Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those who have and/or are dealing with loved ones who have an illness of ANY type such as Autism, Asthma, ADHD/ADD, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer, Disabilities, Mental Illness and much more. Share your story, with others who truly care, understand and TOGETHER with the Lord as our guide, let's rise above it all.

Good Morning !!

Postby HisSummerRose » Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:00 am

*Wave* ... Well ladies and gents I am here to share my story. I am TYPE 2 Diabetic & have been since Valentine's Day 2002 and it was the hardest thing for me to except in the beginning. Because the day that I found out my younger sister back home in NH was trying to commit suicide by taking a overdose of pills :cry: and so she did find out later that she was BI - POLAR an so to this day she still has problems from time to time. She is also a survivor of Breast Cancer and so that was hard for me to except in the beginning because ... I was here in OHIO and she was out east in NH and so your asking how did I handle it ? So, I baked lots of cookies I mean lots of cookies and so I got a lot in my freezer. But I got thru it and to this day she is CANCER - FREE and doing very well with her CANCER.

Then ... about 7 years ago my husband { who has his 55 th birthday today } was told that he has Crohn's Disease so he has to be careful of what he eats ... so he has done well w/out the surgery and is on NO MEDS so ... I am very blessed for having him in my life. Not sure what I would do without him !!

So I have other members that have died of CANCER :cry: :cry: and I do miss them ... so I wish they would find a cure for it !! So, if anyone here finds out they are DIABETIC and need some support give me a shout out !!
Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
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Re: Good Morning !!

Postby Timothy » Sun Jul 01, 2012 2:27 am

You Wrote:
> So, if anyone here finds out they are DIABETIC and need some support give me a shout out !! <

*ClapHands* HEY, HIS SUMMER ROSE!!!! *Yikes*

I'm tired of pokeing my finger. I can't afford the replacements supplies.
The cost of the combination of medications I'm told to take breaks my bank.

Is there another way to control my sugar levels?

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Re: Good Morning !!

Postby Ruthk34 » Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:37 am

Hi HisSummerRose.

I'm a type 2 diabetic also. I had diagnosed myself when I was only 29 yrs old. I had discovered that both my parents were diabetic and had been for at least a few years. So I knew I was in danger of it too. I never expected to already be diabetic when I checked my own sugar by borrowing my moms glucometer. My sugar was over 300. I called the doctor on monday.

It has been quite a struggle I can tell you. My sugar is at almost normal levels now but I still hit highs and lows if I'm not careful. Which is bad because I get drowsy when that happens and I have on more than once nearly gone right off the road when driving because of it. I get to comfortable thinking my sugar is fine but then I mess up. I have to remind myself to eat like the diabetic I am.

I don't know where you live but where I am at the Price Chopper Pharmacy you can get your diabeitc supplies for FREE. So if you have a Price Chopper near you scope it out and see if they do the same there. As for your sugar levels You need to pay close attention to what your eating and how it effects your sugar. Which means a lot of poking. When I first found out I had typ 2 I was testing 4 X a day to find out what my sugar was doing how it responde to what I ate (by keeping a food journal) and paying attention to how I felt. Only then could I recognise the signs of high or low sugar levels. It's hard work but it is possible to do it.

Praying for you.
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Re: Good Morning !!

Postby Timothy » Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:38 am

Thank you, Ruth :)

I've never heard of Price Chopper in the Detroit area, but will look into it. *Clap* ?FREE? *hug*
I have learned that the pain medicine I take for my pinched nerve seems to bring down my sugar levels a bit.
I've also learned if I suddenly get real tired and have the need to sleep, my sugar level goes over 300.
When I get the jitters, my level falls under 120.
Last few months I've not been able to get it steady. But then my food intake changes with the seasonal changes too.
I was told Milk will make the sugar levels go up. Found this out after I had gone on a milk kick. *Doh*

Thanks for shareing, Ruth *Wave*
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