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No answers...

Postby humblevisitor » Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:13 am

I joined this site a little over a year ago now,and what a wonderful part of my life this has become. Truly a gift from God. Lately with the move and the new job I have not been on as much as in the past and I am going to commit to changing that situation. It has not been entirely because of these things but because I have just been lazy and unfocused.

But, something that has been troubling me, and has been for some months is that I seem to have no answers or anything to say to the people who post in the forums. And a lot of times in the chat room. I feel like something is blocking me and holding me back.Its not that I don't care or sympathize or pray for these things. I feel like I am totally blocked off and clamped down from saying anything. So I remain quiet.

Just had to get that out because i don't know the answer to that either except to keep praying about it.
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Re: No answers...

Postby Mackenaw » Wed Jun 20, 2012 4:11 pm

Hello Humble (((hugs)))

God bless you this day.

The fact that you pray for others is a blessing like none other, so don't discount that. Also, just as we have to wait on answers from The Lord concerning things in our own life, so too, do we wait on the answers for other peoples' concerns. Most times we'll not get solutions for others, but we can encourage them in just letting them know that they are heard, are not alone and that The Lord God Almighty loves them.

By the way, God uses you, often, in encouraging me. :)

God bless and keep you.
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Re: No answers...

Postby popples » Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:37 pm

you know sometime little or nothing said is ok, even if you just write your name so people know you have read, is somtimes enough. This site is definitly spirit led so relax cause somtimes silence is because the spirit is leading. Your more than welcome to just sign your name too. God Bless
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Re: No answers...

Postby vahn » Wed Jun 20, 2012 7:00 pm

Hey brother

You kno ? I can , in so many ways , relate to what you had written . And now , in so many ways , reading what you wrote , brought a smile on my face - the kind of smile I never knew I had - like , some part of my past flashed in front of me . (and I had probably saying the same things as you at that time) .

See , I was re-introduced to my Lord through Alcoholics Anonymous (or rather through a certain member of) , and at first , whenever I went to meetings , I was thinking EVERYONE there was a "recovery giant" of a sort , you kno what I mean ? - like , these people (all of them) , had this thing down-pat , and , like you , or at least what I got from one part of your post , I was thinking , "what do I have to say , that these people hadn't heard of yet" !

Well , brother , like Mack and popples had already mentioned , your presence ALONE says a LOT , without even saying a word , just imagine what one word , like "hello" would do . I know for one thing , I just smiled just by reading your "concern" !!

Keep up the good work bro , don't listen to your head .

Luv ya
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Re: No answers...

Postby Lani » Wed Jun 20, 2012 7:12 pm

*Wave* Hiya Brother Humble!

I'd like to say Whoooo Hooooooooooooo to *commit to changing that* *ohyeah*

Otherwise... what they said! :)

Lookin forward to seeing ya hangin with the family more!!!

Peace n Luv in Christ,
*BlessYou* Lani
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Re: No answers...

Postby dema » Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:59 am

Sometimes you can add a symbol and that lets people know you care. *Pray* *hug* *Clap* :) *Praying* *BlessYou*

Or just say "hugs" "Praying" "God Bless". Then your name appears and the person knows you care. And it gets you started.
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Re: No answers...

Postby xxJILLxx » Thu Jun 21, 2012 10:54 am

*hug* Humble,

Good to see you around brother!

I get you, i get that you dont seem to have answers, i think i would be correct to to say that all of us go through times like that. I have a many of times had "nothing to say" . Sometimes it be like that, just keep coming back and keep reading, when the time is right the SPirit will lead you on what to say and when to say it. Keep seeking His will brother. Love ya lots!

God bless
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Re: No answers...

Postby ServeGod » Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:12 am

I agree with Jill.
Don't forget your the vessel. Let the Holy Spirit flow through you. May God establish words and works through you Humble. Give Glory and praise to God always.
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