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is my mom right?

Postby ILuvAnime » Sat Jul 07, 2012 12:20 pm

me and my brother were in ALDI with my mom, and there was this HUGE box full of pillows. naturally, we started having a pillow fight. my mom yelled at us 2 come over 2 her, then told me "to start acting my age." so then i was like "so your saying I'm immature?" and she was like "pretty much yeah."

that makes me so offended. all 13 year old girls I know don't even interact with their family or anything. my mom should be glad i CARE about her at all. sigh i can act like i don't care if that's what she wants. i dunno.

can anyone tell me wat i'm supposed 2 do? should i act my age and be like all other girls? or should i brush it off and act the same? *dunno* :cry:
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Re: is my mom right?

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Sat Jul 07, 2012 12:57 pm

Hi sweetheart,
first let me say you DO sound like you were acting your age *BigGrin*
I have twins that are 15 AND an 18 year old girl and I could see ALL 3 of them doing JUST as you did.....
BUT that would not have stopped me from saying EXACTLY the same words your mom said
But I will tell you this as a secret......inside I would have been laughing....especially if someone got in a good surprise hit *BigGrin*
BUT it is most times the parent does not want others looking at you snubbing thier nose or having to pay for busted pillows or being embarrassed........we tend to forget about just letting loose and having a little fun as well

sweetheart don't be made at your mom (just next time wait till she's in the next isle) just kidding
hang in there and be a 13 year old and have fun cause too soon you will be the adult and then what *Doh*

God bless
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Re: is my mom right?

Postby Mackenaw » Sat Jul 07, 2012 2:30 pm

Hello Anime :)

God bless you this day.

I would imagine your mother was hoping you would set a good example for your younger brother to follow. The pillows were not your property to do with as you wish. And, who do you suppose would have to pay for those pillows if they were damaged and the stuffing came out of them? You guessed it, your Mother. And, besides that, ALDI is not a playground.

In this life, there are rules of conduct in nearly every situation or place you'll go. Break those rules, and you will have to bear the consequences. It is best to know the rules in advance, and I would imagine that your mother has made it quite clear in the past, how she expects you to behave inside of stores, or in other public places.

Soooooooooo, to answer your question "is my mom right?" In my opinion, your Mom was right on!!!

To be child-like is an awesome thing. To be childish, warrants correction. Take the correction and learn from this experience.

God bless and keep you, Anime.
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Re: is my mom right?

Postby ILuvAnime » Sat Jul 07, 2012 3:32 pm

thx u both...srry i'm a little out of it 2day. its been a bad few months.

thx i will try 2 keep both answers in mind :) gbu all.
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