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A Real Kindle Blessing

Postby realtmg » Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:11 am

I bought my wife a Kindle last year for a Christmas present because she reads up to 5 books a week. *Doh*
I found out a week ago that I can plug head phones into it and listen to whatever I chose to download.
I usually read out of an old Homiletic set of volumes whenever God leads me to a subject or because i want to know more about it. Better said, learn about it. ;)
It had always been awkward and hard to read them in bed without damaging them as they are hard to come by and I want to take care of them.
I know can down load free books such as Tozer, Spurgeon, Murray; many more and lay in bed and listen to them read to me has really been a blessing to me.
I can read/listen up to 4or 5 quicker and easier.
I suppose one can do this via a computer too.
I don;t know.
Assuming it''s a small thing for you; is a big thing for me. :)

In Christ's Love.

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Re: A Real Kindle Blessing

Postby xxJILLxx » Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:28 am

Hey real,

I was thining about purchasing an e reader so i can listen to audio books, i love to read but i have a short attention span and audio books really seem to do the trick with me as far as absorbing what i read.

I think i may just go out and purchase one :) Nothing like absorbing all that spiritual food from our favorite authors .

God bless ya bro

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