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Explain why God is unfair

Postby truth_seeker » Wed Dec 28, 2011 3:18 pm

Being new to the faith I know and relate to the frustration of my million questions, however, thank the Lord I have learned to take it one day at a time. The hardest part is now that I have chosen a relationship with God, loved ones have began to get curious and ask questions I don't have answers to or scripture to help so I come asking for any help to answering this question I was messaged from my relative who I would love to be able to help:

Explain this:

According to many religions...mostly Christianity

The way to avoid damnation and eternal punishment in to accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior.

my question is? what about the Mayans? the ancient Egyptians? the Incas? cavemen etc...what about them? how were they to accept Jesus Christ as their savior when he wasn’t even born yet? are they to live in eternal hell for this?

how were the natives living in north America supposed to know Jesus was born? why was he born in a certain part of the planet, and not the other? that doesn’t seem fair..
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Re: Explain why God is unfair

Postby Lani » Wed Dec 28, 2011 4:16 pm

Greetings Truth Seeker :)

Blessings to you this day!
You have asked a few questions, to which I will give you my hearfelt reply... but please know, this sharing is simply my understanding... I am certain other views will come to light as more of our Oasis family shares...

what about the Mayans? the ancient Egyptians? the Incas? cavemen etc...what about them? how were they to accept Jesus Christ as their savior when he wasn’t even born yet? are they to live in eternal hell for this?

Egyptians? Worship many Gods in their own religious understanding. Though, there are Christians in Egypt also :)
Incas? too have their own understanding of God to whom they pray and worship... the Sun
Cavemen...hmmm good question :) dunno to whom they prayed or if they necessarily had an organized religion but I am certain, God was there.

how were the natives living in north America supposed to know Jesus was born?

Native American culture (as their religious beliefs are completely incorporated in their lives) is truly beautiful. They see God in all things, and recognize God's presence as well... though, if memory serves me right, while respect is given to all living things as an extension of God… animals and people alike, worship and prayer is directed to the Spirit (given various names depending on each tribe family) God.

why was he born in a certain part of the planet, and not the other? that doesn’t seem fair..

God's will directed His birth... all of the events surrounding Christ becoming God in Flesh happened just as God planned. But, geography surely did not and doesn't hinder us from learning of His amazing life :)

Regardless of the location of His birth, someone would deem it unfair… for there to be an exact location means He was close to some, but far from others :) But my dear sis, God’s love reaches beyond geography and touches each of us, personally. Just as we cannot dig a hole deep enough to be beyond God’s care, we cannot live to far from Christ’s physical birth to be to excluded from reaching for Him.

John 3:16
16For God so loved THE WORLD, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Christ is for ALL people, it is our choice to accept it but it is wise to also acknowledge that each person has their own personal relationship with and understanding of just what that means. :)

Awesome Questions! I pray that all the answers shared bring comfort and encourage you to keep Seeking His Truth :)

Peace n Luv in Christ,
*BlessYou* Lani
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Re: Explain why God is unfair

Postby Mackenaw » Wed Dec 28, 2011 6:27 pm

Hello truth_seeker :)

God bless you this day.

Excellent questions, and Lani has provided some awesome answers too.

I, too, would like to share some thoughts. :)

Matthew 24:14 (Jesus speaking) And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

The Bible is God's Word, and God's Word is The Truth, and The Truth is Jesus. :) So, when He says that everyone will have opportunity to hear the gospel, believe it. :)

In reference to your question about why Jesus was born in a certain part of the world, we have to remember that at the time of Jesus' birth, the world was very small -- meaning, the Americas had not been discovered yet; therefore, there were no inhabitants there.

There is also another thing, we humans, sometimes fail to understand. God, The Creator of the Universe and all things in it, well...He knows ever human that has ever lived, and He knows exactly how to reach them and insure they are given ample opportunity to believe in Him.

Romans 8:21-22
21) Because the creature [creation] itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
22) For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.

See, mankind is not the only "creation" -- whatever God in His infinite wisdom created is part of "creation" and it ALL knows, deep within, there is a Creator God. Mankind; however, is the only part of "creation" that questions Him and all that He Is. The earth knows God, the trees know God, and mountains knows God, the sky knows God, the wind knows God, the seas know God, animals know God -- and they all respond to Him.

The book of Genesis, starting at the verse 1 describes the creation. God The Father thought it, God The Son/Jesus spoke it, and God The Holy Spirit moved and made it exist. Whatever God thought...was made manifest. God is the only thing within the universe that was not created...He is God and He has always been God and forever will be God. Hallelujah!!!

I hope this helps. :)

Oh, and one more thing :) the following video/song by Mercy Me is awesome "All of Creation"

God bless and keep you.
In Christ Jesus' love,
Sister Mack
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Re: Explain why God is unfair

Postby 1st Timothy 4:12 » Wed Dec 28, 2011 7:52 pm

Well for some ancient civilizations, God didn't come to Earth than. To go to Heaven, you would offer sacrifices. The whole sacrifice thing was getting more and more routine and less and less sacred. People were actually selling pigeons and doves in the temples. So Jesus came to offer salvation. And people went to the Native Americans to preach, but those who were innocent (in God's eyes) get to go to Heaven.
About answering questions, just say what your heart tells you. That is what I do. We will never have all of the answers, but the important thing is to try.
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Re: Explain why God is unfair

Postby vahn » Wed Dec 28, 2011 8:06 pm

Good question , good thread , good answers , sooo .... why am I here for ??? :)

I can only speak from my point of view of course , and what I have to say about thiese "questions" may , or may not be the "correct" ones .

In The beginning , it was all dark , it says the Word , and right after that , it says , The Spirit of God HOVERED over it , (all over it ?) , that means , Israel , China ... you got the picture right ?

The distinction I have to make is , whether we are mentioning Jesus the Man , or Jesus The Christ . Yes Jesus , the Man , was born in Israel of course ( and thank God for that right ? rofl ) .

Now I finally come to the question of whether the Incas , or any other nation other than Israel knew of Him ... My answer to that is a BIG YES , they did ... ok , how do I figure that , you may ask ...

The SPIRIT OF GOD HOVERED OVER EVERY DARK PLACE IN THIS WORLD ... Spirit of God = The Christ .... but however , sad to say , like the Jews of past , they kept looking for Him elswhere .

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Re: Explain why God is unfair

Postby vahn » Wed Dec 28, 2011 8:19 pm

OH ... P.S. ....

Forgot the title question .... "Why God is unfair " .... He's not !!
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Re: Explain why God is unfair

Postby truth_seeker » Wed Dec 28, 2011 11:08 pm

I agree God is not unfair just had to say that :P Thank you all for words I found so hard to let out my own mouth. I have been praying all day not wanting to jump in foolishly and so once again God has been unfailing to me leading me here so thank you again and God bless each of you for responding! *here I go, please keep me in prayer *Pray*
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