into forclosure how long that would take. I have to figure out where we will live. I have family pets that I couldn't bear to part with and not too many places will allow pets. I know some would say find new homes for them but I would be afraid that they would be mistreated. Especialy my dog. He is a pain in the rear at times and leaves messes once in a while as from what I hear is a common problem with small breeds and many people would not tolerate it. I get mad at him too but I still love him. Someone else may not be so forgiving. Part of my trouble of finding a place to live is that I can't actively look until the house is out of my hands or close to it. This worry and burden weighs heavily on me.
The stress is getting to me too. It's getting hard to keep up appearances acting like everything is ok. Sometimes I just want to break down and cry. I had one day when a client was giving me a hard time about something foolish and I had a real hard time keeping myself from crying. My patients normally don't get to me because I know that they are grumpy because they are in pain or have a disability that can be frustrating so I normaly let it roll off my back when it happens. I came close to saying something I would regret and I'm glad I stopped myself. I had to request not to go back to that patient again because I feared I would let my tounge fly. It's not like me to nearly lose control when it comes to work. I thank God for Him helping me get through those tough minutes.
I also thank God that tomarrow is Sunday so I can go to church and worship with others which I find comforts me and gives me peace. Hearing Gods word always helps to recharge my spirit and I sure need it.

I pray for strength and wisdom in these coming trials.Amen. *Pray*
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Re: Feeling down.

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Oct 28, 2012 7:05 am

Hi Ruth,

Firstly, very sorry to hear about the hardships. I think you have acted very wisely with regards the patient, and in not saying anything negative to him/her, and even requesting to be distanced from the patient is actually not a bad reflection on you, it's a good one.

'When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.' (Proverbs 10:19)

We all get annoyed at times and you have acted in a very Godly way by distancing yourself from the person rather than staying and possibly putting yourself in the position where you might be pushed over the line.

Don't know what to say to your regarding all of the problems. It sounds like you are well-grounded with The Lord and I would just like to say stick with Him. And remember, all of these hard times, as overwhelming as they are now, will one day be ancient history for you.

God bless and I will also put forth prayers to Him on your behalf.
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Re: Feeling down.

Postby Ruthk34 » Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:28 pm

To TrueAndMagneticNorth and everyone who said a prayer for me even if you didn't post a comment Thank you for your prayers THEY WORKED! I have found a solution that will help me to keep my house. My heart feels enlightened now. I rejoice in the name of Lord Jesus! A few words said to me, a few moments passed and then BAM! I was struck! Now I only need to finalize my plans.

Thank You and God Bless you.
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