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This forum will help us to learn how to use Preventative Maintenance when it comes to our emotions. Renewing our minds daily in Christ helps us to control our emotions and lead a more productive life in Christ instead of being swept away in the whirlwind of emotions this life can throw at us daily.

Self-Harm: So not worth it.

Postby God's Girl » Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:48 pm

I'm alive. If you actually knew me, you'd be surprised by that statement. If you actually saw me, my scars, and my appearance in general, you'd want your children to stay indoors at all times because I'm not in a mental rehab counseling area, if they even have those places. The reason for those dramatic statements is summed up in a simple, yet all-around horrifying, two-part word:
Yes. I just went there. Self-harm leads to suicide attempts and next thing ya know, people all around the world know. I'm proud to say that my friends are real friends and didn't turn their backs once. They stayed by me, watched me, talked to me, and cared. Some aren't as lucky. They lose friends, they gain mental health issues. Fair trade? I think not.

Sometimes, talking just won't cut it (REALLY SORRY ABOUT THE WORDING THERE! COULDN'T THINK OF ANY OTHER WORD!) and you want some sense that someone cares. You want attention. Your mind starts to wander...What could get me some attention? Maybe if I did a little something here, or did that to this person, or- Hold up. My life stinks like moldy cheese. I could cut my wrists...People would see. They would care.
Heck yes, they would care! It would hurt them! They would possibly assume it was their fault.

Maybe you aren't looking for attention. Maybe you're just wanting to feel something..? Did you feel numb? Like nothing in the world would satisfy you and make you feel OK again?

Maybe you even have a different reason. I don't know you personally, so I have no idea what your exact reasoning is. I won't pretend I do.

By now, if you've read this far into this, you're probably thinking, "Dude, this chick is a lunatic" or "What is the point to all of this?"
Well, I'll have you know that I am NOT a lunatic.
Oh yeah, and that the point of this is all throughout this message, so read, read, read!

The truth of the matter is this:
Satan wants to get to you, no matter what it takes. God wants you to remain with Him, no matter what.

Can't get too much simpler, can it? Sure it can. Ya wanna know how? Pray for forgiveness. "Easier said than done" is a saying everyone has heard. But this does NOT apply to the Bible. God says that all you have to do is repent, believe, and be baptized and YOU ARE WITH HIM FOREVER IN HEAVEN. You were His child in the beginning, you are now, and will be forever.
Believe God is Lord, that He sent His son, all of that, repent, and next second you're saved.
You who have cut or have made the mistake in considering it, think about how horrible your life is when God claims you in His love. When He sent Jesus to DIE for us, why do you think that was? So He could watch His son suffer? Yeah, no. Not at all. He sent Jesus for us, for our sins, for human beings. We're His perfect creation and He wants to keep us that way.
Clearly, looking at the world, no one is at all close to perfect. We aren't even 'good people', because at the end of the day, you sinned, whether you intended on it or not.
When you see Da Vinci's beautiful artwork and paintings, I would hope you don't get the sudden urge to just ruin it, stab it, and rip it to shreds. I hope that you would look at all its beauty, take it in, and appreciate it.
When you see God's work, it shouldn't be any different, except that you should love it even more. When you look in a mirror, no one can tell you what you "have to see". Obviously, you'll see yourself, but once you've looked, and i mean REALLY looked, analyzed, and evaluated yourself, is it a positive evaluation of yourself? Or do you say to yourself, "Who could love me? Why should they?"
If you ask/asked these questions and ended up with the urge to cut, yet the desire to stop cutting if you do? And if so, why don't you just stop thinking those things that the devil is putting into your head and listen to what God tells you in writing?
I used to cut on average. I was numb, mad, and in truth- stupid. I was stupid as to think that self-harm was easier than listening to God's message of love to us. He didn't make junk. He made perfection. He made you. Therefore, if you do a simple equation, you (being His creation) are perfection in His eyes. It doesn't matter what you did in the past. He still wants you.
That girl who got pregnant at 16? He wants her to repent so she can live in happiness.
That little boy who is abused and think no one loves him because his parents beat him? God loves him. Wants him.
Our bodies should be temples to the Lord (1 Corinthians 6:19), so why would you destroy God's temple?
You are exactly how God wants you. You are beautiful.

I can't believe you actually read this far and put up with me this long...I am so not complaining though! Keep reading, please.

All you who used to cut: Do you regret it? Don't. I used to regret, but now I see that regret got me no where but thinking of the past. After i stopped regretting and constantly thinking that I'm never able to be loved and started reading God's Word, I actually saw that my life isn't crappy after all, once God got a hold on things for me. Try it. Ask God to take all your problems into His own hands. He can do it. "Ask and it will be given to you" says the Bible in Matthew, chapter seven, verse seven.

Those who do cut: Please stop. Please, please, please. It only leads to rumors, snood comments from classmates, possible desertion from friends, and giving in to what the devil wants. You think your life is crap now, if you don't believe in God, I'm really sorry to say this but the truth must come out somehow: your life is going to be worse than crap when the devil takes you home to his fiery pit of evil. God tells you in John 10:10 that the thief (being the devil) comes only to destroy and kill, but Jesus has come so that you can have life with Him. God loves you, so just believe it, never forget it, and take what life gives you and try to make the best of it.

Those who want to cut: After reading this, I still want to stress the real point of this message: cutting and self-harm and hating on yourself doesn't do anything but damage. Pray, don't pay. By that I mean don't make your body pay for what you feel, the lies the devil has put into your head, those thoughts that make you want to cut that try to convince you that you aren't good enough that some have believed. Don't believe a word the lord of Lies says. God's word is so much more comforting than Satan's.

Anorexic girls: You are beautiful. You know how YOU look in a mirror and see ugliness and how we (as in everyone else in the world who see you and your itty bitty beautiful body) see a poor, so beautiful girl who thinks no one will love her unless she's got a concave tummy and nothing but skin on bone? You see that because of what you are doing. If you didn't hurt yourself like that and you saw that your thoughts are actually, legitimately killing you, I would think that life would be so much easier if you could just eat, not worrying about what people might think if they saw you (Heavens forbid!) eating. Be yourself. Let people take you as you are. Don't hurt yourself for people who won't accept you as you.

That's another great thing about God. You don't have to be anything special for Him to love you. He's got this really cool thing called "unconditional love" as opposed to humans who have conditional love. We think that if someone does something so horrible, we can't love them anymore. But we can and should, because Jesus loves them. And once you really think about it, are we really any better than them?
No. We actually aren't. We sin. A sin is a sin. We can simply be rid of that sin as soon as we ask for God to take it away.

Lastly, I want all you around the world that I am praying for you.

So, I think that's it. Kay, so any questions? PM me.
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God's Girl
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Re: Self-Harm: So not worth it.

Postby PrincessMcleod » Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:06 pm

Hmmmm . . . now I have a lot of thinking to do :) But that was really good. Thinking is good.
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