Christianity Oasis Forum

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Day Number Two!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby KelseyLong » Tue May 01, 2012 7:59 pm

I can't believe I have gotten this far without breaking my word! Thank you Lord for helping guide me! This journal will be written with the help of smilies to make me laugh because I am sooooo bored! Anyway, my back feels so bad and I just want some *Pray* for it! Also, I felt so bored and I was like *Computer* this all day. It has been hard to stick to this but when it gets hard, I just *Pray* for *help* so I don't have to *Doh* myself. *JesusSign* has been guiding me and it makes me *BigGrin* when hear his voice saying *bravo* !
As a Christian, we will find struggles and hardships like no other, that is why Jesus died for me, that is why he died for YOU! Often times we find ourselves wondering, is this life worth living? I thought I got a great deal when I signed up for this. But here is a reality check, we did not just sign up, we chose to LIVE! God gives us tests, to prove ourselves to him and so we can grow stronger, that is why our hardships are truly blessings in disguise. So count both your hardships and blessings
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Re: Day Number Two!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby Ruthk34 » Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:47 pm

I like the way you wrote that.
Good job and keep it up.
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