Christianity Oasis Forum

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learning grounds

Postby ForgivenNfree » Sat Oct 20, 2012 7:01 pm

Learning a lot lately. That there are personal things that shouldnt be said in a chat room and that to stop boasting and telling everyone what God is doing trhought you and what you are doing for the Lord because a lot of those things are and should be done and said in secret that just the Lord should see them. Not that sharing a praise or testimony is wrong, just certain things, like the hypocrites shouting a long and pretty prayer in the streets when ya should be in your closet in privacy . that sort of thing. Thought this post would go here in spiritual growth because well justseemed best and just seeing so much differently now, since I been born again, how Much He has changed and is changing me to see these things, and I don't want to disobey or displease the Lord, with that said lets put this in the past and move on. God bless all.
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